• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토지이용계획

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The Extended Site Assessment Procedure Based on Knowledge of Biodegradability to Evaluate the Applicability of Intrinsic Remediation (자연내재복원기술(Intrinsic Remediation)적용을 위한 오염지역 평가과정 개발)

  • ;Robert M. Cowan
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.3-21
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    • 1997
  • The remediation of contamiated sites using currently available remediation technologies requires long term treatment and huge costs, and it is uncertain to achieve the remediation goal to drop contamination level to either back-ground or health-based standards by using such technologies. Intrinsic remediation technology is the remediation technology that relies on the mechanisms of natural attenuation for the containment and elimination of contaminants in subsurface environments. Initial costs for the intrinsic remediation may be higher than conventional treatment technologies because the most comprehensive site assessment for intrinsic remediation is required. Total remediation cost, however may be the lowest among the presently employed technologies. The applicability of intrinsic remediation in the contaminated sites should be theroughly investigated to achieve the remedial goal of the technology. This paper provides the frame of the extended site assessment procedure based on knowledge of biodegradability to evaluate the applicability of intrinsic remediation. This site assessment procedure is composed of 5 steps such as preliminary site screening, assessment of the current knowledge of biodegradability, selecting the appropriate approach, analyzing the contaminant fate and transport and planning the monitoring schedule. In the step 1, followings are to be decided 1) whether to go on the the detailed assessment or not based on the rules of thumb concerning the biodegradability of organic compounds, 2) which protocol document is selected to follow for detailed site assessment according to the site characteristics, contaminants and the relative distance between the contamination and potential receptors. In the step 2, the database for biodegradability are searched and evaluated. In the step 3, the appropriate biodegradability pathways for the contaminated site is selected. In the step 4, the fate and transport of the contaminants at the site are analyzed through modeling. In the step 5, the monitoring schedule is planned according to the result of the modeling. Through this procedure, users may able to have the rational and systematic informations for the application of intrinsic remediation. Also the collected data and informations can be used as the basic to re-select the other remediation technology if it reaches a conclusion not to applicate intrinsic remediation technology at the site from the site assessment procedure.

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An Effectiveness Analysis of Landscape Management for the Historic and Cultural Environment Preservation Area of the Pungnammun Gate, Jeonju, by Applying 3D Visual Exposure (3차원 시각노출도를 이용한 전주 풍남문 역사문화환경보존지역의 경관 관리 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2018
  • The uniformed regulations for control of the height of buildings owned by individuals to protect landscape of cultural properties are causing serious social conflicts by limiting the development of landowners. It is urgent need of introducing indicators that can resolve such conflicts and evaluate the regulations of buildings, which can satisfy urban development as well as landscape management of cultural properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to simulate landscape changes according to the Cultural Heritage Protection Act and National Land Planning and Utilization Act by using Unity3D in the Pungnammun Gate(Treasure No. 308) of Jeonju and its surroundings, where architectural cultural property forms the symbolic landscape of the city. Then some items such as view points, target points were introduced and the quantitative evaluation of landscapes was attempted by applying the indicator of 3D Visual Exposure. As a result, the viewing opportunity and viewing area of Pungnammun Gate were not significantly influenced by changes in landscape according to the two laws. However, the change of the height of buildings by the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, which has the greatest development capacity, confirmed the possibility of weakening the identification of the Pungnammun Gate by increasing 3D Visual Exposure of the background buildings more than two times. Finally, it was confirmed that the skyline of Pungnammun Gate was clearly infringed upon development under the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, but the skyline was maintained similar to the current situation in the regulation by the Cultural Heritage Protection Act. Thus, this study is meaningful in that the application of 3D Visual Exposure showed the possibility of utilization as an indicator for quantitatively evaluating the protection of view on cultural property and skyline according to the changes of building heights.

