• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토지사용

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Design and Implementation of Spatiotemporal Operators for History Management System of Cadastre and Cadastral Map (토지대장/지적도 이력관리 시스템을 위한 시공간 연산자의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Sung-Ryoung;Kim, Sang-Ho;Lee, Hwa-Jong;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.2 no.2 s.4
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    • pp.127-142
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    • 2000
  • GIS Tools is able to not only store the integrated information between attribute data and spatial data, but also analyze them. Most of GIS Tools support current information of land. However, lawsuit of right of possession as well as statistic of past data for land policy may need historical information. Therefore, in the paper, we designed the spatiotemporal operators what can handle the historical information. and implemented them. The spatiotemporal operators are used in the history management system of Cadastre and Cadastral map based on GIS. The historical information is generated in spatial operation of spatiotemporal operators and then the implemented operators provide a function to store the historical information, and handle them.

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Ecohydrological Effects of Climate and Land-Use Changes in Jeju Island using Ecosystem Demography Model (ED 모형을 활용한 제주도의 기후 변화 및 토지 이용 변화의 생태수문학적 영향)

  • Kim, Jeongbin;Kim, Yeonjoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.107-107
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    • 2018
  • 기후 변화가 심해짐에 따라 한반도의 기후 또한 온대에서 아열대로 변화하고 있다. 기후대가 변하게 되면 수문학적 순환 및 식생의 분포 또한 달라지게 된다. 식생의 분포는 결국 토지 이용을 의미하며, 서로 다른 토지 이용은 대기와의 상호작용을 통해 각기 다른 반응을 보이게 된다. 본 연구에서는 기후대가 가장 빠르게 변화하고 있는 제주도를 대상으로 기후 변화 및 토지 이용 변화에 따른 생태수문학적 영향을 Ecosystem Demography Model version 2.2(ED-2.2) 모형을 사용하여 살펴 본다. 제주도의 플럭스 타워 및 산림 조사 자료를 활용하여 ED-2.2 모형을 검증하였다. CRU-NCEP 기상자료 및 Land-Use Harmonization (LUH) 토지이용자료를 활용하여 과거기간(1500~2015)의 잠재 식생 및 실제 식생 상태를 산정하고 그 차이를 분석하였다. 산정된 최종 실제 식생 상태를 바탕으로 기후 및 토지이용 시나리오(RCP 3.0 및 6.0)를 적용하고, 다양한 전지구모형(GFDL-ESM2M, HadGEM2-ES, IPSL-CM5A-LR, MIROC5)의 기상자료에 따라 물 순환, 탄소 순환 및 식생의 분포가 어떻게 달라지는 지 분석한다.

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A Study on Utilizing 1:1,000 Digital Topographic Data for Urban Landuse Classification (도시지역 토지이용분류를 위한 1:1,000 수치지형도 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Sookjoo;Kim, Kyehyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1D
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2006
  • Existing method of landuse classification using aerial photographs or field survey requires relatively higher amount of time and cost due to necessary manual work. Especially in urban area where the pattern of landuse is densely aggregated, a landuse classification using satellite image is more complex. In this background, this study proposes a landuse classification method to utilize 1:1,000 digital topographic data and IKONOS satellite image. To prove the possibility of this method, the method was applied to Seoul metropolitan area. The results shows the total accuracy of approximately 95% and 14 landuse classes extracted. Based on the results from the pilot study, this method is applicable to landuse classification in urban area.

