• Title/Summary/Keyword: 표준 정책

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The Effect of Community- and Individual-Level Factors on Suicidal Ideation and Attempts: A Multilevel Analysis (2021년 지역사회건강조사를 활용한 지역사회 및 개인 수준의 요인이 자살 생각과 자살 시도에 미치는 영향: 다수준 분석)

  • So Young Ha;Jinhwan Kim;Haegyun Park;Youngsoo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.24-33
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    • 2024
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate individual- and community-level factors on suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among Korean adults. Methods : This study was conducted on 225,965 adults collected through data from the 2021 Community Health Survey and the Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS). The general characteristics, suicidal behavior (e.g., suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts), and community-level characteristics of the study subjects were analyzed using frequency (%) and mean (standard deviation). The effects on individual- and community-level factors on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts was analyzed using multilevel logistic regression models. Results : The community-level factor associated with suicidal ideation was unmet health care (Odds Ratio [OR]=1.053, 95% CI=1.035-1.071), and the community-level factor associated with suicide attempt was the aging rate (OR=1.015, 95% CI=1.001-1.030). Regarding health-related variables, the individual-level factors associated with suicidal ideation were stress status (OR=9.388, 95% CI=8.629-10.213), depressive experience in the past year (OR=6.737, 95% CI=6.454-7.032), and the predominantly individual-level factors associated with suicide attempt were also stress status (OR=5.213, 95% CI=3.699-7.347), and depressive experience in the last one year (OR=13.433, 95% CI: 11.247-16.044). Conclusions : We confirmed individual-level and community-level factors influencing suicidal ideation and suicide attempt. Through these findings, we need to establish suicide prevention policies, considering managing individual-level factors such as stress and depression as well as community-level factors such as unmet health care.

A Study to Improve the Trustworthiness of Data Repositories by Obtaining CoreTrustSeal Certification (CoreTrustSeal 인증 획득을 통한 데이터 리포지토리의 신뢰성 향상을 위한 연구)

  • Hea Lim Rhee;Jung-Ho Um;Youngho Shin;Hyung-jun Yim;Na-eun Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.245-268
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    • 2024
  • As the recognition of data's value increases, the role of data repositories in managing, preserving, and utilizing data is becoming increasingly important. This study investigates ways to enhance the trustworthiness of data repositories through obtaining CoreTrustSeal (CTS) certification. Trust in data repositories is critical not only for data protection but also for building and maintaining trust between the repository and stakeholders, which in turn affects researchers' decisions on depositing and utilizing data. The study examines the CoreTrustSeal, an international certification for trustworthy data repositories, analyzing its impact on the trustworthiness and efficiency of repositories. Using the example of DataON, Korea's first CTS-certified repository operated by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), the study compares and analyzes four repositories that have obtained CTS certification. These include DataON, the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) from NASA, Yareta from the University of Geneva, and the DARIAH-DE repository from Germany. The research assesses how these repositories meet the mandatory requirements set by CTS and proposes strategies for improving the trustworthiness of data repositories. Key findings indicate that obtaining CTS certification involves rigorous evaluation of organizational infrastructure, digital object management, and technological aspects. The study highlights the importance of transparent data processes, robust data quality assurance, enhanced accessibility and usability, sustainability, security measures, and compliance with legal and ethical standards. By implementing these strategies, data repositories can enhance their reliability and efficiency, ultimately promoting wider data sharing and utilization in the scientific community.

A Study on the Improvement of Entity-Based 3D Artwork Data Modeling for Digital Twin Exhibition Content Development (디지털트윈 전시형 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 엔티티 기반 3차원 예술작품 데이터모델링 개선방안 연구)

  • So Jin Kim;Chan Hui Kim;An Na Kim;Hyun Jung Park
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.86-100
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    • 2024
  • Recently, a number of virtual reality exhibition-type content services have been produced using archive resources of visual art records as a means of promoting cultural policy-based public companies. However, it is by no means easy to accumulate 3D works of art as data. Looking at the current state of metadata in public institutions, there was no digitalization of resources when developing digital twins because it was built based on old international standards. It was found that data modeling evolution is inevitable to connect multidimensional data at a capacity and speed that exceeds the functions of existing systems. Therefore, the elements and concepts of data modeling design were first considered among previous studies. When developing virtual reality content, when it is designed for the migration of 3D modeling data, the previously created metadata was analyzed to improve the upper elements that must be added to 3D modeling. Furthermore, this study demonstrated the possibility by directly implementing the process of using newly created metadata in virtual reality content in accordance with the data modeling process. If this study is gradually developed in the future, metadata-based data modeling can become more meaningful in the use of public data than it is today.

