• Title/Summary/Keyword: 쾌락 원칙

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Eroticism in Jan Svankmajer's Conspirators of Pleasure (얀 슈반크마이에르의 <쾌락의 공범자들>에 나타난 에로티즘)

  • Park, Jae-Yoon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.16
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2009
  • This Study analyzes the Eroticism in Jan Svankmajer's "Conspirators of Pleasure" which is Svankmajer's third feature film. the movie describes how six ordinary Prague people(: apartment-dwellers, a newscaster, a magazine vendor, and a postal delivery person) persue their own secret erotic fantasies. and Svankmajer self said this movie is actually a film about liberation, and about gaining a freedom. the poepose of this study is to find the meaning of liberation through investigate the erotic codes in "Conspirators of Pleasure" with Georges Bataille's Eroticism.

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몇 가지 현안 문제와 지식인의 책무

  • Park, Yeong-Geun
    • 대학교육
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    • s.86
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    • pp.74-86
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    • 1997
  • 인도의 간디는 이 세상에는 일곱 가지의 사회악이 있다고 말했다. 원칙이 없는 정치, 노동이 없는 생산, 도덕이 없는 상업, 양심이 없는 쾌락, 특성이 없는 교육, 인간성이 없는 과학, 희생이 없는 종교 예배가 그 내용이다. 마치 지금 우리 사회를 적확하게 진단하고 우리에게 던져준 메시지처럼 보인다. 이제 우리는 우리가 부딪친 몇 가지 주요 현안을 살펴보고, 21세기를 앞두고 이 땅에서 지식인이 나갈 행보를 곰곰히 생각할 시점에 왔다.

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Studies on the Contemporary Trends of Utilitarianism (현대 공리주의 동향에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Joonho
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.93
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2011
  • The development of contemporary utilitarianism can be taken to be an aggregation of many attempts to surmount the limitations of classical utilitarianism. In these attempts, contemporary utilitarianism suggests alternatives to 'hedonism' and 'act-utilitarianism' which have been regarded as the common essential elements of classical utilitarianism. First, contemporary utilitarianism replaces the concept of 'happiness' or 'pleasure' in the classical utilitarianism with that of 'desire-fulfillment' or 'preference-satisfaction'. Through this replacement, contemporary utilitarianism tries to avoid the skeptical challenge to the mental state theory inherent in the classical concept of utility, and also to provide a more extensive conception of utility for a more satisfactory explanation of human welfare. Second, the development of rule-utilitarian theories which can evade the criticisms about 'counter-productivity' and 'counter-intuitiveness' of act-utilitarianism constitutes another important trend of contemporary utilitarianism. Characteristically, rule-utilitarian theories developed in the contemporary utilitarianism grope for some utilitarian system that can embrace socially accepted general norms. Lastly, contemporary utilitarianism responds to the criticisms related the problem of justice by reinterpreting the first principle of utilitarianism. This reinterpretation is an attempt to explain the egalitarian basis of utilitarianism through Bentham's dictum 'everyone counts for one, none for more than one'. It seems true that many influential criticisms in the latter half of 20th century cast a deep shadow on utilitarianism. But through the above attempt, contemporary utilitarianism proceeds to a better explanation of human welfare.

Analysis of Rei Kawakubo's Designs Through the Lacanian Jouissance (라캉의 주이상스 개념을 통한 레이 가와쿠보의 디자인 분석)

