• Title/Summary/Keyword: 퍼지 측정값

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Pattern Recognition Improvement of an Ultrasonic Sensor System Using Neuro-Fuzzy Signal Processing (초음파센서 시스템의 패턴인식 개선을 위한 뉴로퍼지 신호처리)

  • Na, Seung-You;Park, Min-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.35S no.12
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 1998
  • Ultrasonic sensors are widely used in various applications due to advantages of low cost, simplicity in construction, mechanical robustness, and little environmental restriction in usage. But for the application of object recognition, ultrasonic sensors exhibit several shortcomings of poor directionality which results in low spatial resolution of objects, and specularity which gives frequent erroneous range readings. The time-of-flight(TOF) method generally used for distance measurement can not distinguish small object patterns of plane, corner or edge. To resolve the problem, an increased number of the sensors in the forms of a linear array or 2-dimensional array of the sensors has been used. Also better resolution has been obtained by shifting the array in several steps using mechanical actuators. Also simple patterns are classified based on analyzing signal reflections. In this paper we propose a method of a sensor array system with improved capability in pattern distinction using electronic circuits accompanying the sensor array, and intelligent algorithm based on neuro-fuzzy processing of data fusion. The circuit changes transmitter output voltages of array elements in several steps. A set of different return signals from neighborhood sensors is manipulated to provide enhanced pattern recognition in the aspects of inclination angle, size and shift as well as distance of objects. The results show improved resolution of the measurements for smaller targets.

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Position Estimation of a Mobile Robot Based on USN and Encoder and Development of Tele-operation System using Internet (USN과 회전 센서를 이용한 이동로봇의 위치인식과 인터넷을 통한 원격제어 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Jong-Jin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a position estimation of a mobile robot based on USN(Ubiquitous Sensor Network) and encoder, and development of tele-operation system using Internet. USN used in experiments is based on ZigBee protocol and has location estimation engine which uses RSSI signal to estimate distance between nodes. By distortion the estimated distance using RSSI is not correct, compensation method is needed. We obtained fuzzy model to calculate more accurate distance between nodes and use encoder which is built in robot to estimate accurate position of robot. Based on proposed position estimation method, tele-operation system was developed. We show by experiment that proposed method is more appropriate for estimation of position and remote navigation of mobile robot through Internet.

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Fabrication and Characterization of Enzyme Electrode for Lactate Fuel Cell (젖산 연료전지용 효소전극 제작 및 특성 분석)

  • Zhang, YanQing;Kim, Chang-Joon
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.373-378
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    • 2021
  • The study aimed to develop a high-power enzymatic electrode for a wearable fuel cell that generates electricity utilizing lactate present in a sweat as fuel. Anode was fabricated by immobilizing lactate oxidase (LOx) on flexible carbon paper. As the lactate concentration in the electrolyte solution increased, the amount of current generated by catalysis of lactate oxidase increased. The immobilized LOx generated 1.5-times greater oxidation current density in the presence of gold nanoparticles than carbon paper only. Bilirubin oxidase (BOD)-immobilized cathode generated a larger amount of reduction current in the electrolyte saturated with oxygen than purged with nitrogen. A fuel cell composed of two electrodes was fabricated and cell voltage was measured under different discharge current. At the discharge current density of 66.7 ㎂/cm2, the cell voltage was 0.5±0.0 V leading to maximum cell power density of 33.8±2.5 ㎼/cm2.

Characteristics of Edgetones by Jet-Cylinder Interaction (분류와 원통에 의해 발생하는 쐐기소리의 특성)

