• Title/Summary/Keyword: 포텐셜 에너지

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Spatial Stability of Non-Symmetric Thin-Walled Curved Beams I : Aanlytical Approach (비대칭 단면을 갖는 박벽 곡선보의 안정성해석 I: 해석적 방법)

  • 민병철;김문영
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.239-251
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    • 1998
  • 본 연구에서는 비대칭 박벽단면을 갖는 곡선보의 안정성해석을 수행할 수 있는 이론 및 엄밀해를 제시하기 위하여, 3차원 연속체로부터 유도된 평형방정식으로부터 선형화된 가상일의 원리를 적용하였다. 박벽단면의 구속된 ?(warping)과 곡률효과를 고려하고 유한한 회전각의 2차항을 포함하는 곡선보의 변위장을 도입하여 단면에 대해 적분함으로써 도심축에 대한 박벽 곡선보의 총포텐셜에너지를 유도하였다. 또한, 단순지지되고 일축대칭 단면을 갖는 박벽원형 곡선보의 면내 및 면외좌굴에 대한 엄밀해를 유도하기 위하여, 면내에 대해서는 균일압축을 받는 원형아치의 역대칭 좌굴모드에 대한 좌굴하중을 유도하고 면외좌굴에 대해서는 균일압축 및 순수휨을 받는 아치의 처짐함수를 가정하여 곡선보의 횡좌굴하중에 대한 일반해를 제시하였다.

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계산화학적 방법을 이용한 Triphenylsulfonium 양이온의 해리 반응 기작 연구

  • Hwang, In-Seung;Kim, Jong-Beom;Kim, Jae-Uk;Hong, Gwang-U;Kim, U-Yeon
    • Proceeding of EDISON Challenge
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    • 2016.03a
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2016
  • Triphenylsulfonium 양이온(TPS)은 잘 알려진 광산 생성자(photoacid generator, PAG)중 하나로 양이온성 중합반응(cationic polymerization)의 개시제로 널리 사용됐으며, 유기발광다이오드의 활성층, 폴리머 발광다이오드의 전자주입층을 구성하는 재료로도 사용되고 있다. TPS는 200nm 주변의 빛을 흡수하면 탄소-황 결합이 끊어져 페닐 라디칼과 diphenylsulfonium 양이온 라디칼로 분해되는 것이 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 밀도범함수이론과 시간의존 밀도범함수이론을 이용 triphenylsulfonium 이온의 광학적 특성을 조사하였다. 가장 안정한 구조를 기준으로 자외선 흡광 스펙트럼을 계산하였고, 실험값에 잘 맞는 것을 확인하였다. TPS의 빛에 의한 해리 과정을 알아보기 위해 페닐-황 결합 길이를 변화시키며 TPS의 흡광 스펙트럼을 계산, 여기상태 포텐셜 에너지 곡선을 구할 수 있었다. 결합의 분해에 이용되는 상태들은 주로 점유 분자 오비탈에서 최저준위 비점유 분자 오비탈(LUMO)로 들뜨는 성분을 가지고 있었는데, 이는 LUMO가 반결합성 오비탈이기 때문이다.

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A stepwise interval arithmetic learning for spiking neural networks (Spiking Neural Networks 에서의 단계적 구간연산 학습)

  • Kyunghee Lee
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2024.10a
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    • pp.501-504
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    • 2024
  • 본 논문은 스파이킹 신경회로망(Spiking Neural Networks)에서 BP(Back Propagation)학습알고리즘에 대한 일반화 형태인 기존의 구간연산 학습알고리즘을 개선하여 스파이킹 뉴론(Spiking Neuron)들의 반응영역 범위를 학습 진행에 따라 조절이 가능한 단계적 구간학습 방안을 제안한다.또한, 간단한 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통하여 쿨롱에너지 포텐셜(Coulomb Energy Potential)을 가지는 스파이킹 신경회 로망에서 범위(Lower bound & Upper bound)의 값을 가지는 구간데이터(Interval data)와 하나의 값을 가지는 포인트데이터(Point data)가 혼재된 학습데이터에서의 제안한 학습방안의 타당성과 전문가시스템(expert system)에서의"don't care attributes"적용가능성을 보인다.

