• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 여성 노인

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Reseach on Transcultural Nursing (횡문화 간호에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Kyng-Rim
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.454-463
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    • 1992
  • 세계가 일일 생활권화 됨과 더불어 국제교류가 활발해지므로써 횡문화 간호 연구는 전문직 간호(Professional Nursing)에 있어서 매우 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있음을 많은 문헌을 통해서 알 수 있다(Brink, 1976 : Leininger, 1977 : Roberston & Boyle, 1987). 횡문화 간호연구는 서로 다른 문화적 배경을 가진 사람들을 잘 이해하고 그들의 건강을 돌봄에 있어서 더욱 효과적이고, 안전한 간호를 할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 간호이론 개발, 간호모형(Model) 개발에 있어서도 매우 중요한 역할을 한다고 믿는다. 본 연구는 1984년에서 1987년 사이에 전문적 간호연구지에 실린 10편의 횡문화 간호연구와 관련된 논문들을 발췌하여 간호지식체의 본질적인 과정인 비판적 문헌고찰을 통해 각 논문들을 비교 분석 한 것으로써, 미래의 간호연구를 위한 간호실무, 간호교육, 간호연구 방법 및 간호 행정면에서 그 적용성을 높여줄 것이다. 비판적 문헌고찰을 위한 기준은 Burns와 Grove(1987)의 방법을 참고하여 아래와 같이 선정하였다. 1. 분석대상 : 목적, 가설 진술, 문헌고찰, 표본조사, 방법론적 논점, 결과 해석 2. 이론적 틀의 유도 흑은 통합 3. 발전적인 간호수행을 위한 중요성, 적용성 및 제언 이상의 내용으로 비교 분석을 해본 결과 1984년에서 1987년 사이에 발표된 횡문화 간호에 관한 논문들의 주제는 주로 여성을 대상으로 한 건강돌봄, 자가간호, 건강신념, 수유, 임신 그리고 간호사와 소수민족 노인과의 의사소통 양상 등으로 나누어 볼 수 있었다. 이론적 틀은 주로 사회학, 정신심리학, 인류학 이론으로부터 도출되었고, 오직 두 편만이 간호 이른에 틀을 둔 것으로 나타났다. 1. 10개의 논문의 가설과 목적의 분석에 있어서 4편의 논문은 목적과 가설이 구체적으로 진술되어 있었고, 나머지 6편은 목적이 전반적으로 진술되어 있었으며 가설도 구체적이지 않았다. 이러한 제한점은 각 논문의 연구자가 문헌고찰을 충분히 하지 못하고 단지 수편의 논문만을 제시 한 데서 비롯되었다고 분석 해 볼 수 있겠다. 2. 문헌고찰 부분에서는 각각의 연구주제를 지지해줄 수 있는 문헌들이 충분히 고찰되지 못하였고, 이론적배경 또한 횡문화 이론과의 관련성이 적었다. 또한 횡 문화 연구에 기초가 되는 연구대상자의 사회 인구학적 특성과 역사적 배경은 잘 나타났으나, 이론적 연구와 경험적 연구 간에 괴리가 있었다. 3. 표본추출방법은 문화에 기반을 둔 대상자를 선정한다는 점에서 한계성 이 있었다. 4. 방법론적 이유로는 대상자와의 면담시간이 구체적으로 기술되지 않았으며, 고유한 언어를 통역하는 과정에서 의미론적 문제에 대한 고려가 부족하였다. 면접과 기록과정에서 보면 자료의 기록과정과 분류 및 분석과정이 명시되어 있지 않았다. 참여관찰과 면접방법을 사용시 이에 대한 자세한 기술이 되어 있지 않았다. 5. 연구결과의 적용 및 이에 대한 논의는 상당히 제한되어 있었는데, 수편의 연구만이 방법론 문제점과 앞으로의 연구분야에 대한 전망을 제시하였으며, 특이한 것은 어 떤 연구자도 이른 개발을 위한 적용 및 임상실무적 차원에서 간호에 대한 제언을 하지 않았다.

