• Title/Summary/Keyword: 폐장염

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Hexamethylene diisocyanate의 건강영향과 관리

  • Cha, Cheol-Hwan
    • 월간산업보건
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    • s.102
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 1996
  • 최근 Isocyanate의 일종으로 Hexamethylene diisocyanate(HDI)가 사용되고, 주로 자동차의 도장공을 중심으로 천식이나 과민성 폐장염의 보고가 증가하고 있다. 과거 20년에 걸친 주된 문헌을 요약해 보았다.

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A Case of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis by Alternaria as a Suspected Etiology (Alternaria가 원인으로 추정되는 과민성 폐장염 1예)

  • Do, Yun Kyung;Kim, Yeon Jae;Kang, Hyun Jae;Yu, Kyung Sul;Yun, Hae Jin;Jun, Jae Hyun;Lee, Byung Ki;Song, Do Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.338-345
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    • 2003
  • A 65-year-old man was admitted due to low grade fever, dry coughing, and dyspnea on exertion. The chest radiograph and CT scan showed diffuse ground glass opacities and small nodules in the both lung fields resulting in a diagnosis of severe interstitial pneumonia. Conservative treatment with antibiotics and bronchodilators decreased the symptoms, but the dyspnea and cough reappeared when he returned home. An inspection of his house revealed the presence of fungi under the wallpaper. His symptoms disappeared completely after these were removed. His clinical course raised the suspicion of hypersensitivity pneumonitis and these fungi believed to be the cause of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The histological findings of a lung specimen by video-assisted thorachoscopy were compatible with hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The fungi were identified as Alternaria.

A Case of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Following Placenta Extract Injection (태반 추출물 주사 후 발생한 과민성 폐장염 1예)

  • Lee, Sang Seok;Choo, Young Kwang;Bang, Chang Seok;Kim, Youn Seup;Park, Jae Seuk;Jee, Young Koo;Kim, Doh Hyung;Myong, Na Hye
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.66 no.6
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    • pp.471-476
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    • 2009
  • Human placenta contains various kinds of nutritional elements essential for embryonic development. Currently, human placenta extracts are widely overused in Korea to improve certain health conditions (postmenopausal syndrome, liver function, and cosmetic purposes) without scientific evidence that they actually work. The use of placenta extracts should be restricted, due to a lack of systematic research on the therapeutic effectiveness and adverse results from these treatments. While the common adverse effects that have been reported are fever, rash, itching, nausea, vomiting, breast pain, and rare cases of anaphylactic shock, there have been no reports of pulmonary complications such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Recently, we experienced a patient with hypersensitivity pneumonitis following a placenta extract injection. To our knowledge, this is the first case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis associated with placenta extract use.

A Case of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Caused by Methotrexate (Methotrexate에 의한 약제 유발 과민성 폐렴 1례)

  • Suh, Hyun Joo;Chung, Man Pyo;Park, Eun Ha;Shin, Sung Chul;Jeon, Kyeong Man;Yu, Chang Min;Pyun, Yu Jang;Lee, Kyung Soo;Han, Joungho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 2004
  • Background : Methotrexate (MTX) has been used to treat a wide range of malignant and benign diseases including osteosarcoma, advanced stage non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, psoriasis, severe rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, and Wegener's granulomatosis. MTX-induced lung injury occurs in up to 10% of treated patients. Although both acute and chronic presentations have been described, typical manifestation of MTX-induced lung injury is subacute with symptoms usually developing within several months after starting therapy. Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) is the most common histopathologic manifestation of MTX-induced lung disease, while bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) and diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) are less common. Granuloma formation is reported in 34.7%. In Korea, Two reports of MTX pneumonitis have been published. The one presented with NSIP and the other with DAD. We recently experienced a case of MTX pneumonitis with presentation of hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

A case of pelvic paragonimiasis combined with myoma uteri and pelvic inflammatory disease (자궁근종과 골반염에 동반된 골반내 폐흡충증 1례)

  • 이연희;박은희
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.295-297
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    • 1993
  • Pcrosonimr westermani is a lung fluke of humans that Is usually found in the lunes but may be fecund elsewhere in many unusual locations. A case of pelvic paragonimiasis was found incidentally by surgical intervention of inamatov disease and myoma uteri. She was a 51-year-old Korean woman complaining of lower abdominal pain and intermittent vaginal spotting. Numerous Porosonimus ova were observed in the reseated omentum in the pelvis after total abdominal hysterectomy. It is suggested that pelvic paragonimiasis may be one of causative agents of pelvic inflammatory disease.