Estimation of Potential Evapotranspiration using LAI (LAI를 고려한 잠재증발산량 추정)

  • Kim, Joo-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2005
  • In the process of a hydrology circulation, evapotranspiration is considered a very important factor to build a plan for the development of water resources and to operate water resources system. This study purposes to estimate daily potential evapotranspiration quantity in consideration of energy factors of the surface by using spatial information such as Landsat TM (ETM+) data, DEM and Landcover. Kyounan-cheon, Han River is selected as a target area, and landcover is divided by vegetation and non-vegetation covered area. Penman-Monteith equation which considers leaf-area index is used to estimate potential evapotranspiration quantity of vegetation covered area. The combination method (energy burget and aerodynamic method) is used in non-vegetation covered area. Among the input data for estimating potential evapotranspiration, NDVI, SR and Albedo is formed by Landsat, TM and ETM+ from 1986 through 2002. ground heat flux is estimated by using NDVI distribution map, LAI distribution map is drawn by using SR distribution map. The result of estimation shows that the average potential evapotranspiration in the whole basin is about 1.8-3.2mm/day per each cell. THe results of estimating potential evapotranspiration quantity by each landcover are as follows; water surface 3.6-4.9mm/day, city 1.4-3.1mm/day, bareland 1.4-3.5mm/day, grassland 1.7-3.7mm/day, forest 1.7-3.0mm/day and farmland 1.8-3.6mm/day. The potential evapotranspiration quantity is underestimated in comparison with observed evaporation data by evaporation pan, but it is considered that it has physical propriety.

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Implementation of Rule Management System for Validating Spatial Object Integrity (공간 객체 무결성 검증을 위한 규칙 관리 시스템의 구현)

  • Go, Goeng-Uk;Yu, Sang-Bong;Kim, Gi-Chang;Cha, Sang-Gyun
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.1393-1403
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    • 1999
  • 공간 데이타베이스 시스템을 통하여 공유되는 공간 데이타는 무결성이 적절하게 유지되지 않는 한 전체 응용 시스템의 행위를 예측할 수 없게 되므로 데이타의 무결성 확인 및 유지는 필수적이다. 특히 공공 GIS에 저장된 공간 데이타는 토지 이용도 평가, 도시 계획, 자원 관리, 시설물 관리, 안전 관리, 국방 등 국가 전체 및 지역의 중요한 정책 결정을 위한 다양한 응용 시스템들에 의해 이용되므로 적절한 공간 객체의 무결성 확인이 더욱 더 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 능동(active) DBMS의 능동 규칙(active rule) 기법을 이용하여 공간 객체의 무결성 확인을 지원하기 위한 규칙 관리 시스템을 제시한다. 능동 규칙을 이용한 공간 객체의 무결성 확인은 응용 프로그래머를 무결성 확인에 대한 부담으로부터 자유롭게 할 수 있다. 본 시스템은 특정 DBMS에 종속되지 않는 독립적인 외부 시스템으로 존재하며, 능동 규칙 관리기, 규칙 베이스, 그리고 활성규칙 생성기의 3 부분으로 구성된다. 사용자가 공간 데이타베이스 응용 프로그램을 통해 공간 객체를 조작하고자 할 때, 본 시스템은 데이타베이스 트랜잭션을 단위로 조작되는 모든 공간 객체의 무결성 확인을 위해 응용 프로그램에 삽입될 무결성 제약조건 규칙들을 효율적으로 관리하는 역할을 한다.Abstract It is necessary that the integrity of spatial data shared through the spatial database system is validated and appropriately maintained, otherwise the activity of whole application system is unpredictable. Specially, the integrity of spatial data stored in public GIS has to be validated, because those data are used by various applications which make a decision on an important policy of the region and/or whole nation such as evaluation of land use, city planning, resource management, facility management, risk management/safety supervision, national defense. In this paper, we propose rule management system to support validating the integrity of spatial object, using the technique of active rule technique from active DBMS. Validating data integrity using active rules allows database application programmer to be free from a burden on validation of the data integrity. This system is an independent, external system that is not subject to specific DBMS and consists of three parts, which are the active rule manager, the rule base, and the triggered rule generator. When an user tries to manipulate spatial objects through a spatial database application program, this system serves to efficiently manage integrity rules to be inserted into the application program to validate the integrity constraints of all the spatial objects manipulated by database transactions.