Energy production from organic waste by anaerobic treatment (I) : Hydrogen production from food waste (혐기성 처리에 의한 유기성 폐기물 에너지화 (I) : 음식폐기물의 수소화)

  • Han, Sun-Kee
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2011
  • Characteristics of hydrogen production from various food wastes in anaerobic batch reactors were evaluated to assess the energy potential of organic wastes. Organic wastes which were used in this study were scallion as vegetable, apple as fruit, rice as grain and pork as meat. Ultimate hydrogen yield of scallion, apple, rice and pork were 0.46, 0.47, 0.62 and $0.05mol\;H_2/mol\;hexose$, respectively. On the other hand, hydrogen production rates of scallion, apple, rice and pork were 0.013, 0.021, 0.014 and $0.005mol\;H_2/mol\;hexose/h$, respectively. These results indicated that anaerobic hydrogen fermentation from food waste except for meat was effective in removing organic material as well as producing renewable energy. Volatile fatty acids increased as hydraulic retention time was increased. In the hydrogen fermentation, acidification degree of rice was measured as the highest rate of 75.8% whereas pork was found as the lowest rate of 35.2%.

Numerical Study on Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Using a Multiphase Moving Particle Simulation Method (다상유동형 입자법을 이용한 Rayleigh-Taylor 불안정성의 수치해석)

  • Kim, Kyung Sung;Koo, Bonguk;Kim, Moo-Hyun;Park, Jong-Chun;Choi, Han-Suk;Cho, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2017
  • Complexity of multiphase flows due to existence of more than two interface including free-surface in one system, cannot be simulated easily. Since more than two fluids affect to flows and disturb interface, non-linearities such as instabilities can be appeared. Among several instabilities on multiphase flows, one of representative is Rayleigh-taylor instability. In order to examine in importance of density disparity, several cases with numerous Atwood number are set. Moreover, investigation of influence on initial disturbance were also considered. Moving particle simulation (MPS) method, which was employed in this paper, was not widely used for multiphase problem. In this study, by adding new particle interaction models such as self-buoyance correction, surface tension, and boundary condition at interface models, MPS were developed having more strength of physics and robust. By applying newly developed multiphase MPS, considered cases are performed and compared each other. Additionally, though existence of disagreement of magnitude of rising velocity between theoretical values from linear potential theory and that of numerical simulation, agreement of tendency can be proved of similarity of result. the discordance of magnitude can be explained due to non-linear effects on numerical simulation which was not considered in theoretical result.

Numerical Computations on the Hydrodynamic Forces by Internal Waves in a Sediment Pocket (퇴적 침전구에서 발생하는 내면파 유동에 의한 유체력 해석)

  • Kyoung Jo-Hyun;Kim Jang-Whan;Bai Kwang-June
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2004
  • A numerical method is developed to solve a two-dimensional diffraction problem for a body located in a sediment pocket where a heavier muddy water is trapped. In the present study, the wave exciting forces acting on a submerged body in the water-sediment interface by an incident wave is investigate. It is assumed that the heavier mud is trapped locally in a sediment pocket. A mathematical formulation is made in the scope of the potential theory. The fluid is assumed to be inviscid, incompressible and its motion irrotational. The boundary conditions on the unknown free surface and interface are linearized. As a method of solution, the localized finite-element method is adopted. In the method, the computation domain is reduced by utilizing the complete set of analytic solutions known in the infinite subdomain to be truncated by introduction of an appropriate juncture conditions. The main advantage of this method is that any complex geometry of the boundaries can be easily accommodated. Computations are carried out for mono-chromatic plane progressive surface waves normally incident on the domain. Numerical results are compared with those obtained by Lassiter based on Schwingers variational method. Good Agreements are obtained in general. Another numerical computations are made for the cases with and without a body in the sediment pocket.

