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The Advancement of Underwriting Skill by Selective Risk Acceptance (보험Risk 세분화를 통한 언더라이팅 기법 선진화 방안)

  • Lee, Chan-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.24
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    • pp.49-78
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    • 2005
  • Ⅰ. 연구(硏究) 배경(背景) 및 목적(目的) o 우리나라 보험시장의 세대가입율은 86%로 보험시장 성숙기에 진입하였으며 기존의 전통적인 전업채널에서 방카슈랑스의 도입, 온라인전문보험사의 출현, TM 영업의 성장세 等멀티채널로 진행되고 있음 o LTC(장기간병), CI(치명적질환), 실손의료보험 등(等)선 진형 건강상품의 잇따른 출시로 보험리스크 관리측면에서 언더라이팅의 대비가 절실한 시점임 o 상품과 마케팅 等언더라이팅 측면에서 매우 밀접한 영역의 변화에 발맞추어 언더라이팅의 인수기법의 선진화가 시급히 요구되는 상황하에서 위험을 적절히 분류하고 평가하는 선진적 언더라이팅 기법 구축이 필수 적임 o 궁극적으로 고객의 다양한 보장니드 충족과 상품, 마케팅, 언더라이팅의 경쟁력 강화를 통한 보험사의 종합이익 극대화에 기여할 수 있는 방안을 모색하고자 함 Ⅱ. 선진보험시장(先進保險市場)Risk 세분화사례(細分化事例) 1. 환경적위험(環境的危險)에 따른 보험료(保險料) 차등(差等) (1) 위험직업 보험료 할증 o 미국, 유럽등(等) 대부분의 선진시장에서는 가입당시 피보험자의 직업위험도에 따라 보험료를 차등 적용중(中)임 o 가입하는 보장급부에 따라 직업 분류방법 및 할증방식도 상이하며 일반사망과 재해사망,납입면제, DI에 대해서 별도의 방법을 사용함 o 할증적용은 표준위험율의 일정배수를 적용하여 할증 보험료를 산출하거나, 가입금액당 일정한 추가보험료를 적용하고 있음 - 광부의 경우 재해사망 가입시 표준위험율의 300% 적용하며, 일반사망 가입시 $1,000당 $2.95 할증보험료 부가 (2) 위험취미 보험료 할증 o 취미와 관련 사고의 지속적 다발로 취미활동도 위험요소로 인식되어 보험료를 차등 적용중(中)임 o 할증보험료는 보험가입금액당 일정비율로 부가(가입 금액과 무관)하며, 신종레포츠 등(等)일부 위험취미는 통계의 부족으로 언더라이터가 할증율 결정하여 적용함 - 패러글라이딩 년(年)$26{\sim}50$회(回) 취미생활의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 재해사망 $2, DI보험 8$ 할증보험료 부가 o 보험료 할증과는 별도로 위험취미에 대한 부담보를 적용함. 위험취미 활동으로 인한 보험사고 발생시 사망을 포함한 모든 급부에 대한 보장을 부(不)담보로 인수함. (3) 위험지역 거주/ 여행 보험료 할증 o 피보험자가 거주하고 있는 특정국가의 임시 혹은 영구적 거주시 기후위험, 거주지역의 위생과 의료수준, 여행위험, 전쟁과 폭동위험 등(等)을 고려하여 평가 o 일반사망, 재해사망 등(等)보장급부별로 할증보험료 부가 또는 거절 o 할증보험료는 보험全기간에 대해 동일하게 적용 - 러시아의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 일반사망은 2$의 할증보험료 부가, 재해사망은 거절 (4) 