• Title/Summary/Keyword: 파형 구조

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A Study on the Acoustic Non-linearity Due to Micro-Crack (미세 크랙에 의한 음향 비선형성의 발생에 대한 연구)

  • 강석환
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1998.06e
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    • pp.115-118
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    • 1998
  • 본 연구에서는 매우 작은 틈새를 갖는 미세 크랙을 초음파가 투과할 때, 크랙 면의 부분 접촉의 의한 새로운 음향 비선형성의 발생 구조를 제안하고 그 정당성을 검증하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위하여, 초음파가 미세 크랙을 투과할 때 부분 접촉 효과에 의해 나타나게 되는 파형을 반파 모델로 모델링하고 이를 통해 고주파 조화 성분(Harmonics)이 발생하는 원인을 제시하였으며 틈새의 크기와 음향 비선형성의 크기와의 상관 관계를 시뮬레이션과 실험을 통하여 확인하였다. 이를 통해 미세 틈새와 음향 비선형성과의 상관 관계를 밝히고 틈새의 크기가 증가해 감에 따라 음향 비선형성이 증가함을 확인할 수 있었다.

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Orthogonally multiplexed modulation schemes based on wavelet (Wavelet Bases에 기초한 직교 다중화 변복조 방식)

  • 박대철;박태성
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.619-622
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문은 웨이브렛 패킷에 기초한 직교 다중화 변복조 방식을 소개하고 특히 시스템 설계자 입장에서 전송 신호의 특성을 시간-주파수 공간에서 신호 파형을 설계하고 채널 특성에 맞게 설계할 수 있는 궂를 제공하는 WPM(wavelet packet modulation) 방식을 기술하였다. 직교 기저 함수 집합을 만들어 시간주파수 공간을 임의적으로 partitioning하고 간섭 잡음 재철에 더잘 적응할 수 있는 구조를 찾는 방법을 소개하였고 튜닝 알고리듬의 실험적인 결과를 가지고 WPM변조 방식의 간섭 잡음에 대한 우수한 성능을 갖음을 보였다.

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Moving Control of Snake Robot Using PDA (PDA를 이용한 스네이크 로봇의 동작 제어)

  • 박광식;유영선;주영훈;두평수;박현빈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.418-421
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    • 2004
  • 생체 모방 공학이란 자연의 생명체가 보여 주는 행동이나 구조, 그들이 만들어 내는 물질등을 연구해 모방함으로써 인간 생활에 적용하려는 기술이다 본 논문은 이러한 모방 공학에서 비롯되어 생물학적 뱀이 가지고 있는 특징 중 자유로운 이동 모션이나 좁은 공간을 유연하게 통과하는 성질을 로봇에 응용한다. 연구 목표로서 먼저 뱀의 가장 큰 특징인 사인 파형의 이동모션 원리와 동작방법에 대해 설명하며 실험과 시뮬레이션을 통해 실천 가능성을 검증한다 또한 자율 이동시 센서를 이용 장애물을 회피하며 PDA를 제어기로 사용하여 Snake Robot를 제어한다.

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Optimization of Dwell angle and Advanced angle of 3-phase 12/10 Switched Reluctance Motor (3상 12/10 스위치드 릴럭턴스 모터의 드웰각과 선행각 최적 설계)

  • Lee, Tae-Woong;Bin, Xia;Koh, Chang-Seop
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2015.07a
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    • pp.906-907
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    • 2015
  • 본 논문은 3상 12/10 스위치드 릴럭턴스 모터의 구조를 설명하였고, 토크를 구하는데 중요한 값인 인덕턴스와 전류 파형을 구하기 위해 스위치드 릴럭턴스 모터의 변수를 드웰각과 선행각으로 정하였다. 두 변수의 범위에 따른 25개의 샘플링를 통해서 2차원 유한요소 해석을 이용하여 토크 리플과 평균 토크를 얻었고 그 결과를 분석하였다.

