• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토층

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A Study on the Bearing Capacity of the Sand Foundation Including the Dense Sand Layer (조밀한 층을 포함하는 사질 지반의 지지력에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Eun Young;Lee, Sang Duk;Kwon, Oh Yeoh;Hu, Chang Tack
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 1993
  • The bearing capacity of the sand foundation including a thin dense sand layer depends on the stiffiness, thickness and the location of the dense sand layer. In this paper was the influence of the dense sand layer on both the bearing capacity and the failure configuration is studied by means of K.E.M(Kinematic Element Method). K.E.M was implemented to get the excat solution starting from the upper bound of the analysis. The result show that the bearing capacity of the foundation and the failure configuration is greatly influenced by the dense sand layer, when the layer is located not deeper than 3/5 of the foundation width.

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Analyzed Change of Soil Characteristics by Rainfall and Vegetation (강우 및 식생에 의한 토질특성 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Moon-Se;Kim, Kyeong-Su;Song, Young-Suk;Ryu, Je-Cheon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2009
  • In this study, some changes of soil characteristics in a field were analyzed to investigate the effect of heavy rainfall during rainy season. The heavy rainfalls were often induced geohazards like landslides. To do this, the reaching rainfall in the ground surface was investigated according to a condition of vegetation, and the change of soil characteristics induced by infiltrating rainfall was analyzed. The study site is a natural terrain located in Daedeok Science Complex. This site has same geology and soil condition whereas it has different vegetable condition. The rainfall records during the rainy season of 2006 and 2007 were selected. The rainfall records are based on the measuring date from Daejeon Regional Meteorological Administration adjacent to the study site. Also, the rainfall records according to the condition of vegetation were measured using rainfall measuring device made by ourselves. The soil tests were carried out about soil specimen sampled before and after rainfall, and then the change of soil characteristics related to rainfall and vegetation were analyzed. As the result, the density of vegetation was influenced by reaching rainfall quantity in the ground surface, and its influence intensity was decreased with rainfall intensity and rainfall duration. Also, it shows that degree of saturations, water contents, liquidities and shear resistances are directly influenced by heavy rainfalls.

Analysis of Soil Characteristics and its Relationship According to the Geological Condition in Natural Slopes of the Landslide Area (산사태지역 자연사면의 지질별 토질특성 및 상관관계 분석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.2 s.52
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the soil characteristics are analyzed using the result of various soil tests as an object of the soil layer of natural slopes in landslides areas. Also, the relationship with landslides and interrelation with each soil properties are analyzed. The landslides in three areas with different geological condition are occurred due to heavy rainfall in same time. The geology of Jangheung area, Sangju area and Pohang area is gneiss, granite, and the tertiary sedimentary rock, respectively. However soil characteristics have a little differentiation to geological condition, the soils sampled from landslide area have higher proportion of fine particle and porosity, and lower density than those from non landslide area. In case of same geological condition, landslides are occurred in the terrain slope with high permeability. The permeability is mainly influenced by the soil characteristics such as particle size distribution, porosity, particle structure, and the geological origins such as weathering, sedimentary environment. The soil layer with high internal friction angle is more stable than that with low internal friction angle in all geological condition. The permeability is mainly influenced by effective particle size, coefficient of uniformity, coefficient of gradation, porosity, density and so on. Also, those have interrelation with each factor. These interrelations are similar in all study area. Meanwhile, in proportion as the void ratio and the porosity rises the permeability increases.

Proposal of Models to Estimate the Coefficient of Permeability of Soils on the Natural Terrain considering Geological Conditions (지질조건에 따른 자연사면 토층의 투수계수 산정모델 제안)

