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  • 제목/요약/키워드: 트래픽 부하

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Development of A Web-cache System with Compression Capability (압축 기능을 가진 웹캐시 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Zin-Won;Kim, Myung-Kyun;Hong, Yoon-Hwan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.11A no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2004
  • As the number of Internet users and the amount of web contents have increased very fast, reducing the load of web servers and providing web services more rapidly have been great issues. A web-cache system, which is located between the user and the web server, has been used by many web service providers as an effective way to reduce the load of web servers and the web service response time. In this paper, we have developed a web-cache system which is based on the Squid cache and has a compression capability. The web-cache system in which compression capability reduces the amount of network traffic and the web service response time by transfering the web contents in the compressed format over the network between the web-cache system and the user. The performance enhancement is greater in the reverse-cache system than in the forward-cache system because in the case of the reverse-cache system, the cache reduces the amount of traffic on the Internet which is the bottleneck in the network path between the user and the web server. The experimentation result shows that the amount of data traffic has reduced from 2 to 8 times depending on the size of the web contents. The web server response time has reduced 37% on the average and when the size of the web content is greater than 10Kbyte, the response time has reduced 87% on the average.

An Admission Control Mechanism to guarantee QoS of Streaming Service in WLAN (WLAN에서 스트리밍 서비스의 QoS를 보장하기 위한 승인 제어 기술)

  • Kang, Seok-Won;Lee, Hyun-Jin;Lee, Kyu-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Roh, Byeong-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.6B
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    • pp.595-604
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    • 2009
  • The HCCA reserves the channel resources based on the mean data rate in IEEE 802.11e. It may cause either the waste of channel resource or the increase of transmission delay at MAC layer if the frame size is rapidly varied when a compressed mode video codec such as MPEG video is used. To solve these problems, it is developed that the packet scheduler allocates the wireless resource adaptation by according to the packet size. However, it is difficult to perform the admission control because of the difficulty with calculating the available resources. In this paper, we propose a CAC mechanism to solve the problem that may not satisfy the QoS by increasing traffic load in case of using EDCA. Especially, the proposed CAC mechanism calculates the EB of TSs using the traffic information transmitted by the application layer and the number of average transmission according to the wireless channel environment, and then determines the admission of the TS based on the EB. According to the simulation results of the proposed CAC mechanism, it admitted the TSs under the loads which are satisfied within the delay bound. Therefore, the proposed mechanism guarantees QoS of streaming services effectively.

Cache Table Management for Effective Label Switching (효율적인 레이블 스위칭을 위한 캐쉬 테이블 관리)

  • Kim, Nam-Gi;Yoon, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.251-261
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    • 2001
  • The traffic on the Internet has been growing exponentially for some time. This growth is beginning to stress the current-day routers. However, switching technology offers much higher performance. So the label switching network which combines IP routing with switching technology, is emerged. EspeciaJJy in the data driven label switching, flow classification and cache table management are needed. Flow classification is to classify packets into switching and non-switching packets, and cache table management is to maintain the cache table which contains information for flow classification and label switching. However, the cache table management affects the performance of label switching network considerably as well as flowclassification because the bigger cache table makes more packet switched and maintains setup cost lower, but cache is restricted by local router resources. For that reason, there is need to study the cache replacement scheme for the efficient cache table management with the Internet traffic characterized by user. So in this paper, we propose several cache replacement schemes for label switching network. First, without the limitation at switching capacity in the router. we introduce FIFO(First In First Out). LFC(Least Flow Count), LRU(Least Recently Used! scheme and propose priority LRU, weighted priority LRU scheme. Second, with the limitation at switching capacity in the router, we introduce LFC-LFC, LFC-LRU, LRU-LFC, LRU-LRU scheme and propose LRU-weighted LRU scheme. Without limitation, weighted priority LRU scheme and with limitation, LRU-weighted LRU scheme showed best performance in this paper.

