• Title/Summary/Keyword: 풍선 확장술

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A Development of the Balloon Pressure Analysis System for the Diagnosis of Esophageal Ruptures (풍선 확장술에서 식도파열의 진단을 위한 압력분석 시스템의 구성)

  • Shin, D.I.;Song, H.Y.;Huh, S.J.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.11
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    • pp.428-431
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    • 1997
  • This study is the basic research on esophageal balloon dialation with automatic detection of the pressure change in the balloon and analysis using personal computer. In conventional method, the esophageal stricture is cured by surgically. Recently, balloon dialation method has been proposed and is popularized. In balloon dialation, detecting esophageal rupture is very important. When using radiological investigation, the leak of contrast medium is very dangerous. In proposed method, the detection of esopageal rupture can be peformed by detecting and analyze the pressure change of dialation balloon. Experimental system is composed of balloon catheter, pressure pump, pressure sensor, A/D converter and PC.

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Stenosis of Individual Pulmonary Veins (개별 폐정맥의 협착)

  • Lee, Mira;Choi, Kil Soon;Kim, Nam Su;Yum, Myung Kul;Kim, Yong Joo;Sul, In Jun
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.610-614
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    • 2003
  • Pulmonary hypertension may be associated with variable conditions such as the hyperkinetic state or pulmonary vascular obstruction. In these, stenosis of the individual pulmonary veins without any cardiac or vascular malformation is very rare. We experienced stenosis of individual pulmonary veins in a 10 months old boy who was admitted with recurrent dyspnea and cyanosis and then underwent angiogram and a lung perfusion scan.

A Case of Idiopathic Tracheal Stenosis Treated with Tracheal Resection After a Retrievable Stent Insertion (스텐트 삽입술 후 수술적 절제술로 치료한 특발성 기관 협착증 1예)

  • Lee, Hyoung-No;Cho, Hye-Jin;Lee, Jong-Woo;Shin, Seung-Soo;Oh, Yoon-Jung;Park, Kwang-Joo;Hwang, Sung-Chul;Choi, Ho;Lee, Ki-Bum
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.450-456
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    • 2002
  • Idiopathic tracheal stenosis is a type of benign stenosis that possesses specific characteristics but is of unknown origin. It is a rare disease characterized by extensive fibrosis of a portion of trachea, and predominantly found in women. The lesion presents as circumferential fibrotic stenosis that usually occurs at upper trachea and the subglottic larynx, but lower trachea may also be involved. Diagnosis is made from the clinical characteristics accompanide by compatible pathologic features and by exclusion of other etiologies. Conservative management such as laser resection, dilatation and stent insertion can be tried initially, but surgical resection is recommended for definitive treatment due to frequent restenosis and maintenance problems of conservative approach. We report a case of idiopathic tracheal stenosis treated with tracheal resection and anastomosis followed by insertion of a retrievable stent for immediate relief of airway obstruction.

The Recent Outcomes after Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot Associated with Pulmonary Atresia and Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries (폐동맥폐쇄와 주대동맥폐동맥부행혈관을 동반한 활로씨사징증 교정의 최근 결과)

