• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토양이화학성

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Effect of municipal sewage sludge application on the change of physico-chemical properties and contents of heavy metals in soils (도시하수(都市下水)Sludge의 시용(施用)이 토양이화학성(土壤理化學性) 및 중금속(重金屬) 이동 (移動)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Choi, Jyung;Chang, Sang-Moon;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Choi, Choong-Ryeol;Park, Seon-Do
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.170-173
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of municipal sludge application on the change of physico-chemical properties and contents of heavy metals in soils. The application of the sludge resulted in increasing the content of total nitrogen, available phosphate,exchangeable K, Ca, Mg, and the soil porosity and permeability but soil hardness was reduce. It is clear that application of municipal sewage sludge would not due to increase in the heavy metals content in soil because of the lower concentration of heavy metal in the sludge. Totally it is evident that municipal sewage sludge application should play an important role in improving soil physico-chemical properties.

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Studies on the Cause of Injury by Continuous Cropping and Soil Conditioner Application on Red Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) I. Studies on the Cause of Injury by Continuous Cropping of Red Pepper (고추의 연작(連作) 장해요인(障害要因)과 토양개량제(土壤改良劑) 시용효과(施用效果) I. 고추연작(連作) 장해실태(障害實態) 조사(調査))

  • Hwang, N.Y.;Ryu, J.;So, J.D.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 1988
  • The present experiment was conducted to investigate causes affecting the reduction of red pepper production in the continuous cultivation upland soil from 1985 to 1986 in Imsil Chonbuk Province. The results obstained are summarized as follows: 1. Area ratio of continuous cultivation 2 years was 12.7%, 3 years 6.8% and over 4 years 48.9%. 2. Soil hardness and volume of solid and liguid of red pepper continuous cultivation soil were higher than those of one year cultivation, while pH and content of organic matter of continuous cultivation soil were low. The exceeding optimum level of phosphorus and potassium appeared factors affecting and reduction of red pepper of continuous cultivation soil. 3. Microflora density in continuous cultivation soil was high but bacteria/fungi (B/F) and actinomycetes/fungi (A/F) ratio were low. 4. The density of soil nematodes in continuous cultivation soil were higher than that in one year cultivation soil, however, the steeper and better drainage soil lowered the density of nematodes. 5. Continuous cultivation over 4 years showed 14.3% of plants diseased by phytophthora while 0.7% in one year cultivation soil.

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Relationship between Fertilizer Application Level and Soil Chemical Properties for Strawberry Cultivation under Greenhouse in Chungnam Province (충남지역 시설 딸기재배지 시비수준과 토양 화학성과의 관계)

  • Choi, Moon-Tae;Lee, Jin-Il;Yun, Yeo-Uk;Lee, Jong-Eun;Lee, Bong-Chun;Yang, Euy-Seog;Lee, Young-Han
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays, Korean farmers rely more on chemical fertilizers than low input sustainable agriculture drawn from the farm itself. In order to improve soil nutritional imbalance for environment friendly agriculture in greenhouse, we have carried out a relationship between fertilizer application level, and soil chemical properties for strawberry cultivation at 56 sites in Chungnam Province. Average amount of nitrogen as basal fertilization was 92.3 Mg $ha^{-1}$ which higher 2.6 times compared to standard amount of basal fertilizer. In case of compost application more than 30 Mg $ha^{-1}$, excessive ratio compared to optimum level was higher 1.8 times for EC value, 3.0 times for available phosphate, 2.6 times for exchangeable potassium, 1.7 times for exchangeable calcium, and 1.6 times for exchangeable magnesium, respectively. Amounts of compost application significantly correlated with available phosphate (r=0.370, $p{\leq}0.01$), exchangeable potassium(r=0.429, $p{\leq}0.01$), exchangeable calcium(r=0.404, $p{\leq}0.01$), exchangeable magnesium(r=0.453, $p{\leq}0.01$), and exchangeable sodium(r=0.369, $p{\leq}0.01$), respectively. Our results suggest that soil nutrients management for sustainable agriculture was optimum fertilization based on soil testing for strawberry cultivation in greenhouse.

Density of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Chemical Properties of Soils in Seasoning Crop Cultivation (조미채소 재배지의 토양 화학성에 따른 균근균 분포특성에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Bo-Kyoon;Kim, Hong-Lim;Kim, Young-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2003
  • The average values of soil chemical concentration in investigation regions were pH 5.93, $25.9g\;kg^{-1}$ of organic matter, $742mg\;kg^{-1}$ of available phosphate and $44.7mg\;kg^{-1}$ of nitrate nitrogen. The number of mycorrhizal spores analysed from 1g of soil sample was 12.1 for onion, 11.7 for garlic and 10.1 for red pepper. In fractionation of soil texture, clay and silty clay showed more than 15 spores per 1g of soil. There was no relationship between spore density and soil nutrition of pH, organic matter, $NO_3-N$ and Av. $P_2O_5$. However, the number of spores was constant level independent on the concentration of soil nutrition. Spores identified in this study are as follows: Glomus clarum, Glomus intraradices, Glomus etunicatum, Gigaspora rosea and Gigaspora margarita.

