• Title/Summary/Keyword: 하중퇴적지

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Geomorphology and Spatio-Temporal Land Cover Changes in Sincheon Wetland, Mangyeong River (만경강 신천습지의 지형과 시공간적 토지 피복 변화)

  • Jangsoo Kim;Jeong-Sik Oh
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2024
  • The Sincheon wetland shows a remarkable diversity of fluvial landforms, such as river islands, anastomosing channels, braided channels, and sand-gravel bars, which contribute to its rich ecological habitat. The wetland area is characterized by a ecological diversity of herbaceous and woody plants. Significant changes in land cover within the wetlands were observed from 2008 to 2020. Notably, there was a rapid decrease in agricultural area from 18% to 0.04%, while the vegetation area expanded from 45% to 54%. Concurrently, the water area also experienced a notable increase from 34% to 41%. The surface sediment composition in the studied area displays sandy loam characteristics and exhibits acidic soil properties. Sediment acidity tends to increase downstream and in the central part of channels. Variations in acidity are also observed at nearby collection sites due to the tributaries and local discharge. The presence of dense vegetation in river islands and bars has led to a significant transformation of sediments into soil, with this change being more pronounced downstream, particularly near the weirs. The installation of a weir in Sincheon wetland is believed to have a significant impact on altering flow velocities between upstream and downstream sections, as well as influencing erosion and sediment deposition patterns. However, given the formation of landforms in response to weirs, effective administration and management are essential to address potential risks of catastrophic environmental disruptions, such as the removal of weirs and/or the maintenance of river channels.

Development of Depositional Landforms in Upstream Reach of Ulsan Sayeon Dam Lake (울산 사연호 상류의 퇴적지형 발달)

  • Chang, Mun-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.409-421
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to consider the formation processes and depositional conditions of bars formed at the upper-stream part of Sayeon Dam since Sayeon Dam construction in 1964. Results of analyzing the shape characteristics of bars and their sediment grain size distribution are as follow: Firstly, bars are able to categorized as subaqueous bars (A, B), mid-channel bars(C, D), and tributary side-bars(E). Secondly, the outline of bars has longish along the flow path, and their height lowers more and more going towards downstream. Also the height of bar surface tend to heighten from flow path to mountain slope. However, the near part of A is comparatively higher than its distant part, A is defined as a subaqueous natural levee and back swamp. Thirdly, the average particle size of A and B become smaller toward mountain slope. In transportation style, ratio of suspended load become higher toward mountain slope. Fourthly, sorting is worse to very worse according with lake's random changable water level. Fifthly, bar A and B were formed by vertical sedimentation of sediments according as sediments transported along flow path in the subaqueous conditions were spreaded out of flow path. C and D were formed by bed load as flood level lowered. And E was formed by vertical sedimentation while stream flow stopped in tributary's mouth areas with the water level heightening.

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