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The Factors Influencing of Professional Consciousness of Long-term Care Workers (요양보호사의 직업의식과 영향요인)

  • Kim, Hyang Soo;Kim, Hee Kyung;Park, Yeon Suk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.591-606
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to propose basis data to nursing intervention development in order to raise the professional consciousness of long-term care workers grasping influence factor and professional consciousness. The subjects were about 185 long-term care workers at D megalopolis and 4 cities of 3 provinces from November to December, 2009. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program for descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients and multiple regression. The correlated factors of professional consciousness included self-efficacy(r=.420, p=.000), sense of the calling(r=.636, p=.000), education training effectiveness(r=.441, p=.000), internal locus control(r=.378, p=.000), and external locus control(r=-.356, p=.000). Factors influencing of professional consciousness of them were to show in order of sense of the calling(B=.329, p=.000), education training effectiveness(B=.250, p=.000), internal locus control(B=.216, p=.000), external locus control (B=-.165, p=.002), consideration and opplicable job choose characteristic(B=.207, p=.004), these variables accounted for 57.5% of the variance of professional consciousness. Further research needs to develop well organized educational program, training of enhancing internal locus control, and clear examination about roles and tasks of long-term care workers. Also, it suggests education and research that can enhance professional consciousness by utilizing these factors.

How Far Have You been studying Workforce Diversity? : Trends Analysis in studies on Korean Organizations (조직 다양성(Workforce Diversity) 연구, 어디까지 왔는가? : 국내조직 논문의 경향분석)

  • 안소영;조상미;조정화
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.199-239
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    • 2019
  • This study is a trend study on the Workforce Diversity. The purpose of this study is to present a direction for the management of workforce diversity in Korean organization in the context of the rapidly growing interest and discussion of diversity within an organization, as the diversity of manpower in women, foreigners and the elderly has recently expanded. To this end, 70 studies that are related to Korean Organizations published in KCI and SSCI-class journals were selected from 2002 to 2018 to perform technical analysis and content analysis. The results are as follows. First, diversity research into Korean organizations first began in 2002. The researches related to this aspect have increased rapidly since the diversity of human resources within the organization gradually increased after the revision of 'Act on the Equal Employment for Both Sexes'. Most of the research has been done mainly for profit organizations, but it has also spread to public and educational organizations since 2012. However, only one study was conducted on non-profit organizations such as social welfare organizations, showing a wide gap between the types of organizations. Second, the diversity of Korean organizations is mainly focused on 'gender' and 'age' due to diversity in social categories, and the diversity factor has not been significantly expanded compared to foreign countries. Meanwhile, in informational diversity, there are greatest number of 'job duration' and 'diversity of major', which put weight on 'practical work experience' and 'task-oriented diversity'. In addition, organizational diversity has shown a tendency to expand gradually into diversity perception. Third, in the diversity and organization performance study, the organizational cultural sensitivity is twice as much as the institutional management study in the diversity convergence mechanism. Fourth, the 'Diversity Management Model' has had the most 'diversity efficaciousness models' in the early stages of the study. However, more and more research have been done on the need to embrace diversity and converge on organizational performance. As a result, 'organizational culture approach model' accounts for the highest percentage. The proposals for the results of this study are as follows. First, as the diversity of non-profit and third-sector organizations is discussed in foreign countries, research on organizational diversity in non-profit organizations and third-sector organizations, which are not yet available in Korea, should be actively carried out. Second, we need to overcome limited diversity factors in Korea's single culture and explore the upcoming new diversity characteristics. Third, strategies for appropriate diversity management should be established by accurately diagnosing and applying the diversity management model to each type of organization.

Nutritional Adequacy of Target Pattern in Dietary Guidance System - Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015 - (식사구성안 권장식사패턴의 영양 적정성 평가 - 2015 한국인 영양소 섭취기준 -)

