• Title/Summary/Keyword: 항만 서비스

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Performance and Development Process of the Phase 1 Project in the Gwangyang Free Economic Zone (GFEZ), Korea: 2004-2010 (광양만권경제자유구역(GFEZ) 제1단계 사업의 개발과정과 성과분석: 2004-2010)

  • Lee, Jeong-Rock;Kim, Seung-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the project performance and development process of the phase 1 project of GFEZ from 2004 to 2010. The phase 1 project from 2004 to 2010 is consist of eleven project zones. Among these zones, eight zones are currently underway and three zones have been completed. The performance of the phase 1 projects is no so much because it were stated later than planning with the difficulty of business developers selection. The major performances are development and supply of industrial & residential land, construction of road and railway, investment promotion of 102 companies, and creation of 20,971 new jobs. Most of the direct invested companies were located at Gwangyang and Yulchon Districts, and were mainly logistics and related service, iron and steel, machinery, shipbuilding, and fine chemicals. The main problems, however, are the limit of promotion of high-tech industries and large firms, low FDI reported rate, difficulty of superior business developers, delayed business progress of Hadong district. Therefore, efforts to solve these problems are required for the success of GFEZ.

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Functional Requirements to Develop the Marine Navigation Supporting System for Northern Sea Route (북극해 안전운항 지원시스템 구축을 위한 기능적 요구조건 도출)

  • Hong, Sung Chul;Kim, Sun Hwa;Yang, Chan Su
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2014
  • International attention on the Northern Sea Route has been increased as the decreased sea-ice extents in Northern Sea raise the possibility to develop new sea routes and natural resources. However, to protect ships' safety and pristine environments in polar waters, International Maritime Organization(IMO) has been developing the Polar Code to regulate polar shipping. The marine navigation supporting system is essential for ships traveling long distance in the Northern Sea as they are affected by ocean weather and sea-ice. Therefore, to cope with the IMO Polar Code, this research proposes the functional requirements to develop the marine navigation supporting system for the Northern Sea Route. The functional requirements derived from the IMO Polar code consist of arctic voyage risk map, arctic voyage planning and MSI(Marine Safety Information) methods, based on which the navigation supporting system is able to provide dynamic and safe-economical sea route service using the sea-ice observation and prediction technologies. Also, a requirement of the system application is derived to apply the marine navigation supporting system for authorizing ships operating in the Northern Sea. To reflect the proposed system in the Polar Code, continual international exchange and policy proposals are necessary along with the development of sea-ice observation and prediction technologies.

The Effect of Selection Properties on the Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Context of Institutional Foodservice - Moderating Effect of Number of Use - (단체급식의 선택속성이 고객만족도와 애호도에 미치는 영향 - 이용횟수의 조절효과 -)

  • Son, Eun-Su;Jung, Mi Wha;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.55-71
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of current study is to identify moderator effects of a number of use in terms of the influences of selection properties as perceived by college foodservice. This study was collected 297 survey from college students in Busan and Gyeongnam using the statistics program SPSS (18.0). Result shown that the selection properties of the institutional food service were analyzed with four elements: physical environments, service of worker, diversity of menu, and quality of food. All of the selection properties were found to have significant effects on satisfaction. Although there was no significant effect on the second stage, partial moderating effects were found in the third stage only when the interaction term of physical environments ${\times}$ the number of use is applied. Considering these results, it can be considered that a number of use of foodservice facilities are moderated by physical environments. Therefore, it implies that institutional foodservice operators should improve physical environments including interior, tableware, and cleanliness. In addition, satisfaction and preference were found to be closely related each other, which indicates that preference is improved as satisfaction increases.

The Effect of Export Volume, Export Price Index and Treasury Bond Interest Rate on Export Amount (수출물동량과 수출물가지수, 국고채금리가 수출금액에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Shin-Joong;Choi, Jeong-Il
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2019
  • Following the recent US trade deficit, the trade war began between Korea and Japan in July. Korea's trade dependence is about 60% or more, indicating high export dependence and import dependence. The purpose of this study is to examine export amount, export volume, export price index, Treasury bond interest rate and analyze how index affects export amount. This study attempts to analyze the comovement and volatility with export amount. For this purpose, monthly data for each indicator were selected for a total of 234 months from January 2000 to June 2019. As a result of analysis, exports amount and exports volume showed very high comovement, exports amount and interest rates showed low comovement, but exports amount and exports prices showed very low comovement. In the future, Korea should continue to increase exports amount in view of its high dependence on trade, along with policies to expand the domestic market. To this end, strategy to increase exports volume should be presented. Korea should increase the logistics environment and competitiveness of each port and airport, improve domestic and overseas network construction and support services of logistics companies.

