• Title/Summary/Keyword: 파형 구조

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Functional Improvement of Floating Breakwaters with Long Wave Kinetics (장주기 및 유동성분을 고려한 부유식방파제의 방파성능 개선)

  • Yoon, Jae-Seon;Cho, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2011
  • In this study, a series of laboratory experiments are carried out to analyze fluid behaviors around multi-arranged (2 pieces) floating breakwaters with various parameters such as distance between structures, wave periods and steepness. The rate of wave transmission is shown to be affected directly by wave periods of incident waves and the breakwaters with multi-arranged structures show the highest rate of wave protection compared with other cases. The velocity fields around the breakwaters are measured by using the Laser Doppler Velocimetry system. The transmission coefficients are also measured in laboratory experiments. Finally, laboratory observed data are compared with numerical experimental results and analyzed in detail.

Deep Learning CFRP Failure Classification based on Acoustic Emission Testing for Safety Inspection during TypeIII Hydrogen Vessel Operation (TypeIII 수소저장용기 가동 중 안전 검사를 위한 음향방출시험 기반 딥러닝 CFRP 소재 결함 분류)

  • Da-Hyun Kim;Byeong-Il Hwang;Gyeong-Yeong Kim;Dong-Ju Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2023.07a
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2023
  • 최근 기후 변화가 심각해짐에 따라 수소 에너지에 대한 관심이 집중되고 있으며 이를 안전하게 운송/보관할 수 있는 용기에 대한 연구도 활발히 진행되고 있다. 특히 고압 가스를 저장하는 TypeIII 용기의 노후화 및 안전과 관련되어 결함을 인지하는 연구가 활발하다. 그러나 이 용기의 외각층을 이루는 CFRP 소재는 탄소 섬유와 에폭시가 복잡한 구조로 구성되어 결함별 탐지가 매우 어렵다. 본 논문에서는 음향방출시험과 딥러닝을 활용하여 CFRP 결함 데이터셋을 구축하고 이를 분류할 수 있는 모델을 제안한다. 특히 CFRP 시편을 직접 제작하여 AE 센서를 부착하고 파괴하여 파형 데이터를 수집하였다. 이후 표현 학습을 통해 데이터의 특징을 압축/추출하고 유사도를 비교해 결함별 데이터를 판별하는 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 구축된 데이터셋의 실루엣 계수는 0.86으로 높은 군집도를 보였다. 마지막으로 구축된 데이터셋을 실시간으로 분류할 수 있는 1D-CNN 딥러닝 모델을 개발하였으며 99.33%의 높은 분류 정확도를 보였다.

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Asymmetry Actions of Tymbals & Resonance Condition in Air Sac of the Cicada Cryptotympana Atrata (말매미의 진동막 비대칭 운동과 복부에서의 공명 조건)

  • Yoon, Ki-Sang;Suh, Sang-Joon;Suh, Jae-Gap
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a study on acoustic characteristics and sound generation mechanism of Cryptotympana atratas' songs which cause noise problems in summer days. The waveforms & FFT of Cryptotympana atratas' songs in nature were analyzed, and the actions of tymbals were visualized by the high speed camera. In order to know resonance frequency of the abdominal cavity of male Cryptotympana atrata, the sine sweep test was done. It was observed from the experimental results that Cryptotympana atrata's two tymbals act asymmetrically with respect to time & shape, and make a variety of frequencies every time it vibrates. It was also shown that Cryptotympana atratas' have a structure that cause resonances sounds only in a $7{\sim}7.5 kHz$ bandwidth.

The Development of Real-time Feedback Vibration Control System Using Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크를 이용한 실시간 Feedback 진동제어 시스템 개발)

  • Heo, Gwang Hee;Kim, Chung Gil;Ahn, Ui Jong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims to constitute a feedback vibration control system using wireless sensor networks and experiment it on a model structure to verify its effectiveness. For the purpose, we set up a feedback vibration control system composed of a wireless input/output(I/O) sensor node based on bluetooth, a home-made shear type MR damper, a shaker which generates a constant size of sine wave, and a simple beam model structure. The vibration control experiment was performed by shaking the 1/4 point of beam with a shaker. At the moment of shaking, we controled the vibration with MR damper which was placed vertically on the center of beam. Simultaneously, by acquiring acceleration response at the 2/4 point of beam, we evaluated the effectiveness of control capability. The control command was set to send a voltage signal to MR damper when the acceleration response, acquired from the wireless I/O sensor node placed at the center of beam, was more than a certain amount. Although the realtime feedback vibration control system constituted in this paper is effective only within a limited command system, it has been proven that the system was able to effectively decrease the vibration of structure by generating a control command aimed for realtime purpose. The system also showed a possibility to be used as a structural response control system adapting a variety of semi-active control algorithm.

Diadochokinetic Skills in Typically developing Children Aged 4-6 Years : Pilot Study (학령전기 정상발달 아동의 자모음 교대운동특성 : 예비연구)

  • Jeong, Han-Jin;Lee, Ok-Bun;Sehr, Kyeung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.3149-3155
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to know the characteristics of DDK performance between CV(e.g. 'pa') and VV(e.g., 'ai') syllables in typically developing children aged 4 to 6 years old. 12 TD children performed DDK with CV structure(/pʰə/, /tʰə/, /kʰə/, /pʰətʰə/, /tʰəkʰə?/, /pʰətʰəkʰə/) and with VV structure(/ai/, /ɔi/, /ɑɔi/). Spoken syllables were counted in one second, and all spoken DDK were measured by PC-quirer. The results showed that all spoken DDK became faster as the age of children were increased. This trend was also appeared in both CV and VV syllables repetition. In addition, there was no differences in DDK rate with CV and VV syllables. The frequency of articulatory error during DDK performance was very high in the age of 3, and there was no pattern in the frequency of articulatory error according to the developmental age.