  • Kim, Youngnam
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2017
  • Nutritional adequacy of Target patterns in Dietary Guidance System were evaluated. Study subjects were 18 Target patterns designed for 2 children groups, 4 adolescent and 4 adult male and female groups in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015. Nutrients examined were 4 macro-nutrients(protein, fat, carbohydrate, and dietary fiber), 5 minerals(Ca, P, Fe, Na, and K), and 5 vitamins(vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C). Energy and nutrients contents were calculated based upon assigned multiples of single serving in Target pattern and Representative Food Composition Table by Excel program. Among the 18 Target patterns, only 5 were mean adequacy ratio(MAR) of 1.0, fulfilled the expectations of Dietary Guidance System. Protein and Na contents were more than dietary reference intakes(DRI) in all 18 Target patterns. Dietary fiber, Ca, and K were deficient nutrient in 15, 10, and 9 Target patterns, respectively. The units of vitamin A were not same in Target pattern and DRI, retinol equivalent(RE) in Target pattern and retinol activity equivalent(RAE) in DRI. When calculate RE content of vitamin A in Target pattern to RAE content, 15 Target patterns did not reach to DRI of vitamin A. The Target pattern of elderly women showed the lowest mean adequacy ratio(MAR), 7 nutrients were less than DRI, need to be revised. Average energy contribution ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrate were 16.04%, 24.35%, and 60.91%, respectively, fulfilled the adequate acceptable macro-nutrient distribution range(AMDR). To improve the nutritional inadequacy of dietary fiber, Ca, K, and vitamin A in Target pattern, effective mean may be the increasing vegetable group assignment. Also decreasing the meat fish egg legume group assignment in some Target pattern may be the way of preventing of protein overconsumption. The energy in adequate amount for condiment use also need to be considered.

Florida, USA Food-Related Lifestyle Segments of Older Consumers in Seoul and Its Characteristics (서울지역 고령소비자의 식생활 라이프스타일에 근거한 시장세분화 및 특성 규명)

  • Jang, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 2010
  • The objectives of this study were to explore food-related lifestyle segments of the older consumers, to identify its socio-demographic characteristics, and to investigate the differences in variables regarding health beliefs. A survey was conducted of adults 55 years of age and older living in Seoul, South Korea from March 28 to April 10, 2007. Out of the 500 distributed questionnaires, 361 were retained for final analysis: a response rate of 72.2%. As a result of cluster analysis, five consumer segments were identified; health-managing group, diet-unconcerned group, convenience-oriented group, taste-oriented group, unpracticed group. Significant differences were found among the five segments in terms of socio-demographic characteristics and variables regarding health beliefs (i.e., perceived self-efficacy, perceived barriers, perceived benefits). In the health-managing group and taste-oriented group, mean scores of perceived self-efficacy (p<0.001) and perceived benefits (p<0.001) were significantly higher than other groups. However, in the diet-unconcerned group and convenience-oriented group, the mean scores of perceived barriers (p<0.01) were significantly high. This study shows that foodservice operators targeting the older consumers should consider characteristics of each segment to develop a customized program.

The effect of oral care program for the elderly women of the Visiting oral health care (방문구강보건사업 여성노인 대상자의 구강관리프로그램 효과)

  • Lee, Yun-Hui;Lee, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.365-377
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This research was conducted to determine the effect of the Visiting Oral Health Care Program by examining the oral health of the elderly women, who are the beneficiaries of this Visiting Oral Care Program. Methods : This research was conducted from November of 2011 to February of 2012, in Chilgok-gun in the Kyeongbuk Province, South Korea. One hundred and twenty five (125) elderly women among the beneficiaries of the Visiting Oral Care Program within the area were randomly selected for the research. The research subjects would regularly visit the area senior citizen center, and they were divided into two groups, with 64 of them belonging to a control group, and the rest (61 people) belonged to a intervention group. The research subjects were examined for their dental health condition, and we investigated the effect of the Visiting Oral Care Program through this research. Results : 1. When they were asked about how many times they wash their dentures, the majority of the control group, 57.4% of them answered that they do it "once" a day. The majority of the intervention group answered "more than 3 times", with 35.2% of group mentioning that they wash their dentures more than 3 times a day(p<.001). 2. When the research subjects were asked to scale their overall quality of life before and after the Visiting Oral Care Program, the control group had rated 49.3 before the Service and 56.8 after the Service (p<.01), and scores for the individual factors to determine the overall quality of life has significantly improved as well (p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01). 3. The oral hygiene condition after the Visiting Oral Care Program has shown improvement as well. The control group scored 64.2 for the severity of the symptoms of dental plaque before the dental care, and scored 46.8 after the dental care (p<0.1). The control group was diagnosed for the symptoms of coated tongue, and the severity of the symptoms were scaled as 3.7 before the Program and 2.0 after the Program (p<.01). Furthermore, the overall functionality of the oral cavity was improved as well. The control group showed 1.0 time increase in repetitive voluntary swallowing test (p<0.1), increased amount of sublingual saliva from 0.8mm to 1.4mm, and from 1.6mm to 2.0mm in dorsum linguae(p<0.1). Also, the control group showed an improvement in mouth opening as well, increased from 3.9 to 4.0cm after the oral care program (p<.05). When compared the result with the examination after the Visiting Oral Care Program, the two groups showed a significant difference with the control group showing a significant improvement compared to the intervention group(p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.05). 4. The correlation between the dental hygiene condition and the functionality of oral was made for the result of examining the beneficiaries for Visiting Oral Care Program. The amount of saliva showed a negative correlation with the severity of dental plaque (p<.05), and a positive correlation with the repetitive voluntary swallowing count (p<0.1). Also, mouth opening showed a positive correlation with repetitive voluntary swallowing count (p<.05). Conclusions : After the Visiting Orall Care Program, the beneficiaries of the program experienced improvement in their quality of life related to oral health, overall oral hygiene and functionality of oral.

