• Title/Summary/Keyword: 타당성 종합평가

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Simulation of Time of Flight Diffraction Signals for Reactor Vessel Head Penetrations (원자로 상부 헤드 관통관 TOFD 신호 시뮬레이션)

  • Lee, Tae-Hun;Kim, Young-Sik;Lee, Jeong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2016
  • The simulation of nondestructive testing has been used in the prediction of the signal characteristics of various defects and in the development of the procedures. CIVA, a simulation tool dedicated to nondestructive testing, has good accuracy and speed, and provides a three-dimensional graphical user interface for improved visualization and familiar data displays consistent with an NDE technique. Even though internal validations have been performed by the CIVA software development specialists, an independent validation study is necessary for the assessment of the accuracy of the software prior to practical use. In this study, time of flight diffraction signals of ultrasonic inspection of a calibration block for reactor vessel head penetrations were simulated using CIVA. The results were compared to the experimentally inspected signals. The accuracy of the simulated signals and the possible range for simulation were verified. It was found that, there is a good agreement between the CIVA simulated and experimental results in the A-scan signal, B-scan image, and measurement of depth.

A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning for Predicting the Number of Movie Audiences (영화 관객 수 예측을 위한 기계학습 기법의 성능 평가 연구)

  • Jeong, Chan-Mi;Min, Daiki
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2020
  • The accurate prediction of box office in the early stage is crucial for film industry to make better managerial decision. With aims to improve the prediction performance, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the use of machine learning methods. We tested both classification and regression based methods including k-NN, SVM and Random Forest. We first evaluate input variables, which show that reputation-related information generated during the first two-week period after release is significant. Prediction test results show that regression based methods provides lower prediction error, and Random Forest particularly outperforms other machine learning methods. Regression based method has better prediction power when films have small box office earnings. On the other hand, classification based method works better for predicting large box office earnings.

Development and Validation of Inventory of Peer Relation for Middle and High School Students (중·고등학생용 또래관계 검사 개발 및 타당화)

  • Kim, Sung-Geun;Ham, Kyong-Ae;Choi, Hee-Suk;Cheon, Seong-Moon
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.143-159
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and validate Inventory of Peer Relation for middle and high school students. First of all, in Study 1, 113 preliminary test questions were developed after reviewing of precedent studies in order to develop the Inventory of Peer Relation for Middle and High School Students. In Study 2, for the factor analysis, the survey was conducted for 600 students in three middle schools and three high schools in Busan to develop a final test, and finally 42 questions of them were selected. In Study 3, correlation analysis with another two inventories of peer relation was conducted to validate the developed Inventory of Peer Relation. The Inventory of Peer Relation developed through this study can be said reliable and valid. We made some suggestions for future studies.

Development of Standards for the Use of Liquefied Hydrogen for Ship Using Risk Assessment Techniques (위험성 평가기법을 활용한 선박용 액화수소 사용시설 기준개발)

  • Young-taeg, Hur;Hye-Soo, Han;Gyoung-min, Noh;Hee-soo, Chung;Chung-keun, Chae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2022
  • According to the government's roadmap for revitalizing the hydrogen economy, various industries carry out projects using liquefied hydrogen as an energy source. However, safety standards necessary for operational demonstration projects are not prepared in Korea, thus, it is necessary to prepare safety standards as soon as possible. Therefore, in order to secure the safety of liquefied hydrogen instrumentation and handling facilities, it is necessary to prepare safety standards that comprehensively consider the risk of liquefied hydrogen. This study aims to prioritize safety standard items using ETA, FMEA, and AHP, which are risk assessment techniques, to present the feasibility of selecting safety standard items.

