Hung Sun Koh;Bo Yeong Lee;Yong Kim Ki Kim;Sang Kyu Yoo;Byeong Kug Yang
Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
Thirty one morphometric characters of striped field mice(Apodemus agrarius) from eight localities in Korea were analyzed by multivariate methods in order to confirm taxonomic status of specimens from Wando island. Two subgroups were recognized: a small-size form from six localities (Mt. Taebaek, Mt. Weolak, Cheongju, Mt. Chiri, Kunsan, and Jin isoland) and a large-size form from Wando island and Cheju island. It is confirmed that the small-size form from six localities is A. a. coreae, as described by Thomas(1908), and that the large-size form from Cheju island is A. a. chejuensis, as named by Johnson and Jones (1955). Furthermore, it is confirmed that large-size specimens from Wando island is and Cheju island. It is confirmed that the small-size form from six localities is A. a coreae, as described by Thomas(1908), and that the large-size form from Cheju island is A. a. chejuensis, as named by Johnson and Jones(1955). Furthermore, it is confirmed that large-size specimens from Wando island is subspecies A. a. chejuensis, as suggested by koh (1989). In future, analyses with specimens from islands in southern coasts are necessary to clarify the taxonomic status of Apodemus agrarius in Korea.
${\delta}^{13}C$ and ${\delta}^{18}O$ values were determined for the Paleozoic limestones (Great Linestone Series) from the Taebaegsan region and the age-unknown limestones (Janggun Formation) from the Janggun mine, Korea. Limestones of the Great Limestone Series exhibit a range of carbon isotopic composition from -4.5 +1.3‰ with a mean ${\delta}^{13}C$ value of -1.1‰, relative to the PDB standard, and of oxygen isotpic composition from +8.8 to +23.3‰ with a mean ${\delta}^{18}O$ value of +16.0‰, relative to the SMOW, falling into the normal marine limestone range according to Keith and Weber (1964), and Degens and Epstein(1964). Carbon isotopic composition of limestones of the Great Limestone Series becomes progressively lighter from Pungchon limestone of middle Cambrian age to mid-Ordovician Maggol limestone, possibly due to change in depositional environment in the Taebaegsan basin. Variation in isotopic composition of limestones from Hwajeol to Dumugal formation offers the possibility or deposition in shallow sea environment, in which fresh waters were added in several stages. Janggun limestone of unknown age may be corelated with the Paleozoic limestones of Great Limestone Series as infered from the istopic composition ranging from -2.8 to + 0.7‰ of ${\delta}^{13}C$ and +13.4 to +22.4‰ of ${\delta}^{18}O$.
The characteristics of the mineralization and geology in the northern Mt. Taebaek mining district are found to be similar with those reported from Nevada district where the Carlin-type gold deposit occurs characteristically as repeated metallic ore deposits in space and time. Though two spots of hs and several spots of Sb anomalies were recognized in the Yeongweol area, they have no relationship with any metalliferous mineralization. On the other hand, two spots of As anomaly in the Jeongseon area have shown to be related with metalliferous ore deposits (mainly Ag-Au), and they are closely associated with Sb anomaly. Some elements of altered limestones in the study such as Au, Ag, As, Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Mo area are closely associated together, and are more enriched in the Jeongseon area than in the Yeongweol area. In particular, Sb and As which may reflect the occurrence of the Carlin-type gold deposit are highly enriched. However, the base metals such af Zn and Pb are highly variable according to samples. The patterns of the enrichment factor for Sb and As, as well as those for Ag and Au, are very similar with those reported from the Carlin-type gold deposits in Nevada. These similarities in elemental distribution may imply that hydrothermal ore mineralization in the study areas was possibly originated from a fluid with the characteristics of the Carlin-type gold mineralization found in Nevada, China, and Indonesia. However, the pattern of base metals and Mo are different. This may result from different chemistry and/or mineralogy of host rock in the study areas.
