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Research on Mobile Wheelchair Lift Design (이동식 휠체어 리프트 디자인 연구)

  • 이명기
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2002
  • To improve the social and economic position of the disabled people and secure their human rights, an integrated society should be buill. To build such a society, an adequate access should be provided to the movement or in using buildings or facilities. The inconveniences from social life on the part of the disabled people might not result from their impairment or disability, but from physical and social barriers in the environment surrounding them. Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct entire systems of the society as a disabled people-friendly structure in order to remove those barriers, make them stand their own feet in our communities and freely participate in the social activities. This will eventually lead to build a society in which all people including the disabled people can use those facilities in a more convenient way. It is almost impossible for the disabled people to safely and conveniently access to and use facilities and equipments and freely move to their desired places, without any help from others in Korea. Even though, there are currently many disabled people-related convenience facilities, they have been independently built without a connection with other facilities and buildings, thus not greatly useful. Even when convenience facilities have been built, mostly they are superficially set up; therefore, in many cases, the disabled peOple cannot use those facilities. In this. research, I tried a new concept of mobile wheelchair lift design, which the disabled people can operate without restrictions, when using the public facilities. The key to this research was to develop the existing import-oriented simple functional products to a new system with functional safety and high quality orientation. Also, this research aimed at bringing an. import substitution effect, as well as preempting the mobile wheelchair lift market by advancing into overseas markets through application of new image designs in the field of disabled people aid equipments.

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Analysis of Growth Response by Non - destructive, Continuous Measurement of Fresh Weight in Leaf Lettuce 1. Effect of Nutrient Solution and Light Condition on the Growth of Leaf Lettuce (비파괴 연속 생체중 측정장치의 개발 및 이에 의한 상추의 생장반응 분석 l. 양액의 이온 농도 및 명ㆍ암 처리가 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • 남윤일;채제천
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 1995
  • These studies were carried out to develop a system for non -destructive and continuous measurement of fresh weight and to analyse the growth response of leaf lettuce under the different nutrient solution and light condition with this system. The developed measurement system was consisted of four load cells and a microcomputer. The output from the system was highly positive correlation with the plant fresh weight above the surface of the hydroponic solution. The top fresh weight of plant could be measured within the error ± 1.0g in the range of 0 - 2000g. The top fresh weight of leaf lettuce increased 44 times at 18th day after transferring to the nutrient solution, and the maximum growth rate was observed at 13th day after transferring. The growth rate was 10.7- 29.6% per day during 18 days. Optimum concentration of the nutrient solution for the growth of lettuce was 1.4 - 2.2 mS/cm of EC level. When the light condition was changed from dark to light, the fresh weight was temporarily decreased, but the fresh weight increased under the opposite condition. Top fresh weight of leaf lettuce in the darkness normally increased within 12 hours after darkness treatment, and then slowly increased until 78 hours under continuous dark condition. After that times, the fresh weight began to decrease.

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Problems with ERP Education at College and How to Solve the Problems (대학에서의 ERP교육의 문제점 및 개선방안)

  • Kim, Mang-Hee;Ra, Ki-La;Park, Sang-Bong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.41-59
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    • 2012
  • ERP is a new technique of process innovation. It indicates enterprise resource planning whose purpose is an integrated total management of enterprise resources. ERP can be also seen as one of the latest management systems that organically connects by using computers all business processes including marketing, production and delivery and control those processes on a real-time basis. Currently, however, it's not easy for local enterprises to have operators who will be in charge of ERP programs, even if they want to introduce the resource management system. This suggests that it's urgently needed to train such operators through ERP education at school. But in the field of education, actually, the lack of professional ERP instructors and less effective learning programs for industrial applications of ERP are obstacles to bringing up ERP workers who are competent as much as required by enterprises. In ERP, accounting is more important than any others. Accountants are assuming more and more roles in ERP. Thus, there's a rapidly increasing demand for experts in ERP accounting. This study examined previous researches and literature concerning ERP education, identified problems with current ERP education at college and proposed how to solve the problems. This study proposed the ways of improving ERP education at college as follows. First, a prerequisite learning of ERP, that is, educating the principle of accounting should be intensified to make students get a basic theoretical knowledge of ERP enough. Second, lots of different scenarios designed to try ERP programs in business should be created. In association, students should be educated to get a better understanding of incidents or events taken place in those scenarios and apply it to trying ERP for themselves. Third, as mentioned earlier, ERP is a system that integrates all enterprise resources such as marketing, procurement, personnel management, remuneration and production under the framework of accounting. It should be noted that under ERP, business activities are organically connected with accounting modules. More importantly, those modules should be recognized not individually, but as parts comprising a whole flow of accounting. This study has a limitation because it is a literature research that heavily relied on previous studies, publications and reports. This suggests the need to compare the efficiency of ERP education between before and after applying what this study proposed to improve that education. Also, it's needed to determine students' and professors' perceived effectiveness of current ERP education and compare and analyze the difference in that perception between the two groups.