Stable Macro-aggregate in Wet Sieving and Soil Properties (습식체별에 안정한 대입단과 토양특성과의 관계)

  • Han, Kyung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Jun;Lee, Hyub-Sung;Oh, Dong-Shig;Kim, Lee-Yul
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2007
  • Soil aggregates, resulting from physico-chemical and biological interactions, are important to understand carbon dynamics and material transport in soils. The objective of this study is to investigate stable macro-aggregate (> 0.25mm diameter) in wet sieving (SM) and their relation to soil properties in 15 sites. The clay contents of soils were ranged from 1% to 33%, and their land uses included bare and cultivated lands of annual upland crops, orchard, and grass. Undisturbed 3 inch cores with five replicates were sampled at topsoil (i.e., 0- to 10-cm depth), for analyzing SM and physico-chemical properties, after in situ measurement of air permeability. SM of sandy soils, with clay content less than 2%, was observed as 0%. Except the sandy soils, SM of soils mainly depended on land uses, showing 27%~35% in soils with annual plants such as vegetable and corn, 51% in orchard, and 75% in grass. This sequence of SM is probably due to the different strength of soil disturbance like tillage with different land uses. SM had significant correlation with cation exchange capacity, organic matter content, sand, clay, silt, bulk density, and exchangeable potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg), whereas fluctuating properties with fertilization such as pH, EC, and water soluble phosphorus weren't significantly correlated to the SM. Particularly, exchangeable calcium (Ca) had significant relation with SM, only except soils with oversaturating Ca. This study, therefore, suggested that SM could perceive different land uses and the change of soil properties in soils, necessarily considering soil textures and Ca over-saturation.

Rhizome Rot incidence of Platycodon grangiflorus as Influenced by the Soil Chemical Properties and Microbial Flora (토양 화학성과 미생물상이 도라지 근경부패병에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Young-Han;Kim, Jong-Gyun;Park, Sang-Ryeol;Choi, Yong-Jo;Cho, Soo-Jeong;Yun, Han-Dae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.62-66
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to determine the soil chemical properties and microbial flora of platycodon and their effect on rhizome rot incidence. Sampling sites were Keochang 4, Kimhae 7, Haman 6, Chinju 6 and Koseong 3 fields in Kyongnam province and Hongcheong 6 fields in Kangwon province. The root disease incidence rate was in the order of Haman 56.8%, Hongcheon 52.5%, Kimhae 36.7%, Koechang 35.3%, Chinju 32.3%, Koseong 30.0%. The yield at the Chinju 36.17 Mg/ha was higher than that of Koseong 25.00 Mg/ha, Kimhae 13.57 Mg/ha, Koechang 11.75 Mg/ha, Haman 9.50 Mg/ha, Hongcheon 5.24 Mg/ha. The soil K, $NH_4-N$ content and EC value of injury root were higher than those of normal root. The root CaO content was positively correlated with yield $Y=20505X-367.9(R^2=0.129^{\ast})$. The Fe and Zn content of normal root were higher than those of injury root, while the T-N, $P_2O_5$ and $K_2O$ content of normal root were lower than those of injury root. The population of bacteria, actinomycetes and bacteria/fungi ratio increased in soil of normal root, but that of fungi decreased.

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Evaluation on Growth Characteristics of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and Soil Chemical Properties by Continuous Application of Food Waste Compost with Manure (음식물류폐기물 혼합 가축분 퇴비 연용에 따른 고추(Capsicum annuum L.) 생육 및 토양 화학적 특성 평가)

  • Jin-Ju Yun;Young-Jae Jeong;Seong-Heon Kim;Sang-Ho Jeon;Ahn-Sung Roh;Soon-Ik Kwon;Yu-Na Lee;Jae-Hong Shim
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2024
  • Food waste compost with high salt content produced by aerobic digestion, but concerns about application of cropland. To address this issue, food waste is being composted by mixing it with livestock manure, which has a lower salt content. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the growth characteristics of red pepper and soil chemical properties for continuous application with different amounts of food waste compost with manure (FWC). Treatments were consisted of no fertilizer (NF), inorganic fertilizer (N-N-P2O5-K2O, 19.0-11.2-14.9 kg 10a-1), and inorganic fertilizer + food waste compost with manure (NPKFWC). FWC treatment was applied at three treatment rates based on soil organic matter content: 900 kg 10a-1, 1,800 kg 10a-1, and 2,700 kg 10a-1 ( referred to a s FWC 1, 2, 3 , respectively). As a r esult of the red pepper yield was about 1.8 times higher in NPKFWC 1 and NPKFWC 2 than that in the NF, but decreased in the NPKFWC 3, 300% of the recommended FWC application rate. Yield decreased in all FWC treatments with continuous application for three year and also decreased about 40% from 3,265 kg 10a-1 in the first year to 1,948 kg 10a-1 in the third year. For the soil chemical properties, the content of soil organic matter, available P2O5, and exchangeable cations increased in the FWC treatments, and were higher than the NF. Exchangeable sodium in all treatments was increased slightly compared to the soil before used, and no significant salinization was observed in the FWC. This study confirmed that excessive use of FWC not only reduced nutrient use efficiency, but also decreased the red pepper yield. Therefore, it is concluded that optimum usage of FWC is effective for agroecological impacts.

