• Title/Summary/Keyword: 하배축 길이

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Effect of Benzyladenopurine Treatment Time during Imbibition on Growth of Soybean Sprouts and its Cost (BA 처리시기에 따른 콩나물의 생장과 처리비용 분석)

  • 강진호;전병삼;이상우;정종일;심상인
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 2003
  • Benzyladenopuyine (BA) commonly used for soybean sprout production is of high price. The study was carried out to determine the effect of BA treatment time during seed imbibition on growth and development of soybean sprouts and to analyse its treatment cost. The soybean seeds of 4 cultivars were soaked in 4 ppm BA solution during the first 5.5 hour imbibition (EFHI), the second 5.5 hour imbibition (SFHI) immediately after 0.5 hour aeration, or whole 11.0 hour imbibition (WFHI) intervened by aeration. On the 6th day after culture, the soybean sprouts were classified into 4 categories on the base of hypocotyl length; > 7cm, 4 to 7cm, < 4 cm and not germinated, and their morphological characters, fresh and dry weights were measured. Water absorption of the seeds was sharply reduced after it was almost done for the first 5.5 hours. The percentage of sprouts with hypocotyls of longer than 4cm was higher in FFHI treatment than in the other two ones. Regardless of BA imbibition time and periods, the lateral roots were not observed. WFHI treatment showed shorter hypocotyl and root lengths but thicker hypocotyl and hook diameters than FFHI and SFHI treatments. All component fresh and dry weights except cotyledon fresh weight were nearly same. Treatment cost of BA was the lowest in SFHI treatment. It is concluded that BA treatment during SFHI is the best time because its treatment time did not affect sprout growth but its treatment cost.

Effect of Watering Methods on Growth of Soybean Sprout and Culture Temperature (관수방식에 따른 콩나물의 생장과 재배용기 내의 온도 변화)

  • Jeon Byong-Sam;Hong Dong-Oh;Kim Hong-Young;Lee Chang-Woo;Kang Jin-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.344-347
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    • 2006
  • Watering methods for soybean sprouts could be mainly divided into two groups of overspraying and underwatering. The study was carried out to determine the effect of water supplying method on growth, morphological characteristics, colour and cutting resistance of soybean (cv. Junjery) sprouts and culture temperatures. The morphological characters, fresh and dry weights were measured on the 6th day after their culture, but daily mean temperatures inside the plastic culture boxes were measured by data-loggers. Lateral roots were more formed in the underwatering method (UM) than in the overspraying method (OM). Although their total lengths of both methods were nearly same, OM had longer hypocotyl but UM did longer root than the other. Middle and upper parts of hypocotyl were more thickened in UM than in OM. UM showed more hypocotyl fresh and dry weights than OM. There was, however, no significant difference between the two methods in cotyledon, root, total fresh and dry weights although the culture temperature was higher in OM than in UM.

Germination, Seedling Emergence, and Growth of Burcucumber Affected by Maturity and Size (안동대목 종자의 크기와 등숙 정도에 따른 발아.유묘 출현 및 생장)

  • 강진호;전병삼;윤수영;이상우;정종일
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.152-155
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    • 2003
  • Burcucumber (Sicyos angulatus L.), used as a medicinal or rootstock for cucurbitaceous crops have shown high variation in seed maturity and size. This study was carried out to determine the effect of seed maturity and size on seed germination, seedling emergence and growth of burcucumber, Seeds collected from a native site were divided into small, medium and large ones after sorted to mature and immature ones. Their germination, seedling emergence and growth were done in indoor and a green house. Mature seeds showed higher germination and seedling emergence rate than immature ones. Regardless of their maturity, medium. and small seeds showed higher germination rate than large ones. Medium and large seeds, however, had the greatest and the least seedling emergence, respectively. Seedling height, number of true leaves areas of cotyledons and true leaves except hypocotyl length were increased with increased seed size although were not affected by the maturity. Cotyledon, leaf, hypocotyl, root and their total dry weights were greater in large mature seeds than large immature ones while increased with increased seed size in both maturities.