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A Management for IMS Network Using SDN and SNMP (SDN과 SNMP를 이용한 IMS 네트워크 관리)

  • Yang, Woo-Seok;Kim, Jung-Ho;Lee, Jae-Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.694-699
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    • 2017
  • In accordance with the development of information and communications technology, a network user has to be able to use quality of service (QoS)-based multimedia services easily. Thus, information and communications operators began to focus on a technique for providing multimedia services. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a platform based on Internet Protocol (IP) as a technology for providing multimedia services and application services. The emerging 5G networks are described as having massive capacity and connectivity, adaptability, seamless heterogeneity, and great flexibility. The explosive growth in network services and devices for 5G will cause excessive traffic loads. In this paper, software-defined networking (SDN) is applied as a kind of virtualization technology for the network in order to minimize the traffic load, and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used to provide more efficient network management. To accomplish these purposes, we suggest the design of a dynamic routing algorithm to be utilized in the IMS network using SDN and an SNMP private management information base (MIB). The proposal in this paper gives information and communications operators the ability to supply more efficient network resources.

Performance Analysis of Sensor Network Real-Time Traffic for Factory Automation in Intranet Environment (인트라넷 환경에서의 공장자동화를 위한 센서 망 실시간 트래픽 성능 평가)

  • Song, Myoung-Gyu;Choo, Young-Yeol
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.1007-1015
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    • 2008
  • In order to provide real-time data from sensors and instruments at manufacturing processes on web, we proposed a communication service model based on XML(eXtensible Markup Language). HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) is inadequate for describing real-time data from manufacturing plants while it is suitable for display of non-real-time multimedia data on web. For applying XML-based web service of process data in Intranet environment, real-time performance of communication services was evaluated to provide the system design criteria. XML schema for the data presentation was proposed and its communication performance was evaluated by simulation in terms of transmission delay due to increased message length and processing delay for transformation of raw data into defined format. For transformation of raw data into XML format, we proposed two structures: one is the scheme where transformation is done at an SCC(Supervisory Control Computer) after receiving real-time data from instruments. the other is the scheme where transformation is carried out at instruments before the data are transmitted to the SCC. Performances of two structures were evaluated on a testbed under various conditions such as six packet sizes and offered loads of 20%, 50% and 80%, respectively. Test results show that proposed schemes are applicable to the systems in Ethernet 100BaseT network if total message traffic is less than 7 Mbps.

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Performance of Uncompressed Audio Distribution System over Ethernet with a L1/L2 Hybrid Switching Scheme (L1/L2 혼합형 중계 방법을 적용한 이더넷 기반 비압축 오디오 분배 시스템의 성능 분석)

  • Nam, Wie-Jung;Yoon, Chong-Ho;Park, Pu-Sik;Jo, Nam-Hong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.46 no.12
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a Ethernet based audio distribution system with a new L1/L2 hybrid switching scheme, and evaluate its performance. The proposed scheme not only offers guaranteed low latency and jitter characteristics that are essentially required for the distribution of high-quality uncompressed audio traffic, and but also provide an efficient transmission of data traffic on the Ethernet environment. The audio distribution system with a proposed scheme consists of a master node and a number of relay nodes, and all nodes are mutually connected as a daisy-chain topology through up and downlinks. The master node generates an audio frame for each cycle of 125us, and the audio frame has 24 time slotted audio channels for carrying stereo 24 channels of 16-bit PCM sampled audio. On receiving the audio frame from its upstream node via the downlink, each intermediate node inserts its audio traffic to the reserved time slot for itself, then relays again to next node through its physical layer(L1) transmission - repeating. After reaching the end node, the audio frame is loopbacked through the uplink. On repeating through the uplink, each node makes a copy of audio slot that node has to receive, then play the audio. When the audio transmission is completed, each node works as a normal L2 switch, thus data frames are switched during the remaining period. For supporting this L1/L2 hybrid switching capability, we insert a glue logic for parsing and multiplexing audio and data frames at MII(Media Independent Interlace) between the physical and data link layers. The proposed scheme can provide a good delay performance and transmission efficiency than legacy Ethernet based audio distribution systems. For verifying the feasibility of the proposed L1/L2 hybrid switching scheme, we use OMNeT++ as a simulation tool with various parameters. From the simulation results, one can find that the proposed scheme can provides outstanding characteristics in terms of both jitter characteristic for audio traffic and transmission efficiency of data traffics.