Analytical Evaluation of PPG Blood Glucose Monitoring System - researcher clinical trial (PPG 혈당 모니터링 시스템의 분석적 평가 - 연구자 임상)

  • Cheol-Gu Park;Sang-Ki Choi;Seong-Geun Jo;Kwon-Min Kim
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2023
  • This study is a performance evaluation of a blood sugar monitoring system that combines a PPG sensor, which is an evaluation device for blood glucose monitoring, and a DNN algorithm when monitoring capillary blood glucose. The study is a researcher-led clinical trial conducted on participants from September 2023 to November 2023. PPG-BGMS compared predicted blood sugar levels for evaluation using 1-minute heart rate and heart rate variability information and the DNN prediction algorithm with capillary blood glucose levels measured with a blood glucose meter of the standard personal blood sugar management system. Of the 100 participants, 50 had type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and the average age was 67 years (range, 28 to 89 years). It was found that 100% of the predicted blood sugar level of PPG-BGMS was distributed in the A+B area of the Clarke error grid and Parker(Consensus) error grid. The MARD value of PPG-BGMS predicted blood glucose is 5.3 ± 4.0%. Consequentially, the non-blood-based PPG-BGMS was found to be non-inferior to the instantaneous blood sugar level of the clinical standard blood-based personal blood glucose measurement system.

A study of students' perceptions of mathematics learning situations (수학 학습 상황에 대한 학생들의 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Somin Kim;Boeuk Suh;Ho Kyoung Ko;Nan Huh
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.411-436
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated how Korean elementary, middle, and high school students perceive mathematics learning situations to determine whether the mathematics classes provided in schools met the standards of a highquality educational experience. Using a comprehensive survey that considers both formal and implementation aspects of mathematics classes, responses from 15,418 students were analyzed to gain insights into their views on the classroom environment, instructional methods, and overall learning experience. The results indicate that as students advance in grade level, their perceptions of mathematics learning situations become increasingly negative, and mathematics classes are still perceived as being teacher-centered. Additionally, it was found that mathematical manipulatives and technological tools are not being effectively utilized, and that students' learning experiences are influenced by class size and the availability of mathematics subject-exclusive classrooms. Based on these findings, several recommendations were made to improve the quality of mathematics education and enhance students' perceptions: implementing teaching methods that increase student engagement in learnercentered classes, providing opportunities for active and diverse use of teaching aids and technological tools beyond simple calculations, maintaining appropriate class sizes, and expanding the use of mathematics subject-exclusive classrooms. These considerations are crucial for creating a more engaging and effective mathematics learning environment that aligns with evolving educational standards and meets students' needs. The findings of this study provide actionable insights for educators and policymakers aiming to improve the quality of mathematics education in Korea.

A Study for Bus Driving Patterns Using Digital Tachograph Data (디지털운행기록계 자료를 활용한 버스의 주행패턴 분석 연구)

  • Kyu-Jin Lee;Gyoseok JEON;Sang Woo SHIM
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.222-233
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    • 2024
  • In recent years, there has been a trend towards seeking an integrated solution to social problems (fine dust, carbon emissions, etc.) through technological advancements in the utilization of automotive big data, the diversification of traffic environment improvement policies, and technological innovations. This study compares the differences in bus travel patterns between various types of buses in time and space by using digital odometer data, and draws implications by analyzing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas GHG emissions. As a result of the study, the acceleration dispersion value for diesel buses was higher than for CNG buses. The units of GHG emissions buses on weekdays in the metropolitan area of Gyeonggi-do were about 16% higher than on weekends compared to non-metropolitan areas due to differences in driving patterns. The methodology and results of this study are expected to be utilized in various fields, such as setting standard bus driving modes for autonomous buses, improving the economic efficiency of DRT buses, and in developing patterns to drive buses more economically.

A Study on the Countmeasures of the Korean Pharmaceutical/Bio Industry to the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, by using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 국내 제약·바이오 업종의 EU 공급망 실사법 대응 방안 연구)

  • Sori Kim;Joonhak Ki
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.93-117
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    • 2024
  • In February 2022, the EU announced a draft of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive requiring due diligence and disclosure of information on environmental and human rights risks in corporate supply chains. This study evaluated the ability of 13 Korean pharmaceutical/bio companies to respond to the EU's demand for due diligence in the supply chain and compared it to 13 globally leading pharmaceutical/bio companies which are considered good in environmental and human rights risk management. For comparative analysis, text mining analysis was performed using R. Basic word frequency and concurrent words were analyzed and topic modeling was performed by applying Latent Dirichlet Allocation. As a result of the analysis, it was found that compared to advanced companies, domestic pharmaceutical and bio companies lack negative issue reporting and identification systems and supply chain due diligence implementation processes, and require advancement of data management for environmental and human rights information disclosure. Accordingly, domestic pharmaceutical and bio companies need to prepare differentiated support measures to systematically identify and reduce risks in the supply chain of small and medium-sized businesses beyond simply providing financial support. It is also desirable for the government to provide policy support by mandating Korea's own supply chain environment and human rights due diligence system, along with support for strengthening the ability to respond to due diligence of domestic pharmaceutical and bio companies, such as expert consulting and financial support.