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Structural dependence of an optical gain in a traveling-wave semiconductor optical amplifier (진행파형 반도체 광증폭기에서 이득특성의 활성층 구조 의존성)

  • 장세윤;심종인;이정석;김호인;윤인국;김승우;신현철;어영선
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.07a
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    • pp.222-223
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    • 2003
  • The optical gain characteristics of 1550nm traveling-wave semiconductor optical amplifiers are analyzed experimentally and theoretically. The result shows that there is an optimum active layer thickness for high saturation output power.

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Compression Sensing Technique for Efficient Structural Health Monitoring - Focusing on Optimization of CAFB and Shaking Table Test Using Kobe Seismic Waveforms (효율적인 SHM을 위한 압축센싱 기술 - Kobe 지진파형을 이용한 CAFB의 최적화 및 지진응답실험 중심으로)

  • Heo, Gwang-Hee;Lee, Chin-Ok;Seo, Sang-Gu;Jeong, Yu-Seung;Jeon, Joon-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2020
  • The compression sensing technology, CAFB, was developed to obtain the raw signal of the target structure by compressing it into a signal of the intended frequency range. At this point, for compression sensing, the CAFB can be optimized for various reference signals depending on the desired frequency range of the target structure. In addition, optimized CAFB should be able to efficiently compress the effective structural answers of the target structure even in sudden/dangerous conditions such as earthquakes. In this paper, the targeted frequency range for efficient structural integrity monitoring of relatively flexible structures was set below 10Hz, and the optimization method of CAFB for this purpose and the seismic response performance of CAFB in seismic conditions were evaluated experimentally. To this end, in this paper, CAFB was first optimized using Kobe seismic waveform, and embedded it in its own wireless IDAQ system. In addition, seismic response tests were conducted on two span bridges using Kobe seismic waveform. Finally, using an IDAQ system with built-in CAFB, the seismic response of the two-span bridge was wirelessly obtained, and the compression signal obtained was cross-referenced with the raw signal. From the results of the experiment, the compression signal showed excellent response performance and data compression effects in relation to the raw signal, and CAFB was able to effectively compress and sensitize the effective structural response of the structure even in seismic situations. Finally, in this paper, the optimization method of CAFB was presented to suit the intended frequency range (less than 10Hz), and CAFB proved to be an economical and efficient data compression sensing technology for instrumentation-monitoring of seismic conditions.

Moho Discontinuity Studies Beneath the Broadband Stations Using Receiver Functions in South Korea (수신함수를 이용한 남한의 광대역 관측망 하부의 Moho 불연속면 연구)

  • Kim, So-Gu;Lee, Seong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2001
  • We investigate the vertical velocity models beneath the newly installed broadband seismic network of KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration) by using receiver function inversion technique. The seismic phases are primarily P-to-S conversions and reverberations generated at the two highest impedance interfaces like the Moho (crust-mantle boundary) and the sediment-basement contact. We obtained the teleseismic P-wave receiver functions, which were derived from teleseismic records of Seoul (SEO), Inchon (INCN), Tejeon (TEJ) , Sosan (SOS/SES), Kangnung (KAN), Ulchin (ULC/ULJ), Taegu (TAG), Pusan (PUS), and Ullung-do (ULL) stations. For Kwangju (KWA/KWJ) and Chunchon (CHU) stations, the Moho conversion Ps arrivals and waveforms of radial receiver functions are azimuthally inconsistent and unclear. From the receiver function inversion result, we found that crustal thickness is 29 km at INCN, SEO, and SOS (SES) stations, 28 km at KAN station in the Kyonggi Massif, 32 km at TEJ station in Okchon Folded Belt, 34 km at TAG, 33 km at PUS station in the Kyongsang Basin, 32 km at KWJ station (readjusted station by prior KWA station) included in the Youngdong-Kwangju Depression Zone, 28 km at ULC station in the eastern margin of the Ryongnam Massif, and 17 km at ULL station in the Ullung Island of the East Sea, respectively. The Moho configuration of INCN, SOS, KWJ, and KAN stations show a laminated smooth transition zone with a 3-5 km thick. The upper crusts(${\sim}5km$) of KAN, ULC, and PUS stations show complex structures with a high velocity. The unusually thick crusts are found at the TAG and PUS stations in the Kyongsang Basin compared to the thin (29-32 km) crust of the western part (INCN, SEO, SOS, TEJ, and KWA stations) The crustal thickness beneath Ullung Island (ULL station) shows the suboceanic crust with about 17 km thickness and complex with a high velocity layer of the upper crust, and the amplitudes of Incoming Ps waves from the western direction are relatively large compared to those from othor directions.

