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한국경기순환(韓國景氣循環)의 특징(特徵)과 양태(樣態): 역사적(歷史的) 고찰(考察)

  • Baek, Ung-Gi
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.53-93
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    • 1993
  • 본고(本稿)는 6.25전쟁(戰爭)이후 한국경제(韓國經濟)가 겪은 아홉번의 경기순환(景氣循環)으로부터 순환(循環)의 특징(特徵)과 양태(樣態)를 정리한 것이다. 경기순환(景氣循環)의 특징은 경기순환(景氣循環)의 지속기간(持續期間), 순환심도(循環深度), 변동성(變動性), 공행성(共行性) 및 시차성(時差性), 해외경기순환(悔外景氣循環)과의 관계(關係) 등 여섯가지 면에서 살펴보였으며, 순환양태(循環樣態)는 순환기별(循環期別)로 정리하였다. 우리 경제를 순환기별(循環期別)로 살펴볼 때 경우에 따라서는 경기과열(景氣過熱)을 식히기 위해 실시한 정책이 세계경제여건의 악화와 맞물려 경기(景氣)를 급냉(急冷)시킨 시기도 있었으며, 반대로 경기침체기(景氣沈滯期)에 도입한 내수부양정책(內需浮揚政策)에 기대와는 달리 경기(景氣)를 급격히 과열시켜 단기간내에 물가(物價)를 급등시키고 국제수지(國際收支)를 악화시킨 경우도 있었다. 경기조절(景氣調節)을 위해 실시한 정책이 자칫하면 서다가다(stop-go)를 반복하여 국민경제에 오히려 부담을 줄 가능성이 있기 때문에 정책결정자(政策決定者)는 항상 경기조절(景氣調節)을 위한 최적(最適)의 정책(政策)을 선택해야 하는 부담을 안고 있다. 특히 석유파동(石油波動)이나 UR타결과 같은 세계경제질서(世界經濟秩序)의 변동이 발생한 경우에는 가급적이면 그 충격(衝擊)이 경제에 서서히 흡수되도록 적절한 정책(政策)을 구사해야 한다. 경기정책(景氣政策)은 장기성장(長期成長)을 제고(提高)시키는 방향으로 전전되어야 하기 때문에 정책(政策)의 선택은 매우 산중하제 결정될 수밖에 없다. 또한 1953년 이후 지금까지 겪은 아홉번의 경기순환(景氣循環)과 각종 경기대책(景氣對策)의 실시 경험으로부터 정부(政府)는 추후 경기조절정책(景氣調節政策)의 시행과정에서 불가피하게 야기되는 문제점을 극소화하고, 정책목표 달성의 효율성(效率性)을 제고(提高)하기 위해서 민간(民間)에 대한 대정부(對政府) 신뢰성(信賴性)을 쌓아 나가야 할 것이다.

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Frequency of Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea and Relevant Medical Treatment in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Korea (3차 의료기관에서 Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea의 발생빈도 및 치료에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Hye-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.228-236
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    • 2011
  • 배경: 약물로 인한 Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD)는 널리 알려져 있으며 우리나라에서 항생제와 프로톤 펌프 억제제 소모량을 고려할 때 질환 치료과정에서의 CDAD 발생빈도 및 CDAD 유발 이전에 투여한 약물의 사용빈도와 CDAD의 치료방법을 조사할 필요성이 있다. 방법: 경상대학교 병원에서 2011년 1월부터 6월까지의 입원환자를 대상으로 대변 독소 검사에 의해 CDAD로 판명된 환자의 성별, 연령분포, 질환명, 입원병동, 재발률을 조사하였으며 CDAD 판명이전에 투여한 약제 및 CDAD 판명후 치료약제를 조사하였다. 결과: 연구기간 동안 CDAD 대변 독소 검사 의뢰된 환자수는 1,500명이었으며 CDAD 양성은 111명(9.3%)이었고, 재발은 29명(26.1%)이었다. CDAD를 주소로 입원한 환자는 17명 (15.3%)이었고, 나머지는 입원기간 중에 발생하였다. CDAD 양성인 환자의 연령대는 60대에서 32.4% (36/111명) 이었고, 내과병동에서 34.2%를 나타내었고, 재발률은 외과계 병동에서 41.4%로 가장 높게 나타났다. CDAD 환자의 17% (19/111명)은 항암제 투여 동안 발생하였으며 CDAD 발생 전 사용약물로는 세팔로스포린계 항생제가 162회로 가장 빈번하게 사용 되었으며, 히스타민2 수용체길항제 107회, 스테로이드 82회, 비 스테로이드 항염제 79회, 프로톤 펌프 억제제 77회, 하제 59회, 항암제가 33회 처방되었다. CDAD 치료약제로는 8종의 약제가 241회 처방 되었으며 metronidazole이 99회로 가장 빈번하게 사용되었고, vancomycin이 37회로 나타났다. 결론: 입원환자에 있어서 CDAD양성은 특히 고령의 암환자가 많아 항암제 투여 시에는 CDAD 발생에 주의해야 할것으로 보인다. CDAD의 치료약제로는 metronidazole이 vancomycin 보다 많이 사용되는 것으로 나타났다.