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Usefulness of Data Mining in Criminal Investigation (데이터 마이닝의 범죄수사 적용 가능성)

  • Kim, Joon-Woo;Sohn, Joong-Kweon;Lee, Sang-Han
    • Journal of forensic and investigative science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2006
  • Data mining is an information extraction activity to discover hidden facts contained in databases. Using a combination of machine learning, statistical analysis, modeling techniques and database technology, data mining finds patterns and subtle relationships in data and infers rules that allow the prediction of future results. Typical applications include market segmentation, customer profiling, fraud detection, evaluation of retail promotions, and credit risk analysis. Law enforcement agencies deal with mass data to investigate the crime and its amount is increasing due to the development of processing the data by using computer. Now new challenge to discover knowledge in that data is confronted to us. It can be applied in criminal investigation to find offenders by analysis of complex and relational data structures and free texts using their criminal records or statement texts. This study was aimed to evaluate possibile application of data mining and its limitation in practical criminal investigation. Clustering of the criminal cases will be possible in habitual crimes such as fraud and burglary when using data mining to identify the crime pattern. Neural network modelling, one of tools in data mining, can be applied to differentiating suspect's photograph or handwriting with that of convict or criminal profiling. A case study of in practical insurance fraud showed that data mining was useful in organized crimes such as gang, terrorism and money laundering. But the products of data mining in criminal investigation should be cautious for evaluating because data mining just offer a clue instead of conclusion. The legal regulation is needed to control the abuse of law enforcement agencies and to protect personal privacy or human rights.

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A Computer Simulation for Small Animal Iodine-125 SPECT Development (소동물 Iodine-125 SPECT 개발을 위한 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션)

  • Jung, Jin-Ho;Choi, Yong;Chung, Yong-Hyun;Song, Tae-Yong;Jeong, Myung-Hwan;Hong, Key-Jo;Min, Byung-Jun;Choe, Yearn-Seong;Lee, Kyung-Han;Kim, Byung-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.74-84
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Since I-125 emits low energy (27-35 keV) radiation, thinner crystal and collimator could be employed and, hence, it is favorable to obtain high quality images. The purpose of this study was to derive the optimized parameters of I-125 SPECT using a new simulation tool, GATE (Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission). Materials and Methods: To validate the simulation method, gamma camera developed by Weisenberger et al. was modeled. Nal(T1) plate crystal was used and its thickness was determined by calculating detection efficiency. Spatial resolution and sensitivity curves were estimated by changing variable parameters for parallel-hole and pinhole collimator. Peformances of I-125 SPECT equipped with the optimal collimator were also estimated. Results: in the validation study, simulations were found to agree well with experimental measurements in spatial resolution (4%) and sensitivity (3%). In order to acquire 98% gamma ray detection efficiency, Nal(T1) thickness was determined to be 1 mm. Hole diameter (mm), length (mm) and shape were chosen to be 0.2:5:square and 0.5:10:hexagonal for high resolution (HR) and general purpose (GP) parallel-hole collimator, respectively. Hole diameter, channel height and acceptance angle of pinhole (PH) collimator were determined to be 0.25 mm, 0.1 mm and 90 degree. The spatial resolutions of reconstructed image of the I-125 SPECT employing HR:GP:PH were 1.2:1.7:0.8 mm. The sensitivities of HR:GP:PH were 39.7:71.9:5.5 cps/MBq. Conclusion: The optimal crystal and collimator parameters for I-125 Imaging were derived by simulation using GATE. The results indicate that excellent resolution and sensitivity imaging is feasible using I-125 SPECT.