Analysis of Thermal Environment by Urban Expansion using KOMPSAT and Landsat 8: Sejong City (KOMPSAT과 Landsat 8을 이용한 도시확장에 따른 열환경 분석: 세종특별자치시를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Cheolhee;Park, Seonyoung;Kim, Yeji;Cho, Dongjin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_4
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    • pp.1403-1415
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    • 2019
  • Urban population growth and consequent rapid urbanization involve some thermal environmental problems in the cities. Monitoring of thermal environments in urban areas such as hot spot analysis is required for effective actions to resolve these problems. This study selected 14 dongs and surrounding administrative districts of Sejong city as study areas and analyzed the characteristics of changes in surface temperature due to the urban expansion in the summer from 2013 to 2018. In the study, the surface temperature distributions in the study areas were plotted using surface temperature values from Landsat 8 and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and NDBI (Normalized Difference Built-up Index) based on KOMPSAT 2/3 data, and the patterns of surface temperature changes with urban expansion were discussed using the estimated NDVI and NDBI. In particular, the distinct urbanization in the study areas were selected for case studies, and the cause of the changes in the hot spots in the regions was analyzed using high-resolution KOMPSAT images. This study results present that hot spots appeared in urbanized regions within the study areas, and it was plotted that the lower the NDVI values and the higher the NDBI values indicate the temperature values are high. The land surface temperature and satellite-based products were used to divide the study areas into continuously urbanized regions and rapidly urbanized regions and to identify the different characteristics depending on land covers. In the regions with distinct surface temperature changes by urbanization, the analysis using high-resolution KOMPSAT images as presented in this study could provide effective information for urban planning and policy utilization in the future.

Comparative Analysis by Soil Loss and Sediment Yield Analysis Calculation Method of River using RUSLE and GRID (RUSLE와 GRID를 이용한 하천의 토양유실량 및 유사유출량 산정방법별 비교분석)

  • Park, Eui-Jung;Kim, Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.112-121
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    • 2007
  • In occasion of soil loss happened in a basin, soil in the near of a stream may flow into the stream easily, but in case that soil is far away from the stream, sediment yield transferred to rivers by rainfall diminishes. To forecast sediment yield of a stream is an essential item for management of basins and streams. Therefore, sediment yield of soil loss produced from a basin is needed to be calculated as accurate as possible. Purpose of the present research is to calculate soil erosion amount in a basin and to forecast sediment yield flowed into a stream by rainfall and analyze sediment yield in the stream. There are various methods that analyze sediment yield of rivers. In the present study, the soil erosion amount was calculated using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) and GRID, and sediment yield was calculated using sediment delivery ratio and empirical methods. DEM data, slope of basin, soil map and landuse constructed by GIS were used for input data of RUSLE. The upstream area of the Yeongsan river basin in Gwangju metropolitan city was selected for the study area. Three methods according to the calculation of LS factor were applied to estimate the soil erosion amount. Two sediment delivery ratio methods for the respective methods were applied and, correspondingly, six occasions in sediment yield were calculated. In addition, the above results were compared by relative amount with estimation by the empirical method of Ministry of Construction & Transportation. Sediment yield calculated in the present study may be utilized for the plan, design and management of dams and channels, and evaluation of disaster impact.

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A Study on Strategy of Forest Rehabilitation Support Corresponding to the Spread of Marketization in North Korea (북한의 시장화 확산에 대응한 대북 산림복구 지원전략 연구)

  • Song, Minkyung;Yi, Jong-Min;Park, Kyung-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.106 no.4
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    • pp.487-496
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    • 2017
  • The marketization in North Korea is spreading rapidly. This study proposes forest rehabilitation strategy for North Korea in light of their major shift toward market economy. This current trend of marketization in North Korea is now affecting the forest sector, especially the way the residents utilize small forest land. For analyzing the influence of marketization on forest management in North Korea, we reviewed the official documents issued by North Korea and related materials of North Korean marketization. The government of Kim Jong Eun has set up policies and systems regarding the spread of marketization, such as guaranteeing individuals a right to dispose certain products on their own and establishing a special economic zone to attract foreign investments. In the forestry sector, the North Korean government has been trying to fully implement its forest restoration plan by carrying out measures like re-claiming of sloping lands that had been previously used by residents. However, as marketization progresses, it is expected that there lies much difficulty in government-led massive mobilization for forest restoration due to the increase of illegal logging to meet high demand for timber, illegal firewood harvesting, collecting non-timber products for livelihoods and illegal crop cultivation to sell in the market. Therefore, South Korea's support for forest restoration should also consider the recent marketization phenomenon in North Korea. It is necessary to formulate strategic measures such as conducting joint commercialization project on agroforestry management using cooperative farming unit, helping to improve income source from small forest lands, and to activate a comprehensive mountain village special economic zone by utilizing forest business. We do hope that our proposed forest rehabilitation strategy in this paper regarding the changes in North Korea's marketization and forest policy can give a meaningful suggestion on supporting forest restoration in North Korea in an effective way.