The Adsorption and Desorption of SO4-2 in the Garlic Field (마늘 재배지토양(栽培地土壤) 중 SO4-2의 흡(吸), 탈착(脫着))

  • Chang, Gi-Chul;Chang, Sang-Moon;Choi, Jyung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 1987
  • Soil samples were collected from the paddy soils growing two crops of rice and garlic in Kyung-pook province. To obtain the basic information on the application of S-fertilizer in the garlic field, the adsorption and release amount of $SO_4{^{-2}}$ in subsoil samples were determined. The ranges of $SO_4{^{-2}}$ contents in surface and sub-soil were 59-117 and 34-102 ppm, respectively. The amount of $SO_4{^{-2}}$ adsorbed by soil samples was found to be more at lower pH and higher concentration of $SO_4{^{-2}}$. The $SO_4{^{-2}}$ adsorption constants in Freundlich equation tended to be higher at lower pH. It is apparent that most of $SO_4{^{-2}}$ was released in the first extraction. However, the lower the pH of extracted solution, the more the $SO_4{^{-2}}$ contents was released by distilled water.

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The Change of Physico-Chemical Properties of Paddy Soil in Reclaimed Tidal Land (간척지 논토양의 물리화학성 변동에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Chang-Hyu;Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Jung, Ji-Ho;Kim, Byeong-Su;Park, Woo-Kyun;Ryu, Jin-Hee;Kim, Taek-kyum;Kim, Jae-Duk;Kim, Seong-Jo;Baek, Seung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2008
  • The physico-chemical properties of ten reclaimed saline soils in five soil series of west-south Korea were analyzed according to the years past after reclamation. The soil samples were collected at the same sites two times in 2000 and 2004. The physico-chemical properties in 2000 had been changed in 2004 as follows. Soil salinity was the highest in Podu and desalinization period was the shortest in Munpo and Yeompo. Seasonal ground water level were above 100 cm in all regions that were 30 years old reclaimed tidal land, which was the same results of normal paddy field. In the case of soil physical changes, bulk density increased in fine textured soil (Poseung and Podu) but decreased in coarse textured soil (Gwanghwal, Munpo, and Yeompo). Porosity decreased in fine textured soil(Poseung and Podu) but increased in coarse textured soil. These reason were as follows. Fine textured soil were increased in solid phase but decreased in liquid and gaseous phase. Coarse textured soil, Gwanghwal and Munpo except for Yempo, were increased in gaseous phase but decreased in solid and liquid phase. Yempo that have low water table level were increased in liquid phase but decreased in solid and gaseous phase. Soil hardness increased in 4 soil series except for Munpo. In the case of chemical property changes, although there were more or less difference, it showed decreasing tendencies. Soil pH, the content of organic matter, available phosphate, and available silicate of five soil series were decreased during the four years. The content of exchangeable cation also decreased except for magnesium.

Investigation of soil factors on physiological disorder of vegetable crops in vinyl house -(I). Tomato, Chinese cabbage and summer radish (시설원예 작물의 생리장해 유발 토양요인구명 -I. 토마토, 배추, 무우)

  • Choi, Byung-Ju;Lee, Chong-Ho;Park, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 1990
  • Croping pattern, fertilizer application, Soil chemical characteristics, plant nutritional condition and growth status were investigated in three major vinyl house farms near Yesan. Croping pattern changed from tomato to pumpkin due to tomato diseases such as wilting and blossom-end rot. Wilting seemed to be closely related with high EC, nitrogen and root cyst nematodes. Calcium deficiency seemed to be due to high potassium, EC in soil and high uptake of iron. Chinese cabbages in summer showed poor growth (80% inhibition) due to high EC(1.8mmho/cm) and easily got wenny root disease that might due to high phosphorus (1055ppm) in soil. Summer radish showed poor growth (50% inhibition) due to high EC(1.6mmho/cm), K and Mg resulting in base imbalance. Farmers used 5 kinds of compound fertilizer as basal application and one without P for top dressing. Urea and KCL were used for top dressing. Heavy application of livestock manure and chemical fertilizer for every crop made eutrophic even in subsoil.

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