Development of a Small Gamma Camera Using NaI(T1)-Position Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube for Breast Imaging (NaI (T1) 섬광결정과 위치민감형 광전자증배관을 이용한 유방암 진단용 소형 감마카메라 개발)

  • Kim, Jong-Ho;Choi, Yong;Kwon, Hong-Seong;Kim, Hee-Joung;Kim, Sang-Eun;Choe, Yearn-Seong;Lee, Kyung-Han;Kim, Moon-Hae;Joo, Koan-Sik;Kim, Byuug-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.365-373
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    • 1998
  • Purpose: The conventional gamma camera is not ideal for scintimammography because of its large detector size (500mm in width) causing high cost and low image quality. We are developing a small gamma camera dedicated for breast imaging. Materials and Methods: The small gamma camera system consists of a NaI (T1) crystal (60mm×60mm×6mm) coupled with a Hamamatsu R3941 Position Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube (PSPMT), a resister chain circuit, preamplifiers, nuclear instrument modules, an analog to digital converter and a personal computer for control and display. The PSPMT was read out using a standard resistive charge division which multiplexes the 34 cross wire anode channels into 4 signals (X+,X,Y+,Y). Those signals were individually amplified by four preamplifiers and then, shaped and amplified by amplifiers. The signals were discriminated ana digitized via triggering signal and used to localize the position of an event by applying the Anger logic. Results: The intrinsic sensitivity of the system was approximately 8,000 counts/sec/μCi. High quality flood and hole mask images were obtained. Breast phantom containing 27mm diameter spheres was successfully imaged with a parallel hole collimator The image displayed accurate size and activity distribution over the imaging field of view Conclusion: We have succesfully developed a small gamma camera using NaI(T1)-PSPMT and nuclear Instrument modules. The small gamma camera developed in this study might improve the diagnostic accuracy of scintimammography by optimally imaging the breast.

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Prospective for Successful IT in Agriculture (일본 농업분야 정보기술활용 성공사례와 전망)

  • Seishi Ninomiya;Byong-Lyol Lee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2004
  • If doubtlessly contributes much to agriculture and rural development. The roles can be summarized as; 1. to activate rural areas and to provide more comfortable and safe rural life with equivalent services to those in urban areas, facilitating distance education, tole-medicine, remote public services, remote entertainment etc. 2. To initiate new agricultural and rural business such as e-commerce, real estate business for satellite officies, rural tourism and virtual corporation of small-scale farms. 3. To support policy-making and evaluation on optimal farm production, disaster management, effective agro-environmental resource management etc., providing tools such as GIS. 4. To improve farm management and farming technologies by efficient farm management, risk management, effective information or knowledge transfer etc., realizing competitive and sustainable farming with safe products. 5. To provide systems and tools to secure food traceability and reliability that has been an emerging issue concerning farm products since serious contamination such as BSE and chicken flu was detected. 6. To take an important and key role for industrialization of farming or lam business enterprise, combining the above roles.

A New Approach to Mobile Device Design - focused on the Communication Tool & it's GUI for Office Workers in the Near Future - (모바일 기기 디자인의 새로운 접근 - 근 미래 작업환경에서의 커뮤니케이션 도구 디자인과 GUI 연구를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Sung-Ho
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2006
  • This study originates from the following critical mind; what will the office of the future be like? and what technology will we rely upon most to communicate with colleagues or to access business information. In the office environment today, new technology has compelled new work paradigm and has greatly affected the capabilities of the individual to work in a more productive and efficient manner. However, even though new computer technology has changed the business world so rapidly, it is very difficult to see the changes that have been taken place. As an aim of the study, creating a mobile tool for office workers that successfully supports their work and communication was explored, and this study explored future work environment with a 5 years technological and social perspective. As a result of this study, the bON brings new visions to the mobile professionals via various interfaces. The bON, a mobile device, is both a system of work and of communication for office workers. The bON, as an integrated tool for working and communicating, forms the basis for a mobile information gateway that is equally capable of functioning as a mobile desk. The basic underlying idea is that all formal meeting places and hallways in the office are equipped with large wall-mounted screens. The bON collaborates with these media in various ways to enhance productivity and efficiency. The main challenge for the bON to enhance both mobility and quality of information is using new technology including bendable and flexible display and soft material display and sensors. To answer for the strong needs for mobility, the whole size of the device is fairly small while the screen is rolled inside the device. For Graphical User Interface, moreover, a new technique called Multi-layering Interface was adopted to stretch user's visual limits and suggests new direction in designing mobile device, equipped with small size display.