Actual Analysis of the Interrelationship between Evaluation Indicators of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Activities and Communicable Disease Incidence Data (법정감염병 발생자료와 감염병관리사업 평가지표와의 관계 실증분석)

  • Kim, Min-Jun;Hong, Jee-Young;Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.7179-7186
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the interrelationship between the evaluation indicators of communicable disease control and prevention activities, and the communicable disease incidence data. This study analyzed the incidence data of communicable disease in local governments of south Korea and evaluated the data of communicable disease control and prevention activities by the Ministry of Health of the central government in South Korea during 2004-2005. Frequency analysis was carried out to understand the character of the participant, t-test to compare the mean value between the two groups and stepwise multiple regression analysis to understand the significance between the dependent and independent variables. In this study, the finance related to communicable diseases (group I diseases in both city and rural center), keep rate of periodic reports on notifiable communicable diseases based on the law for communicable disease control and prevention (group II in city), the level of education on personal hygiene (group II in rural center), level of education on AIDS prevention and the reporting rate of cases of tuberculosis (group III in city), and reporting rate of incident cases of tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Hansen disease in both rural and city) were significant indicators. The level of education on AIDS prevention and the reporting rate of the cases of tuberculosis (in city), and number of adverse reactions after immunization (in rural area), reporting rate of cases of tuberculosis (in total center) were significant indicators in total communicable disease and all types of public health centers. The authors verified core evaluation indicators as actual proof. This study provides useful data for a summative evaluation, standardization, and guidelines on communicable disease control and prevention activities of public health centers and local government.

A study on the application of M2PL-Q model for analyzing assessment data considering both content and cognitive domains: An analysis of TIMSS 2019 mathematics data (내용 및 인지 영역을 함께 고려한 평가 데이터 분석을 위한 Q행렬 기반 다차원 문항반응모형의 활용 방안 연구: TIMSS 2019 수학 평가 분석)

  • Kim, Rae Yeong;Hwang, Su Bhin;Lee, Seul Gi;Yoo, Yun Joo
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.379-400
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to propose a method for analyzing mathematics assessment data that integrates both content and cognitive domains, utilizing the multidimensional two-parameter logistic model with a Q-matrix (M2PL-Q; da Silva, 2019). The method was applied to the TIMSS 2019 8th-grade mathematics assessment data. The results demonstrate that the M2PL-Q model effectively estimates students' ability levels across both domains, highlighting the interrelationships between abilities in each domain. Additionally, the M2PL-Q model was found to be effective in estimating item characteristics by differentiating between content and cognitive domain, revealing that their influence on problem-solving can vary across items. This study is significant in that it offers a comprehensive analytical approach that incorporates both content and cognitive domains, which were traditionally analyzed separately. By using the estimated ability levels for individual student diagnostics, students' strengths and weaknesses in specific content and cognitive areas can be identified, supporting more targeted learning interventions. Furthermore, by considering the detailed characteristics of each assessment item and applying them appropriately based on the context and purpose of the assessment, the validity and efficiency of assessments can be enhanced, leading to more accurate diagnoses of students' ability levels.

영재교육원 수료 학생에 대한 과학고등학교 정원 외 선발의 타당성 분석

  • Jeon, Yeong-Seok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.47-70
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    • 2004
  • We analyzed the validity of Science Highschool's selection process for the students from Science Gifted Education Center in order to suggest the direction of improvement. First of all, we invested the students' achievement in Mathematics and Science. As a result, we found that the students are not so good at mathematics and science through the selection process for the students from Science Gifted Education Center. However the difference is not statistically meaningful. On the contrary, The achievement of the students from Science Gifted Education Center is above average who were selected through the other course, e. g. the students who acquired the recommendation of principal, winner of prize in Olympiad of Mathematics or Science. We didn't find any meaningful result in the investigation of Affective Domain in Science. And then we found that the students prefer the generous environment through the selection process for the students from Science Gifted Education Center. As a whole, the selection process for the students from Science Gifted Education Center was not so satisfying. It should be reformed; we should examine the students' portfolio on the activities in the Science Gifted Education Center, and the entrance examination should include both divergent and convergent problems to find out the students' creativity. And the 3 dimensional process is also essential through the multiple steps.

