• Title/Summary/Keyword: 편집요소

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Current State of the Development of Traditional Korean Gardens, and Problems Aspects, in Overseas Countries (한국전통정원의 해외 조성 현황 및 문제점 양상)

  • Park, Eun-Yeong;Yoon, Sang-Jun;Hong, Kwang-Pyo;Hwang, Min-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2013
  • This study is a basic study to develop standards and foundations for the establishment of traditional Korean gardens and aims to understand the current status of their components and expression methods and identify problems by investigating Korean gardens developed overseas. Nine sites were selected for field surveys and monitoring assessments. The results suggest: Overall, there is a lack of popular generality and temporal characteristics among these gardens, as they are mere reproductions of historical elements. There have also been errors of traditional and experimental interpretations. In terms of design aspects, traditional gardens are primarily compilations of landscape elements and certain ornamental features. In terms of landscape, they tend to be insufficient in parlaying appropriate spatial scales and experiential hierarchies; they also lack considerations of the context of neighbouring landscapes. In terms of guidance and information delivery, there is a worldwide lack, in general, of recognition of Korean gardens, given the broad variety of names attached to them; therefore, name standardization is recommended. In terms of development, management, and use, it is essential that designers suggest plant types, as well as alternatives, that match the characteristics of a given space; a receptive attitude vis-$\grave{a}$-vis the characteristics of their use is required.

Digital Restoration of Ring-Pommeled Sword by Using Technology of 3D Shape Information Processing (3차원 형상정보 처리기술을 이용한 환두대도의 디지털 원형복원)

  • Kim Young-Won;Jun Byung-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2005
  • Culture Technology is the basic technology which produces cultural contents in a narrow sense. All nations do their best in order to create new contents which can form international and cultural sympathy. If a variety of contents are created by applying Korean proper cultural heritages, they will be creative and competitive internationally. Therefore, technology of original cultural restoration is an essential and crucial skill. In this paper, 'gilt bronze dragon-phoenix ring-pommeled sword', a cultural heritage of baekje age, will be restored to the original form digitally on the basis of three-dimensional shape-information processing technology and the scientifically analyzed data. First of all, data from three-dimensional scanning is revised using stuffing and smoothing methods after sampling, extracting characteristics, and align. Then, they are modeled in a curved surface with NURBS and B-Spline. Secondly, textures are edited by estimating the color of components and the quality of materials, and then they are mapped. Original form model which was made was revised and corrected by specialists' examinations. The digitally revised ring-pommeled sword was combined with information technology, and it can be used to revise damaged cultural heritages by constructing formal database of ring-pommeled sword with regard to age, area and type. It can be also used as educational contents in archaeology or preservation science and cultural contents such as movies, broadcasts, games, animations and so on.

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A Plan to Maximizing the Visual Immersion of 3D Media Art (3D 미디어아트의 시각적 몰입감 극대화 방안)

  • Kim, Ki-Bum;Kim, Kyoung-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.659-669
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    • 2015
  • Recently, media art is transforming from analogue to 'digital', and from 2D to '3D'. In particular, the range of utilizing 3D Media Art is getting wider through merging with other genres of contents in the digital environments, such as Media façade, Hologram, Virtual reality, App application, and etc. Therefore, by referring to the 3D award-winning works of Pirx Ars Electronica, which are regarded as the most outstanding works of media art of today, factors that affect sensation of visual immersion have been analyzed, through which strategies for maximizing viewers' interests in media arts and heightening their emotions while viewing have been determined. Based on the findings of the study, it has been shown that such works of media arts that involve development of concepts with 'creativity' and 'variability' from the perspective of visual concept, such as 3D modeling and mapping, with 'consistency' through out all concepts, as well as the works with stronger 'restriction' of concept within its animation and postproduction, attracted more interests from the viewer. From the point of view with visual four steps in composition, positioning the change in quality of 3D 'shape' and 'material' following the four-step rule, and gradual increase of change in quantity within the 'number' and 'size', in addition to increased degree of systematization within the change in editing, such as the 'scene change', resulted in more heightened emotions from the viewer. Thus, in order to maximize sensation of visual immersion, strategies for 'developing 3D visual concepts' while 'synchronizing' them, as well as 'strengthening the four steps within 3D visual composition' while 'systematizing' them should be emphasized.

