• Title/Summary/Keyword: 평판형 디지털 방사선 검출기

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An Optimal Structure of a Novel Flat Panel Detector to Reduce Scatter Radiation for Clinical Usage: Performance Evaluation with Various Angle of Incident X-ray (산란선 제거를 위한 신개념 간접 평판형 검출기의 임상적용을 위한 최적 구조 : 입사 X선 각도에 따른 성능평가)

  • Yoon, Yongsu
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.533-542
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    • 2017
  • In diagnostic radiology, the imaging system has been changed from film/screen to digital system. However, the method for removing scatter radiation such as anti-scatter grid has not kept pace with this change. Therefore, authors have devised the indirect flat panel detector (FPD) system with net-like lead in substrate layer which can remove the scattered radiation. In clinical context, there are many radiographic examinations with angulated incident X-ray. However, our proposed FPD has net-like lead foil so the vertical lead foil to the angulate incident X-ray would have bad effect on its performance. In this study, we identified the effect of vertical/horizontal lead foil component on the novel system's performance and improved the structure of novel system for clinical usage with angulated incident X-ray. Grid exposure factor and image contrast were calculated to investigate various structure of novel system using Monte Carlo simulation software when the incident X-ray was tilted ($0^{\circ}$, $15^{\circ}$, and $30^{\circ}$ from the detector plane). More photons were needed to obtain same image quality in the novel system with vertical lead foil only then the system with horizontal lead foil only. An optimal structure of novel system having different heights of its vertical and horizontal lead foil component showed improved performance compared with the novel system in a previous study. Therefore, the novel system will be useful in a clinical context with the angulated incident X-ray if the height and direction of lead foil in the substrate layer are optimized as the condition of conventional radiography.

Development of $14"{\times}8.5"$ active matrix flat-panel digital x-ray detector system and Imaging performance (평판 디지털 X-ray 검출기의 개발과 성능 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ji-Koon;Choi, Jang-Yong;Kang, Sang-Sik;Lee, Dong-Gil;Seok, Dae-Woo;Nam, Sang Hee
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2003
  • Digital radiographic systems based on solid-state detectors, commonly referred to as flat-panel detectors, are gaining popularity in clinical practice. Large area, flat panel solid state detectors are being investigated for digital radiography. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the active matrix flat panel digital x-ray detectors in terms of their modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). In this paper, development and evaluation of a selenium-based flat-panel digital x-ray detector are described. The prototype detector has a pixel pitch of $139\;{\mu}m$ and a total active imaging area of $14{\times}8.5\;inch^2$, giving a total 3.9 million pixels. This detector include a x-ray imaging layer of amorphous selenium as a photoconductor which is evaporated in vacuum state on a TFT flat panel, to make signals in proportion to incident x-ray. The film thickness was about $500\;{\mu}m$. To evaluate the imaging performance of the digital radiography(DR) system developed in our group, sensitivity, linearity, the modulation transfer function(MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS) and detective quantum efficiency(DQE) of detector was measured. The measured sensitivity was $4.16{\times}10^6\;ehp/pixel{\cdot}mR$ at the bias field of $10\;V/{\mu}m$ : The beam condition was 41.9\;KeV. Measured MTF at 2.5\;lp/mm was 52%, and the DQE at 1.5\;lp/mm was 75%. And the excellent linearity was showed where the coefficient of determination ($r^2$) is 0.9693.

