• Title/Summary/Keyword: 파랑 에너지

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A Study of the Seocheon Fireball Explosion on September 23, 2020 (2020년 9월 23일 서천 화구 폭발 관측 연구)

  • Che, Il-Young;Kim, Inho
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.688-699
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    • 2021
  • On September 23, 2020, at 1:39 a.m., a bright fireball above Seocheon was observed across the country. Two fireball explosions were identified in the images of the All-Sky Camera (ASC), and the shock waves were recorded at seismic and infrasound stations in the southwestern Korean Peninsula. The location of the explosion was estimated by a Bayesian-based location method using the arrival times of the fireball-associated seismic and infrasound signals at 17 stations. Realistic azimuth- and rang-dependent propagation speeds of sound waves were incorporated into the location method to increase the reliability of the results. The location of the sound source was found to be 36.050°N, 126.855°E at an altitude of 35 km, which was close to the location of the second fireball explosion. The two explosions were identified as sequential infrasound arrivals at local infrasound stations. Simulations of waveforms for long ranges explain the detection results at distant infrasound stations, up to ~266 km from the sound source. The dominant period of the signals recorded at five infrasound stations is about 0.4 s. A period-energy relation suggests the explosion energy was equivalent to ~0.3 ton of TNT.

Damage Evaluation of Adjacent Structures for Detonation of Hydrogen Storage Facilities (수소저장시설의 폭발에 대한 인접 구조물의 손상도 평가)

  • Jinwon Shin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2023
  • This study presents an analytical study of investigating the effect of shock waves generated by the hydrogen detonation and damage to structures for the safety evaluation of hydrogen storage facilities against detonation. Blast scenarios were established considering the volume of the hydrogen storage facility of 10 L to 50,000 L, states of charge (SOC) of 50% and 100%, and initial pressures of 50 MPa and 100 MPa. The equivalent TNT weight for hydrgen detonation was determined considering the mechanical and chemical energies of hydrogen. A hydrogen detonation model for the converted equivalent TNT weight was made using design equations that improved the Kingery-Bulmash design chart of UFC 3-340-02. The hydrogen detonation model was validated for overpressure and impulse in comparison to the past experimental results associated with the detonation of hydrogen tank. A parametric study based on the blast scenarios was performed using the validated hydrogen detonation model, and design charts for overpressure and impulse according to the standoff distance from the center of charge was provided. Further, design charts of the three-stage structural damage and standoff distance of adjacent structures according to the level of overpressure and impact were proposed using the overpressure and impulse charts and pressure-impulse diagrams.

Optimization of Sensor Location for Real-Time Damage assessment of Cable in the cable-Stayed Bridge (사장교 케이블의 실시간 손상평가를 위한 센서 배치의 최적화)

  • Geon-Hyeok Bang;Gwang-Hee Heo;Jae-Hoon Lee;Yu-Jae Lee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2023
  • In this study, real-time damage evaluation of cable-stayed bridges was conducted for cable damage. ICP type acceleration sensors were used for real-time damage assessment of cable-stayed bridges, and Kinetic Energy Optimization Techniques (KEOT) were used to select the optimal conditions for the location and quantity of the sensors. When a structure vibrates by an external force, KEOT measures the value of the maximum deformation energy to determine the optimal measurement position and the quantity of sensors. The damage conditions in this study were limited to cable breakage, and cable damage was caused by dividing the cable-stayed bridge into four sections. Through FE structural analysis, a virtual model similar to the actual model was created in the real-time damage evaluation method of cable. After applying random oscillation waves to the generated virtual model and model structure, cable damage to the model structure was caused. The two data were compared by defining the response output from the virtual model as a corruption-free response and the response measured from the real model as a corruption-free data. The degree of damage was evaluated by applying the data of the damaged cable-stayed bridge to the Improved Mahalanobis Distance (IMD) theory from the data of the intact cable-stayed bridge. As a result of evaluating damage with IMD theory, it was identified as a useful damage evaluation technology that can properly find damage by section in real time and apply it to real-time monitoring.