Measurement and Numerical Model on Wave Interaction with Coastal Structure (해안구조물과 파랑상호작용에 관한 수치모델 및 실험)

  • Kim, In-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2009
  • In recent years, there's been strong demand for coastal structures that have a permeability that serves water affinity and disaster prevention from wave attack. The aim of this study is to examine the wave transformation, including wave run-up that propagates over the coastal structures with a steep slope. A numerical model based on the nonlinear shallow water equation, together with the unsteady nonlinear Darcy law for fluid motion in permeable underlayer and laboratory measurements was carried out in terms of the free surface elevations and fluid particle velocities for the cases of regular and irregular waves over 1:5 impermeable and permeable slopes. The numerical results were used to evaluate the application and limitations of the PBREAK numerical model. The numerical model could predict the cross-shore variation of the wave profile reasonably, but showed less accurate results in the breaking zone that the mass and momentum influx is exchanged the most. Except near the wave crest, the computed depth averaged velocities could represent the measured profile below the trough level fairly well.

A study of Kem County earthquake (Kern County 지진에 대한 연구)

  • 김준경
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate compatability of seismic source characteristics of the Kern County earthquake to those of Korean Peninsula seismotectonics. The compatability could be used to make Korean type response spectrum from the strong ground motions observed from the assingned earthquake. The July 21, 1952, Kern County, California, earthquake is the largest earthquake to occur in the western U.S. since 1906, and the repeat of this event poses a significant seismic hazard. The Kern County event was a complex thrusting event, with a surface rupture pattern that varied from pure leftlateral strike-slip to pure dip-slip. A time dependent moment tensor inversion was applied to ten observed teleseismic long-period body waves to investigate the source complexity. Since a conventional moment tensor inversion(constant geometry through time) returns a non-double-couple source when the seismic source changes(fault orientation and direction of slip) with time, we are required to use the time dependent moment tensor which allows a first-order mapping of the geometric and temporal complexity. From the moment tensor inversion, a two-point seismic source model with significant overlap for the White Wolf fault, which propagates upward(20 km to 5 km) from SW to NE, fits most of the observed seismic waveforms in the least squares sense. Comparison of P, T and B axes of focal mechanisms and focal depths suggests that seismic source characteristics of the Kern County earthquake is consistant with those of Korean Peninsula Seismotectonics.

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Experimental Study for Overtopping Performance and Control System of Overtopping Wave Energy Convertor (월류 파력 발전 구조물 통합 축소 모형 시험을 통한 월류 성능 및 제어 시스템에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, J.Y.;Shin, S.H.;Hong, K.Y.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2011
  • Wave overtopping reef system with guide vanes convert incident wave energy on the reef type structures into electric power. Previous studies decided shape parameters likes slope, height of the sloping arm and shape of guide vane. In this paper, using these shape parameters produce 1/7 scale model and construct integration scale model system combining water pressure head turbine, power generation, power control, operating control and monitoring system. In these systems, we measure the overtopping and power generation with different wave heights and periods and compare the results with the previous studies. This was confirmed designed overtopping and power generation, then we suggest efficient control system.

Development of a Vertical polarized Leaky-wave Waveguide Slot Array Antenna for Receiving the Ku-band Direct Broadcasting Satellite Signals

  • Lim, Gye-Jae
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2007
  • Small size and low profile antenna for mobile vehicular-top-mounted is needed in satellite communication services such as DBS, Satellite Internet and VSAT. In middle latitudes, the development of an array antenna which has the conformal, low profile and 45 degree beam tilted configuration, and has the high gain with sharp beamwidth, low sidelobe and low loss is required for Ku-band satellite communication. In this paper, in order to meet with these performances, an array antenna consisting of the vertical polarized waveguide longitudinal slots based on the leaky-wave mode of traveling wave antenna is proposed. An array antenna consisting of 16 leaky-wave elements is showing 30 dBi of gain, 4.9 degree of beamwidth, below than -20 dB of sidelobe level, 45 degree of beam tilt angle in center frequency. Feed network designed by waveguide cooperated feed shows good performance of wideband and low loss.

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A Study on the Dynamic Behavior of Underground Tunnels with a Cavity (주변 공동을 고려한 터널의 동적거동에 관한 연구)

  • 김민규;이종우;이종세
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2002
  • A dynamic analysis of a horseshoe_shaped tunnel near to cavity was performed to study the effect of the cavity on the dynamic behavior of the tunnel. In order to obtain the dynamic response of the tunnel embedded in a semi-infinite domain, a hybrid numerical technique was primarily developed. A dynamic fundamental solution in frequency domain for multi-layered half planes was derived and subsequently incorporated in the boundary element method. Coupling of the boundary element method for the far field with the finite element method for the near field is made by imposing compatibility condition of a displacement at the interface. The boundary element method is then coupled with the finite element method, which is utilized to model the near field including the tunnel and the cavity. In order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed technique, dynamic responses of single and multiply-layered semi-infinite structural systems are obtained by using the Kicker waveform and investigated in the limestone layer to find how the being and the location of the cavity affect the dynamic characteristics of the system.