Small-cell Resource Partitioning Allocation for Machine-Type Communications in 5G HetNets (5G 이기종 네트워크 환경에서 머신타입통신을 위한 스몰셀 자원 분리 할당 방법)

  • Ilhak Ban;Se-Jin Kim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2023
  • This paper proposes a small cell resource partitioning allocation method to solve interference to machine type communication devices (MTCD) and improve performance in 5G heterogeneous networks (HetNet) where macro base station (MBS) and many small cell base stations (SBS) are overlaid. In the 5G HetNet, since various types of MTCDs generate data traffic, the load on the MBS increases. Therefore, in order to reduce the MBS load, a cell range expansion (CRE) method is applied in which a bias value is added to the received signal strength from the SBS and MTCDs satisfying the condition is connected to the SBS. More MTCDs connecting to the SBS through the CRE will reduce the load on the MBS, but performance of MTCDs will degrade due to interference, so a method to solve this problem is needed. The proposed small cell resource partitioning allocation method allocates resources with less interference from the MBS to mitigate interference of MTCDs newly added in the SBS with CRE, and improve the overall MTCD performace using separating resources according to the performance of existing MTCDs in the SBS. Through simulation results, the proposed small cell resource partitioning allocation method shows performance improvement of 21% and 126% in MTCDs capacity connected to MBS and SBS respectively, compared to the existing resource allocation methods.

Building Low Delay Application Layer Multicasting Trees for Streaming Services (스트리밍 서비스를 위한 적은 지연의 응용계층 멀티캐스트 트리 구축)

  • Kim, Jong-Gyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2008
  • The quality of stream remaking is decided the load of a server and Jitter through the traffic of the transmission path between end to end. In order to improve these problems in this paper, I propose tree construction method of low-delay-level-multicast. In this case which the network congestion will be occurred by streaming quality, I also propose the technique which dynamically changes the transmission path. This technique first constructs the overlay structure for relaxing the overload of server. Secondly, in order to decrease Jitter of client, it makes upload bandwidth and low latency balanced. In the evaluation of the performance, this paper showed better enhancement of about 15 than P2CAST[4] in the simulation about node average join count, average bandwidth, service request refusal ratio, RTT measurement of nodes, and node average join count by defect ratio.

A Study on The IPTV Quality Using FR or The NR Measurement (FR, NR 측정 방식을 이용한 IPTV 품질에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Jeong;Nam, Ki-Dong;Kim, Chang-Bong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2009
  • Recently, as the expectation about the IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) service quality is rapidly increased by the development of the national high-speed internet and TPS (the Triple Play Service : data + image + audio) service Therefore, the enactment of the national quality standards about the IPTV service quality guaranteeing the real time video quality of a subscriber and the international standards are hastily needed. This paper built a test bed with the network domain and the subscriber set-top box domain including the headend area and commercial network characteristic in order to test in the environment which is similar to the characteristic of the service business network. And by using the constructed environment, the characteristics required for SLA(service Level Agreement) of the IPTV service are presented as the quality test according to the service environment change.

AODV Protocol with Load Distribution for Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (유비쿼터스 센서 네트워크를 위한 부하 분산 AODV 프로토콜)

  • Jo, Young-Jun;Kim, Seong-Chul;Cho, Yong-Bum;Cho, Sung-Joon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.461-472
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    • 2007
  • In Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN), the sensor nodes are required to consume their energy evenly to prolong the lifetime of the entire sensor network because of the limited energy of the sensor node. AODV which is applied to USN as routing protocol selects route according to only the shortest distance of the minimum hop count but regardless of the remaining battery power for each node. Thus it comes to ill-balanced power consumption seriously. In this paper, a scheme that controls packet relay quantity of each sensor node adaptively to prevent traffic overhead at a certain node and to increase the entire network lifetime is proposed. As it is analyzed by simulations, the proposed scheme enhances USN lifetime by balancing each sensor node's packet relay quantity.

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