• Title/Summary/Keyword: 탄소발생량

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Analysis of Correlation Between the Number of Cyanobacterias and Water Quality Parameters in Geum River (금강유역의 남조류 세포수와 수질인자 간의 상관관계 분석)

  • Park, Gue Tae;Jang, Dong Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.213-213
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    • 2020
  • 최근 나타나는 지구온난화와 이상기후로 인해 가뭄과 홍수피해 같은 자연재해 발생 빈도가 높아졌고, 하천에서는 오염된 수질과 수생태계 복원 및 수변공간 조성, 수자원 관리 등의 목적으로 수질환경 개선사업이 진행되고 있다. 수질환경 측면에서 하천에서 발생하는 가장 큰 문제점으로는 녹조 즉, 남조류의 발생을 예로 들 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 최근 보 개방을 통하여 수질개선 효과가 나타나고 있는 금강을 대상으로 세종보, 공주보, 백제보 구간에 대하여 주요 수질인자에 대한 상관관계 분석을 수행하였다. 특히 남조류 세포수와 주요 하천 수질인자를 Pearson's correlation analysis를 이용하여 상관관계를 분석하였고, 보 위치별 남조류 세포수를 종속변수로 하고, 상관도가 높은 수질인자를 독립변수로 하는 다중회귀식을 도출하여 금강 내 주요 하천 수질인자의 농도에 따른 남조류 세포수 관계를 규명하고자 하였다. 분석기간은 2012년 1월부터 2019년 12월까지 보 건설 이후 시점으로 선정하였고, 월 평균 남조류 개체수가 조류경보제 발령기준 관심단계이상에 해당하는 금강수계의 3개 보에 대하여 남조류 세포수와 수질에 영향을 끼치는 인자인 강수량, (수온)W·T, (수소이온농도)pH, (용존산소)DO, (생물화학적산소요구량)BOD, (화학적산소요구량)COD, (부유물질량)SS, (총질소)TN, (총인)TP, (클로로필-a)Chl-a, (전기전도도)EC, (질산성질소)NO3-N, (암모니아성 질소)NH3-N, (인산염 인)PO4-P, (용존총질소)DTN, (용존총인)DTP, (총유기탄소)TOC 와의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 측정 지점별 남조류 세포수와 상관관계가 있는 인자는 서로 상이했지만 (수온)W·T과 pH의 경우 모든 지점에서 남조류 세포수와 양의 상관관계가 나타났다. 세종보는 W·T(0.383, P<0.01), pH(0.391, P<0.05)의 양의 상관계수를 나타냈고, 공주보에서는 (수온)W·T(0.436, P<0.05), pH(0.412, P<0.05)의 양의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 백제보에서는 (수온)W·T(0.415, P<0.01), pH(0.221, P<0.01)의 양의 상관성을 나타냈다. 남조류 세포수와 수질인자 간의 상관관계 분석에 따라 통계적으로 유의한 인자 중 (수온)W·T과 pH에 영향을 받는 영양염류와 퇴적물에 대한 후속 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료되며, 연구를 통해 제시된 남조류 세포수 다중회귀식은 주요 수질인자 농도에 따라 발생 가능한 남조류세포수를 예측하여 금강의 수질 관리에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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Soil Physicochemical Properties of Tree Plantations in a Fire-disturbed Forest and an Undisturbed Stand in Ulsan Metropolitan City (울산광역시 산불피해지의 조림지와 미피해지의 토양 이화학적 특성)

  • Kim, Choonsig;Jo, Chang-Gyu;Baek, Gyeongwon;Park, Seong-Wan;Cho, Hyun-Seo;Ma, Ho-Seop
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.105 no.2
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to compare soil physicochemical properties and nutrient concentrations of tree leaf between planted forests following forest fire and an undisturbed forest in the Bongdaesan mountain, where is located in the Ulsan metropolitan city. We established three deciduous tree planting (Liriodendron tulipifera L., Prunus yedoensis Matsum and Quercus acutissima Carruth.) plots, one unplanted plot following four-year forest fire and one undisturbed plot (Pinus densiflora S et. Z). Carbon (C) stocks in the organic horizon were significantly lower in the tree planted plots ($2394-3551kg{\cdot}C{\cdot}ha^{-1}$) or the unplanted plots ($3689kg{\cdot}C{\cdot}ha^{-1}$) than in the undisturbed plot ($9388kg{\cdot}C{\cdot}ha^{-1}$). However, phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) stocks in the organic horizon were not significantly different among the treatments. Soil water phase and soil pH were significantly higher in the P. yedoensis plot (water phase: 13.7-18.4%; soil pH: 4.62- 4.80) than in the undisturbed plots (water phase: 7.0%; soil pH: 4.10). Soil organic C concentration was slightly higher in the tree planted plots (1.89-3.60%) than in the unplanted (1.41%) plots. Soil Ca and Mg stocks at 10 cm of soil depth were significantly higher in the P. yedoensis and L. tulipifera plots than in the unplanted or undisturbed plots. Nutrient concentrations (Ca and Mg) of leaf were significantly higher in the L. tulipifera than in the Q. acutissima and the undisturbed pine plots. The results indicate that P, Ca, and Mg stocks in the organic horizon was not affected by tree planting, but Ca and Mg stocks at 10 cm of the soil depth were enhanced by the tree species established following four-year forest fire.