Precambrian granitic gneisses and Cambrian meta-sedimentary rocks are prevalently distributed in the eastern part of the Taebaegsan region, and biotite granitic batholith of the Jurassic period (?) is found in the southern part of Uljin-si. But small scale leucocratic granitic stocks which commonly found here and there have been rather neglected in the previous studies. The presence of leucocratic granites could be differentiated from the older granitic rocks and biotite granite through the outcrop characteristics, mineral species and geochemical compositions. For the effective comparison between the older granitic rocks and leucocratic ones, pale gray to gray coloured Hongjesa granitic gneiss with granular texture was selectively chosen. The Hongjesa granitic gneiss and biotite granite usually have rather plenty of coloured minerals such as biotite and chlorites. But the leucocratic granites often show sericitic alteration due to the albitization and greisenisation during the post-magmatic alteration, and shows rather bright appearance because of poor amount of coloured minerals. Since all of granitic rocks passed rather high degrees of magmatic differentiation, they belong to calc-alkalic and peraluminous in their characters. Among the alkali elements of the leucocratic rocks $K_2O$ shows higher increase than those of the other granitic rocks, and $Na_2O$ only represents slight decrease than those of the Hongjesa granitic gneiss and Uljin granite. On the other hand, CaO and total Fe content are clearly decreased than those of the Hongjesa granitic gneiss and Uljin granite.
Rehabilitation of mining areas can reduce damage to ecosystems. However, the effects of rehabilitation on ecosystem services (ESs) and its contribution to local communities are not well known. Thus, the aims of this study were to clearly identify the ES beneficiaries affected by mining activities, to determine how the beneficiaries profit from surrounding areas in cooperation with local stakeholders, and to manage the rehabilitation areas for the ESs that the beneficiaries want. This study chose 18 ESs (4 provisioning, 7 regulating, 5 cultural, and 2 habitat services) based on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. A semi-structured questionnaire survey using an 11-point Likert scale was conducted among 87 community residents to investigate social awareness and identify key ESs. The survey results from two local communities showed high awareness and demands mainly on cultural (mental and physical health, aesthetic appreciation, and recreation) and regulating services (local climate and air quality, and moderation of extreme events). These services were related to the daily lives of residents in local communities, provided positive benefits, and potentially improved the residents' future livelihoods. However, the average questionnaire scores were limited to 6-7 points, indicating that the benefits to local communities were meager. The residents' awareness of provisioning service was negative, even if it provided goods and profit opportunities. This indicated a disconnection between local communities and provisioning services due to forest rehabilitation that did not consider local communities that traditionally relied on specific provisioning services before the onset of mining activities. Future forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas must consider the welfare of local communities for sustainable use of rehabilitated forests and enhancing ESs. In this study, only a qualitative evaluation based on frequency analyses was conducted. The quantification and valuation of key ESs are warranted in the future to promote ESs from forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas. The study results would be useful for developing site-specific ES promotion strategies for reforesting mine areas.
Saussurea chabyoungsanica was recorded in new species by Lim hyoung tak in 1997. In order to understand the entity of new species, we investigated the new distribution sites, general morphological characters, the width of variation among regional groups. S. chabyoungsanica were located Manduckbong, Mt. Sukbyoung, Mt. Duckhang, and Sukgaejae in ridgeline of the Taebaek mountains. These sites are typical limestone zones of Korea. As a result of PCA analysis for external morphology of S. chabyoungsanica and S. neoserrata, S. neoserrata group was distinctly discriminated from S. chabyoungsanica group. And it was considered that the characters of leaf, corolla and involucral bract were major factors of cumulative rate. And also, through the analysis of external morphology of S. chabyoungsanica by region, Mt. Sukbyoung group was discriminated from other groups.
This study investigated mechanical characteristics of pine trees in Yeongdong (Goseong-gun), Yeongseo (Hongcheon-gun), and Yeongnam (Bonghwa-gun) to define differences in the material quality among pine trees of the three regions. The compressive strength, hardness and shear strength of pine trees of each region were measured. There were no differences in the compressive strength of the juvenile woods among the regions, while the heartwood and sapwood in Bongwha generally showed the highest compressive strength followed by those in Hongcheon and in Goseong. The hardness of the cross-section of pines in Bonghwa was the highest, and in terms of the hardness of the radial and tangential sections, pines in Goseong topped the list.. There were no difference among heartwoods of each region in terms of the shear strength, but, but sapwood from Bonghwa had higher shear strength than those of the other two regions, which may be attributed to differences in tracheid length and microfibril angle among pines in each region. This study identifies the quality differences among pines of different region, and therefore, is expected to add value by helping choose the domestic pine tree material effectively and selectively, and also select a plus tree.