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Development of Dose Planning System for Brachytherapy with High Dose Rate Using Ir-192 Source (고선량률 강내조사선원을 이용한 근접조사선량계획전산화 개발)

  • Choi Tae Jin;Yei Ji Won;Kim Jin Hee;Kim OK;Lee Ho Joon;Han Hyun Soo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.283-293
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : A PC based brachytherapy planning system was developed to display dose distributions on simulation images by 2D isodose curve including the dose profiles, dose-volume histogram and 30 dose distributions. Materials and Methods : Brachytherapy dose planning software was developed especially for the Ir-192 source, which had been developed by KAERI as a substitute for the Co-60 source. The dose computation was achieved by searching for a pre-computed dose matrix which was tabulated as a function of radial and axial distance from a source. In the computation process, the effects of the tissue scattering correction factor and anisotropic dose distributions were included. The computed dose distributions were displayed in 2D film image including the profile dose, 3D isodose curves with wire frame forms and dosevolume histogram. Results : The brachytherapy dose plan was initiated by obtaining source positions on the principal plane of the source axis. The dose distributions in tissue were computed on a 200×200(mm2) plane on which the source axis was located at the center of the plane. The point doses along the longitudinal axis of the source were 4.5\~9.0% smaller than those on the radial axis of the plane, due to the anisotropy created by the cylindrical shape of the source. When compared to manual calculation, the point doses showed 1\~5% discrepancies from the benchmarking plan. The 2D dose distributions of different planes were matched to the same administered isodose level in order to analyze the shape of the optimized dose level. The accumulated dose-volume histogram, displayed as a function of the percentage volume of administered minimum dose level, was used to guide the volume analysis. Conclusion : This study evaluated the developed computerized dose planning system of brachytherapy. The dose distribution was displayed on the coronal, sagittal and axial planes with the dose histogram. The accumulated DVH and 3D dose distributions provided by the developed system may be useful tools for dose analysis in comparison with orthogonal dose planning.

The Need for Paradigm Shift in Semantic Similarity and Semantic Relatedness : From Cognitive Semantics Perspective (의미간의 유사도 연구의 패러다임 변화의 필요성-인지 의미론적 관점에서의 고찰)

  • Choi, Youngseok;Park, Jinsoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2013
  • Semantic similarity/relatedness measure between two concepts plays an important role in research on system integration and database integration. Moreover, current research on keyword recommendation or tag clustering strongly depends on this kind of semantic measure. For this reason, many researchers in various fields including computer science and computational linguistics have tried to improve methods to calculating semantic similarity/relatedness measure. This study of similarity between concepts is meant to discover how a computational process can model the action of a human to determine the relationship between two concepts. Most research on calculating semantic similarity usually uses ready-made reference knowledge such as semantic network and dictionary to measure concept similarity. The topological method is used to calculated relatedness or similarity between concepts based on various forms of a semantic network including a hierarchical taxonomy. This approach assumes that the semantic network reflects the human knowledge well. The nodes in a network represent concepts, and way to measure the conceptual similarity between two nodes are also regarded as ways to determine the conceptual similarity of two words(i.e,. two nodes in a network). Topological method can be categorized as node-based or edge-based, which are also called the information content approach and the conceptual distance approach, respectively. The node-based approach is used to calculate similarity between concepts based on how much information the two concepts share in terms of a semantic network or taxonomy while edge-based approach estimates the distance between the nodes that correspond to the concepts being compared. Both of two approaches have assumed that the semantic network is static. That means topological approach has not considered the change of semantic relation between concepts in semantic network. However, as information communication technologies make advantage in sharing knowledge among people, semantic relation between concepts in semantic network may change. To explain the change in semantic relation, we adopt the cognitive semantics. The basic assumption of cognitive semantics is that humans judge the semantic relation based on their cognition and understanding of concepts. This cognition and understanding is called 'World Knowledge.' World knowledge can be categorized as personal knowledge and cultural knowledge. Personal knowledge means the knowledge from personal experience. Everyone can have different Personal Knowledge of same concept. Cultural Knowledge is the knowledge shared by people who are living in the same culture or using the same language. People in the same culture have common understanding of specific concepts. Cultural knowledge can be the starting point of discussion about the change of semantic relation. If the culture shared by people changes for some reasons, the human's cultural knowledge may also change. Today's society and culture are changing at a past face, and the change of cultural knowledge is not negligible issues in the research on semantic relationship between concepts. In this paper, we propose the future directions of research on semantic similarity. In other words, we discuss that how the research on semantic similarity can reflect the change of semantic relation caused by the change of cultural knowledge. We suggest three direction of future research on semantic similarity. First, the research should include the versioning and update methodology for semantic network. Second, semantic network which is dynamically generated can be used for the calculation of semantic similarity between concepts. If the researcher can develop the methodology to extract the semantic network from given knowledge base in real time, this approach can solve many problems related to the change of semantic relation. Third, the statistical approach based on corpus analysis can be an alternative for the method using semantic network. We believe that these proposed research direction can be the milestone of the research on semantic relation.