Motion Analysis of Light Buoys Combined with 7 Nautical Mile Self-Contained Lantern (7마일 등명기를 결합한 경량화 등부표의 운동 해석)

  • Son, Bo-Hun;Ko, Seok-Won;Yang, Jae-Hyoung;Jeong, Se-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.628-636
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    • 2018
  • Because large buoys are mainly made of steel, they are heavy and vulnerable to corrosion by sea water. This makes buoy installation and maintenance difficult. Moreover, vessel collision accidents with buoys and damage to vessels due to the material of buoys (e.g., steel) are reported every year. Recently, light buoys adopting eco-friendly and lightweight materials have come into the spotlight in order to solve the previously-mentioned problems. In Korea, a new lightweight buoy with a 7-Nautical Mile lantern adopting expanded polypropylene (EPP) and aluminum to create a buoyant body and tower structure, respectively, was developed in 2017. When these light buoys are operated in the ocean, the visibility and angle of light from the lantern installed on the light buoys changes, which may cause them to function improperly. Therefore, research on the performance of light buoys is needed since the weight distribution and motion characteristics of these new buoys differ from conventional models. In this study, stability estimation and motion analyses for newly-developed buoys under various environmental conditions considering a mooring line were carried out using ANSYS AQWA. Numerical simulations for the estimation of wind and current loads were performed using commercial CFD software, Siemens STAR-CCM+, to increase the accuracy of motion analysis. By comparing the estimated maximum significant motions of the light buoys, it was found that waves and currents were more influential in the motion of the buoys. And, the estimated motions of the buoys became larger as the sea state became worser, which might be the reason that the peak frequencies of the wave spectra got closer to those of the buoys.

Characteristics and Formation conditions of the Rhodoliths in Wu Island beach, Jeju-do, Korea: Preliminary Report (제주도 우도의 홍조단괴 해빈 퇴적물의 특징과 형성조건 : 예비연구 결과)

  • 김진경;우경식;강순석
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2003
  • Three beaches of the Seogwang-ri coast in the western part of Wu Island, Jeju-do, are solely composed of rhodoliths (red algal nodules). The beach sediments are coarse sand to granule in size and they show the banded distribution according to size. Commonly the larger pebble-sized rhodoliths are concentrated near the rocky coast, resulting from the transportation of the nodules from shallow marine environments by intermittent typhoons. Based on the internal texture of the rhodoliths, it appears that crustose red algae, Lithophyllum sp., is the main contributor for the formation of the rhodolith. The coarse sand to granule-sized grains show that they started to grow from the nucleus as rhodoliths, but the surface was severely eroded by waves. However, the pebble to cobble-sized grains exhibit the complete growth pattern of rhodoliths and sometimes contain other calcareous skeletons. It is common that encrusting red algae are intergrown with encrusting bryozoan. The surface morphology of rhodolith tends to change from the concentric to domal shape towards the outer part. This suggests that the rhodolith grew to a certain stage by rolling, but it grew in more quiet condition without rolling as it became larger. Aragonite and calcite cements can be found in the pores within rhodoliths (conceptacle, intraskeletal pore in bryozoan, and boring), and this means that shallow marine cementation has occurred during their growth. Growth of numerous rhodoliths in shallow marine environment near the Seogwang-ri coast indicates that this area has suitable oceanographic conditions for their growth such as warm water temperature (about 19$^{\circ}C$ in average) and clear water condition due to the lack of terrestrial input of volcanoclastic sediments. Fast tidal current and high wave energy in the shallow water setting can provide suitable conditions enough for their rolling and growth. Typhoons passing this area every summer also influence on the growth of rhodoliths.

Design of a Dual Band-pass Filter Using Fork-type Open Stubs and SIR Structure (포크 형태의 개방형 스터브 및 SIR 구조를 이용한 이중대역 대역통과 여파기의 설계)

  • Tae-Hyeon Lee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.252-264
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    • 2023
  • This paper proposes a design of a dual-band band-pass filter that integrates a λg/2 open SIR structure, a transmission line, and a fork-type structure with symmetric and asymmetric open stubs. To obtain the dual-band effect, the proposed filter uses the SIR structure and adjusts the impedance ratio of the SIR structure. Therefore, the position of the harmonics of the filter is shifted through the adjustment of the impedance ratio, and this can obtain a double-band effect. In order to obtain the dual-band characteristics, the dual-band effect is obtained by inserting a open stub between the SIR structures with the SIR structure divided in half. In addition, the second frequency response is obtained by adjusting the length of the open symmetrical stub in the fork-shaped structure. The asymmetrical open stub in the fork form achieves optimum bandwidth by adjusting the length. Therefore, the first center frequency of the proposed band-pass filter is 5.896 GHz and the bandwidth is 13.6 %. At this time, the measurement results are 0.13 dB and 33.6 dB. The second center frequency is 5.906 GHz and the bandwidth is 13.6 %. At this time, the measurement results are 0.15 dB and 19.8 dB. The reason is that when the impedance ratio (Δ) is higher than 1, the position of the harmonic is shifted to a lower frequency band. However, if the impedance ratio (Δ) is lowered by one step, the position of harmonics will move to a higher frequency band. The function of the filter designed using these characteristics can be obtained from the measurement result. The proposed band-pass filter has no coupling loss and no via energy concentration loss because there is no coupling structure of input/output and no via hole. Therefore, system integration is possible due to its excellent performance, and it is expected that dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) system applications used in traffic communication systems will be possible.