  • Kim Jin-Hyun;Kim Woong-Han;Kim Dong-Jung;Jung Eui-Suk;Jeon Jae-Hyun;Min Sun-Kyung;Hong Jang-Mee;Lee Jeong-Ryul;Rho Joon-Ryuang;Kim Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.4 s.261
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2006
  • Background: Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with pulmonary atresia and major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAS) is complex lesion with marked heterogeneity of pulmonary blood supply and arborization anomalies. Patients with TOF with PA and MAPCAS have traditionally required multiple staged unifocalization of pulmonary blood supply before undergoing complete repair. In this report, we describe recent change of strategy and the results in our institution. Material and Method: We established surgical stratagies: early correction, central mediastinal approach, initial RV-PA conduit interposition, and aggressive intervention. Between July 1998 and August 2004, 23 patients were surgically treated at our institution. We divided them into 3 groups by initial operation method; group I: one stage total correction, group II: RV-PA conduit and unifocalization, group III: RV-PA conduit interposition only. Result: Mean ages at initial operation in each group were $13.9{\pm}16.0$ months (group 1), $10.4{\pm}15.6$ months (group II), and $7.9{\pm}7.7$ months (group III). True pulmonary arteries were not present in f patient and the pulmonary arteries were confluent in 22 patients. The balloon angioplasty was done in average 1.3 times (range: $1{\sim}6$). There were 4 early deaths relating initial operation, and 1 late death due to incracranial hemorrhage after definitive repair. The operative mortalities of initial procedures in each group were 25.0% (1/4: group I), 20.0% (2/10: group II), and 12.2% (1/9: group III). The causes of operative mortality were hypoxia (2), low cardiac output (1) and sudden cardiac arrest (1). Definitive repair rates in each group were 75% (3/4) in group I, 20% (2/10, fenestration: 2) in group II, and 55.0% (5/9, fenestration: 1) in group III. Conclusion: In patients of TOF with PA and MAPCAS, RV-PA connection as a initial procedure could be performed with relatively low risk, and high rate of definitive repair can be obtained in the help of balloon pulmonary angioplasty. One stage RV-PA connection and unifocalization appeared to be successful in selected patients.

식도 천공의 외과적 치료

  • 이재익
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.108-108
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    • 2003
  • 식도 천공의 치료는 최근 치료법의 발전에도 불구하고 여전히 난해한 문제이다. 이 환자들은 천공의 원인이나 위치, 심한 정도가 다양한 이질적인 군이며, 반수 이상이 이미 식도에 기존의 질환을 가지고 있어 문제를 더욱 복잡하게 한다. 따라서 절대적이고 획일적인 치료방법은 아직 확립되어 있지 않으며 많은 다양한 방법들이 제시되고 있다. 2002년 11월부터 2003년 7월까지 총 8명의 환자가 식도 천공으로 동아대학교병원 흥부외과에서 치료를 받았으며, 원인별로는 의인성(iatrogenic) 손상이 6례, 자발성(spontaneous) 손상이 2례였고 부위별로는 경부가 3례, 흥부가 5례였다. 의인성 손상에는 내시경 검사중 정상 경부 식도에 발생한 1례, 부식성 식도협착 환자의 풍선 확장술과 스텐트 삽입시 흉부 식도에 발생한 경우가 각각 1례씩, 외상성 경추손상의 수술시 정상 경부 식도에 발생한 경우가 2례, 선천성 식도폐쇄증(esophageal atresia)의 술후 문합부 누출이 생긴 경우가 1례 있었으며, 자발성 손상에는 하부식도에 발생한 기압성(barogenic) 손상 1례와 상흉부 식도암 천공 1례가 있었다. 경부 식도 천공 3례는 모두 경부 배액(drainage)과 식이용 장루술(feeding jejunostomy)을 시행하였고, 부식성 식도협착이 있던 환자 2례는 식도절제술과 흉부내 식도-위 문합을 시행하였으며, Boerhaave씨 증후군 환자는 1차 봉합술, 술후 문합부 유출이 있었던 환자와 식도암 천공이 있었던 환자는 식도절제 및 경부 식도루(esophagostomy), 배액용 위루(gastrostomy), 식이용 장루술을 시행하였다. 모든 환자는 패혈증 등의 심각한 합병증으로의 진행 없이 회복되었다. 현재 위장관의 연속성이 유지 혹은 복원된 환자는 경구식이 중이며 그 외의 환자들은 장루를 통해 영양을 공급하며 식도재건술을 기다리고 있다. 식도 천공은 최근 항생제의 사용, 과영양요법(hyperalimentation), 술후 환자관리의 개선 등으로 치료에 많은 발전이 있었으나, 치료 방침에 있어서는 여전히 논란이 있으며 높은 사망률을 보이는 난제로 남아있다. 비록 일반적인 지침이 도움이 되겠지만, 치료 방침은 환자 개개인의 상황에 따라 적절하게 선택해야 하며, 임상경과에 따라 언제라도 방침을 변경할 수 있는 유연함이 필요하리라 생각한다.