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Verification of Soil Volumetric Water Content Measured by TDR, FDR Sensors (TDR, FDR 센서로 측정한 토양수분 함량의 정확성 검정)

  • Hur, Seung-Oh;Jung, Kang-Ho;Park, Chan-Won;Ha, Sang-Keon;Kim, Jeong-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2007
  • 관개나 수분수지 규명을 위한 기본적인 자료는 토양수분 함량이다. 그러나, 포장상태에서의 토양수분 함량은 직접 측정하는 것이 쉽지 않기 때문에 많은 경우 건조기를 이용한 중량수분 함량측정 방법을 이용하거나 토양수분 포텐셜 측정용인 텐시오미터를 이용한 토양수분의 에너지 특성을 관개에 활용하는 것이 현실이었다. 중량수분 함량은 시료를 채취해서 건조하기 때문에 시료채취 당시의 토양수분 함량을 아는 것이 어렵고, 토양수분 포텐셜은 에너지를 측정하는 것이기 때문에 이 역시 토양의 수분함량을 얻는 것이 불가능 하다. 따라서, 최근에 이런 측정상의 어려움을 극복하기 위해 여러 나라에서 포장에서의 토양수분 함량을 직접 측정하는 다양한 센서를 개발하고 있고 있다. 그 중 몇 가지는 현재 우리나라에 공급되고 있는데, 가격 등의 문제로 별로 알려져 있지는 않다. 센서는 현장에서 수분함량을 파악할 수 있는 장점이 있기 때문에 관개에 직접 적용이 가능하며 자동화시설이나 수분수지 모형 산정에도 활용할 수 있다. 본 시험은 우리나라에 소개되어 있는 몇 가지의 토양수분 측정용 센서를 현장에서 코어를 이용해 측정한 용적수분 함량과 비교하여 센서의 정확도나 이용 가능성을 검정하고자 하였다. 코어를 이용해 실측한 토양 용적수분 함량과 비교하고자 7종의 센서를 선택해 실험에 이용하였다. 가격이 비싼 것으로 알려진 TDR 형태의 센서가 2종이었으며, 나머지 5종은 FDR 형태의 센서였다. TDR 센서는 Soilmoisture사에서 제작한 MiniTrase와 Imko 사의 Trime이고, FDR은 Sentek사에서 개발한 EasyAG, EnviroSCAN과 Delta-T사에서 제작한 PR-1과 WET-2 및 Decagon사에서 제작한 $ECH_2O$ 센서였다. 실헙방법은 본량사양토인 포장에서 건조한 상태인 시험구와 물이 포화된 시험구를 만들어 놓고, 그곳에서 센서 종류별로, 측정 깊이별로 토양의 용적수분 함량을 측정하고, 센서로 측정한 위치 바로 옆에서 코어를 이용해 토양시료를 채취하고 이를 건조기에 건조해 용적수분 함량을 측정하였다. 비교결과 TDR인 MiniTrase가 결정계수$(r^2)$가 0.964이고 표준오차(SE)가 0.01로 좋은 결과를 보여줬고 WET-2가 $r^2$와 SE가 0.932와 0.013이였으며 EasyAG는 0.877과 0.0211, EnviroSCAN은 0.803과 0.0259의 값을 보였다. 일반적으로 토양수분 함량 측정오차가 1% 미만인 센서가 정확한 수분함량 해석을 유도할 것이지만 위의 센서 중 MiniTrase를 비롯한 4개의 센서 정도가 토양의 수분 함량을 측정하는데 유용할 것이라는 결론을 얻었다.