The Study of Establishing the Multi-pass Eurasian Railroads (유라시아 철도의 다중경로 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Hahm, Beom-Hee;Huh, Nam-Kyun;Hurr, Hee-Young
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.137-170
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    • 2008
  • This study is presenting the logistics strategy in the international logistics markets which makes competition and corporation among north-east Asian countries to establishing the multi-pass Eurasian railroads. The countries located in north-east area of Eurasia like China, Japan, Russia and Korea are paying higher costs and disutility to the transportations and communications due to repeated conflicts and confrontations causes from the politic problems. They are being used surface transportation for most of all logistics between Europe and Asia except special merchandises because of characteristic of cargo to be air, the Silk Road remains vestige only which was main logistic passage to this area since BC. So far the Trans-Siberian Railway is being used by Russia mostly as north of Eurasian transport because of difficulties of service. The Trans-China Railway built in 1992 is not accomplishing as a international logistic passages. It is expected to take a long lead time because of characteristic of resource development and poor logistic infrastructure to the countries like Uzbekistan, double landlocked country, Mongolia and Azerbaijan, the countries do not be adjacent to the sea, even they have great economic jump-up plans through the development of their own resources. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) start to sail officially in 2001 is constructed with China, Russia, Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan as regular members of 6 countries and Mongolia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran as observers 5 countries. It is started as a military alliance to protect terror, but now, it is expended to cooperate with the traffic, transportation, trade and share of energies. The Russia is doing their best to activate TSR as a government target to developnorth area equivalently, and economic develop of far-east Siberia. And also it is agreed provisionally to improve and repair of rail road between Nahjin and Hassan to connect TSR and TKR( Trans-Korea Railroad) by Russia, North Korea and South Korea with Russian's aggressive efforts. The development plan of this area is over lapped with GTI(Greater Tumen Initiative) promoted by UNDP, and is a cooperated project by 5 countries of South Korea, Mongolia, China, Russia and North Korea, subject to review the appropriation of energy, tour, environment, rail road connection between Mongolia and China and establishing a ferry route to north-east Asia. It is Japanese situation to pay attention to Russia and China even they have been supplying large-scope of infrastructure in Mongol area without any charges, target to get East Asia Main Rail Road to connect Mongolia and Zalubino of Russia. In case of the program for the Denuclearization of North Korea is not creeping, it will be accelerated to connect the TKR and TSR, TKR and TCR by somehow attending United States, including developing program promoted by UN ESCAP. As the result, Korean peninsular will continue the central role of competition and cooperation as in the past, now and future of north-east Asia, as of geographical-economics and geographical-politics whether it is requested or not wanted by neighbor countries.

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Analysis of trends in the use of geophysical exploration techniques for underwater cultural heritage (수중문화유산에 대한 지구물리탐사 기법 활용 동향 분석)