  • Jun, Duk-Chan;Song, Young-Suk;Han, Shin-In
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2010
  • The soil tests have been performed on the specimens obtained from about 1,150 sites including landslides and non-landslides areas in natural terrains for last 10 years. Based on the results of those tests, the average soil properties are estimated and the simple equations for estimating permeability are proposed according to geologic conditions. The average permeability in Granite and Mudstone sites is higher than other sites and the content of silt and clay in Mudstone and Gneiss sites is higher than other sites. The correlation analysis and the regression analysis were performed to estimate the coefficient of permeability according to geological conditions. As the result of the correlation analysis, the coefficient of permeability is selected as a dependent variable, and the silt and clay contents, the water contents and the dry unit weights are selected as independent variables. As the result of the regression analysis, the silt and clay contents and the void ratio were involved commonly in the linear regression equations according to geological conditions. To verify the proposed the linear regression equations, the measured result of the coefficient of permeability at other sites was compared with the result predicted with the proposed equations. As the result of comparison, there were a little bit different between them for some data. However the difference was relatively small. Therefore, the linear regression equations for estimating the coefficient of permeability according to geological conditions may be applied to Korean soils. However, these equations should be verified and corrected continuously to improve the accuracy.

Evaluation of Discharge Capacity of Upper Sand Deposit at the Nakdong River Estuary (낙동강 하구 상부퇴적사질토의 통수능 평가)

  • Jeong, Jin-Yeong;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Im, Eun-Sang;Hwang, Woong-Ki;Kim, Gyu-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2017
  • In this research, it was investigated that whether the upper sand deposited in Nakdong River Estuary Delta region has the role of horizontal drains like sand mat. The results from tests for particle size distribution and permeability of the upper sand deposit did not meet completely the criteria for the horizontal drain material. Thus, numerical analysis has been conducted additionally. Numerical analyses of consolidation of soft soils with upper layer of sand deposit are conducted in both the sand mat with a thickness of 1m and the upper sand deposit with 1, 2, 3, and 4 m of thickness and their results are compared. As the results of numerical analysis, the upper sand deposit with a thickness of 2m or more may play the role of horizontal drains similar to a sand mat. If a PVD is installed, the ability of upper sand deposit as horizontal drains is increased. Form this study, it was concluded that the upper sand deposited in Nakdong River Estuary Delta has the role of horizontal drain.

Physicochemical Properties of Forest Soils Related to Sulfate Adsorption (황산이온의 흡착에 관여하는 산림토양의 물리화학적 특성)

  • Lee, Seung-Woo;Park, Gwan-Soo;Lee, Choong-Hwa;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.371-377
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    • 2004
  • Sulfate adsorption in forest soils is a process of sulfur dynamics playing an important role in plant uptake, cation movement, acid neutralization capacity and so on. The relationship between sulfate adsorption and some physicochemical properties of four forest soils was investigated. Extractable sulfate contents and sulfate adsorption capacity (SAC) in the forest soils varied much among study sites. Extractable sulfate contents were more in sub-surface soils with lower organic matter and greater Al and Fe oxides than in surface soils. The average contents of $Al_d$ and $Fe_d$ in the sub-surface soils were 8.49 and $12.45g\;kg^{-1}$, respectively. Soil pH, cation exchange capacity and clay content were positively correlated with the extractable sulfate contents and SAC. Organic carbon content, however, was negatively correlated with the extractable sulfate contents, implying the competitive adsorption of sulfate with soil organic matter. Considerably significant correlation was found between inorganic + amorphous Al and Fe oxides and the sulfate adsorption, but crystalline Al and other fractions of Fe oxide showed no correlation. Relatively close relationship between the adsorbed sulfates and soil pH, cation exchange capacity, or amorphous Al oxides indicates that the accelerated soil acidification may substantially reduce the potential for sulfate adsorption contributing to sulfur flux in forest ecosystems.

Analysis of the Effect of Forest Fires on the Mineralogical Characteristics of Soil (산불 영향에 따른 토층의 광물학적 특성 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Man-Il Kim;Chang-Oh Choo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2023
  • Forest fires increase the risk of subsequent soil erosion and mass movement in burned areas, even under rainfall conditions below landslide alert thresholds, by destroying plants and vegetation and causing changes to soil properties. These effects of forest fires can alter runoff in burned areas by altering soil composition, component minerals, soil water repellency, soil mass stability, and soil fabric. Heat from forest fires not only burns shallow organic matter and plants but also spreads below the surface, affecting soil constituents including minerals. This study analyzed X-ray diffraction and physical properties of topsoil and subsoil obtained from both burned and non-burned areas to identify the composition and distribution of clay minerals in the soil. Small amounts of mullite, analcite, and hematite were identified in burned soils. Vermiculite and mixed-layer illite/vermiculite (I/V) were found in topsoil samples from burned areas but not in those from non-burned areas. These findings show changes in soil mineral composition caused by forest fires. Expansive clay minerals increase the volume of soil during rainfall, degrading the structural stability of slopes. Clay minerals generated in soil in burned areas are therefore likely to affect the long-term stability of slopes in mountainous areas.