Verification of International Trends and Applicability in the Republic of Korea for a Greenhouse Gas Inventory in the Grassland Biomass Sector (초지 바이오매스 부문 온실가스 인벤토리 구축을 위한 국제 동향과 국내 적용 가능성 평가)

  • Sle-gee Lee;Jeong-Gwan Lee;Hyun-Jun Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.257-267
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    • 2023
  • The grassland section of the greenhouse gas inventory has limitations due to a lack of review and verification of biomass compared to organic carbon in soil while grassland is considered one of the carbon storages in terrestrial ecosystems. Considering the situation at internal and external where the calculation of greenhouse gas inventory is being upgraded to a method with higher scientific accuracy, research on standards and methods for calculating carbon accumulation of grassland biomass is required. The purpose of this study was to identify international trends in the calculation method of the grassland biomass sector that meets the Tier 2 method and to conduct a review of variables applicable to the Republic of Korea. Identify the estimation methods and access levels for grassland biomass through the National Inventory Report in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and type the main implications derived from overseas cases. And, a field survey was conducted on 28 grasslands in the Republic of Korea to analyse the applicability of major issues. Four major international issues regarding grassland biomass were identified. 1) country-specific coefficients by land use; 2) calculations on woody plants; 3) loss and recovery due to wildfire; 4) amount of change by human activities. As a result of field surveys and analysis of activity data available domestically, it was found that there was a significant difference in the amount of carbon in biomass according to use type classification and climate zone-soil type classification. Therefore, in order to create an inventory of grassland biomass at the Tier 2 level, a policy and institutional system for making activity data should develop country-specific coefficients for climate zones and soil types.

Thermal Efficiency analysis according to tar fouling by Structure Improvement of Wood pellet boiler using Computational Fluid Dynamics (전산유체역학(CFD) 목재펠릿보일러 구조개선 전·후 타르생성에 따른 열효율 분석)

  • Joo, Sang Yeon;Oh, Kwang Cheol;Lee, Sang Yeol;Cho, La Hoon;Park, Sun Yong;Lee, Seo Hyeon;Jeong, In Seon;Lee, Chung Geon;Kim, Dae Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.34-34
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    • 2017
  • 목질계바이오매스 중 목재펠릿은 '탄소중립(Carbon Neutral)' 연료로써 온실가스 감축 의무에 대응 가능한 에너지원이다. 하지만 목질계바이오매스 연소 시 발생되는 타르는 보일러 내부에 누적되어 효율을 감소시킨다. 타르 및 연소 불꽃에 의한 효율 감소를 최소화하기 위해 반대측면에 내화재(Castable)를 적용하여 실험하였으며 시뮬레이션을 이용하여 구조변경 분석이 실시되었다. 적용된 내화재는 비중이 낮고 단열성이 우수하여 열손실을 막아 연료비 절감의 효과를 가져 오며, 연소실 내부 청소 면적 감소로 인한 경제적 효과도 기대 할 수 있다. 분석결과를 이용하여 최적화된 펠릿보일러가 제작되었으며, 실험을 통하여 200시간 가동 후 열효율 감소량이 나타났다. 단위시간별 동일한 외부환경(산화제량, 부하, 주변 온도, 펠릿소비량)에서 실험이 진행 되었으며, 타르생성이전(Non-tar), 이후(Tar-existence) 보일러의 열효율 성능 비교실험이 실시되었다. 실험결과 타르생성이전 조건에서 구조변경 전 후 보일러의 열효율은 각각 91.87%, 90.73%로 확인되었으며, 타르생성이후 조건에서 각각 82.68%, 83.27%의 열효율을 확인하였다. 타르생성이전 대비 이후 조건에서 열효율 감소량은 각각 9.19%p, 7.46%p로 구조변경 전 대비 변경 후 보일러의 열효율이 약 1.73%p 더 적게 감소됨을 확인되었으며, 시뮬레이션 결과 타르생성이전 조건에서 구조변경 전 후 보일러의 효율은 각각 91.83%, 92.05%로 확인되었으며 타르 생성이후 조건에서 각각 85.25%, 87.43%의 열효율을 확인하였다. 타르생성이전 대비 이후 조건에서 열효율 감소량은 각각 6.58%, 4.62%로 구조변경 전 대비 변경 후 보일러의 열효율이 약 1.96%p 더 적게 감소됨을 확인하였다.

