• Title/Summary/Keyword: 태평양 제도

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아시아태평양 구강보건 현황

  • The Korean Dental Association
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.40 no.5 s.396
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    • pp.364-372
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    • 2002
  • 지난 4월 3일부터 7일까지 개최된 제24차 APDC 서울총회 및 제44회 치협 종합학술대회에서는 아태연맹 산하에 있는 여러 위원회의 심포지엄도 개최됐다. 그중에서도 각국의 대표가 참석한 교육위원회 (APDF Education Committee : 위원장 오노 교수-일본동경의 · 치대)가 열려 아시아 각국의 구강보건 증진 프로그램 심포지엄을 갖고 각국의 치의학 현황 및 구강보건에 대해 토의했다. 교육위원회에 참석한 신승철 단국치대 예방치과 교수가 당일 발표된 아세아 태평양 8개국의 구강보건에 대해 취합하여 정리한 내용을 게재한다.

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Status of Aviation Part Market and PMA/EPA (부품승인(PMA/EPA) 제도와 항공부품시장 동향)

  • Jeong, Bong-Gu;Jin, Young-Kwon
    • Current Industrial and Technological Trends in Aerospace
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.106-114
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    • 2009
  • Until now, The Market of aviation parts had led by OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts because of aviation industry's nature required higher reliability and safety. But recently, The interest about PMA parts in aviation market is increasing continuously with various environmental changes, such as economic stagnation, oil price rise, development of the manufacture technique and newly rising market of Asia-Pacific region. Actually, after 2006, FAA PMA approval parts are increasing at a rate of around 40,000 parts per year and 2.5% of PMA parts penetration, in 2007, in Asia-Pacific market is forecast to enlarge up to 8% in 2017. So, this paper introduces the process requirements of FAA PMA / EASA EPA and the status of PMA market in order to enhance understanding for certification for aviation parts and to review a new PMA market.

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US Indo-Pacific Strategy through the Lenses of International Political Theories (미(美) 인도태평양전략의 국제정치학적 해석)

    • Strategy21
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    • s.45
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2019
  • The paper introduces US Indo-Pacific Strategy and discusses its meanings and implications for international security and our strategy. It tries to look at the Indo-Pacific strategy(IPS) through the lenses of international political theories. The paper provides three important observations. First, the US Indo-Pacific strategy is a declaration of the national identity of the US as an Indo-Pacific nation. The paper argues that the IPS reflects the US leadership that would facilitate the formation of, so called, the Indo-Pacific community. In arguing these points, the paper notes that the IPS has rich elements of constructivist approaches including norms and national identity. Second, the paper observes that the IPS report serves as an effective deterrent strategy. The IPS does not call out China as an enemy. But, it tries to deter against a range of actors including China by warning that whoever violates the rules-based order in the region would have consequences. Third, the paper maintains that the IPS is an effort by the US to mitigate the risk of a great power war between the US (an established power) and China (a challenging power) because the IPS articulates the United States's willingness to work with China as long as it plays by the rules. There will be challenges to the US and other countries in the region including South Korea particularly because of economic interdependence. However, the paper argues that the IPS stands for an optimistic sign of the future security in the Indo-Pacific region because it is a manifestation of the US for its national will to defend the status quo characterized as Pax Americana which has been maintained since the end of the Second World War. It also argues that South Korea also can, and should make the most of this opportunity by enhancing our capacity in national defense.

Where should Korean cinema stand in terms of its global location? (한국영화는 지정학적 위치로 볼때 어디에 위치해야 하는가?)

  • Kim, jin-wook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.321-322
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    • 2012
  • 정치적으로 볼 때, 한국은 현재 북한과 남한이라는 분단 현실에 놓여있고, 북한은 제 2세계로 분류되어져 왔지만, 경제적으로나 지정학적 위치를 고려해 볼 때 북한은 현재 제 3세계로 간주되어가고 있다. 비록 이런 논의는 논쟁의 여지가 있기는 하지만 대한민국은 제 1세계와 제 3세계의 중간 어느 정도의 위치에 놓여있다고 본다. 소위, 서방과 태평양의 언저리에 놓여있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 영상연구방법 중 질적방법론의 사례분석과 문헌연구(한국민족영화운동(Korean National Cinema Movement (1980~1990)의 문헌연구)를 통해 제 3세계 영화, 비(非)서방(Non-Western) 영화들, Third Cinema 와 같은 용어들을 현대 동아시아(East Asia) 영화들을 특별히 한국영화에 적용하여 그 용어와 의미들을 논의하고자 한다. 이 논문에서 도출된 결과는, 글로벌 시대에 모든 영화들이 국적(이념)에 따라 구분 되어야 한다고 생각하지 않으며, 이러한 견지에서 동아시아(한국)의 영화는 반드시 재(再)평가 되어야하고, 제 3세계, 비(非)서방(Non-Western), 제 3세계 영화의 영역에 조심스럽게 재(再)위치해야 할 것을 재(再)조명하고 있다.