A Study on Knowledge.Information Service with Electronic Culture Maps (전자문화지도를 활용한 지식정보서비스 연구 -조선족문화지도 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dong-Hun;Kim, Sang-Hyeon;Moon, Hyun-Joo
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.1316-1320
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    • 2009
  • Since most information is readily available these days, the shear volume of the information simply overwhelms people, rather than helping them as a form of useful knowledge. Thus, the quantity of information someone owns doesn't possess much significance. The possibility to well-utilize the quality information is much more important these days. Electronic culture map service is being provided these days to introduce various cultural information to people around the world. But its service is limited to 'visualization, collection, and integration of the data.' Which means, electronic culture maps are no more than a simple data collector. The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a new kind of knowledge/information service method which overcomes these shortcomings. To achieve this goal, at first, the thesis will take a close look at the characteristics and functions of Chosunjock culture maps, and then, it will clarify the definition of data, information, knowledge of cultural resources. And secondly, nd thirdly, the thesis will look up the Wayfinding contents, User Experience Design, User Context, and Organic design for knowledge/information service. And lastly, the thesis will develop the knowledge/information service, specifically based on Chosunjock cultural resources.

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Clinical Analysis of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for Ischemic Heart Disease (허혈성 심질환의 치료에서 관동맥우회술의 임상적 고찰)

  • Jung, Tae-Eun
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 1996
  • From August 1992 to July 1996, 63 consecutive patients underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. The mean age of these patient was 57 years(range form 30 to 71years). There were 44 men and 19 women. Preoperative 12 patients had stable angina pectoris and 23 patients were unstable angina pectoris. 8 patients had previous myocardial infarctation history and emergency or urgent myocardial revascularization were performed in 9 cases. In the risk factors of coronary atherosclerosis, 25 patients(40%) were hypercholesterolemia, 38 patients(60%) have smoking history and 19 patients(30%) have hypertension history. In the patterns of disease, 9 patients were single vessel disease, 18 patients were two vessele disease and 33 patients were three vessel disease. We performed total 284 distal anastomosis(mean 3.5 anastomosis per patient) and performed one case of ascending aorta graft interposition, two cases of mitral valve replacement, one case of aortic valve replacement, one case of ventricular septal defect repair and one case of atrial septal defect repair and the mean aortic cross clamp time was 115.3 minutes. The common complications were arrhythmia(7cases), wound infection(5cases), perioperative myocardial infarction(4cases), reoperation for bleeding control(4cases) and stroke(4cases). There were six hospital deaths due to low cardiac output syndrome, ventricular arrhythmia and respiratory failure. In the evaluation of operative risk factors, preoperative intravenous nitroglycerin requirement and prolonged aortic cross clamp tirne(>2hours) were found to be predective factor of morbidity and old age(>65years) was found to be predective factor of mortality.

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Analysis of Compression Behavior on Intervertebral Disc L4-5 in Pedicle Screw System Instrumented Lumbar Spine under Follower Load (척추경 나사못을 이용한 척추 유합술에서 고정범위에 따른 인접 추간판의 압축 거동 분석)

  • Ahn, Myun-Whan;Ahn, Jong-Chul;Lee, Su-Ho;Chung, Il-Sub;Lee, Choon-Yeol;Lee, Jang-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.160-168
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    • 2003
  • Background: Confirm the stability of intervertebral disc sustaining each fused lumbar spine cases, comparing vertical compression, A-P shear force and rotational moment on intervertebral disc of instrumented lumbar spine with simple vertical compression load and follower load using finite element analysis. Materials and Methods: We analyze the stability of intervertebral disc L4-5 supporting fused lumbar spine segments. After performing finite element modelling about L1-L5 lumbar vertebral column and L1-L4 each fusion level pedicle screw system for fused lumbar spine fine element model. Intervertebral discs with complex structure and mechanical properties was modeled using spring element that compensate stiffness and tube-to-tube contact element was employed to give follower load. Performing geometrical non-linear analysis. Results: The differences of intervertebral disc L4-5 behavior under the follower compression load in comparision with vertical compression load are as follows. Conclusion: As a result of finite element interpretation of instrumented lumbar spine, the stability of L4-5 sustaining fused lumbar segment, the long level fused lumbar spine observed hing stability under follower load. This research method can be the basis tool of effects prediction for instrumentation, a invention of a more precious finite element interpretation model which consider the role of muscle around the spine is loaded.