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Surgical Treatment of Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula -4 Cases Report- (기관식도루를 동반한 식도폐쇄의 외과적 치료 4례)

  • 김용성;이서원
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.466-471
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    • 1996
  • Esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula is a common form of congenital malformation of the esophagus, which was usually overlooked during the physical examination after delivery. The first report of esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula was done by Thomas-Gibson in 1696. We have performed primary repair by extrapleural approach through the right 4th intercostal space in 4 cases of congenital esophageal atresia with distal racheoesophageal fistula. End to end anastomosis was performed by Haight method in all cases. Postoperatively, two patients showed severe stenosis and one patient showed mild stenosis at the anastomotic site. Ballots dilatation was performed two cases with severe anastomotic stenosis.

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Analysis of Risk Factors in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (관동맥우회술의 위험인자 분석)

  • 정태은;한승세
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.11
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    • pp.1049-1055
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    • 1998
  • Background: Coronary artery bypass surgery is an important treatment for ischemic heart disease. Recently operative mortality and morbidity has decreased, however further improvement is necessary. Materials and methods: This study was designed to evaluate the risk of operative mortality and morbidity by retrospective method. From 1992 to 1997, eighty six patients underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. There were 61 males and 25 females aged 36~74 years(mean, 58.6). Fourteen patients(16%) had previous PTCA or stent insertion, 41 patients(48%) had unstable angina, and 45 patients(52%) had three vessel disease. Patients with low LV ejection fraction(<35%) were 7 cases and urgent or emergent operation were 10 cases. There were 6 cases of combined surgery which were mitral valve replacement(2 cases), aortic valve replacement(2 cases), ASD repair(1 case), and VSD repair(1 case). Average number of distal anastomosis was 3.5 per patient and average aortic cross clamp time was 115±38.3min. Preoperative risk factors were defined as follows: female, old age(>70 years), low body surface area(<1.5M2), PTCA or stent insertion history, hypercholesterolemia, smoking, hypertension, DM, COPD, urgent or emergent operation, left main disease, low LV ejection fraction(<35%), and combined surgery. Results: Operative mortality was 7cases(8%). As a postoperative morbidity, perioperative myocardial infarction was 6 cases, cerebrovascular accident 6 cases, reoperation for bleeding 5 cases, acute renal failure 4 cases, gastrointestinal complication 3 cases, and mediastinitis 3 cases. In the evaluation of operative risk factors, low body surface area, DM and low LV ejection fraction were found to be predictive risk factors of postoperative morbidity(p<0.05), and low ejection fraction was especially a risk factor of hospital mortality(p<0.05). Conclusions: In this study, low body surface area, DM and low LV ejection fraction were risk factors of postoperative morbidity and low ejection fraction was a risk factor of hospital mortality.

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Study of Neonatal Cardiac Catheterization for Over the Last 10 Years (최근 10년간 신생아 심도자술의 변화)

  • Song, Jinyoung;Lee, Sungkyu;Lee, Jaeyoung;Kim, Sujin;Shim, Wooseup
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.615-621
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The neonatal cardiac catheterization and angiogram for transcatheter therapy are still essential methods in congenital heart disease, so we reviewed our experience with neonatal cardiac catheterization over 10 years at a single institution. Methods : A retrospective review of all 139 neonatal catheterizations from January 1991 to December 2000 at Sejong Heart Institution was performed. The purpose of the catheterizations, ages, body weights and the complications by the exam was surveyed. Results : The mean age of our 139 patients was 14.9 days and the mean body weight was 3.3 kg. As for the diagnosis : TGA in 49 patients, PAIVS in 26 patients, DORV in 14 patients, PS in 14 patients, PAVSD in 11 patients. For the cardiac catheterization, general anesthesia was performed in 65% of total and fluoroscopy time was $20.1{\pm}14.5$ minutes during cardiac catheterization. In the interventional cardiac catheterization which was 75% of the total, the age and body weight were statistically the same but the irradiation time was longer than the diagnostic catheterization( P=0.001). There were 48 cases of atrial septostomy, 16 cases of balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty and 25 cases of transcatheter pulmonary valvotomy. Complications of cardiac catheterization were found in 16.3%, but there was no difference between interventional catheterization and diagnostic catheterization. Conclusion : Therapeutic cardiac catheterization in neonates is a relatively safe and effective method in congenital heart disease.

