• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토지이용 고도화

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Studies on the Rotation System to Forage Crop Cultivation at the Alpine Area (고냉지 사료작물 윤작체계 조사연구)

  • Han, Seong-Yun;Kim, Dae-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.300-304
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    • 1993
  • This experiment was carried out to increase the utility and productivity of forage crop as to investigate the rotation system which is suitable to cultivat at the alpine area. The treatments were 9 crops combinations including corn - rye treatment. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Rye can be cultivated satisfactorily at cold and high altitude areas such as Tae Kwan Ryong. 2. Corn, to be raised as a second crop after rye in the same year, does not have to be early (short) or medium maturity varieties in the high alpine area. 3. It is possible to increase the harvest by 30% in terms of dry melter or green crop yield through raising two crops, rye and corn, in the same year. 4. Maturity period or growth conditions of corn. as a tropical crop and the best forage crop, can improve or worsen acording to the external circumstance, such as low temperature resulting from high atitude.

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A Study on the Correlations among the Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils in Korea (우리나라 토양(土壤)의 물리화학적(物理化學的) 특성(特性) 상호관계(相互關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Jo, In-Sang;Hur, Bong-Koo;Kim, Lee-Yul;Cho, Seong-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.134-139
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    • 1985
  • This study was designed to understand the relationships among the soil physical and chemical properties and to obtain the useful regression to calculate the cation exchange capacity, field capacity, wilting point moisture content and organic matter content. Fourteen soil properties were collected from 315 representative soil series in Korea. Simple and multiple regression were analyzed with the data by grouping land use, drainage class and soil depth. The multiple regression equations which can be calculated the cation exchange capacity from clay and organic matter content were found out. Cation exchange capacity of clay was 22me/100g, and that of organic matter was 103.3me/100g. Moisture retentions, both of wilting point moisture content and field capacity, were closely related to clay and organic matter content. The coefficient of clay was increased with drainage class changed more poor but the coefficient of organic matter was highest at moderately well drained soil. Organic matter content can be calculated by soil texture and pH. Organic matter content was decreased by in creasing the pH. The highly significant regressions were found between base saturation and pH.

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Change Detection of land-surface Environment in Gongju Areas Using Spatial Relationships between Land-surface Change and Geo-spatial Information (지표변화와 지리공간정보의 연관성 분석을 통한 공주지역 지표환경 변화 분석)

  • Jang Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.3 s.108
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    • pp.296-309
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    • 2005
  • In this study, we investigated the change of future land-surface and relationships of land-surface change with geo-spatial information, using a Bayesian prediction model based on a likelihood ratio function, for analysing the land-surface change of the Gongju area. We classified the land-surface satellite images, and then extracted the changing area using a way of post classification comparison. land-surface information related to the land-surface change is constructed in a GIS environment, and the map of land-surface change prediction is made using the likelihood ratio function. As the results of this study, the thematic maps which definitely influence land-surface change of rural or urban areas are elevation, water system, population density, roads, population moving, the number of establishments, land price, etc. Also, thematic maps which definitely influence the land-surface change of forests areas are elevation, slope, population density, population moving, land price, etc. As a result of land-surface change analysis, center proliferation of old and new downtown is composed near Gum-river, and the downtown area will spread around the local roads and interchange areas in the urban area. In case of agricultural areas, a small tributary of Gum-river or an area of local roads which are attached with adjacent areas showed the high probability of change. Most of the forest areas are located in southeast and from this result we can guess why the wide chestnut-tree cultivation complex is located in these areas and the capability of forest damage is very high. As a result of validation using a prediction rate curve, a capability of prediction of urban area is $80\%$, agriculture area is $55\%$, forest area is $40\%$ in higher $10\%$ of possibility which the land-surface change would occur. This integration model is unsatisfactory to Predict the forest area in the study area and thus as a future work, it is necessary to apply new thematic maps or prediction models In conclusion, we can expect that this way can be one of the most essential land-surface change studies in a few years.