  • 한희갑;김승덕;안진우;권영필
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.235-239
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    • 1996
  • 분류가 모서리에 충돌할 때 발생하는 순음성 소리인 쐐기소리(edgetone)는 공력음향의 대표적인 현상으로서 지금까지 수많은 연구가 있어 왔으며 그 대부분의 특성이 규명되었다고 할 수 있다. 쐐기소리의 발생기구인 되먹임(feedback) 이론을 처음으로 제안한 이는 Powell로서 그는 되먹임사이클의 위상조건에 의하여 주파수특성에 관한 모델을 제안하였으며, 최근 그 모델의 위상인자에 관하여 Kwon은 새로운 값을 제안한 바 있다. 그런데, 쐐기소리의 이론은 주로 분류가 쐐기나 벽에 충돌할 경우에 집중되어 왔으며 분류가 원통에 충돌하여 발생하는 경우에 관한 연구는 Krothapalli의 초음속분류에 관한 연구와 Mochizuki등의 아음속분류에서 원통지름의 영향에 관한 연구를 들 수 있을 뿐이다. Mochizuki등은 원통의 지름이 노즐의 높이보다 작은 경우에 쐐기 소리의 주파수가 원통의 와류이탈(vortex shedding) 주파수와 같은 것을 관찰하였다. 그러나 분류와 원통이 작용하여 발생하는 쐐기소리의 주파수 특성에 관한 이론적 해석을 시도한 연구는 없으며 또한 방사음장의 특성에 관하여도 Han과 Kwon에 의한 모델이 발표된 바 있으나 실험적으로 입증되지 못하였다. 따라서, 본 연구의 목적은 2 fig.1과 같이 2차원 분류가 원통에 충돌할 때 발생하는 쐐기소리의 주파수특성의 정량적인 모델을 세우고 방사음장의 지향특성의 이론 모델을 확립하는 것이다. 먼저 주파수특성을 실험하고 되먹임이론을 적용하여 분석하므로써 유효음원의 위치를 구하고 또한, 수직벽에 작용하여 발생하는 충돌음(impinging tone)의 경우를 실험하여 주파수특성을 비교 고찰하므로써 유효음원의 위치에 관한 이론을 입증한다. 아울러 원통과 평면벽의 각 경우에 방사음장의 지향특성을 측정하고 고찰한다.2,5,6]을 단계별로 고찰하여, 점점 까다로워져 가는 선박 진동규제[3,4]에 대처하고 승무원의 안락성에 대한 욕구, 구조물의 안전성, 장비의 성능보존이 만족되는 저진동 선박의 건조를 위해 향후 해결해야할 과제들을 도출하여 선박진동분야이 연구개발 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 하는 것은 진단의 정밀도에 문제가 있을 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 언어적진리치가 도입되어 [상당히 확실], [확실], [약간 확실] 등의 언어적인 표현을 이용하여 애매성을 표현하게 되었다. 본 논문에서는 간이진단 결과로부터 추출된 애매한 진단결과중에서 가장 가능성이 높은 이상원인을 복수로 선정하고, 여러 종류의 수치화할 수 없는 언어적(linguistic)인 정보ㄷㄹ을 if-then 형식의 퍼지추론으로 종합하는 회전기계의 이상진단을 위한 정밀진단 알고리즘을 제안하고 그 유용성을 검토한다. 존재하여도 모우드 변수들을 항상 정확하게 구할 수 있으며, 또한 알고리즘의 안정성이 보장된 것이다.. 여기서는 실험실 수준의 평 판모델을 제작하고 실제 현장에서 이루어질 수 있는 진동제어 구조물에 대 한 동적실험 및 FRS를 수행하는 과정과 동일하게 따름으로써 실제 발생할 수 있는 오차나 error를 실험실내의 차원에서 파악하여 진동원을 있는 구조 물에 대한 진동제어기술을 보유하고자 한다. 이용한 해마의 부피측정은 해마경화증 환자의 진단에 있어 육안적인 MR 진단이 어려운 제한된 경우에만 실제적 도움을 줄 수 있는 보조적인 방법으로 생각된다.ofile whereas relaxivity at high field is not affected by τS. On the other hand, the change in τV does not affect low field profile but strongly in fluences on both

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Methodology of Shape Design for Component Using Optimal Design System (최적설계 시스템을 이용한 부품에 대한 형상설계 방법론)

  • Lee, Joon-Seong;Cho, Seong-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.672-679
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    • 2018
  • This paper describes a methodology for shape design using an optimal design system, whereas generally a three dimensional analysis is required for such designs. An automatic finite element mesh generation technique, which is based on fuzzy knowledge processing and computational geometry techniques, is incorporated into the system, together with a commercial FE analysis code and a commercial solid modeler. Also, with the aid of multilayer neural networks, the present system allows us to automatically obtain a design window, in which a number of satisfactory design solutions exist in a multi-dimensional design parameter space. The developed optimal design system is successfully applied to evaluate the structures that are used. This study used a stress gauge to measure the maximum stress affecting the parts of the side housing bracket which are most vulnerable to cracking. Thereafter, we used a tool to interpret the maximum stress value, while maintaining the same stress as that exerted on the spot. Furthermore, a stress analysis was performed with the typical shape maintained intact, SM490 used for the material and the minimizing weight safety coefficient set to 3, while keeping the maximum stress the same as or smaller than the allowable stress. In this paper, a side housing bracket with a comparably simple structure for 36 tons was optimized, however if the method developed in this study were applied to side housing brackets of different classes (tons), their quality would be greatly improved.