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A Design Suggestion of Fairy Tales for the Silver Applying to the Service Design (서비스디자인을 적용한 실버대상 동화책의 디자인적 제안)

  • Li, Shu;Oh, Chi-Guy
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.491-501
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    • 2016
  • As the population of silver generation is increased, there are emerged the aging society and the silver industry as social issues. Previous studies in the fields of library & information science, education, the industrial art science suggested the need for fairy tale books for the silver generation, and from the design perspective, the characteristics of fairy tale books for the silver generation were analyzed. A fairy tale book is not only a medium delivering some information, but also a platform that a writer provides services to readers. Therefore, the purpose of this study aimed to suggest the importance of sensual experience on the design of fairy book for the silver generation, and to analyze such kind of fairy book's format, grid, typography, type, edition structure, image, layout, cover, paper, printing and production on the basis of five senses. According to the findings of this study, it was found that fairy tale books for the silver generation had different characteristics(type, picture, color, paper, etc.) from those for children, and it would be desirable to make designs for fairy tale books for the silver generation under the silver generation's esthetics standards with considering the silver generation's physiological, psychological factors. It is expected that this study would become a good foundation for more intensive researches for fairy tale books for the silver generation in future and would also be theoretically helpful in developing fairy tale books for the silver generation in future.

Evaluation of the Mental Health Status of the Aged by Zung's Self-rating Anxiety Scale (불안척도에 의한 노인들의 정신건강)

  • Lee, Jung-Hoon;Park, Byung-Tak;Cheung, Sung-Douk;Kang, Pock-Soo;Chung, Jong-Hak
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 1984
  • The authors studied on anxiety, using Zung's self-rating anxiety scale (SAS), on the subjects of 329 men and 522 women of 60 years old and older. This study was carried out for 8 months from November 1983 to June 1984 in the area of Seoul, Taegu and Kyungsan Gun, Kyungpook province. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the means of total anxiety scores between the two groups of men and women. The anxiety scores in items of sweating, apprehension, dyspnea, restlessness and insomnia were relatively high in both groups. The scores of faintness, panic, fear, tremor and facial flushing were low in both groups. Among 329 men, 48(14.6%) showed rather serious anxiety level of score 50 or higher, while 153 of 522 women (29.4%) showed the same score. Among these psychosocial factors, suppoter, living place, religion and security system are significantly related with anxiety scores in both groups (p<0.01).

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A Study on the Illustrations of Male and Female on the Middle School 「Technology·Home Economics」 Textbooks from the Gender Equality Perspective (양성평등 관점에서 본 중학교 「기술·가정」 교과서의 남녀 삽화 연구)

  • Lee, Eun Seon;Jun, Mikyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 2019
  • This study reviewed the Technology & Home Economics Education textbooks to examine if their illustrations would be appropriate for students' balanced view of gender. To this end, the textbooks of 'Technology & Home Economics Education 1 and 2' from 12 publishers (24 books in total) were analyzed focusing on the formative and content characteristics of illustrations in the textbooks. The results of this study is as follows. There were areas in the textbooks that may not be considered gender-equal. Although the textbooks have been improved to some extent from the previous versions, they still show gender stereotypes biased towards men. If students are constantly exposed to the prescriptive characteristics that are in favor of certain gender, they would find it difficult to develop their personality strengths, due to the gender role pressures. In order to help students cultivate sensitivity and activism toward the gender equality issues, it is important that the textbooks are gender-equal. To summarize, in order to suggest to students a balanced image of society with male and female cooperating with each other in diverse domains, it is deemed necessary to constantly examine and revise the textbooks for their gender stereotypic contents, and thereby, improve them for gender equality.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (만성 피로증후군)

  • Jung, Seung-Pil;Lee, Keun-Mi
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2007
  • The chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (abbreviated CFIDS or CFS) is a disorder characterized by debilitating fatigue(over 6 months.), along with cognitive, musculoskeletal, and sleep abnormalities. The etiology of this illness is unlikely to be a single agent. Findings to date suggest that physiological and psychological factors work together to predispose and perpetuate the illness. Diagnosis is made difficult by the nonspecific clinical findings and no available diagnostic testing. With no known cause or cure for the chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, treatment is based on relieving symptoms and improving the quality of life of affected patients. There is emerging evidence that chronic fatigue syndrome may be familial. In the future, studies will examine the extent to which genetic and environmental factors play a role in the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Most patients with CFS have psychiatric problems such as a generalized anxiety disorder, or major or minor depression, therefore, these mental health disorders may be correlated with the pathophysiology of the CFS. The treatment for CFS must be individualized, due to the heterogeneity of the CFS population. Also the treatment of CFS is built on a foundation of patient-physician relationship, respect and advocacy.

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