Kim, Nam-Hoon;Song, Yong-Sun;Park, Kye-Hun;Lee, Ho-Sun
The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
We performed petrological, geochemical, and geochronological study for the Pyeonghae granite gneiss and the Hada leuco-granite gneiss intruding the Paleoproterozoic meta-sedimentary rocks (pyeonghae formation and Wonnam formation) of the Pyeonghae area located in northeastem part of the Yeongnam (Sobaeksan) massif. The Pyeonghae granite gneiss generally has higher abundance of mafic minerals (biotite etc.), and posesses higher ${Fe_2}{O_3}^t$, MgO, CaO, $TiO_2$, $P_{2}O_{5}$ contents but lower $SiO_2$ and $K_{2}O$ contents than the Hada leuco-granite gneiss which tends to have slightly high $Al_{2}O_{3}$ and $Na_{2}O$ contents and slightly high larger negative Eu anomalies. However both gneisses reveal very similar REE concentrations and chondrite-normalized patterns and apparently show differentiation trend affected by crystallization of biotite, plagioclase, apatite and sphene. Their peraluminous and calc-alkaline chemistry suggests tectonic environment of volcanic arc. SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb age determinations yield upper intercept ages of $1990{\pm}23\;Ma$ ($2{\sigma}$) and $1939{\pm}41\;Ma$ ($2{\sigma}$), and weighted mean $^{207}Pb/^{206}Pb$ ages of $1982{\pm}6.3\;Ma$ ($2{\sigma}$) and $1959{\pm}28\;Ma$ ($2{\sigma}$) for the Pyeonghae granite gneiss and the Hada leuco-granite gneiss respectively, showing overlapping ages within the error. Our study suggests that the Precambrian granitoids in this area intruded contemporaneously with the Buncheon granite gneissin volcanic arc environment.
To investigate the distribution of vascular plants growing in Mt. Taebaeksan, a survey was conducted from April, 2014 to October, 2014. The flora of Mt. Taebaeksan was classified as a total of 406 taxa comprising of 79 families, 238 genus, 352 species, 4 subspecies, 43 varieties and 7 forma. Among them, 8 taxa were identified as endemic plants in Korea including Salix koriyanagi Kimura, Aconitum pseudolaeve Nakai, Anemone koraiensis Nakai, etc. 16 taxa of Korean rare plants species were identified including 4 taxa in the degree of VU (Asplenium spinulosum (Maxim.) Milde, etc.) and 12 taxa in the degree of LC (Clematis koreana Kom., Eranthis stellata Maxim., Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom., etc.) The floristic special plants were a total of 107 taxa which consist of 3 taxa in degree V(Polypodium virginianum L., etc.), 14 taxa in degree IV(Asplenium otophorum (Miq.) Koidz., etc.), 31 taxa in degree III (Abies nephrolepis (Trautv.) Maxim., etc.), 32 taxa in degree II(Lycopodium chinense H.Christ, etc.) and 27 taxa in degree I(Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai, etc.). For the naturalized plants, 16 taxa were identified (Fallopia dumetorum (L.) Holub, Rumex crispus L., Cerastium glomeratum Thuill). Also, the percentage of urbanization index was 5 %, and the naturalized plant index was 3.9 % respectively.
Two rhyolitic rocks were taken at punggog of the Jangseong sheet in the Taebaegsan mineralized area and isotopically dated by K-Ar whole rock method. One is a rhyolite which gives $62.69{\pm}1.15Ma$ and the other is a rhyolitic tuff which gives $51.67{\pm}6.64Ma$, respectively. Generally K-Ar whole rock ages of the volcanic rocks can be assumed to be the formation age of them, if there is no geological criterion of secondary effects. But the two rhyolitic rocks were slightly hydrothermally altered and the age the rhyolitic tuff is a little younger than that of the rhyolite. However, there is no geological criterion to show any big hiatus between them in field, yet. Therefore, the age data would be interpreted, as that the rhyolitic rock mass has been probably extruded at about 60 Ma, a little older than 60 Ma, in the area. The ages of them probably appear to be secondary ages after the alteration. This fact well coincides with the K-Ar whole rock age of quartz-porphyry ($57.25{\pm}0.89Ma$) distributed near the 1st Yeonhwa Pb-Zn mine (Park et al., personal comm.), because the quartz-porphyry look to be a product of hydrothermal alteration of the volcanic rock.
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① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
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- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.