Recovery of Covalently Linked Fatty Acid Monolayer on the Hair Surface Using Biomimetic Lipid (생체모사 지질을 이용한 모발 표면에 공유 결합된 지방산 단분자층의 회복)

  • Kim, Ei-Suk;Son, Seong-Kil;Lee, Cheon-Koo
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2012
  • There is a unique type of fatty acid in the hair surface. 18-methyleicosanoic acid (18-MEA) is an unusual anteiso fatty acid covalently linked to the outermost surface of hair cuticle. A layer of 18-MEA is located in the upper ${\beta}$-layer of the CMC that is responsible for the low surface energy and low friction resistance of the hair's outer surface. The high mobility of 18-MEA molecule facilitates spreading of extraneous lipid by decreasing interfacial shear strength. In this study, we introduced N-hydroxyl succinimidyl ester functional group to the one end of C10 - 40 isoalkyl acid for regenerating hair surface with covalently bound fatty acid layer. The re-hydrophobicization of hair surface has been investigated by contact angle measurement. The inner moisture content of hair at different levels of humidity (40, 55, 70 %RH) was measured by electric moisture analyzer. Treatment with Hydroxysuccinimidyl C10 - 40 Isoalkyl Acidate (HCIA) was supposed to make hair surface smoother by filling the cracks between cuticles with covalently bound fatty acid monomolecular layer like cuticle glue. This glue effect was also confirmed with line profile of AFM images. Therefore, the moisture and structural components of inner hair were not easily flown out and the optimum moisture content could be kept constantly though the outside humidity level was changed. The lateral force microscopy (LFM) by using atomic force microscope showed that the friction force of hair surface treated with HCIA was decreased. It also showed the constantly sustained friction value even after shampooing repeated 15 times.

Health Risk Management using Feature Extraction and Cluster Analysis considering Time Flow (시간흐름을 고려한 특징 추출과 군집 분석을 이용한 헬스 리스크 관리)

  • Kang, Ji-Soo;Chung, Kyungyong;Jung, Hoill
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose health risk management using feature extraction and cluster analysis considering time flow. The proposed method proceeds in three steps. The first is the pre-processing and feature extraction step. It collects user's lifelog using a wearable device, removes incomplete data, errors, noise, and contradictory data, and processes missing values. Then, for feature extraction, important variables are selected through principal component analysis, and data similar to the relationship between the data are classified through correlation coefficient and covariance. In order to analyze the features extracted from the lifelog, dynamic clustering is performed through the K-means algorithm in consideration of the passage of time. The new data is clustered through the similarity distance measurement method based on the increment of the sum of squared errors. Next is to extract information about the cluster by considering the passage of time. Therefore, using the health decision-making system through feature clusters, risks able to managed through factors such as physical characteristics, lifestyle habits, disease status, health care event occurrence risk, and predictability. The performance evaluation compares the proposed method using Precision, Recall, and F-measure with the fuzzy and kernel-based clustering. As a result of the evaluation, the proposed method is excellently evaluated. Therefore, through the proposed method, it is possible to accurately predict and appropriately manage the user's potential health risk by using the similarity with the patient.

Dimensional Quality Assessment for Assembly Part of Prefabricated Steel Structures Using a Stereo Vision Sensor (스테레오 비전 센서 기반 프리팹 강구조물 조립부 형상 품질 평가)

  • Jonghyeok Kim;Haemin Jeon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2024
  • This study presents a technique for assessing the dimensional quality of assembly parts in Prefabricated Steel Structures (PSS) using a stereo vision sensor. The stereo vision system captures images and point cloud data of the assembly area, followed by applying image processing algorithms such as fuzzy-based edge detection and Hough transform-based circular bolt hole detection to identify bolt hole locations. The 3D center positions of each bolt hole are determined by correlating 3D real-world position information from depth images with the extracted bolt hole positions. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is then employed to calculate coordinate axes for precise measurement of distances between bolt holes, even when the sensor and structure orientations differ. Bolt holes are sorted based on their 2D positions, and the distances between sorted bolt holes are calculated to assess the assembly part's dimensional quality. Comparison with actual drawing data confirms measurement accuracy with an absolute error of 1mm and a relative error within 4% based on median criteria.