기타 위험도에 대한 보험료 차등 o 비행관련 위험은 세가지로 분류(항공운송기, 개인비행, 군사비행), 청약서, 추가질문서, 진단서, 비행이력 정보를 바탕으로 할증보험료를 부가함 - 농약살포비행기조종사의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 일반사망 6$의 할증보험료 부가, 재해사망은 거절 o 미국, 일본등(等)서는 교통사고나 교통위반 관련 기록을 활용하여 무(無)사고운전자에 대해 보험료 할인(우량체 위험요소로 활용) 2. 신체적위험도(身體的危險度)에 따른 보험료차등(保險料差等) (1) 표준미달체 보험료 할증 1) 총위험지수 500(초과위험지수 400)까지 인수 o 300이하는 25점단위, 300점 초과는 50점 단위로 13단계로 구분하여 할증보험료를 적용중(中)임 2) 삭감법과 할증법을 동시 적용 o 보험금 삭감부분만큼 할증보험료가 감소하는 효과가 있어 청약자에게 선택의 기회를 제공할수 있으며 고(高)위험 피보험자에게 유용함 3) 특정암에 대한 기왕력자에 대해 단기(Temporary)할증 적용 o 질병성향에 따라 가입후 $1{\sim}5$년간 할증보험료를 부가하고 보험료 할증 기간이 경과한 후에는 표준체보험료를 부가함 4) 할증보험료 반환옵션(Return of the extra premium)의 적용 o 보험계약이 유지중(中)이며, 일정기간 생존시 할증보험료가 반환됨 (2) 표준미달체 급부증액(Enhanced annuity) o 영국에서는 표준미달체를 대상으로 연금급부를 증가시킨 증액형 연금(Enhanced annuity) 상품을 개발 판매중(中)임 o 흡연, 직업, 병력 등(等)다양한 신체적, 환경적 위험도에 따라 표준체에 비해 증액연금을 차등 지급함 (3) 우량 피보험체 가격 세분화 o 미국시장에서는 $8{\sim}14$개 의적, 비(非)의적 위험요소에 대한 평가기준에 따라 표준체를 최대 8개 Class로 분류하여 할인보험료를 차등 적용 - 기왕력, 혈압, 가족력, 흡연, BMI, 콜레스테롤, 운전, 위험취미, 거주지, 비행력, 음주/마약 등(等) o 할인율은 회사, Class, 가입기준에 따라 상이(최대75%)하며, 가입연령은 최저 $16{\sim}20$세, 최대 $65{\sim}75$세, 최저보험금액은 10만달러(HIV검사가 필요한 최저 금액) o 일본시장에서는 $3{\sim}4$개 위험요소에 따라 $3{\sim}4$개 Class로 분류 우량체 할인중(中)임 o 유럽시장에서는 영국 등(等)일부시장에서만 비(非)흡연할인 또는 우량체할인 적용 Ⅲ. 국내보험시장(國內保險市場) 현황(現況)및 문제점(問題點) 1. 환경적위험도(環境的危險度)에 따른 가입한도제한(加入限度制限) (1) 위험직업 보험가입 제한 o 업계공동의 직업별 표준위험등급에 따라 각 보험사 자체적으로 위험등급별 가입한도를 설정 운영중(中)임. 비(非)위험직과의 형평성, 고(高)위험직업 보장 한계, 수익구조 불안정화 등(等)문제점을 내포하고 있음 - 광부의 경우 위험1급 적용으로 사망 최대 1억(億), 입원 1일(日) 2만원까지 제한 o 금융감독원이 2002년(年)7월(月)위험등급별 위험지수를 참조 위험율로 인가하였으나, 비위험직은 70%, 위험직은 200% 수준으로 산정되어 현실적 적용이 어려움 (2) 위험취미 보험가입 제한 o 해당취미의 직업종사자에 준(準)하여 직업위험등급을 적용하여 가입 한도를 제한하고 있음. 