Effects of Aeration Temperature and Period after BA Treatment on Growth and Lateral Root Formation of Soybean Sprouts (BA 처리 직후의 Aeration 온도와 기간이 콩나물의 생장과 세근발생에 미치는 영향)

  • 강진호;전병삼;조용준;박철종;윤수영;전승호
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.216-221
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    • 2004
  • Treatment effect of benzyladenopurine (BA) used to block the lateral roots formed on soybean sprouts should be influenced by its applying methods. This study was done to check the effects of temperature and period from seed imbibition into 2 ppm BA solution to the first watering for sprout culture on growth and morphology of soybean sprouts. Imbibed three cultivar (cv. Pungsannamulkong, Sowonkong and Junjery) seeds for 5 houys into 2 ppm BA solution were placed under different temperatures (AT; 20, 30, $40^{\circ}$) and periods (AP; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 hours). On the 6th day, the soybean sprouts were classified by 4 categories on the base of hypocotyl length; >7cm, 4 to 7cm), < 4cm and non-germination to calculate their composition rates, number of lateral roots, lengths of hypocotyl and root diameters at middle and hook of hypocotyl, and fraction dry weights were measured. Germination and growth responses of the cultivars were changed by AT and AP treatments. The responses, lateral root formation and fresh weights were, however, mainly affected by the cultivars used rather than Af treatment. Rate of the sprouts which formed lateral roots was decreased with increased periods to 4 hours, but their number per sprout was not different between the treatments of longer than 3 hours. Lengths of hypocotyl and root organ and total fresh weights were the highest in an hour AP treatment although longer than 3 hour AP treatments did not showed the significant difference in the lengths. Conclusionally AP treatment was more important than Af one in seed aeration for soybean sprout culture immediately after imbibition into BA solution, and was done at least for 3 hours.

Morphological Study of Storage Granules of Cotyledon Cells in Cannabis sativa cv. Chungsam (헴프종자 자엽세포의 저장과립에 관한 형태학적 연구)

  • Lee, Na-Young;Kim, Dong-Min;Kim, Eun-Soo
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the hemp (Cannabis sativa cv. Chungsam) seed structure and ultrastructure of food reserves by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. We examined the seed coat and embryo consisting of a hypocotyl-radicle axis and two cotyledons. The seed coat consisted of exotesta and endotesta. The exotesta was a mechanical layer with lignified and elongated cells, while endotesta of the underlying layers of the exotesta was consisted of two separated cell layers. The collapsed outer layer of endotesta showed the unique reticulate structures. In cotyledon cells, protein and lipid bodies occupied most of cytoplasm. Protein bodies varied in diameter from 1.8 to $5.0{\mu}m$ and possessed a protein matrix containing electron-dense globoid crystals. Numerous lipid bodies ranged from 0.8 to $3.0{\mu}m$ in diameter were distributed around the protein bodies. During the early stages of breakdown, protein bodies rapidly changed their shape into the granular feature, however, lipid bodies were gradually degradated and fused each other. The degeneration process of protein bodies and lipid bodies of cotyledon cells might be correlated with the reports which hemp seeds rapidly lose their ability to germinate.

Effect of Seed Imbibition into Water and Acetic Acid Solution on its Floating Rate and Growth of Soybean Sprouts (수침(水浸)과 Acetic Acid 처리에 따른 콩나물의 생장과 형태 변화)