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X-ray properties measurement of Flat panel Digital X-ray gas detector (평판형 디지털 엑스레이 가스 검출기의 엑스선 특성 측정기술에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Min-Seok;Cho, Sung-Ho;Oh, Kyung-Min;Jung, Suk-Hee;Nam, Sang-Hee;Park, Ji-Goon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 2009
  • The Recently, large area matrix-addressed image detectors are investigated for X-ray imaging with medical diagnostic and other applications. In this paper, a new flat panel gas detector for diagnostic X-ray imaging is proposed, and its characteristics are investigated. The research of flat panel gas detector is not exist at all. Because of difficulty to inject gas against to atmospheric pressure. So almost gas detector made by chamber shape. We made flat panel sample by display technique. (ex: PDP, Fed, etc.) The experimental measurements, the transparent electrodes, dielectric layer, and the MgO protection layer were formed in front glass. And, the X-ray phosphor layer and address electrodes are formed in the rare glass. The dark current, the x-ray sensitivity and linearity as a function of electric field were measured to investigate the electrical properties. From the results, the stabilized dark current density and the significant x-ray sensitivity were obtained. And the good linearity as a function of exposure dose was showed in wide diagnostic energy range. These results means that the passive matrix-addressed flat panel gas detector can be used for digital x-ray imaging.

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Image Quality Evaluation of Digital X-ray Image and Film Image using Contrast Method (Contrast Method를 이용한 디지털 X선 영상과 필름 영상의 영상 질(Quality) 평가)

  • Park, Ji-Koon;Jung, Bong-Jae;Choi, Jang-Yong;Kang, Sang-Sik
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, an image quality evaluation of amorphous selenium based x-ray system was performed using modulation transfer function (MTF) measurement. MTF as a main factor of imaging quality evaluation was investigated by contrast method from acquired test pattern image. The MTF value was measured to 36.1% at 3.0 lp/mm which is twice as high as that in the film image. Compared with other studies, the results demonstrate that amorphous selenium based x-ray detector is clinically meaningful.

DR (Digital Radiography) 적용을 위한 Biology 초음파 특수용매를 이용한 $PbI_2$ 합성법

  • Kim, Seong-Heon;Yun, Min-Seok;O, Gyeong-Min;Kim, Yeong-Bin;Lee, Sang-Hun;Jo, Gyu-Seok;Park, Hye-Jin;Nam, Sang-Hui
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.146-146
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    • 2009
  • 최근에 광도전체와 형광체를 기반으로 평판형 디지털 방사선 검출기의 상업적 발전가능성에 많은 관심을 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 기존의 직접변환방식에 널리 사용되었던 비정질 셀레늄 (amorphous selenium) 기반의 디지털 방사선 검출기보다 높은 전기적신호 및 동작특성을 가지는 물질층을 제작하기 위해 High Purity (99.99%)의 상용화된 $PbI_2$를 특수용매에 담가두었다가 약 1시간동안 Biology 초음파 처리한 후 농축기를 사용하여 건조된 $PbI_2$를 3Roll-milling을 사용하여 미세크기의 Powder를 얻어내었다. 합성된 $PbI_2$ Powder를 PIB(Particle-in-Binder)법을 이용하여 전도성을 가진 ITO(Indium-tin-oxide)코팅된 유리판에 제작된 필름의 상부에 Magnetron sputtering system 을 사용하여 전극을 $1cm{\times}1cm$의 크기로 증착하였다. I-V 테스트를 통하여 X선 조사시 $PbI_2$필름의 Sensitivity, Dark current, SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)을 측정하여 필름의 전기적 검출 특성을 정량적으로 평가하였고 SEM(scanning electron microscope)을 통하여 입자의 크기를 관찰하였다.

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A Study on Quality Control for Medical Image by Using Deviation Index of Digital Radiology (디지털 방사선 영상의 편차지수를 이용한 의료영상 품질관리에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hoi-Woun;Min, Jung-Whan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2020
  • In a digital radiation system using a Flat Panel Detector, we attempted to the quality control of digital radiography system using the Exposure Index and Deviation Index. Calibration was performed with the radiation quality suggested by the International Electrotechnical Commission, and through an experiment using a phantom, appropriate inspection radiation conditions applicable to medical institutions were selected. The study was conducted using the selected radiation conditions. Through those chest posterior anterior image, information such as examination conditions and exposure index was obtained. The deviation index was derived by analyzing the exposure index based on the target exposure index calculated by the phantom study. As for the analyzed exposure index, 97.1% was distributed within the range of ± 2.0 based on the deviation index. Quality control of medical images should be performed through management of inspection conditions through exposure index and deviation index and management of medical images.