추가질문서를 활용하여 자격증 유무, 동호회 가입등(等)에 대한 세부정보를 입수하지 않음 - 패러글라이딩의 경우 위험2급을 적용, 사망보장 최대 2 억(億)까지 제한 (3) 거주지역/ 해외여행 보험가입 제한 o 각(各)보험사별로 지역적 특성상 사고재해 다발 지역에 대해 보험가입을 제한하고 있음 - 강원, 충청 일부지역 상해보험 가입불가 - 전북, 태백 일부지역 입원급여금 1일(日)2만원이내 o 해외여행을 포함한 해외체류에 대해서는 일정한 가입 요건을 정하여 운영중(中)이며, 가입한도 설정 보험가입을 제한하거나 재해집중보장 상품에 대해 거절함 - 러시아의 경우 단기체류는 위험1급 및 상해보험 가입 불가, 장기 체류는 거절처리함 2. 신체적위험도(身體的危險度)에 따른 인수차별화(引受差別化) (1) 표준미달체 인수방법 o 체증성, 항상성 위험에 대한 초과위험지수를 보험금삭감법으로 전환 사망보험에 적용(최대 5년(年))하여 5년(年)이후 보험 Risk노출 심각 o 보험료 할증은 일부 회사에서 주(主)보험 중심으로 사용중(中)이며, 총위험지수 300(8단계)까지 인수 - 주(主)보험 할증시 특약은 가입 불가하며, 암 기왕력자는 대부분 거절 o 신체부위 39가지, 질병 5가지에 대해 부담보 적용(입원, 수술 등(等)생존급부에 부담보) (2) 비(非)흡연/ 우량체 보험료 할인 o 1999년(年)최초 도입 이래 $3{\sim}4$개의 위험요소로 1개 Class 운영중(中)임 S생보사의 경우 비(非)흡연우량체, 비(非)흡연표준체의 2개 Class 운영 o 보험료 할인율은 회사, 상품에 따라 상이하며 최대 22%(영업보험료기준)임. 흡연여부는 뇨스틱을 활용 코티닌테스트를 실시함 o 우량체 판매는 신계약의 $2{\sim}15%$수준(회사의 정책에 따라 상이) Ⅳ. 언더라이팅 기법(技法) 선진화(先進化) 방안(方案) 1. 직업위험도별 보험료 차등 적용 o 생 손보 직업위험등급 일원화와 연계하여 3개등급으로 위험지수개편, 비위험직 기준으로 보험요율 차별적용 2. 위험취미에 대한 부담보 적용 o 해당취미를 원인으로 보험사고(사망포함) 발생시 부담보 제도 도입 3. 표준미달체 인수기법 선진화를 통한 인수범위 대폭 확대 o 보험료 할증법 적용 확대를 통한 Risk 헷지로 총위험지수 $300{\rightarrow}500$으로 확대(거절건 최소화) 4. 보험료 할증법 보험금 삭감 병행 적용 o 삭감기간을 적용한 보험료 할증방식 개발, 고객에게 선택권 제공 5. 기한부 보험료할증 부가 o 위암, 갑상선암 등(等)특정암의 성향에 따라 위험도가 높은 가입초기에 평준할증보험료를 적용하여 인수 6. 보험료 할증법 부가특약 확대 적용, 부담보 병행 사용 o 정기특약 등(等)사망관련 특약에 할증법 확대, 생존급부 특약은 부담보 7. 표준체 고객 세분화 확대 o 콜레스테롤, HDL 등(等)위험평가요소 확대를 통한 Class 세분화 Ⅴ. 기대효과(期待效果) 1. 고(高)위험직종사자, 위험취미자, 표준미달체에 대한 보험가입 문호개방 2. 보험계약자간 형평성 제고 및 다양한 고객의 보장니드에 부응 3. 상품판매 확대 및 Risk헷지를 통한 수입보험료 증대 및 사차익 개선 4. 본격적인 가격경쟁에 대비한 보험사 체질 개선 5. 회사 이미지 제고 및 진단 거부감 해소, 포트폴리오 약화 방지 Ⅵ. 결론(結論) o 종래의 소극적이고 일률적인 인수기법에서 탈피하여 피보험자를 다양한 측면에서 위험평가하여 적정 보험료 부가와 합리적 가입조건을 제시하는 적절한 위험평가 수단을 도입하고, o 언더라이팅 인수기법의 선진화와 함께 언더라이팅 인력의 전문화, 정보입수 및 시스템 인프라의 구축 등이 병행함으로써, o 보험사의 사차손익 관리측면에서 뿐만 아니라 보험시장 개방 및 급변하는 보험환경에 대비한 한국 생보언더라이팅 경쟁력 강화 및 언더라이터의 글로벌화에도 크게 기여할 것임.