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Theoretical Study on Structural Properties of Phenthylamine Derivatives (페네틸아민 유도체의 구조적 특성에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • Lee, Chul Jae
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.761-766
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    • 2020
  • Phenylamine derivatives are substances that have a biochemical action and are widely applied as psychotropic drugs. In particular, with regard to the quantitative analysis of substances such as ephedrine, amphetamine, pentermine, and dopamine, many previous studies such as electrochemical, vacuum ultraviolet method, and gas chromatography have been conducted. However, there have not been many studies on the structural characteristics of molecular units. Therefore, In this study, we used (HyperChem8.0's, HC) semi-empirical PM3 method to calculate the total energy, band gap, electrostatic potential, and net charge of ephedrine, amphetamine, pentamine and dopamine to investigate the chemical properties of each derivative according to the molecular structure change. The results showed that for total energy -43,171.8, -32,9538.3, -36,407.3 and -43,061.2 Kcal/mol, respectively, while for band gaps, 10.16379377, 9.9531666, 9.7878002 and 9.0589282 eV. Also, for electrostatic potentials, 1.301~-0.045, 1.694~0.299, 0.694~-0.158 and 1.587~-0.048 respectively. Finally, looking at the distribution of net charges, the oxygen atoms, nitrogen atoms and carbon atoms were -0.312~-0.242, -0.161~-0.051 and +0.13~-0.12 respectively. These results are expected to lead to chemical action centered on phenyl radicals and oxygen and nitrogen atoms common to phenethylamine derivatives.

Local Electronic Structures of $SiO_2$ Polymorph Crystals: Insights from O K-edge Energy-Loss Near-Edge Spectroscopy (산소 K-전자껍질 에너지-손실 흡수끝-부근 구조 양자계산을 이용한 $SiO_2$ 동질이상 광물의 전자구조 연구)

  • Yi, Yoo-Soo;Lee, Sung-Keun
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.403-411
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    • 2010
  • Essentials of understanding the geochemical evolution and geophysical processes in Earth's system are macroscopic properties and atomistic (and electronic) structures of Earth materials. Recent advances in quantum calculations based on the density functional theory allow us to unveil the previously unknown details of local atomic structures in diverse silicates in Earth's interior. Here, we report the O K-edge ELNES (energy-loss near-edge structure; ELNES) spectra and PLDOS (partial local density of states) for oxygen atoms in ${\alpha}$-quartz and stishovite using the quantum calculations based on FP-LAPW (full potential linearized augmented plane wave). The calculated O K-edge ELNES spectrum of ${\alpha}$-quartz shows a strong peak at ~538 eV due to comer-sharing oxygen linking two $SiO_4$ tetrahedra and that for stishovite shows two distinct peaks at ~537 and ~543 eV corresponding to edge-sharing oxygen linking $SiO_6$ octahedra. The significant differences in spectral features of O K-edge ELNES spectra suggest that the O K-edge features can be useful indicator to distinguish various oxygen sites in diverse crystal and amorphous silicates in the Earth's interior.

Performance Analysis of Wave Energy Converter Using a Submerged Pendulum Plate (몰수형 진자판을 이용한 파력발전장치의 성능해석)

  • Cho, Il Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2017
  • The parametric study was performed for performance enhancement of wave energy converter(WEC) using a submerged pendulum plate. The wave exciting moment and hydrodynamic moment were obtained by means of eigenfunction expansion method based on the linear potential theory, and then the roll response of a pendulum plate and time averaged extracted power were investigated. The optimal PTO damping coefficient was suggested to give optimal extracted power. The peak value of optimal extracted power occurs at the resonant frequency. The resonant peak and it's width increase, as the height and thickness of a pendulum plate increase. The mooring line installed at the end of the pendulum plate is effective for extracting wave energy because it can not only induce the resonance with the waves of the installation site but also increase the restoring moment in case of PTO-on. The WEC using a rolling pendulum plate suitable for the shallow water acts as breakwater as well as energy extraction device.