Development of semi-automatic annotation tool for building land cover image data set (토지 관련 이미지 분석 데이터 셋 구축을 위한 반자동 annotation 도구 개발)

  • Jang, Dalwon;Lee, Jaewon;Lee, JongSeol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2019.11a
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    • pp.69-70
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    • 2019
  • 본 논문에서는 토지 정보를 분류하는 연구를 수행하기 위한 이미지 데이터 셋을 개발하는데 필요한 반자동 annotation 도구를 제안한다. 논문에서 제안하는 도구는 합성개구레이더 영상을 입력으로 하고, 물/경작지/숲/건물을 구분하는 시스템을 개발하기 위해서 만들어진 것이나, 다른 목적을 가지는 토지 관련 이미지 분석 시스템의 개발에 사용될 수 있다. 제안하는 도구는 합성개구레이더 영상이 GPS 정보와 같이 입력되었을 때, GPS 정보에 기반하여 토지지목정보를 불러오고, 이를 재정리하여 1차 레이블링 결과를 자동적으로 생성한다. 국가에서 관리하는 토지지목정보는 개발하고자 하는 시스템의 분류 기준에 많은 부분 도움이 되긴 하지만, 일부분 차이점이 있기 때문에 이를 다시 수동으로 수정하는 도구을 동작하여 annotation이 완료된 이미지 데이터를 구축한다.

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A Comparative Analysis on Parcel Boundary inconsistency between Town and Agricultural village (도시와 농촌지역의 지적경계불부합에 대한 비교 분석)

  • 정영동;최한영;박성규;조형식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.497-505
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    • 2004
  • 오늘날과 같이 산업사회의 급격한 발달로 인하여 토지의 재산적인 가치가 높게 평가되면서 국민들은 토지에 대한 정확하고 다양한 정보제공을 요구하고 있다. 그러나 우리나라는 토지조사사업으로 작성된 지적공부를 현재까지 사용하고 있으나 토지이동에 따른 지적경계의 변동과 지적도면이 변질되고, 신축과 훼손이 심해져서 지적도의 경계선과 지상경계선의 불일치로 토지분쟁을 유발하여 대국민관계에 불신을 초래하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 그러나 아직까지 정확한 해결방안을 찾지 못하고 있는 것이다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 현행 지적공부의 문제점인 경계불부합을 효율적으로 정리할 수 있는 방안을 위해서 지상경계를 TS측량방법을 이용하여 필지별 면적과 경계점간 거리의 변화를 측정하여 도시지역과 농촌지역에 관한 도상 경계와 지상경계를 분석하여 문제점을 해결할 수 있는 방법으로 지상경계위주의 좌표로 등록하여 정리하는 것이 효율적인 방법임을 제시하였다.

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Extracting Land Cover Map and Boundary Line between Land and Sea from Hyperspectral Imagery (하이퍼스펙트럴 영상으로부터 객체기반 영상분류방법에 의한 토지피복도 및 수애선 추출)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Bhang, Kon-Joon;Joo, Young-Don;Han, Seung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.69-70
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    • 2014
  • 연안지역에 대한 항공 하이퍼스펙트럴 영상으로부터 객체기반 분류방법을 이용하여 토지피복분류를 수행하고 기존에 주로 사용되어온 화소기반 분류기법에 의한 결과와 비교하였으며, 생성된 토지피복도로부터 해륙경계선인 수애선벡터를 용이하게 추출하는 방법을 제시하였다.

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A Study on the EO-1 Hyperion's Optimized Band Selection Method for Land Cover/Land Use Map (토지피복지도 제작을 위한 초분광 영상 EO-1 Hyperion의 최적밴드 선택기법 연구)

  • Jang Se-Jin;Lee Ho-Nam;Kim Jin-Kwang;Chae Ok-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2006
  • The Land Cover/Land Use Map have been constructed from 1998, which has hierarchical structure according to land cover/land use system. Level 1 classification Map have done using Landsat satellite image over whole Korean peninsula. Level II classification Map have been digitized using IRS-1C, 1D, KOMPSAT and SPOT5 satellite images resolution-merged with low resolution color images. Level II Land Cover/Land Use Map construction by digitizing method, however, is consuming enormous expense for satellite image acquisition, image process and Land Cover/Land Use Map construction. In this paper, the possibility of constructing Level II Land Cover/Land Use Map using hyperspectral satellite image of EO-1 Hyperion, which is studied a lot recently, is studied. The comparison of classifications using Hyperion satellite image offering more spectral information and Landsat-7 ETM+ image is performed to evaluate the availability of Hyperion satellite image. Also, the algorithm of the optimal band selection is presented for effective application of hyperspectral satellite image.