  • Huh Ga Young
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.160-169
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    • 2024
  • This study aimeds to reinterpret Jacques Lacan's concept of jouissance as a creative driving force in contemporary fashion design and to analyze Rei Kawakubo's radical designs through this lens. Lacan's jouissance is a complex concept that, transcends general pleasure theory. It has gained attention in sociocultural contexts where conventional phenomena are difficult to explain. This approach has proven especially valuable in analyzing artistic developments that defy interpretation through existing aesthetic theories. In this research, I derived three aspects of jouissance: 'pleasure of pain', 'pleasure of forbidden', and 'pleasure of lack'. I then used them to analyzed Rei Kawakubo's designs. Specifically, I systematically analyzed Kawakubo's avant-garde and unconventional designs appearing in each collection by interpreting baffle and uncomfortable designs as 'pleasure of pain', departure from existing fashion conventions as 'pleasure of forbidden', and infinite creative drive as 'pleasure of lack'. Regarding the significance of this study, it explored how the concept of 'pleasure', a fundamental human desire, was reflected in contemporary fashion design. It also presents a new perspective that reinterprets jouissance as a fundamental driving force in fashion design. This approach strengthens the view of fashion design as a medium, reflecting human needs and desires. It can contributes to designers exploring more fundamental sources of inspiration in their creative processes. By introducing a psychoanalytic perspective to fashion design research, this approach is expected to present novel possibilities for interdisciplinary research and contribute to expanding the theoretical horizon of fashion design.

Homo Ludens, Analysis on PLAY Contents of University Campus Festival (호모루덴스, 대학 축제 놀이콘텐츠 분석)

  • Ahn, Kyungju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.554-565
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    • 2018
  • This study is to think a new arena of collective play culture at the university campus festival for digital generation used to be individually consuming play in cyberspace. While cyberia is virtual cultural space by providing gigantic platforms in which producers and consumers meet, this space has characterized as individuality and disembodiment, that is why recalling the collective play culture at the off-line. This article is to examine the characteristics and meaning of the recent campus festivals during the history of Korean college festivals, and to analyze proposals of play-contents applied by various theories. The 2016-7' proposals include several kind of board game and experimental theatre sublimed philosophical reflection, which shows a kind of attempt to escape from the cultural industrial logic, however they are characterized by Ilinx(drinking culture) and Alea(board game) emphasized more than Agon, and Mimicry combined with paidia rule strongly. Under the neoliberalism, college students' gloomy reality is represented emasculating of the structure of competitions in the context of an unreal world and Mimicry of experience stay in front of the limen before entering the embodiment.

The Meaning of Mutual Life-Giving within Non-Self-Deception in Daesoon Thought: A Comparative Analysis Including the Ethical Theories of Kant, Mill, and Bergson (대순사상에서 무자기의 상생적 의미 -칸트, 밀, 베르그송 윤리학 논의와의 비교를 중심으로-)

  • Kim Tae-soo
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.50
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    • pp.99-137
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    • 2024
  • This study explores the meaning of mutual life-giving within the concept of Non-self-deception (無自欺) in Daesoon Thought by comparing it with Kant's deontological ethics, Mill's utilitarianism, and Bergson's ethics. Kantian ethics defines moral actions through the categorical imperative, emphasizing the principle of acting according to universal laws. In contrast, Mill's utilitarianism views actions that produce good results as morally good, aiming for happiness and pleasure. Non-self-deception in Daesoon Thought is defined as "abandoning selfish desires and regaining one's conscience," fundamentally based on not engaging in falsehoods. Regarding self-deception, Kant and Mill's systems of ethical thought offer different solutions. Kant argues that self-deception cannot be made a universal law according to the categorical imperative, while Mill allows for self-deception, such as lying, if it promotes overall utility. While Non-self-deception is closer to Kantian ethics in principle, it emphasizes not only ethical forms like the categorical imperative but also ethical content such as human relations and mutual beneficence. Furthermore, non-self-deception complements the potential weaknesses of Kantian ethics, which may lean towards intellectualism or formalism, by considering that in certain situations, expedient measures or silence can be regarded as moral emotional actions embodying mutual beneficence. Moreover, this open characteristic of mutual life-giving ethics aligns with Bergson's concept of "open morality," which sublimates instinct and intellect into emotions of love like philanthropy. In this context, the practical ethics of non-self-deception can be understood as the foundation of a new moral principle embodying inclusive ideals such as the 'harmonious virtue of yin and yang' and the 'resolution of grievances for mutual life-giving.'