  • PDF

Activation Analysis of Dual-purpose Metal Cask After the End of Design Lifetime for Decommission (설계수명 이후 해체를 위한 금속 겸용용기의 방사화 특성 평가)

  • Kim, Tae-Man;Ku, Ji-Young;Dho, Ho-Seog;Cho, Chun-Hyung;Ko, Jae-Hun
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.343-356
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    • 2016
  • The Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) has developed a dual-purpose metal cask for the dry storage of spent nuclear fuel that has been generated by domestic light-water reactors. The metal cask was designed in compliance with international and domestic technology standards, and safety was the most important consideration in developing the design. It was designed to maintain its integrity for 50 years in terms of major safety factors. The metal cask ensures the minimization of waste generated by maintenance activities during the storage period as well as the safe management of the waste. An activation evaluation of the main body, which includes internal and external components of metal casks whose design lifetime has expired, provides quantitative data on their radioactive inventory. The radioactive inventory of the main body and the components of the metal cask were calculated by applying the MCNP5 ORIGEN-2 evaluation system and by considering each component's chemical composition, neutron flux distribution, and reaction rate, as well as the duration of neutron irradiation during the storage period. The evaluation results revealed that 10 years after the end of the cask's design life, $^{60}Co$ had greater radioactivity than other nuclides among the metal materials. In the case of the neutron shield, nuclides that emit high-energy gamma rays such as $^{28}Al$ and $^{24}Na$ had greater radioactivity immediately after the design lifetime. However, their radioactivity level became negligible after six months due to their short half-life. The surface exposure dose rates of the canister and the main body of the metal cask from which the spent nuclear fuel had been removed with expiration of the design lifetime were determined to be at very low levels, and the radiation exposure doses to which radiation workers were subjected during the decommissioning process appeared to be at insignificant levels. The evaluations of this study strongly suggest that the nuclide inventory of a spent nuclear fuel metal cask can be utilized as basic data when decommissioning of a metal cask is planned, for example, for the development of a decommissioning plan, the determination of a decommissioning method, the estimation of radiation exposure to workers engaged in decommissioning operations, the management/reuse of radioactive wastes, etc.

A Study on Development of Achievement Standards and Assessment Standards of Vocational Inquiry Section for 2005 College Scholastic Ability Test - Focus on Food and Nutrition Subject in the Field of Home Economics Order - (2005 수능 직업탐구영역의 과목별 성취기준과 평가기준 개발 - 식품과 영양 과목을 중심으로 -)

  • Na Hyeon-Ju;Min Kyung-Hee;Lee Hwa-young;Pyo Jum-sun;Ha Mi-ok;Jang Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.197-219
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    • 2005
  • This study attempted, in accordance with the National Educational Curriculum, to develop achievement assessment standards for a course within the field of home economics which has been widely adopted by Korean vocational high schools, namely, the food and nutrition subject. Focus was also placed on strengthening the management of the curriculum for this food and nutrition course, as well as on establishing proper assessment standards by developing model assessment tools which can be used to assess the subject. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : First, based on an analysis of the related literature and materials. the desired notion of the achievement and assessment standards was established, and their significance ascertained the achievement and assessment standards for the food and nutrition course were set and the type of model assessment tool which should be developed, as well as the method in which it should be applied. was established Second. by analyzing the curriculums and the contents of the textbooks used in the food and nutrition subject, the researcher was able to compile the 70 factors which could to be used to develop the achievement and assessments standards, and then classify these into 6 main categories and 32 sub-categories. Based on the characteristics of these factors and learners' academic performance levels the number of factors was expanded to 89 in order to establish the achievement standards. In turn, these achievement standards were used, in accordance with the learners' achievement and teaming activity levels, to develop three different levels of assessment standards. namely, upper, middle, and lower ones. Third. a model assessment tool was developed which could be used by individual school units as a reference in terms of achievement and assessment standards, and that could be modified to meet each school's circumstances. In order to create the model assessment tool a 100-question questionnaire was formulated that contained various types of questions, such as essay, report, theoretical and practical, portfolio, as well as multiple choice-type questions. Lastly, the researcher introduced measures to effectively use the achievement and assessment standards developed for the food and nutrition course, as well as the model assessment tool in school units.