Dose Reduction According to Geometric Parameters of Digital Cerebral Angiography (두개부 혈관 조영검사 시 기하학적 특성에 따른 선량 감소 방안)

  • Park, Chan Woo;Cho, Pyong Kon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to find geometric parameters that the radiologist can change from time to time to reduce dose in angiography examinations. Depending on the geometric characteristics, the values calculated by effective dose were compared, while filming in fluoroscopy mode and Digital subtraction angiography, respectively. The study found that the lower the dose was in FPS mode, the lower the dose was reduced to 30-40%. Doses according to the X-ray angle were measured highest in AP View and lower as the angle went in the head direction. The greater the FOV, the higher the dose was 1.2-1.6 times, and the closer the distance between the X-ray tube and the table, the greater the dose was about 10%. Source-image intensifier distance (SID) get longer to 100 mm, dose of each fluoroscopy and Digital subtraction angiography increase up to 25-30%. In conclusion, various geometric characteristics in angiography examinations are parameters that can be applied by radiographers as frequently as possible, and appropriate geometric properties can be considered and applied in various situations, resulting in appropriate dose reduction.

Evaluation of Image Quality for Scattered X-rays using in Digital Radiography (디지털방사선영상에서 산란선의 영상특성 평가)

  • Kim, Hansol;Kim, Changsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.395-403
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    • 2022
  • Flat-panel detector (FPD) used in digital radiographic imaging systems was used to perform a quantitative power spectrum evaluation as a result of the thickness change of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), a tissue equivalent. As the PMMA thickness increases with the resolution-chart phantom image, the effect of the scattering line increases, indicating that the modulation characteristics decrease, and the image is bright. The results show that the noise of the image increases, and noise-power spectral images are obtained by Fourier transform to confirm by spatial frequency. Thus, it can be verified that the PMMA thickness and noise are proportional through the result of evaluating the change of resolution characteristics and representing the 2D noise-power spectrum as one-dimensional values by evaluating the change of scattering line with MTF as the PMMA thickness increases in the image.

Research on Image Quality and Effective dose by Exposure Index Variation (Exposure Index변화에 따른 Image Quality와 Effective dose에 대한 연구: a Monte Carlo Simulation Study)

  • Kim, Hyun Soo;Jeong, Jae Ho;Lee, Jong Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2013
  • Comparing with film-screen system, flat-panel detector has extensive dynamic range. Focusing flat-panel detector, whole body human phantom PBU-50 (Kyoto, kagaku, Japan) was used to perform comparative study of the estimate of image quality and exposure dose. the exposure condition was 81kV and 20mAs, which is used for Abdomen supine exam in clinical area. As a result of the kV change of the interpreted medical image which has over 30dB of PSNR value, the value of DAP shows the difference of 19.6 times. Moreover, the result of comparing kV change with effective dose of ICRP 103 shows that stochastic effect was increased by over exposure. Therefore, it is significantly necessary that digital radiation technical chart will be used to obtain high quality image and make the standard of dose by educating radio-technologist continually.

Ghosting Artifacts in Digital Radiography (디지털 방사선영상에서 고스팅 아티팩트)

  • Jung, Wonhee;Chon, Kwonsu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.377-382
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    • 2014
  • Because of using computer system in the field of medical radiology, many artifacts which can not be seen in film/screen system are being created, especially ghosting artifacts. This artifacts could be yielded by taking advantage of a flat panel Thin-Film Transistor array detector. Ghosting artifacts can be rarely seen in clinical practice when an image that has a high-contrast object within a region of high exposure is quickly followed by another image that puts the high-contrast ghosting image in an area of lower radiation exposure. In this experiment, the ghosting artifacts were minimized for approximately 3 minutes with the unaided eye and almost disappeared for 6 minutes quantitatively between exposures. Moreover, the artifacts were influenced by more tube voltage than current and those depended not upon the number of readout cycles, but upon time.