A Study on Changes of Physico-Chemical Properties of Plow Layer Soil and its Response of Tobacco Growth under Poly Ethylene Film Mulching Condition. -2. Effect of Poly Ethylene Film Mulch on the Mineralization of Compound Fertilizer and Mobility of Mineralized Nutrients in the Plow Layer (연초피복재배(煙草被覆栽培)에서 작토층(作土層)의 이화학성(理化學性) 변화(變化)와 연초생장반응(煙草生長反應)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -2. 피복조건(被覆條件)이 시비(施肥)된 비료(肥料)의 무기화작용(無機化作用)과 무기화(無機化)된 양분(養分)의 작토층위별(作土層位別) 이동(移動)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Hong, Soon-Dal;Lee, Yun-Hwan;Kim, Jai-Joung;Cho, Seong-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 1985
  • This experiment was conducted in the field to investigate the effects of mulched condition on nutrient's mineralization and its mobility as affected by environmental changes (soil moisture and soil temperature) in the plow layer. 1. Nitrogen mineralization was faster owing to the prevention of evaporation and the increase of soil temperature in the poly ethylene mulched plot. As a result, nitrate form of nitrogen was much earlier available for plant in mulched plot than in non mulched plot. 2. Available $P_2O_5$ content in the plow layer was kept highest in the fertilized zone (10-20 cm depth) regardless of difference between mulched and non mulched condition, and was nearly constant without showing difference between planting and non planting of tobacco due to the lower availability of phosphorus by tobacco. 3. Potassium applied in the plow layer was remained a large quantity until the latter growth stage resulting in the lower recovery of potassium by tobacco. 4. Mineralized nutrients such as $NH_4-N$, $NO_3-N$, and K in the plow layer of mulched plot were transported from the fertilized layer (10-20 cm depth) and accumulated to the surface layer (0-10 cm depth) as the growing time goes by, but those in non mulched plot were distributed to the deeper layer. 5. Mobility of available nutrients in the plow layer was If order as $NO_3-N$ $$\geq_-$$ $NH_4-N$ > K > available $P_2O_5$. 6. Leaching degree of mineralized nutrients in the mulched plot was much lower than in the non mulched plot.

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Importance of Microtextural and Geochemical Characterizations of Soils on Landslide Sites (산사태지역 토층의 미세조직과 지화학적 특성의 중요성)

  • Kim Kyeong-Su;Choo Chang-Oh;Booh Seong-An;Jeong Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.4 s.42
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    • pp.447-462
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    • 2005
  • The purposes of this study are to evaluate and discuss the importance of geochemical properties of soil materials that play an important role in the occurrence of the landslide, using analyses of microtexture, particle size distribution, XRC, and FE-SEM equipped with energy dispersive spectrum on soils collected from landslide slopes of gneiss, granite and sedimentary rock areas. Soils from gneiss and granite areas where landslides took place have much clay content relative to those from non landslide areas, particularly pronounced in the granite area. Therefore the clay content is considered a sensitive factor on landslide. Clay minerals contained in soils are illite, chlorite, kaolinite and montmorillonite. Especially the content of clay minerals in soils from the Tertiary sedimentary rocks is highest, with abundant montmorillonite as expandable species. It is believed that this area was much vulnerable to landslide comparable to other areas because of its high content of monoorillonite, even though there might be weak precipitation. Since no conspicuous differentiation in mineralogy between the landslide area and non landslide area can be made, the occurrence of landslide may be influenced not by mineralogy, but by local geography and mechanical properties of soils. Geochemical information on weathering properties, mineralogy, and microtexture of soils is helpful to better understand the causes and patterns of landslide, together with engineering geological analyses.