A Study on the Development of Feasibility Evaluation Model for Establishment of Public Libraries (공공도서관 설립 사전 타당성 평가모형 개발 연구)

  • Sin-Young, Kim;Hee-Yoon, Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.101-127
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    • 2022
  • Article 31(1) of the Libraries Act(Act No. 18547), which was completely revised on December 7, 2021, stipulates that "the head of a local government or the superintendent of a city/provincial office of education must formulate a plan for the establishment and operation of a public library in advance and obtain the pre-evaluation of the feasibility of establishing a public library from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism." Through the preliminary feasibility evaluation at the construction stage of the public library, it is possible to adjust distribution to improve the adequacy of scale and resolve regional imbalances and gaps. In addition, it is expected to increase service satisfaction and operational enhancement by inducing faithful securing of core infrastructure (librarians, collection, facilities, systems, etc.) in terms of balanced regional development and public library construction. The purpose of this study is to develop and present the basic direction and feasibility evaluation model for establishment of public libraries. The proposed evaluation model is expected to secure the legal basis and institutional legitimacy of the pre-evaluation system for public library establishment and to prevent waste of tax due to poor construction and operation of public libraries.

Design of Standard Submission Format for Underground Structures : An Automated Update of the UnderSpace Integrated Map (지하공간통합지도 자동갱신을 위한 지하구조물 제출 표준 설계)

  • Park, Dong Hyun;Jang, Yong Gu;Ryu, Ji Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2021
  • The framework plan for the development of an integrated underground space map was established of preventing ground subsidence. The mapping process is expected to be completed to the level of nationwide municipal government standards by end of this year. To facilitate the utilization of the integrated underground space map, paper-based drawings for specialized organizations in underground safety impact assessment have been provided since September 2018, and services for local government officials have been provided in the underground information utilization system since May 2019. However, the map is utilized based on the information at the time of the initial development of the map, without any updates, thereby resulting in a lack of accuracy and latest information. This has led to a decrease in the utilization and reliability of the information. Therefore, in this study, for the underground structures(subway, underground shopping mall, underground passage, underground roadway, underground parking lot, utility tunnel), which are the key components of the integrated underground space map, a standard format for the submission of completed drawings is designed in accordance with Article 42 (2) of the Special Act on Underground Safety Management, which aims at laying the foundation for establishing the updated system of the integrated underground space map. In addition, through the verification of the automatically updated underground structure data based on the standard format, the reliability of the data can be assured. This format is expected to contribute to the improved utilization of the integrated underground space map in the future.

Research on Security System for Safe Communication in Maritime Environment (해상환경에서 안전한 통신을 위한 보안체계 연구)

  • Seoung-Pyo Hong;Hoon-Jae Lee;Young-Sil Lee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2023
  • As a means of helping ships navigate safely, navigational aids in operation in the maritime envirionment require periodic management, and due to the nature of the environment, it is difficult to visually check the exact state. As a result, the smart navigation aid system, which improves route safety and operational efficiency, utillizes expertise including sensors, communications, and information technology, unlike general route markings. The communication environment of the smart navigation aid system, which aims to ensure the safety of the navigators operating the ship and the safety of the ship, uses a wireless communication network in accordance with the marine environment. The ship collects the information necessary for the maritime environment on the land and operates. In this process, there is a need to consider the wireless communication security guideline. Basically, based on IHO S-100 a standard for facilitating data exchange and SECOM, which provides an interface for safe communication. This paper research a security system for safe communication in a maritime environment. The security system for the basic interface based on the document was presented, and there were some vulnerabillties to data exchange due to the wireless communication characteristics of the maritime environment, and the user authetication part was added considering the vulnerability that unauthorized users can access the service.