Analysis of Food Tech Startups: A Case Study Utilizing the ERIS Model (푸드테크 스타트업 현황 분석 및 ERIS 모델 기반 성공 사례연구)

  • Sunhee Seo;Yeeun Park;Jae yeong Choi
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.161-182
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    • 2024
  • The study analyzed the rapidly growing food tech startup in South Korea, focusing on industry classification, core technological domains, investment stages, and growth trajectories. Utilizing the ERIS model, two innovative food tech startups, MyChef and CatchTable, were examined as case studies. Results revealed food tech startups are focusing on information technology and smart distribution technology-oriented solutions rather than traditional food production. This study also found that robotics and AI integration were key technology areas. Analyzing the emergence of food tech startups, investment stages, and cumulative investment amounts based on founding years revealed a trend of scaling operations through rounds of funding, especially after securing SERIES A and B funding. The period between 2014 and 2018 saw a dense concentration of food tech startup establishments, likely influenced by favorable conditions for technological innovation amid the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The high rate of strategic mergers and acquisitions and bankruptcy can be interpreted as the complexity inherent in the food tech industry. The case study of MyChef, which grew into HMR manufacturing, and Wad(CatchTable), which expanded into a restaurant reservation platform, derived the entrepreneurs, resources, industry, and strategic factors that served as success factors for food tech startups. This study has practical implications in that it provides entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers in the food tech industry with insight and direction to develop strategies in line with market trends and technological changes and promote sustainable growth.

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Birth Weight Distribution by Gestational Age in Korean Population : Using Finite Mixture Modle (우리나라 신생아의 재태 연령에 따른 출생체중의 정상치 : Finite Mixture Model을 이용하여)

  • Lee, Jung-Ju;Park, Chang Gi;Lee, Kwang-Sun
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.11
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    • pp.1179-1186
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : A universal standard of the birth weight for gestational age cannot be made since girth weight distribution varies with race and other sociodemographic factors. This report aims to establish the birth weight distribution curve by gestational age, specific for Korean live births. Methods : We used the national birth certificate data of all live births in Korea from January 2001 to December 2003; for live births with gestational ages 24 weeks to 44 weeks(n=1,509,763), we obtained mean birth weigh, standard deviation and 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentile values for each gestational age group by one week increment. Then, we investigated the birth weight distribution of each gestational age group by the normal Gaussian model. To establish final standard values of Korean birth weight distribution by gestational age, we used the finite mixture model to eliminate erroneous birth slights for respective gestational ages. Results : For gestational ages 28 weeks 32 weeks, birth weight distribution showed a biologically implausible skewed tail or bimodal distribution. Following correction of the erroneous distribution by using the finite mixture model, the constructed curve of birth weight distribution was compared to those of other studies. The Korean birth weight percentile values were generally lower than those for Norwegians and North Americans, particularly after 37 weeks of gestation. The Korean curve was similar to that of Lubchenco both 50th and 90th percentiles, but generally the Korean curve had higher 10th percentile values. Conclusion : This birth weight distribution curve by gestational age is based on the most recent and the national population data compared to previous studies in Korea. We hope that for Korean infants, this curve will help clinicians in defining and managing the large for gestational age infants and also for infants with intrauterine growth retardation.

Analysis of Reform Model to Records Management System in Public Institution -from Reform to Records Management System in 2006- (행정기관의 기록관리시스템 개선모델 분석 -2006년 기록관리시스템 혁신을 중심으로-)

  • Kwag, Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.14
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    • pp.153-190
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    • 2006
  • Externally, business environment in public institution has being changed as government business reference model(BRM) appeared and business management systems for transparency of a policy decision process are introduced. After Records Automation System started its operation, dissatisfaction grows because of inadequacy in system function and the problems about authenticity of electronic records. With these backgrounds, National Archives and Records Service had carried out 'Information Strategy Planning for Reform to Records Management System' for 5 months from September, 2005. As result, this project reengineers current records management processes and presents the world-class system model. After Records and Archives Management Act was made, the records management in public institution has propelled the concept that paper records are handled by means of the electric data management. In this reformed model, however, we concentrates on the electric records, which have gradually replaced the paper records and investigate on the management methodology considering attributes of electric records. According to this new paradigm, the electric records management raises a new issue in the records management territory. As the major contents of the models connecting with electric records management were analyzed and their significance and bounds were closely reviewed, the aim of this paper is the understanding of the future bearings of the management system. Before the analysis of the reformed models, issues in new business environments and their records management were reviewed. The government's BRM and Business management system prepared the general basis that can manage government's whole results on the online and classify them according to its function. In this points, the model is innovative. However considering the records management, problems such as division into Records Classification, definitions and capturing methods of records management objects, limitations of Records Automation System and so on was identified. For solving these problems, the reformed models that has a records classification system based on the business classification, extended electronic records filing system, added functions for strengthening electric records management and so on was proposed. As regards dramatically improving the role of records center in public institution, searching for the basic management methodology of the records management object from various agency and introducing the detail design to keep documents' authenticity, this model forms the basis of the electric records management system. In spite of these innovations, however, the proposed system for real electric records management era is still in its beginning. In near feature, when the studies is concentrated upon the progress of qualified classifications, records capturing plans for foreign records structures such like administration information system, the further study of the previous preservation technology, the developed prospective of electric records management system will be very bright.