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A Study on the Legislative Conception of Terror of the Advanced European Nations (유럽 선진국의 법제적 테러 개념에 관한 고찰)

  • Kwon, Jeong-Hun;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.15
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    • pp.29-50
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    • 2008
  • Many countries throughout the world have enacted laws on terrorism in the light of the changes that time has brought to them, geographical features, cultural values, and environmental elements. Especially some advanced European nations prescribe the definition of terrorism, the purpose of terrorism, the behavior of terrorism, and the types of crimes related to terrorism and so on for the following reason that it is more vital for the authorities concerned to investigate and punish terrorists after the rise of terrorism. In this regard, this paper analyzes legislative countermoves against terrorists of advanced countries such as France, Germany, and England and through this sheds light on the need of future anti-terrorism bills. The legislative basic guidelines directly to manipulate future terrors based on theories derived from this study could be summarized as follows. In the first place, providing laws on direct investigative power and harsher punishment to those involved in terrorism is a prerequisite for social security and thus the presidential directive of the state anti-terrorism action guidelines just deals with administrative measures without any effective response to terrorism. Hence it is urgent to make anti-terrorism bill concerning investigation and punishment of terrorists. In the second place, it is associated with the objectives of terror. The expression "all sorts of" stated in Korean law is so quite unclear that it can not fulfill the required conditions for naming it "crime". Comprehending provisoes of the crime that meets the purpose of the terrorists is necessary in order to investigate and inflict punishment on them. Therefore, it is advisable to establish specific and precise principles such as political, social, ideological, and religious purpose of terrorists in the bill. In the third place, to meet the flow of times of technicalization, informatization, such provisoes as destruction of electronic data system, crimes related to nuclear materials, purchases of weapons by terrorists, tax administration for prohibition of sale, and arson should be considered in terror bill. In the fourth place, nonselective attack toward unspecified individuals has become a serious issue in our society. Terrorists leave poisonous foods or beverages to crowded place or dump toxic chemicals into river intentionally. Therefore more strict regulations must be included in terror bill to prevent possible terrorist attacks.

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A Study on Formative Background and Spatial Characteristics of Katsura Imperial Villa (카츠라리큐(桂離宮, 계리궁)의 형성배경 및 공간특성)

  • Yeom, Sung-Jin;An, Seung-Hong;Yoon, Sung-Yung;Yoon, Sang-Jun;Son, Yong-Hoon;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2015
  • The garden culture of Korea and Japan have been commonly influenced by Wonrim culture of China. Nevertheless, each culture has been settled down through the development of the two separate garden cultures, The purpose of this study is to grasp the formation background and main agent of development through theoretical consideration of gardens in Japanese Imperial Garden Katsura Imperial Villa, which is the origin of the representative garden making style-Circuit Style Garden, to look into the characteristic of spatial organization elements by conducting on-site survey and interview with a garden manager, and to obtain elementary views on Katsura Imperial Villa which is an important case of Japanese garden culture. As a result; first, Katsura Imperial Villa is the first jicheol juyu(round tour of ponds and springs) circuit style garden created by Toshihito Emperor and his son Toshitada Emperor, who were well-versed in Waka through the dynasty literature based on the story of Genji throughout about two generations lasting about 30 years; space composition of this garden is divided into land, island and water space, being composed of a total of 36 space components. Second, Katsura Imperial Villa was created with the primary goal of making a round tour around the garden land by arranging tea pavilions, such as Shokintei, Shokatei and Shoiken, etc., which introduced the then game culture into the garden. Third, the personnel in Katsura Imperial Villa intended to enjoy the scenic characteristics of the area where Katsura Imperial Villa was located from the interior of the garden by making Gepparo which was a tea pavilion for enjoying the rising moon on the hill even a litter faster and longer by piling up earth and setting up stone walls north of Koshoin which was a structure located west of the garden land.