  • Jeon Byong-Sam;Hong Dong-Oh;Kim Hong-Young;Lee Chang-Woo;Kang Jin-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.204-208
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    • 2006
  • Soybean sprout decay during its culture should be one of serious problems. The study was carried out to clarify the effect of water imbibition and acetic acid treatments on growth and morphological characters of the soybean sprouts. The soybean seeds of 3 cultivars (cv. Eunhakong, Pungsannamulkong and Junjery) imbibed in pure water or 0.l% acetic acid for 3 minutes before soaked for 6 hours into 1 ppm BA solution and aerated for 3 hours immediately before 6 day culture. On the 6th day, the sprouts were classified into 4 categories on the base of hypocotyl length; > 7cm, 4 to 7cm, > 4cm and not germinated and seed floating rate, their morphological characters, fresh fraction weights and productivity were measured. The best water imbibition for seed cleaning was to soak the seeds for 5 minutes and then to aerate soak them for 40 minutes. In Pungsannamulkong and Junjery, percentage of the sprouts with hypocotyls of longer than 4 cm was higher in water imbibition than in acetic acid treatment for seed disinfection although in Eunhakong there was no significant difference between the two treatments. Eunhakong and Junjery had greater lateral root formation rate and its number per sprout in water imbibition than in acetic acid treatment but Pungsannamulkong showed reverse result. Eunhakong and Pungsannamulkong, furthermore, had more total fresh weight in acetic acid treatment than in water imbibition but Junjery showed reverse result, although there was no significant difference between the two treatments in productivity of mass production system.

Effects of Germination Rate of Grafting-Stock Gourd Seeds as Affected by Durations of Ripening and After-ripening of Fruits (성숙기간과 후숙기간을 달리한 대목용 박(Lagenaria siceraria Standl.) 종자의 발아율)

  • Oh, D.G.;Woo, Y.H.;Chun, J.W.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to elucidate the effect of after-ripening of gourd fruits before seed collection. Five varieties of commercial gourd varieties were cultivated and the fruits were picked after 24, 31, 50, and 70 days from pollination. For after-ripening treatments the fruits were placed for five days in a cool, air-circulated place while a number of fruits were placed for longer periods to 85 days including growing period, 24 + 62 days, 31 + 55 days, 50 + 35 days, and 70 + 15 days. The seeds collected from fruits harvested on 24th day were not emerged at all, but the seeds from after-ripening treatment for 62 days showed 78% emergence or higher. The growth of seedlings showed the effects of after-ripening treatment of the fruits before seed collection; the seeds collected after ripening treatment showed better hypocotyl growth and larger embryo size than the non-treated seeds.

Growth and Seedling Quality of Grafted Cucumber Seedlings by Different Cultivars and Supplemental Light Sources of Low Radiation Period and Early Yield of Cucumber after Transplanting (보광 광원 종류에 따른 약광기 품종별 오이 접목묘의 생육과 묘소질 및 정식 후 초기 과실 수량)

  • Hyeong Eun Choi;So Yeong Hwang;Ji Hye Yun;Jin Yu;Jeong Hun Hwang;Eun Won Park;Jeong Kil Koo;Hee Sung Hwang;Seung Jae Hwang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2023
  • To harvest marketable cucumbers, high quality seedlings must be used. Producing seedlings in the greenhouse during the low radiation period decreases marketability due to insufficient light for growth. Supplemental lighting with artificial light of different quality can be used to improve low light conditions and produce high quality seedlings. Therefore, this study was conducted to select the appropriate supplemental light sources on the growth and seedling quality of grafted cucumber seedlings during the low radiation period. Three cultivars of cucumber were used as scions for grafting; 'NakWonSeongcheongjang', 'Sinsedae', and 'Goodmorning baekdadagi'. Figleaf gourd (Cucurbita ficifolia) 'Heukjong' was used as the rootstock. The seeds were sown on January 26, 2023, and grafted on February 9, 2023. After graft-taking, cucumbers in plug trays were treated with RB light-emitting diodes (LED, red and blue LED, red:blue = 8:2), W LED (white LED, R:G:B = 5:3:2), and HPS (high-pressure sodium lamp), respectively. Non-treatment was used as the control. Supplemental lighting was applied 2 hours before sunrise and 2 hours after sunset for 19 days. The stem diameter and fresh and dry weights of roots did not differ significantly by supplemental light sources. The plant height and hypocotyl length were decreased in W LED. However, the leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, and fresh and dry weights of shoots were the highest in the RB LED. Seedling qualities such as crop growth rate, net assimilation rate, and compactness were also increased in RB LED and W LED. After transplanting, most of the growth was not significant, but early yield of cucumber was higher in LED than non-treatment. In conclusion, using RB LED, W LED for supplemental light source during low radiation period in grafted cucumber seedlings improved growth, seedling quality, and early yield of cucumber.