Preparation and Characterization of Rice Starch Maltodextrin (쌀전분 Maltodextrin의 제조와 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Wook;Shin, Hae-Hun;Kim, Jung-Min;Kim, Young-Sook;Pyun, Yu-Ryang
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.819-823
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    • 1994
  • For the development of rice-derived fat replacing ingredient, low dextrose equivalent (D.E.) malto dextrin was prepared by enzyme hydrolysis, and its physical and rheological properties were studied. The molecular sizes of rice maltodextrin were measured by gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-50. Gel permeation column chromatograms showed a large single peak, suggesting a limited hydrolysis, and the average degree of polymerization decreased from 72.8 for 3 D.E. maltodextrin to 48.7 for 6 D.E. maltodextrin. Cold water solubility of maltodextrin was increased with increasing D.E. value and its values ranged from 47.3% to 71.3%. 8% solution of rice maltodextrin showed pseudoplastic behavior. Flow behavior index was decreased as D.E. value was increased.

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Five Cases of Diphyllobothrium latum Infection (광절열두조충감염 5예)

  • 이순형;서병양
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.150-156
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    • 1983
  • Five cases of Diphyllobothrium latum infection were proved by collection of worms after treatment with bithionol, niclosamide or praziquantel, during 1975~1983. The patients were 4 males and one female aged 10~64 years residing in Seoul or Wando-gun, Chollanam-do, Korea. All of them remembered the history of eating several kinds of raw marine fish and 2 persons said they ate the raw mesh of perch, Lateolabrax japcnicus. Three amcnE them experienced abdominal pain, 2 natural discharge of a chain of segments, but none revealed any sign of anemia. The average egg size in stool varied $59~67{\times}41~48{\mu\textrm{m}}$ according to cases. The eggs were characterised by ovoid to elliptical shape, terminal operculum, and distinct abopercular protuberance. One naturally discharged segment (30cm) and 4 complete strobilae (320~680cm) with scolices obtained after treatments were examined. The morphological characters of proglottids such as rosette-form uterus with 3~6 loops, vaginal pore included in the cirrus sac, separated seminal vesicle from cirrus sac, etc. were all compatible with D. latum. These are the 7th~11th cases of D. latum infection proved by worms in Korea.

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Two Cases of Human Infection by Adult of Spirometra erinacei (만손 열두조충 성충에 의한 인체감염 2례)

  • 이순형;채종일서병설조승열
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 1984
  • Two cases of human infection by adult Spirometra erinacei were proved by collection of worms in Korea. The patients were 24 and 21-year old males residing in a mountainous village in Kangwon-do. They had the clinical complaints of abdominal pain and epigastric discomfort, revealing the diphyllobothriid eggs, $53~59{\times}37-42{\mu}m$ in size, in their stools. They were treated with 500 mg atabrine and purgated with magnesium salts, and 3~4 hours later several chains of tapeworm segments were recovered from the diarrheal stools. The recovered worms revealed the morphological characteristics of spiral-form or coiled uteri, separated vaginal opening from the cirrus sac, incorporated seminal vesicle into the cirrus sac, distribution of testes at the junction between proglottides, asymmetrical eggs with one pointed eggs, etc. and were identified as Spirometra erinacei (Rudolphi, 1819). The cases had the history of eating raw flesh of the snakes and these are considered the source of infection.

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Design of Automatic Inspection System for Maintenance of Unmanned Monitoring Facility (무인감시설비 유지보수를 위한 자동점검시스템 설계)

  • Moon, Chaeyoung;Kim, Semin;Ryoo, Kwangki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.515-517
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    • 2018
  • Access to public facilities such as substations, dams and railway facilities is strictly controlled, and unmanned surveillance equipment has been introduced and operated recently due to the development of IT technology and the government's cost reduction policy. However, if an unmanned surveillance system is broken, surveillance space, information leakage caused by intruders, and damage to facilities may occur. Also, it is necessary to check periodical visit by the manager in order to check the surveillance facilities, which causes additional management costs. In order to solve this problem, we designed a system to check the operation status of the unmanned monitoring facility in real time, attempt to recover automatically when a problem occurs, and notify the administrator of the problem. The designed system consists of an NVR that receives and judges information such as image, sound, and lighting condition, and a control device that detects and restores the state of the unmanned monitoring facility. The system proposed in this paper is expected to contribute to the improvement of the economic efficiency due to the minimization of surveillance space due to the failure of the unmanned monitoring facility and the reduction of the inspection cost.