Importance-Satisfaction Analysis of Users of Gochang Jayeonmadang Project (고창 자연마당 조성사업 이용자의 중요도·만족도 분석)

  • Jin Pyo Hong;Yun Jin Shim;Jung Won Sung;Kyeong Cheol Lee;Hyeong keun Kweon;Hui Jae Yun
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to identify items that should be considered in order to increase user satisfaction in the Jayeonmadang project by analyzing the importance and satisfaction targeting Gochang Jayeonmadang users. As a result of analysis on the importance and satisfaction of Gochang Jayeonmadang users focusing on 20 items in 6 fields, Overall, it was analyzed that they were not satisfied as they were important. In order to increase user satisfaction of Gochang Jayeonmadang, maintenance such as 'cleanliness and hygiene', 'water quality', 'vegetation growth', and 'facility management' should be carefully reflected from the planning and design stage, and careful attention should be paid even after the project. In addition, emphasis should be placed on enhancing the user convenience, such as 'accessibility', 'space layout and utilization efficiency', and 'convenience of route'. And, when promoting the Jayeonmadang project, the purpose of the project should be actively promoted to local residents to raise the residents' awareness of the importance of biodiversity in the city.

Evaluation of Water Quality Impacts of Forest Fragmentation at Doam-Dam Watershed using GIS-based Modeling System (GIS 기반의 모형을 이용한 도암댐 유역의 산림 파편화에 따른 수(水)환경 영향 평가)

  • Heo, Sung-Gu;Kim, Ki-Sung;Ahn, Jae-Hun;Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lim, Kyoungjae;Choi, Joongdae;Shin, Yong-Chul;Lyou, Chang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2006
  • The water quality impacts of forest fragmentation at the Doam-dam watershed were evaluated in this study. For this ends, the watershed scale model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was utilized. To exclude the effects of different magnitude and patterns in weather, the same weather data of 1985 was used because of significant differences in precipitation in year 1985 and 2000. The water quality impacts of forest fragmentation were analyzed temporarily and spatially because of its nature. The flow rates for Winter and Spring has increased with forest fragmentations by $8,366m^3/month$ and $72,763m^3/month$ in the S1 subwatershed, experiencing the most forest fragmentation within the Doam-dam watershed. For Summer and Fall, the flow rate has increased by $149,901m^3/month$ and $107,109m^3/month$, respectively. It is believed that increased flow rates contributed significant amounts of soil erosion and diffused nonpoint source pollutants into the receiving water bodies. With the forest fragmentation in the S1 watershed, the average sediment concentration values for Winter and Spring increased by 5.448mg/L and 13.354mg/L, respectively. It is believed that the agricultural area, which were forest before the forest fragmentation, are responsible for increased soil erosion and sediment yield during the spring thaw and snow melts. For Spring and Fall, the sediment concentration values increased by 20.680mg/L and 24.680mg/L, respectively. Compared with Winter and Spring, the increased precipitation during Summer and Fall contributed more soil erosion and increased sediment concentration value in the stream. Based on the results obtained from the analysis performed in this study, the stream flow and sediment concentration values has increased with forest fragmentation within the S1 subwatershed. These increased flow and soil erosion could contribute the eutrophication in the receiving water bodies. This results show that natural functionalities of the forest, such as flood control, soil erosion protection, and water quality improvement, can be easily lost with on-going forest fragmentation within the watershed. Thus, the minimize the negative impacts of forest fragmentation, comprehensive land use planning at watershed scale needs to be developed and implemented based on the results obtained in this research.

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Acquisition of Watershed-based Pollution Source Information using Spatial Distributed Geo-Information (분포형 공간정보를 이용한 유역단위 오염원정보 구축)

  • Bae, Myoung-Soon;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 2006
  • The Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) Act just implemented as a new tool of watershed based water quality management, in Korea. Thus, there are a number of pending questions to resolve for successful settlement of the TMDL. The allocation of pollution source is a exceedingly sensitive issue on local development planning. The simple area-based allocation (SAA) is conventional method to allocate the administrational pollution information to watershed based information. The SAA has a limitation that it can't consider the characteristics of spatial distribution of pollution source and it has caused more uncertainty of TMDL. This study was performed to reduce the uncertainty of watershed-based pollution information using the spatial distribution-based allocation(SDA). In the specific area where pollution source is concentrated such as urbanized region, it has been certified that SDA could reduce a tolerance of pollution information dramatically. As a result of study, SDA is expected a effective tool for TMDL and to solve the conflict between development and protection.

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