General Treatment Strategy for Intervention in Lower Extremity Arterial Disease (하지동맥 질환의 인터벤션: 전반적 치료 계획 수립)

  • Je Hwan Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.82 no.3
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    • pp.500-511
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    • 2021
  • The prevalence of lower extremity disease is increasing with age. With recent technological advancements, endovascular treatment is being performed more frequently. The treatment goal of intermittent claudication is to improve walking and reduce claudication. To achieve these goals, anatomical durability and patency are important. In patients with critical limb ischemia, the lesions are diffuse and particularly severe in below-the-knee arteries. The treatment goal of critical limb ischemia is to promote wound healing and to prevent major amputation, which is evaluated by the limb salvage rate. Primary stenting using covered or bare metal stents is a widely accepted endovascular treatment. While drug-eluting technologies with or without atherectomy are widely used in the treatment of femoropopliteal disease, balloon angioplasty is the mainstay treatment for below-the-knee intervention. CT angiography provides a road map for planning endovascular treatment in patients without absolute contraindications.

Mid-Term Results of 292 cases of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (관상동맥 우회술 292례의 중기 성적)

  • 김태윤;김응중;이원용;지현근;신윤철;김건일
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.643-652
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    • 2002
  • As the prevalence of coronay artery disease is increasing, the surgical treatment has been universalized and operative outcome has been improved. We analyzed the short and mid-term results of 292 CABGs performed in Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital. Material and Method: From June 1994 to December 2001, 292 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting. There were 173 men and 119 women and their ages ranged from 39 to 84 years with a mean of $61.8{\pm}9.1$ years. We analyzed the preoperative risk factors, operative procedures and operative outcome. In addition, we analyzed the recurrence of symptoms, long-term mortality and complications via out-patient follow-up for discharged patients. Result: Preoperative clinical diagnoses were unstable angina in 137(46.9%), stable angina in 34(11.6%), acute myocardial infarction in 40(13.7%), non-Q myocardial infarction in 25(8.6%), postinfarction angina in 22(7.5%), cardiogenic shock in 30(10.3%) and PTCA failure in 4(1.4%) patients. Preoperative angiographic diagnoses were three-vessel disease in 157(53.8%), two-vessel disease in 35 (12.0%), one-vessel disease in 11(3.8%) and left main disease in 89(30.5%) patients. We used saphenous veins in 630, internal thoracic arteries in 257, radial arteries in 50, and right gastoepiploic arteries in 2 distal anastomoses. The mean number of distal anastomoses per patient was $3.2{\pm}1.0$ There were 18 concomitant procedures ; valve replacement in 8(2.7%), left main coronary artery angioplasty in 6(2.1%), patch closure of postinfarction ventricular septal defect(PMI-VSD) in 2(0.7%), replacement of ascending aorta in 1(0.3%) and coronary endarterectomy in 1(0.3%) patient. The mean ACC time was $96.6{\pm}35.3 $ minutes and the mean CPB time was $179.2{\pm}94.6$ minutes. Total early mortality was 8.6%, but it was 3.1% in elective operations. The most common cause of early mortality was low cardiac output syndrome in 6(2.1%) patients. The stastistically significant risk factors for early mortality were hypertension, old age($\geq$ 70 years), poor LV function(EF<40%), congestive heart failure, preoperative intraaortic balloon pump, emergency operation and chronic renal failure. The most common complication was arrhythmia in 52(17.8%) patients. The mean follow-up period was $39.0{\pm}27.0$ months. Most patients were free of symptoms during follow-up. Fourteen patients(5.8 %) had recurrent symptoms and 7 patients(2.9%) died during follow-up period. Follow-up coronary angiography was performed in 13 patients with recurrent symptoms and they were managed by surgical and medical treatment according to the coronary angiographic result. Conclusion: The operative and late results of CABG in our hospital, was acceptable. However, There should be more refinement in operative technique and postoperative management to improve the results.