The Survey on Actual Condition Depending on Type of Degraded area and Suggestion for Restoration Species Based on Vegetation Information in the Mt. Jirisan Section of Baekdudaegan (식생정보에 기초한 백두대간 지리산권역 내 훼손지 유형별 실태조사)

  • Lee, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Ju-Young;Nam, Kyeong-Bae;An, Ji-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.558-572
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the types of degraded areas of Mt. Jirisan section in Baekdudaegan and survey the actual condition of each damage type to use it as basic data for the direction of the restoration of damaged areas according to damage type based on the vegetation information of reference ecosystem. The analysis of the Mt. Jirisan section's actual degraded conditions showed that the total number of patches of degraded areas was 57, and the number of patches and size of degraded areas was higher at the low average altitude and gentle slope. Grasslands (deserted lands) and cultivated areas accounted for a high portion of the damage types, indicating that agricultural land use was a major damage factor. The survey on the conditions of 14 degraded areas showed that the types of damage were classified into the grassland, cultivated area, restoration area, logged-off land, and bare ground. The analysis of the degree of disturbance (the ratio of annual and biennial herb, urbanized index, and disturbance index) by each type showed that the simple single-layer vegetation structure mostly composed of the herbaceous and the degree of disturbance were high in the grassland and cultivated land. The double-layer vegetation structure appeared in the restoration area where the pine seedlings were planted, and the inflow of naturalized plants was especially high compared to other degraded areas due to disturbances caused by the restoration project and the nearby hiking trails. Although the inflow of naturalized plants was low because of high altitude in bare ground, the proportion of annual and biennial herb was high, indicating that all surveyed degraded areas were in early succession stages. The stand ordination by type of damage showed the restoration area on the I-axis, cultivated area, grassland, logged-off land, and bare ground in that order, indicating the arrangement by the damage type. Moreover, the stand ordination of the degraded areas and reference ecosystem based on floristic variation showed a clear difference in species composition. This study diagnosed the status of each damage type based on the reference ecosystem information according to the ecological restoration procedure and confirmed the difference in species composition between the diagnosis result and the reference ecosystem. These findings can be useful basic data for establishing the restoration goal and direction in the future.

A Case Study of GIS-Based Site Classification in the Gyeongsang Province Constrained by Geologic and Topographic Information (GIS기반의 지질·지형 자료를 활용한 경상도지역의 지반분류 사례)

  • Kang, Su-Young;Kim, Kwang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.136-145
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    • 2009
  • Site characteristic is an important input parameter in the geologic hazard assessments including, but not limited to, earthquakes, liquefaction and landslides. Although it is a routine to use data collected by boreholes or seismic prospecting for site classifications, we used indirect methods using the geologic and the topographic maps. A site classification map in the Gyeongsang Province has been produced by GIS tools based on geologic age, rock types, and elevations from the geologic map and the topographic map of Korea. Site B (rock site) is dominant in the study area, although softer soils are observed along rivers and in reclaimed lands. We have found that 73% of the site classification results in the study are in concordance with those obtained from borehole data. Observed discrepancies are attributed to errors in the geologic and the topographic maps. For some sites, the origin of the differences is not clear, which requires a further field study or a drilling. Site classification from this study provides essential information for reliable hazard assessments of earthquakes, floods, landslides and liquefaction. Results obtained in the study also play a crucial role in land use planning for developing areas.

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Comparative Study on the Carbon Stock Changes Measurement Methodologies of Perennial Woody Crops-focusing on Overseas Cases (다년생 목본작물의 탄소축적 변화량 산정방법론 비교 연구-해외사례를 중심으로)

  • Hae-In Lee;Yong-Ju Lee;Kyeong-Hak Lee;Chang-Bae Lee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.258-266
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed methodologies for estimating carbon stocks of perennial woody crops and the research cases in overseas countries. As a result, we found that Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, and Japan are using the stock-difference method, while Austria, Denmark, and Germany are estimating the change in the carbon stock based on the gain-loss method. In some overseas countries, the researches were conducted on estimating the carbon stock change using image data as tier 3 phase beyond the research developing country-specific factors as tier 2 phase. In South Korea, convergence studies as the third stage were conducted in forestry field, but advanced research in the agricultural field is at the beginning stage. Based on these results, we suggest directions for the following four future researches: 1) securing national-specific factors related to emissions and removals in the agricultural field through the development of allometric equation and carbon conversion factors for perennial woody crops to improve the completeness of emission and removals statistics, 2) implementing policy studies on the cultivation area calculation refinement with fruit tree-biomass-based maturity, 3) developing a more advanced estimation technique for perennial woody crops in the agricultural sector using allometric equation and remote sensing techniques based on the agricultural and forestry satellite scheduled to be launched in 2025, and to establish a matrix and monitoring system for perennial woody crop cultivation areas in the agricultural sector, Lastly, 4) estimating soil carbon stocks change, which is currently estimated by treating all agricultural areas as one, by sub-land classification to implement a dynamic carbon cycle model. This study suggests a detailed guideline and advanced methods of carbon stock change calculation for perennial woody crops, which supports 2050 Carbon Neutral Strategy of Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs and activate related research in agricultural sector.