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Seismic Response of R/C Structures Subjected to Artificial Ground Motions Compatible with Design Spectrum (설계용 스펙트럼에 적합한 인공지진동을 입력한 철근콘크리트 구조물의 지진응답 특성의 고찰)

  • Jun, Dae-Han;Kang, Ho-Geun
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • In seismic response analysis of building structures, the input ground accelerations have considerable effect on the nonlinear response characteristics of structures. The characteristics of soil and the locality of the site where those ground motions were recorded affect on the contents of earthquake waves. Therefore, it is difficult to select appropriate input ground motions for seismic response analysis. This study describes a generation of artificial earthquake wave compatible with seismic design spectrum, and also evaluates the seismic response values of multistory reinforced concrete structures by the simulated earthquake motions. The artificial earthquake wave are generated according to the previously recorded earthquake waves in past major earthquake events. The artificial wave have identical phase angles to the recorded earthquake wave, and their overall response spectra are compatible with seismic design spectrum with 5% critical viscous damping. The input ground motions applied to this study have identical elastic acceleration response spectra, but have different phase angles. The purpose of this study is to investigate their validity as input ground motion for nonlinear seismic response analysis. As expected, the response quantifies by simulated earthquake waves present better stable than those by real recording of ground motion. It was concluded that the artificial earthquake waves generated in this paper are applicable as input ground motions for a seismic response analysis of building structures. It was also found that strength of input ground motions for seismic analysis are suitable to be normalize as elastic acceleration spectra.

A two-layer watermarking method using inherent image structure (영상의 내재 구조를 이용한 2-계층 워터마킹 기법)

  • 고윤호;김성대;최재각
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we classify various attacks that may damage the embedded watermark signal into waveform attack and synchronization attack. And for the specialized defense against the two kinds of attacks we propose a new watermarking scheme named as two layer watermarking method. It consists of a synchronization layer to prepare for the geometrical attack such as rotation and shift and a marking layer 0 embed the watermark signal actually. Namely, the synchronization layer only determines the target region where the watermark signal will be embedded or extracted. And the marking layer spreads the watermark signal over the image as the conventional watermarking methods do. Using the layered structure, the proposed method overcomes the problem that the conventional watermarking methods that do not use the original image at the verification side are most vulnerable to geometrical attacks.

The operation properties of DBD reactors in air pressure with varying the capacitance of reactors (정전 용량변화에 따른 대기압 DBD 반응기의 동작 특성 연구)

  • 박봉경;김윤환;장봉철;조정현;김곤호
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.440-448
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    • 2001
  • The operation properties of DBD plasma reactors were observed by using 20 kV square pulse at the cylindrical and planar type of reactors in the condition of air pressure. The optimum operation frequency $f_0$ which optimizes the efficiency of operation was found as such $f_0\proptoexp(-C)$ when the current-voltage curve and charge-voltage curve were observed. Using these properties the dissipated power was evaluated. The dissipated power at the optimum frequency of operation was varied as the value of capacitance which is dependent on the structure and the dielectric material of the reactor, and had the maximum value at the specific value of capacitance. With these value of capacitance, DBD reactors which has a high level of efficiency can be formed.

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