Analysis of Structural Types and Design Factors for Fruit Tree Greenhouses (과수재배용 온실의 구조유형과 설계요소 분석)

  • Nam, Sang-Woon;Ko, Gi-Hyuk
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2013
  • In order to provide basic data for the development of a controlled environment cultivation system and standardization of the structures, structural status and improvement methods were investigated for the fruit tree greenhouses of grape, pear, and peach. The greenhouses for citrus and grape cultivation are increasing while pear and persimmon greenhouses are gradually decreasing due to the advance of storage facilities. In the future, greenhouse cultivation will expand for the fruit trees which are more effective in cultivation under rain shelter and are low in storage capability. Fruit tree greenhouses were mostly complying with standards of farm supply type models except for a pear greenhouse and a large single-span peach greenhouse. It showed that there was no greenhouse specialized in each species of fruit tree. Frame members of the fruit tree greenhouses were mostly complying with standards of the farm supply type model or the disaster tolerance type model published by MIFAFF and RDA. In most cases, the concrete foundations were used. The pear greenhouse built with the column of larger cross section than the disaster tolerance type. The pear greenhouse had also a special type of foundation with the steel plate welded at the bottom of columns and buried in the ground. As the results of the structural safety analysis of the fruit tree greenhouses, the grape greenhouses in Gimcheon and Cheonan and the peach greenhouses in Namwon and Cheonan appeared to be vulnerable for snow load whereas the peach greenhouse in Namwon was not safe enough to withstand wind load. The peach greenhouse converted from a vegetable growing facility turned out to be unsafe for both snow and wind loads. Considering the shape, height and planting space of fruit tree, the appropriate size of greenhouses was suggested that the grape greenhouse be 7.0~8.0 m wide and 2.5~2.8 m high for eaves, while 6.0~7.0 m wide and 3.0~3.3 m of eaves height for the pear and peach greenhouses.

Retrieval of Pollen Optical Depth in the Local Atmosphere by Lidar Observations (라이다를 이용한 지역 대기중 꽃가루의 광학적 두께 산출)

  • Noh, Young-Min;Lee, Han-Lim;Mueller, Detlef;Lee, Kwon-Ho;Choi, Young-Jean;Kim, Kyu-Rang;Choi, Tae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2012
  • Air-borne pollen, biogenically created aerosol particle, influences Earth's radiative balance, visibility impairment, and human health. The importance of pollens has resulted in numerous experimental studies aimed at characterizing their dispersion and transport, as well as health effects. There is, however, limited scientific information concerning the optical properties of airborne pollen particles contributing to total ambient aerosols. In this study, for the first time, optical characteristics of pollen such as aerosol backscattering coefficient, aerosol extinction coefficient, and depolarization ratio at 532 nm and their effect to the atmospheric aerosol were studied by lidar remotes sensing technique. Dual-Lidar observations were carried out at the Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST) located in Gwagnju, Korea ($35.15^{\circ}E$, $126.53^{\circ}N$) for a spring pollen event from 5 to 7 May 2009. The pollen concentration was measured at the rooftop of Gwangju Bohoon hospital where the building is located 1.0 km apart from lidar site by using Burkard trap sampler. During intensive observation period, high pollen concentration was detected as 1360, 2696, and $1952m^{-3}$ in 5, 6, and 7 May, and increased lidar return signal below 1.5km altitude. Pollen optical depth retrieved from depolarization ratio was 0.036, 0.021, and 0.019 in 5, 6, and 7 May, respectively. Pollen particles mainly detected in daytime resulting increased aerosol optical depth and decrease of Angstrom exponent.

Development and Application of the Slope Management Program in Urban Area (대도시 사면관리프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su;Chae, Byung-Gon;Cho, Yong-Chan;Lee, Choon-Oh;Song, Young-Suk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.1 s.50
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2007
  • In general, the life and asset casualties that occur due to landslide or slope failure in urban areas are larger than that in rural areas. In order to reduce the casualties, a slope management program is necessary to categorize slopes based on properties and to manage them systematically. The slope management system is the establishment of the data base for the geological and geotechnical factor according to slope stability, and the utilization of the data base to manage slopes. The suitable system must develop to slopes in urban area through the survey, analysis and evaluation process. Based on the above necessity, the slope management program which is applicable to slope management in an urban area has been developed at Hwangryung Mt. in Busan as a target area. The developed slope management program has various functions such as slope ID number of each slope or sub-region of a mountain, making a slope data sheet, analysis and grouping of slope stability, and establishment of a data base. The slope management program is constructed by use of GIS, and the survey, test and analysis data according to all slopes can be input and edited into the program. The program can also be utilized practically by end users due to the convenient input, edition printing, management and operation of slope data. Therefore, the slope management system has been established on the application of the developed program in Busan which is located in slope area. As the system is widely applied to other cities, the slope in urban area can be managed systematically and the slope hazards can be minimized.