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People Inside - 김재홍 교수(서울대학교 수의과대학/APPC2014 공동대회장)

  • Jang, Seong-Yeong
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    • v.46 no.9
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    • pp.104-106
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    • 2014
  • 오는 10월 19~23일 제주국제컨벤션센터에서 개최되는 '제 10회 아시아 태평양가금학회(APPC 2014)'가 두 달여 앞으로 다가왔다. 국내에서는 두 번째 개최되는 APPC는 아시아 태평양 지역에서 가장 명망있는 컨퍼런스로 학술프로그램을 비롯해 기업심포지움은 물론 농가프로그램까지 학계 산업계가 동반 성장 할 수 있는 성공적인 자리를 마련하고자 국내 가금학자들이 매진하고 있다. APPC 2014 공동대회장인 서울대학교 수의과대학 김재홍 교수를 만나 추진상황과 개최 계획에 대해 인터뷰한 내용을 정리했다.

IWSA NEWS-아.태지역 수도회의 개최

  • Korea Water and Wastewater Works Association
    • 수도
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    • s.35
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    • pp.63-66
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    • 1986
  • 국제수도협회(IWSA)발행 AQUA(No. 1/1986)에 계재된 제5차 아시아 태평양지역 수도회의(ASPAC) 관계기사를 번역한 것입니다.

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A Study on the Extratropical Cyclones in the North Pacific Ocean during the Winter Season for Safe Navigation of Ships (선박의 안전항해를 위한 겨울철 북태평양의 온대저기압에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Nan-Young;Seol, Dong-Il
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.447-452
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    • 2020
  • Extratropical cyclone in winter season is very important in safe operation of ships because it is a major cause of marine accidents due to its strong power. In this study, we used meteorological data, to analyze extratropical cyclones occurring near the 1st Pacific polar front from December 2019 to February 2020. The analysis results are as follows. During those three months, we recorded 41 extratropical cyclones, 8 of which were remarkably developed. The central pressure of the strongest cyclone was 947hPa. The highest number of cyclones were generated in the East P acific Ocean around J apan (16), followed by the areas around Korea, the East China Sea, and the southern Sea of J apan. The cyclones followed five major tracks with a common northeast pattern. We thus concluded that the optimal route for a ship encountering an extratropical cyclone in the North P acific in winter would be south of the cyclone's center traveling eastbound and north of the center traveling westbound.

The Law and Policy of Space Communication in the International Ubiquitous Society......Bridging Digital Divide in the Asia-Pacific (국제 유배쿼터스 사회에서의 우주통신 정책과 제도)

  • Kosuge, Toshio
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.293-306
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    • 2005
  • In order to bridge the digital divide issues in the Asia Pacific region, Japan initiated the Asia Broadband Program, during implementing E-Japan and U-Japan Plans with collaboration among Asia Pacific Counties. This paper describes first joint experiments that were undertaken in Japan, Singapore and China. Then this paper also describes Japanese efforts to build space infrastructure for development of ICT Society in the Asia Pacific region for further international cooperation to bridge the digital divide Article 1, para. 1, of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, calls for exploration and use of outer space to be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development. The augmentation of common benefit from space communication could contribute to bridge the digital divide issues in developing countries in Asia Pacific region. Accordingly, space- infrastructure building would be very important to implement common benefit among countries concerned through international cooperation and collaboration

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  • 한국동물약품협회
    • 동물약계
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    • no.94
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    • pp.3-5
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    • 2004
  • [ $\cdot$ ]니트로푸란제 동물용의약품 자율 수거 $\cdot$가축전염병 발생 신고자 신원 비공개 조치 $\cdot$축산용항생제 관리시스템 관련 협의회 참석 $\cdot$동물약사감시 행정처분 결과 홍보 $\cdot$제2차 이사회 개최 $\cdot$소독약품 정비관련 소위원회 회의 참석 $\cdot$동물약품 GMP실무반 교육 실시 $\cdot$양계용 동물약품 북한 지원 $\cdot$동물용 마취제 판매관리 강화 협조 요청 $\cdot$방역용 소독약품 시장거래가격 조사 $\cdot$동물약품 마케팅반 교육 실시 $\cdot$제3차 이사회 개최 $\cdot$동물약품제조용 양허관세적용 유당 증량 배정 $\cdot$수출 전략 협의회 개최 $\cdot$아시아$\cdot$태평양 수의사총회 개최 안내 $\cdot$조합 2004년도 상반기 알찬거래선 선정

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국내전시정보 - 'PHOTO&IMAGING 2009' 4월 9일${\sim}$12일 개최, 1월 15일까지 조기신청시 할인혜택

  • 한국광학기기협회
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.119
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    • pp.97-97
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    • 2009
  • 제 18회 '2009 서울국제사진영상기자재전(PHOTO&IMAGING 2009)'이 오는 4월 9일부터 12일까지 4일 동안 서울 코엑스 본관 1층 태평양 홀에서 개최된다. 전시주최자 사무소에서는 현재 1차 조기신청에 이어 올해 1월 15일까지 2차 조기신청을 받는다. 조기신청 업체는 참가비 할일뿐 아니라 부스위치 우선 배정 등 다양한 혜택이 돌아가며 중소기업의 경우 약 15%의 추가할인의 혜택이 있다.

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