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A Study on the Finite Element Analysis and Management Criteria by Applying UPRS Method in the Subway Station (기존 지하철정거장 비개착공법 적용시 유한요소 해석과 관리기준에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Byeong Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2019
  • To analyze the influence on the stability, resulting from application of upgrade pipe roof structure (UPRS) method to the structure existed under subway Station, physical properties of a ground, elasticity and elasto-plastic theories, including displacement analysis of finite elements, stress analysis of finite elements, displacement caused by steel pipe propulsion and internal excavation, and stress change in a steel pipe, were introduced. Then, the influence on structural stability when applying the UPRS method was compared and reviewed based on the construction management standard of the Ministry Land, Infrastructure and Transport and foreign sources, using numerical analysis with a model which assumes that each microelement divided into a structurally stable point consists of the connection of finite points. As a result of the finite element analysis, 7.21 mm maximum displacement, 1/3,950 angular displacement, 70.28 MPa bending compressive stress of steel pipe structure constructed with UPRS (non-excavation) method and 477.38 MPa maximum shear strength were within their allowable standards (25.00 mm, 1/500, 210.00 MPa and 120.00 MPa, respectively), and therefore, the results showed that the design and construction are stable.

Relationship between $CO_2$ emission and fuel consumption rate according to used fuels at driving mode (주행모드에서 사용연료에 따른 자동차의 $CO_2$ 배출특성과 연료소비율의 상관관계 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Lee, Ho-Kil;Kang, Jeong-Ho;Han, Sung-Bin;Chung, Yon-Jong
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2008
  • Carbon dioxide is considered a major greenhouse gas that contributes to global wanning. $CO_2$ is a major component of the exhaust in the combustion of any hydrocarbon fuel. The regulation for $CO_2$ emission from vehicles has become much more stringent in recent years. These more stringent regulations require vehicle manufacturers to develop alternative fuels that reduce exhaust emissions. This paper evaluated the correlation of $CO_2$ emission and fuel economy in the Gasoline, Diesel, and LPG vehicles according to FTP-75 and NEDC(ECE15+EUDC) driving mode. From this study, we discovered that the decrease rate of $CO_2$ emission is higher for fuels of lower carbon concentration. When the relationship between $CO_2$ emission and fuel consumption rate according to used fuels is expressed as a function, one can find out that they have a high correlation. LPG vehicles produce less $CO_2$ emission than gasoline and diesel vehicles.

Predicting the success of CDM Registration for Hydropower Projects using Logistic Regression and CART (로그 회귀분석 및 CART를 활용한 수력사업의 CDM 승인여부 예측 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Ho;Koo, Bonsang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2015
  • The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the multi-lateral 'cap and trade' system endorsed by the Kyoto Protocol. CDM allows developed (Annex I) countries to buy CER credits from New and Renewable (NE) projects of non-Annex countries, to meet their carbon reduction requirements. This in effect subsidizes and promotes NE projects in developing countries, ultimately reducing global greenhouse gases (GHG). To be registered as a CDM project, the project must prove 'additionality,' which depends on numerous factors including the adopted technology, baseline methodology, emission reductions, and the project's internal rate of return. This makes it difficult to determine ex ante a project's acceptance as a CDM approved project, and entails sunk costs and even project cancellation to its project stakeholders. Focusing on hydro power projects and employing UNFCCC public data, this research developed a prediction model using logistic regression and CART to determine the likelihood of approval as a CDM project. The AUC for the logistic regression and CART model was 0.7674 and 0.7231 respectively, which proves the model's prediction accuracy. More importantly, results indicate that the emission reduction amount, MW per hour, investment/Emission as crucial variables, whereas the baseline methodology and technology types were insignificant. This demonstrates that at least for hydro power projects, the specific technology is not as important as the amount of emission reductions and relatively small scale projects and investment to carbon reduction ratios.