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The first case of summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis in Korea (Trichosporon cutaneum에 의한 summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis 1예)

  • Lee, Seung-Joon;Kim, Gye-Soo;Lee, Jae-Cheol;Yoo, Churl-Gyoo;Kim, Young-Whan;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Y.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.280-284
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    • 1996
  • We report the first case of summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis(SHP) in Korea diagnosed by positive serum antibodies to Trichosporon cutaneum. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis(HP) has been commonly classified as an occupational respiratory diseases. However, evidence that sensitizing organisms can also contaminate and cause pulmonary diseases in home environment has been increasing. One such disease is SHP. In Japan, 75% of cases with HP are SHP. Even though there has been no known SHP case in Korea yet, there has been high possibility of SHPs in Korea because our country has areas which have hot and humid summer climate similar to Japan. This first case of SHP in Korea suggests that there may be another cases in Korea and nation-wide survey may be required. We report here the first confirmed case of SHP in Korea.

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A Comparative Study of Ultrastructural Changes due to Two Bovine Herpes Viruses (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus and Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus) (두 종류(種類)의 소의 Herpes Virus에 대한 미세구조변화(微細構造變化)의 비교연구(比較硏究) (소의 전염성비기관염 바이러스와 악성카탈열 바이러스))

  • Seo, Ik Soo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 1979
  • Herpes virus인 소의 전염성 비기관염 바이러스와 악성 카탈열 바이러스의 형태(形態)와 그 형성과정(形成過程)(형태발생(形態發生))을 조직배양(組織培養)에서 각기 시험(試驗)하였다. 이 두 종류(種類)의 바이러스는 herpes virus의 특징적(特徵的)인 구조(構造)를 가지나 그 형태발생(形態發生)이 상이(相異)함을 밝혔다. 1. 소의 전염성비기관염(傳染性鼻氣管炎) 바이러스 (IBRV/CT3) 배양에서 그 바이러스의 envelope는 세포질막(細胞質膜)으로부터 유래(由來)됨을 밝혔다. 2. IBRV/CT3 배양에서 envelope는 가진 바이러스는 세포핵내(細胞核內)에는 전혀 나타나지 않았다. 3. 소의 악성(惡性)카탈열(熱) 바이러스(MCFV/C500)의 배양에서 그 바이러스의 envelope는 세포핵막(細胞核膜)으로부터 유래(由來)됨을 밝혔다. 4. 소의 악성(惡性)카탈열(熱) 바이러스(MCFV/C500)에 감염(感染)된 토끼의 폐장(肺臟)에서 얻은 macrophage에 대해 바이러스의 소재(所在)를 추구(追究)한바, 이 바이러스는 macrophage의 세포질내(細胞質內)에만 존재(存在)함을 밝혔다. 그리고 이 바이러스는 탐식(貪食)된 바이러스임을 알았다.

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The Effect of the Extents of Pleural Thickening in Tuberculous Pleurisy on the Impairment of Pulmonary Function (흉막비후의 정도가 폐기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Young-Kyoung;Na, Moon-Jun;Yun, Bo-Ra;Lee, Won-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.240-247
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    • 2001
  • Background : Tuberculous pleurisy treatments improve symptoms such as fever, chest pain, cough, and prevents the progression to active pulmonary tuberculosis and the development of residual pleural thickening that decrease diaphragm and rib cage movement This study investigated how the degree of residual pleural thickening affects the pulmonary function. Methods : Fifty seven patients who were initially diagnosed as having tuberculous pleurisy, were treated with anti-tuberculous medication for 6 months and had residual pleural thickening between May 1998 and January 2000 at the Eulji university hospital were reviewed. A chest X-ray and pulmonary function test(PFT, Sensormedics 2200) were performed. The predicted value(%) of the forced vital capacity(FVC), forced inspiratory vital capacity(FNC) and total lung capacity(TLC) were measured. The residual pleural thickening was defined the average of the summation in the lateral chest at the level of the imaginary line intersecting from the cardiophrenic angle to the diaphragmatic dome and the lowest part of the costophrenic angle between them. The results were sorted into three grades according to pleural thickness ; <2mm(grade I), 2~10mm(grade II), 10mm(grade III). Results : 1. FVC(% pred) and FIVC(% pred) were statistically different between grade I and III, and II and III. However, there was no difference between the TLC(% pred) between each of the groups. 2. The pleural thickness that cause restrictive dysfunction(FVC<80%) and a statistically difference, is 3mm. Conclusion : The larger the extent of the residual pleural thickness after antituberculous medication, the greater the reduction in the FVC, FIVC, TLC. A pleural thickness of 3mm is recommended as a guideline for diagnosing a restrictive pulmonary dysfunction.

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