A Study of Land Suitability Analysis by Integrating GSIS with Artificial Neural Networks (GSIS와 인공신경망의 결합에 의한 토지적합성분석에 관한 연구)

  • 양옥진;정영동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2000
  • This study is tried to organic combination in implementing the suitability analysis of urban landuse between GSIS and ANN(Artificial Neural Network). ANN has merit that can decide rationally connectivity weights among neural network nodes through procedure of learning. It is estimated to be possible that replacing the weight among factors needed in spatial analysis of the connectivity weight on neural network. This study is composed of two kinds of neural networks to be executed. First neural network was used in the suitability analysis of landuse and second one was oriented to analyze of optimum landuse pattern. These neural networks were learned with back-propagation algorithm using the steepest gradient which is embodied by C++ program and used sigmoid function as a active function. Analysis results show landuse suitability map and optimum landuse pattern of study area consisted of residental, commercial. industrial and green zone in present zoning system. Each result map was written by the Grid format of Arc/Info. Also, suitability area presented in the suitability map and optimum landuse pattern show distribution pattern consistent with theroretical concept or urban landuse plan in aspect of location and space structure.

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Evaluation of Ventilation Performances for Various Combinations of Inlets and Outlets in a Residential Unit through CO2 Tracer-Gas Concentration Decay Method (CO2 추적가스 농도감소법을 이용한 공동주택의 급·배기구 조합에 따른 환기 성능 분석)

  • Sang Yoon Lee;Soo Man Lee;Jong Yeob Kim;Gil Tae Kim;Byung Chang Kwag
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2023
  • Indoor air quality has become increasingly important with the increase in time spent in residential environments, impact of external fine dust, yellow dust, and the post-COVID 19 pandemic. Residential mechanical ventilation plays a key role in addressing indoor air quality. The legal standard for residential air changes per hour in Korea is 0.5 ACH. However, there are no standards for the location of supply and return vents. This study atempts to analyze the impact of ventilation performance based on the location of supply and return vents. An experiment was conducted using the CO2 tracer gas concentration decay method in a mock-up house set inside a large chamber to minimize external influences. The experimental results indicated that the commonly used combination of 2 supply and 2 return vents in living room spaces had a lower mean age of air than the combination of 1 supply and 2 return vents. Using multiple supply and return vents had lower mean age of air than using just 1 supply and 1 return vent.

Utilization of Space based Digital Information for Land Information around the Acreage of a Lot (필지 중심 토지정보화를 위한 공간기반 수치정보의 활용방안)

  • Jung, Dae-Young;Shin, Young-Chul;Jung, Young-June
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2005
  • It is necessary to arrange and analyze the collected research date to get regularity such as characteristics, merits and demerits, and possibility in city when constructing land information by analyzing linkage and utilization of cadastral information as the fundamental data for land information around the acreage of a lot and by expressing the purpose of each digital data construction with map. In short, that is the work to classify data, to make chart or map, or to analyze using statistical technique. Some information in land utilization had been used by computerization, but several problems were found in common use of total divisions. The most important problem is, in the case of drawing information, that topographical map with building boundary and land registration map with acreage boundary cannot be used together. In the case of property information, common utilization of property information that is basically needed and standard measurement of usage classification are necessary. The characteristics of the land usage data by the rearrangement of the cadastral information. etc. is presented as the basic data for the land information orientation, and the analyzing result of the data should be expressed and controlled on the map as the fundamental survey for the establishment of the land information oriented planning supports the physical space planning of the land cadaster finally. In this research, the problem in establishing current land information around acreage of a lot was found to research data to be needed in land information for utilizationof space based digital information, and was studied the method in relation to GIS.

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