A Web-based 'Patterns of Care Study' System for Clinical Radiation Oncology in Korea: Development, Launching, and Characteristics (우리나라 임상방사선종양을 위한 웹 기반 PCS 시스템의 개발과 특성)

  • Kim, Il Han;Chie, Eui Kyu;Oh, Do Hoon;Suh Chang-Ok;Kim, Jong Hoon;Ahn, Yong Chan;Hur, Won-Joo;Chung, Woong Ki;Choi, Doo Ho;Lee, Jae Won
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: We report upon a web-based system for Patterns of Care Study (PCS) devised for Korean radiation oncology. This PCS was designed to establish standard tools for clinical quality assurance, to determine basic parameters for radiation oncology processes, to offer a solid system for cooperative clinical studies and a useful standard database for comparisons with other national databases. Materials and Methods: The system consisted of a main server with two back-ups in other locations. The program uses a Linux operating system and a MySQL database. Cancers with high frequencies in radiotherapy departments in Korea from 1998 to 1999 were chosen to have a developmental priority. Results: The web-based clinical PCS .system for radiotherapy in www.pcs.re.kr was developed in early 2003 for cancers of the breast, rectum, esophagus, larynx and lung, and for brain metastasis. The total number of PCS study items exceeded one thousand. Our PCS system features user-friendliness, double entry checking, data security, encryption, hard disc mirroring, double back-up, and statistical analysis. Alphanumeric data can be input as well as image data. In addition, programs were constructed for IRB submission, random sampling of data, and departmental structure. Conclusion: For the first time in the field of PCS, we have developed a web-based system and associated working programs. With this system, we can gather sample data in a short period and thus save, cost, effort and time. Data audits should be peformed to validate input data. We propose that this system should be considered as a standard method for PCS or similar types of data collection systems.

The movement history of the southern part of the Yangsan Fault Zone interpreted from the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the Sinheung Fault, Eonyang, Gyeongsang Basin, Korea (언양 신흥단층의 기하학적.운동학적 특성으로부터 해석된 경상분지 양산단층대 남부의 단층운동사)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2009
  • The main fault of Yangsan Fault Zone (YFZ) and Quaternary fault were found in a trench section with NW-SE direction at an entrance of the Sinheung village in the northern Eonyang, Ulsan, Korea. We interpreted the movement history of the southern part of the YFZ from the geometric and kinematic characteristics of basement rock's fault of the YFZ (Sinheung Fault) and Quaternary fault (Quaternary Sinheung Fault) investigated at the trench section. The trench outcrop consists mainly of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of Hayang Group and volcanic rocks of Yucheon Group which lie in fault contact and Quaternary deposits which unconformably overlie these basement rocks. This study suggests that the movement history of the southern part of the YFZ can be explained at least by two different strike-slip movements, named as D1 and D2 events, and then two different dip-slip movements, named as D3 and D4 events. (1) D1 event: a sinistral strike-slip movement which caused the bedding of sedimentary rocks to be high-angled toward the main fault of the YFZ. (2) D2 event: a dextral strike-slip movement slipped along the high-angled beddings as fault surfaces. The main characteristic structural elements are predominant sub-horizontal slickenlines and sub-vertical fault foliations which show a NNE trend. The event formed the main fault rocks of the YFZ. (3) D3 event: a conjugate reverse-slip movement slipped along fault surfaces which trend (E)NE and moderately dip (S)SE or (N)NW. The slickenlines, which plunge in the dip direction of fault surfaces, overprint the previous sub-horizontal slickenlines. The fault is characterized by S-C fabrics superimposed on the D2 fault gouges, fault surfaces showing ramp and flat geometry, asymmetric and drag folds and collapse structures accompanied with it. The event dispersed the orientation of the main fault surface of the YFZ. (4) D4 event: a Quaternary reverse-slip movement showing a displacement of several centimeters with S-C fabrics on the Quternary deposits. The D4 fault surfaces are developed along the extensions of the D3 fault surfaces of basement rocks, like the other Quaternary faults within the YFZ. This indicates that these faults were formed under the same compression of (N)NW-(S)SE direction.