Integrated Approach for Watershed Management in an Urban Area (도시 유역 관리를 위한 통합적인 접근방법)

  • Lee, Kil-Seong;Chung, Eun-Sung;Kim, Young-Oh
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.2 s.163
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    • pp.161-178
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    • 2006
  • Heathcote (1998) identified a systematic, seven-step approach to general watershed planning and management. It consists of 1) understanding watershed components and processes, 2) identifying and ranking problems to be solved, 3) setting clear and specific goals, 4) developing a list of management options, 5) eliminating infeasible options 6) testing the effectiveness of remaining feasible options, and 7) developing the final options. In this study the first five steps of that process were applied to the Anyangcheon watershed in Korea, which experiences streamflow depletion, frequent flood damages, and poor water quality typical of highly urbanized watersheds. This study employed four indices: Potential Flood Damage(PFD), Potential Streamflow Depletion(PSD), Potential Water Quality Deterioration(PWQD) and Watershed Evaluation Index(WEI) to identify and quantify problems within the watershed. WEI is the integration index of the others. Composite programming which is a method of multi-criteria decision making is applied for the calculation of PSD, PWQD and WEI (Step 2). The primary goal of the study is to secure instreamflow in the Anyangcheon during dry seasons. The second management goals of flood damage mitigation and water quality enhancement are also set (Step 3). Management options include not only structural measures that can alter the existing conditions, but also nonstructural measures that rely on changes in human behavior or management practices (Step 4). Certain management options which are not technically, economically, and environmentally feasible, are eliminated (Step S). Therefore, this study addresses a Pre-feasibility study, which established a master plan using Steps 1 through 5.

Development and Application of an Evaluation Model for Biotope Appraisal as Related to Nature Experiences and Recreation (비오톱의 자연체험 및 휴양가치 평가모형 개발과 적용)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Hyun-Taek;SaGong, Jung-Hee;Ra, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2010
  • The main focus of this research is the establishment of a systemic evaluation model based on objective evaluation indices, which are drawn to assess the experiencing of nature and recreational value at the level of the district unit. First of all, as a result of a literature review, a total of 10 indices can be drawn including vegetation structure, pavement rate, and hemeroby to evaluate an assessment of natural experiences and recreational value. Also, as a result of expert survey analysis, all evaluation index items were above 4.4, which is a high importance average. Hemeroby and unique landscape factor items in particular were above 5.8, which is very high. In addition, as a result of implementing a factor analysis to classify evaluation indices according to characteristics, three factors arise: 'landscape structure and quality of natural experience', 'typical availability', and 'quality of aesthetic and visual sense.' Based on the above survey analysis results, the 'quality of aesthetic and visual sense' was the highest, at 3.510. The classification 'landscape structure and quality of natural experience' was the lowest, at 3.035. A systemic value evaluation model was established by comprehensively analyzing these results. To verify the validity of the evaluation model drawn, real sites are selected and applied. First of all, as a result of a biotope types classification of sites, biotope type groups are classified into a total of 13 including the stream biotope while its subordinate biotope types are classified into a total of 61 groups. Lastly, as a result of biotope value evaluation, which was a previously established evaluation model, there are a total of 16 types including vegetation-abundant natural rivers and small-scale woodlands near forests in grade I. There are 9 types in grade II, 8 in grade III, 8 in grade IV, 19 in the least-valuable grade V.

Research on the Level Evaluation Model of the Organization Research Security (조직의 연구보안 수준평가 모형 연구)

  • Na, Onechul;Chang, Hangbae
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.109-130
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the importance of research and development for technological innovation is increasing. The rapid development of research and development has a number of positive effects, but at the same time there are also negative effects that accelerate crimes of information and technology leakage. In this study, a research security level measurement model was developed that can safely protect the R&D environment conducted at the organizational level in order to prepare for the increasingly serious R&D result leakage accident. First, by analyzing and synthesizing security policies related to domestic and overseas R&D, 10 research security level evaluation items (Research Security Promotion System, Research Facility and Equipment Security, Electronic Information Security, Major Research Information Security Management, Research Note Security Management, Patent/Intellectual Property Security Management, Technology Commercialization Security Management, Internal Researcher Security Management, Authorized Third Party Researcher Security Management, External Researcher Security Management) were derived through expert interviews. Next, the research security level evaluation model was designed so that the derived research security level evaluation items can be applied to the organization's research and development environment from a multidimensional perspective. Finally, the validity of the model was verified, and the level of research security was evaluated by applying a pilot target to the organizations that actually conduct R&D. The research security level evaluation model developed in this study is expected to be useful for appropriately measuring the security level of organizations and projects that are actually conducting R&D. It is believed that it will be helpful in establishing a research security system and preparing security management measures. In addition, it is expected that stable and effective results of R&D investments can be achieved by safely carrying out R&D at the project level as well as improving the security of the organization performing R&D.