A Study of Sex-related Problems of Old Women in Kyeonggi Province, Korea (경기도 여성노인의 성의식에 관한 조사연구)

  • Park, Young-Soo;Choi, In-Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.5
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2004
  • The sexual discourse has been frequent, but the subjects of it have been limited to the young, and the sex of women and that of the old people, until now, have been overlooked. According to the data in 2,000 of the Korea Statistic Service, the older-than-sixty-five-year people consist of 37.4% men and 62.6% women. Of them, the older-than-seventy-year people consist of 33.8% men and 55.2% women. The data show the fact that as the age of the old people is higher, the number of old women is enlarging. Paying attention to the above-mentioned tendency, this study conducted a survey about the aspects of the sexual consciousness of old women. The purpose of study was focused, through the survey, on discovering the ways of old women's recognization about their sexual desire, and on presenting basic data to developing the programs which could solve the problems derived from the discovery. That is to say, the purpose of it was to prevent the sexual desire's distortion and suppression of old women, if they had any, and to present basic data to developing the programs which could convert their recognization of sex. The objects of the survey were the sample group of 301 people inhabiting in Hwaseong City, Seongnam City, Yongin City, and Suwon City, chosen out of 375,298 old women of 614,316 older-than-sixty-five-year people in Kyeonggi Province (Kyeonggi Province homepage, 2002). The data were collected by the questionnairers' interviews in the fields of old men's resting house, churches, temples, old men's niversities and so like, from September 19th to September 31th in 2003. The questionnairers as volunteers were taught the prior education, being prepared for the survey about old women's sexual consciousness. The contents of education were composed of the understanding of old women, the ways of questionnairing, and the items of questionnaire. The outcomes of the survey are following; First, concerning general items, the old women of the sample group answered that they felt greatly the difficulties of health(36.5%), economy(12.0%), and loneliness(11.3%) in turn. The 48.2% of them answered that they were healthy, but the 62.3% answered that they were suffering various illnesses. The 24.4% answered they were economically rich, and the 23.9% answered they were working. The 53.5% were living alone due to divorce or death. The 71.1% had been living for more than ten years. The 83.1% believed in their own religion. Second, the 43.8% of the sample group admitted the necessity of a heterosexual friend and sexuality The 39.0% felt sexual desire, and the 33.9% were experiencing sexuality. As the obstructing factors in performing sexuality, the objects of sample group pointed out shamefulness or morality(28.7%), anxiety that such deeds might afflict their health or the problem of health itself(20.2%), weakening of sexual potency(16.9%). This outcome shows that they have ambiguous notions about their sexual alienation and manner. Third, the 33.7% of the sample group admitted sexual education and sexual counsel, and of those that admitted them, the 85.2% said that they would take part in sexual education if it were held. It shows that the demand of sexual education and sexual counsel need be fulfilled. Therefore, through this study, the following two important suggestions can be drawn: First, systematic sexual education programs should be developed, considering old people's developing steps containing their rights of health and sex. Also those should be educated through kindergartens, primary, middle and higher education institutions. Second, sexual education and sexual counsel on prospective old people and present old people should be performed.

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