Purpose : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of 6 Dimensional Skull Tracking(6DST) in Cyberknife Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy(SBRT) for the first and second cervical vertebrae(C1 and C2) metastasis. Methode and material : The Computed Tomography (Lightspeed VCT 64, General Electric Co. Waukesha, WI, USA) was used to acquire the CT images of the 9 patients with cervical vertebrae(C1 and C2) metastasis. Treatment plans for Xsight spine tracking and 6 Dimensional skull tracking were established with planning system (Multiplan system Version 4.6, Accuray, US). The results of XST and 6DST for each patient were analyzed with Microsoft Excel 2010. Result : The Maximum offsets of XST for C1 were 0.9 mm in Y(supero-inferior), 0.9 mm in Z(antero-posterior), 0.7 mm in X(left-right) direction, and rotations were and 1.0 degrees roll, 1.0 degrees pitch and 1.2 degrees yaw. The Maximum offsets of 6DST for C1 were 0.7 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.9 mm and 1.0∘1.0∘, 1.0∘, 1.2∘ for Y, Z, X and Roll, Pitch, Yaw. The Maximum offsets of XST and 6DST for C2 were 0.7 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.8 mm and 0.9∘, 1.0∘, 1.8∘, and 0.9 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.9 mm and 0.9∘, 0.9∘, 1.0∘ for Y, Z, X and Roll, Pitch, Yaw, respectively. Conclusion : XST and 6DST showed identical results for translations and rotations within the tolerance. It is possible to simplify the treatment time and procedure by using the 6DST. Therefore, 6DST is very useful methode with XST among the various tracking methods in Cyberknife for the patients with C1, C2 vertebral metastasis.