Synthesis of Almost Fully Quavternized Poly(4-vinylpyridine)s by Polymer Reaction and Aggregation Property with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (고분자 반응에 의한 거의 완전 4차화된 폴리(4-비닐피리딘)의 합성 및 도데실 황산 소듐과의 응집 특성)

  • Sim, Hoo-Sik;Choi, E-Joon;Kim, Young-Chul;Park, Il-Hyun
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.556-562
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    • 2006
  • Quarternized poly(4-vinyl pyridine)s have been prepared by the reaction of poly (4-vinyl pyridine)s (Mw=50 kg/mol and 200 kg/mol) and alkylating agents varying the carbon numbers of the alkyl groups (m):dimethyl sulfate (m=1) as well as bromoalkane (m= 5, 8, 12, 16, and 22) was used as an alkylating agent. The degree of alkylation was determined by using an elemental analysis and NMR spectroscopy. As a result, polyelectrolytes were obtained by the almost full alkylation of poly (4-vinyl pyridine)s. The critical aggregation concentration (CAC) was determined by measuring the change of turbidity occurred by addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) into aqueous solution of quarternized poly-(4-vinyl pyridine)s, and the dependence of molecular weight of polymer, the length of N-alkyl group and concentration of NaCl upon CAC was investigated. As a result, as the molecular weight or the length of alkyl group was increased, less amount of SDS Gould induce the aggregation.

Thermal Characteristics of Waste Organic Sludges Discharged from an Chemical Product Manufacturing Industry (화학제품제조업에서 배출되는 폐 유기성슬러지의 열적 특성)

  • Kim, Min-Choul;Lee, Gang-Woo;Lee, Man-Sig;Shon, Byung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1745-1753
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    • 2008
  • We analyzed the physical and chemical properties such as proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, heating values, thermogravimetric analysis, and combustion test for the organic sludge discharged from chemical and petrochemical product manufacturing industries in the industrial complex. The average combustible and ash content of organic sludges from chemical and petrochemical product manufacturing industries were 17.42%, 7.45%, and 18.25%, 4.22%, respectively. The C, H, O, N, and S compositions for chemical and petrochemical product manufacturing industries were 33.06, 4.34, 24.81, 5.18, and 0.72%. And those compositions for petrochemical product manufacturing industries were 36.58, 4.74, 26.79, 5.09, and 0.49%, respectively. From the TGA test, the minimum temperature for combustion of the sludge discharged from B company was $700^{\circ}C$ for direct use for energy and 2 sludges(F and N companies) were about $600^{\circ}C$. According to the basic combustion test, high concentration of CO was formed because oxidation and pyrolysis reaction take place in the batch type reactor at the same time. From this phenomena we could obtain the significant data for the overheating and breakage of furnace.

A Study on the Application of GOCI to Analyzing Phytoplankton Community Distribution in the East Sea (동해에서 식물플랑크톤 군집 분포 분석을 위한 GOCI 활용 연구)

  • Choi, Jong-kuk;Noh, Jae Hoon;Brewin, Robert J.W.;Sun, Xuerong;Lee, Charity M.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_1
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    • pp.1339-1348
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    • 2020
  • Phytoplankton controls marine ecosystems in terms of nutrients, photosynthetic rate, carbon cycle, etc. and the degree of its influence on the marine environment depends on their physical size. Many studies have been attempted to identify marine phytoplankton size classes using the remote sensing techniques. One of successful approach was the three-component model which estimates the chlorophyll concentrations of three phytoplankton size classes (micro-phytoplankton; >20 ㎛, nano-; 2-20 ㎛ and pico-; <2 ㎛) as a function of total chlorophyll. Here, we examined the applicability of Geostationary Ocean Colour Imager (GOCI) to the mapping of the phytoplankton size class distribution in the East Sea. A fit of the three-component model to a biomarker pigment dataset collected in the study area for some years including a large harmful algal bloom period has been carried out to derive size-fractioned chlorophyll concentration (CHL). The tuned three-component model was applied to the hourly GOCI images to identify the fractions of each phytoplankton size class for the entire CHL. Then, we investigated the distribution of phytoplankton community in terms of the size structure in the East Sea during the harmful Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms in the summer of 2013.