Comparative Evaluation of UAV NIR Imagery versusin-situ Point Photo in Surveying Urban Tributary Vegetation (도심소하천 식생조사에서 현장사진과 UAV 근적외선 영상의 비교평가)

  • Lee, Jung-Joo;Hwang, Young-Seok;Park, Seong-Il;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.475-488
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    • 2018
  • Surveying urban tributary vegetation is based mainly on field sampling at present. The tributary vegetation survey integrating UAV NIR(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Near Infrared Radiance) imagery and in-situ point photo has received only limited attentions from the field ecologist. The reason for this could be the largely undemonstrated applicability of UAV NIR imagery by the field ecologist as a monitoring tool for urban tributary vegetation. The principal advantage of UAV NIR imagery as a remote sensor is to provide, in a cost-effective manner, information required for a very narrow swath target such as urban tributary (10m width or so), utilizing very low altitude flight, real-time geo-referencing and stereo imaging. An exhaustive and realistic comparison of the two techniques was conducted, based on operational customer requirement of urban tributary vegetation survey: synoptic information, ground detail and quantitative data collection. UAV NIR imagery made it possible to identify area-wide patterns of the major plant communities subject to many different influences (e.g. artificial land use pattern), which cannot be acquired by traditional field sampling. Although field survey has already gained worldwide recognition by plant ecologists as a typical method of urban tributary vegetation monitoring, this approach did not provide a level of information that is either scientifically reliable or economically feasible in terms of urban tributary vegetation (e.g. remedial field works). It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference for area-wide information obtained by UAV NIR imagery in urban tributary vegetation survey.

Review of Remote Sensing Studies on Groundwater Resources (원격탐사의 지하수 수자원 적용 사례 고찰)

  • Lee, Jeongho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.855-866
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    • 2017
  • Several research cases using remote sensing methods to analyze changes of storage and dynamics of groundwater aquifer were reviewed in this paper. The status of groundwater storage, in an area with regional scale, could be qualitatively inferred from geological feature, surface water altimetry and topography, distribution of vegetation, and difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration. These qualitative indicators could be measured by geological lineament analysis, airborne magnetic survey, DEM analysis, LAI and NDVI calculation, and surface energy balance modeling. It is certain that GRACE and InSAR have received remarkable attentions as direct utilization from satellite data for quantification of groundwater storage and dynamics. GRACE, composed of twin satellites having acceleration sensors, could detect global or regional microgravity changes and transform them into mass changes of water on surface and inside of the Earth. Numerous studies in terms of groundwater storage using GRACE sensor data were performed with several merits such that (1) there is no requirement of sensor data, (2) auxiliary data for quantification of groundwater can be entirely obtained from another satellite sensors, and (3) algorithms for processing measured data have continuously progressed from designated data management center. The limitations of GRACE for groundwater storage measurement could be defined as follows: (1) In an area with small scale, mass change quantification of groundwater might be inaccurate due to detection limit of the acceleration sensor, and (2) the results would be overestimated in case of combination between sensor and field survey data. InSAR can quantify the dynamic characteristics of aquifer by measuring vertical micro displacement, using linear proportional relation between groundwater head and vertical surface movement. However, InSAR data might now constrain their application to arid or semi-arid area whose land cover appear to be simple, and are hard to apply to the area with the anticipation of loss of coherence with surface. Development of GRACE and InSAR sensor data preprocessing algorithms optimized to topography, geology, and natural conditions of Korea should be prioritized to regionally quantify the mass change and dynamics of the groundwater resources of Korea.