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Management of the Hen Clam, Mactra chinensis Philippi, on the Coast of Kunsan. I. Age and Growth (개량조개 (Mactra chinensis Philippi)의 자원관리I. 연령과 성장)

  • 류동기;김용호
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2001
  • The relationship between shell length and ring radius in each ring group was expressed as a regression line. Therefore, there is a correspondence in each ring formation. Based on the monthly variation of the marginal index (Ml') of the shell, it is assumed that the ring of this species was formed once a year during the period of August to October, and the main period of the annual ring formation was August through September. The relationship between shell length (SL) and total weight (TW) was expressed by the equation TW = 2.2476 $\times$ 10$^{-5}$ SL$^{3.536}$ ($r^2$= 0.90). Shell length (SL) and shell height (SH; mm) were highly correlated with the equation SH = 0.7545 SL - 0.0145 ($r^2$= 0.93). The shell length (SL)-shell width (SW) relation was expressed by the equation SW = 0.5336 SL- 2.4253 ($r^2$= 0.87). Growth curves for shell length and total weight fitted to the von Bertalanffy's equation were expressed as follows: SL$_{t}$ =60.02[1 - e$^{-0.6458(t-0.3895)}$ ], Twt = 43.63[1 - e$^{0.6458(t-0.3895)}$ ]$^{3.536}$ .

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Two rare cases of Diphyllobothrium latum parvum type infection in Korea (광절열두조충 parvum형에 의한 희귀한 인체 감염 2례)

  • 이순형;채종일
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.117-120
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    • 1994
  • Two rare cases of human infection with parvum (dwarf) type of Diphyllobothnum Iatum [syn. D. panpum (Stephens, 1908)], were discovered in Korea. The first case was a 46-year old housewife, from whom a kind of pseudophyllidean tapeworm eggs was detected in the feces. She was treated with praziquantel and purged, and a complete strobila with scolex, 120 cm in total length, was recovered. She recalled that she had eaten raw trouts at a raw-fish restaurant near the Chungju Lake. Another patient was a 22-year old medical student (male), who used to eat raw sea-foods. He discovered a chain of tapeworm proglottids, 15 cm in length, discharged spontaneously in his stool and brought it for identification. The worms from the two cases were compatible with D. pan)urn (Stephens, 1908) of which the taxonomic significance has long been questioned. After a detailed morphological study and review of literature, we designated the worms as D. datum prom type. This is the first report on the occurrence of this rare type of D. lotunl infection in Korea.

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Seven cases of Diphullobothrium latum infection (광절열두조충 인체 감염 7례)

  • 이순형;채종일
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.213-216
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    • 1989
  • Seven cases of Diphyllcbothrium latum infection were proved by collection of worms after prasiquantel treatment between October, 1986 and July, 1987. The patients were all males aged 20~44 years residing in Seoul or Ulungdo, Kyungpook Province. All of them had the history of eating several kinds of raw marine fishes, and they had never been to abroad. One of them exporienced abdominal pain and 6 experienced natural discharge of a chain of worm segments, but none revealed any sign of anemia, Total 12 worms (1~3/patient) were collected after praiiquantel treatment. The worms were 85~423 cm in length, and revealed the characteristic rosette-shape uterus in their gravid proglottides. The average egg size varied $61.0~65.3{\times}41.7~46.1{\;}{\mu\textrm{m}}$. The eggs were yellowish. brown, and ovoid to elliptical. Including the present 7 cases, the total number of human D. latum infections proven by worms in Korea becomes 28 cases.

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Effects of Added Corn Starches and Hydrocolloids on the Characteristics of Mungbean Starch and the Mook(Starch Gel) (옥수수 전분과 Hydrocolloids 첨가가 녹두 전분 및 묵의 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Ok-Jin;Kim, Kwang-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.618-624
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    • 1988
  • This study was conducted to observe the effects of partial replacement of mungbean starch(MB) with dent(DT) or cross-linked(CL) corn starches, and of added hydrocolloids on the characteristics of mungbean starch and the mook. The replacement with CL caused less changes compared to that with DT in phase transition enthalpy of MB measured with defferential scanning calorimeter. The viscosity of MB paste cooled to $50^{\circ}C$ after heating was also affected less with CL than with DT. The addition of hydrocolloids to mixed starches of MB and CL did not affect initial viscosity increase but resulted in marked increase in viscosity at later stage of heating. Mixed monks with CL were more similar to MB monks than those with DT. Hydrocolloids added to MB-CL mixture further decreased the gap between monks with and without CL.

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