The Legal Nature and Problems of Air Mileage (항공마일리지의 법적 성격과 약관해석)

  • Kim, Dae-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.163-199
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    • 2010
  • A frequent flyer program is a loyalty program offered by many airlines. Typically, airline customers enrolled in the program accumulate frequent flyer miles corresponding to the distance flown on that airline or its partners. There are other ways to accumulate miles. In recent years, more miles were awarded for using co-branded credit and debit cards than for air travel. Acquired miles can be redeemed for free air travel; for other goods or services, such as travel class upgrades, airport lounge access or priority bookings. The first modern frequent flyer program was created Texas International Airlines in 1979. This program was also adopted in Korean Air in 1984. Since then, the mileage programs have grown enormously. As of June 2009, the total member of two national airlines in Korea had been over thirty million. However, accumulated miles could be burden of airlines, because the korean corporations should record the annual financial report the accumulate mileage on a liability account by 'the international financial report standards(IFRS)' next year. The korean airlines need to minimize the accumulated miles, so that for instance Korean Airlines SKYPASS-miles expire 5 years after being earned. It means that miles earned on or after July 2008 will expire after five years if unredeemed. Thus, this paper attempt to analyze the unfairness of the mileage rules of korean airlines by examining a specific portion of the conditions relating to consumer protection, because many mileage users has difficulties using mileage programs and complained the amendment of the mileage rules. In conclusion, the contemporary mileage rules in Korea are rather unsatisfactory, because airlines is not only recognizing a mileage into a kind of benefit but also denying inheritance of mileage and the legal nature of mileage as a property right. It is necessary to amend relevant mileage rules in view of consumer protection, because air mileage is not simple benefit but a right of mileage user.

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A Study on the Estimation of Values of Individual Services of an Arboretum using the CE Method - Focused on Gyeongnam Arboretum - (CE 기법을 적용한 수목원의 편익제공 가치 추정 연구 - 경남수목원을 대상으로 -)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to compare the sizes of effective values, which users recognize, according to the kinds of physical and psychological services provided by an arboretum, by estimating them in monetary values. As an analysis tool for this purpose, the CE(Choice Experiments) method, which is able to estimate effective value's size depending on each variable, was employed. For drawing up profiles for estimation of the values of individual services, 25 profiles were extracted using the orthogonal design of the SPSS statistical package, and questions of 75 pairs were created not to make each of the profiles overlapped. Then, each user was given three questions at five sets each and 3,510 data were used for the analysis. As the result, in relation to the attribute, 'The kinds of trees should be diversified 50% more than now.', firstly, users showed the biggest willingness to pay, based on the present level, and expressed intentions to pay 7,956 won, additionally. Secondly, the value of the path design that was unique than the present road design was estimated in 6,025 won, and when individual attendants guided visitors in the arboretum, they expressed intentions to pay nearly three times more expenses than when they were guided as a group. These results show that users in the Gyeongnam Arboretum recognized the highest effective values towards the collection and display of trees that are arboretum's original functions, and it was followed by the unique road design to observe a variety of dense trees well. This research could be useful in comparing or measuring particular effective values of users that central operators of arboretums want to know. Moreover, it would be suggested as an advanced research for providing basic data about value estimation of individual environmental goods not only in arboretums, but also in other fields.

Liability for Damages Due to Violation of Supervisory Duty by the Legal Guardian of the Mental Patient (정신질환자 보호의무자의 감독의무 위반으로 인한 손해배상책임 -대법원 2021. 7. 29. 선고 2018다228486 판결의 검토-)

  • Dayoung Jeong
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.133-170
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    • 2022
  • Supreme Court 2018Da228486, on July 29, 2021, ruled Article 750 of the Civil Act as the basis for liability for damages due to the violation of the supervisory duty of the responsible mental patient. This judgment recognizes that the legal guardian is liable for tort due to neglect of the responsibility of supervision under Article 750 of the Civil Act because the duty of protection bears the duty of supervision over the mental patient under the law. However, unlike the case of Article 755 Paragraph 1, which explicitly requires a legal obligation to supervise, Article 750 only stipulates general tort liability. Thus, to admit tort liability under Article 750, it is not necessary that the basis of the supervisory duty by the law. In this case, the supervisory duty may also be acknowledged according to customary law or sound reasoning. The duty of supervision of a legal guardian is not a general duty to prevent all consequences of the behavior of a mental patient but a duty within a reasonably limited scope. Therefore, the responsibility of the burden of care should be acknowledged only when the objective circumstances in which it is appropriate to hold the legal guardian for the acts of the mental patient are admitted. Under the Act on the improvement of mental health and the support for welfare services for mental patients, a legal guardian cannot even be granted the supervisory duty to prevent the mental patient from harming others.