  • LEE Sang-Hee;KIM Sung-Bo;KIM Jin-Hoo;HYUN Chang-Uk
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.174-193
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    • 2023
  • Korea is surrounded by the sea and has rivers connecting to it throughout the inland areas, which has been a geographical characteristic since ancient times. As a result, there have been exchanges and conflicts with various countries through the sea, and rivers have facilitated the transportation of ships carrying grain, goods paid for by taxes, and passengers. Since the past, the sea and rivers have had a significant impact on the lives of Koreans. Consequently, it is expected that there are many cultural heritages submerged in the sea and rivers, and continuous efforts are being made to discover and preserve them. Underwater cultural heritage is difficult to discover due to its location in the sea or rivers, making direct visual observation and exploration challenging. To overcome these limitations, various geophysical survey techniques are employed. Geophysical survey methods utilize the physical properties of elastic waves, including their reflection and refraction, to conduct surveys such as bathymetry, underwater topography and strata. These techniques detect the physical characteristics of underwater objects and seafloor formation in the underwater environment, analyze differences, and identify underwater cultural heritage located on or buried in the seabed. Bathymetry uses an echo sounder, and an underwater topography survey uses a side-scan sonar to find underwater artifacts lying on or partially exposed to the seabed, and a marine shallow strata survey uses a sub-bottom profiler to find underwater heritages buried in the seabed. However, the underwater cultural heritage discovered in domestic waters thus far has largely been accidental findings by fishermen, divers, or octopus hunters. This study aims to analyze and summarize the latest research trends in equipment used for underwater cultural heritage exploration, including bathymetric surveys, underwater topography surveys and strata surveys. The goal is to contribute to research on underwater cultural heritage investigation in the domestic context.

Geoacoustic characteristics of Quaternary stratigraphic sequences in the mid-eastern Yellow Sea (황해 중동부 제4기 퇴적층의 지음향 특성)

  • Jin, Jae-Hwa;Jang, Seong-Hyeong;Kim, Seong-Pil;Kim, Hyeon-Tae;Lee, Chi-Won;Chang, Jeong-Hae;Choi, Jin-Hyeok;Ryang, Woo-Heon
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2001
  • According to analyses of high-resolution seismic profiles (air gun, sparker, and SBP) and a deep-drill core(YSDP 105) in the mid-eastern Yellow Sea, stratigraphic and geoacoustic models have been established and seismo-acoustic modeling has been fulfilled using ray tracing of finite element method. Stratigraphic model reflects seismo-, litho-, and chrono-stratigraphic sequences formed under a significant influence of Quaternary glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations. Each sequence consists of terrestrial to very-shallow-marine coarse-grained lowstand systems tract and tidal fine-grained transgressive to highstand systems tract. Based on mean grain-size data (121 samples) of the drill core, bulk density and P-wave velocity of depositional units have been inferred and extrapolated down to a depth of the recovery using the Hamilton's regression equations. As goo-acoustic parameters, the 121 pairs of bulk density and P-wave velocity have been averaged on each unit of the stratigraphic model. As a result of computer ray-tracing simulation of the subsurface strata, we have found that there are complex ray paths and many acoustic-shadow zones owing to the presence of irregular layer boundaries and low-velocity layers.

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Theoretical Analysis of Bragg-Reflector Type FBAR with Resonance Mode (공진 모드에 따른 Bragg-Reflector Type FBAR 의 이론적 분석)

  • 조문기;윤영섭
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2003
  • Two configurations of Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators with acoustic quater-wave bragg reflector layers are theoretically analyzed using equivalent circuits and the difference of their characteristics are discussed. We compare the characteristics of λ/2 mode to those of ideal FBAR with top and bottom electrode contacting air and the characteristics of λ/4 mode to those of ideal FBAR with top electrode contacting air and bottom electrode clamped. We assume that the piezoelectric film is ZnO, the electrode is A1 and the substrate is Si, ABCD parameters are extracted and input impedance is calculated by converting the equivalent circuit from Mason equivalent circuits to the simplified equivalent circuits that ABCD parameters are extracted possible, From the variation of resonance frequency due to the change of thickness of reflector layers and the variation of electrical Q due to the change of mechanical Q of reflector layers, it is confirmed that the reflector layer just under the bottom electrode have the greatest effect on the varation of resonance frequency and electrical Q. It is shown that the number of reflector layers required for the saturation of electrical Q decreases with the increase of the impedance ratio of reflector layers and electrical Q of λ/2 mode is larger than that of λ/4 mode, Electromechanical coupling factor is independent of the number of layers, The impedance ratio of reflector layers becomes larger as the electromechanical coupling factor becomes larger, The electromechanical coupling factor of the two mode are smaller than those of ideal FBARs because of the trapping of acoustic energy in the reflector layers, The insertion loss of the ladder filter decreases with the increase of the number of reflector layers but the bandwidth is not affected much by the number of reflector layers, As the impedance ratio of reflector layers becomes larger the insertion loss becomes smaller and the bandwidth becomes wider, In our analysis of the two mode, characteristics of λ/2 mode appear to be slightly more favorable than that of λ/4 mode