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A Study on the Cerber-Type Ransomware Detection Model Using Opcode and API Frequency and Correlation Coefficient (Opcode와 API의 빈도수와 상관계수를 활용한 Cerber형 랜섬웨어 탐지모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Gye-Hyeok;Hwang, Min-Chae;Hyun, Dong-Yeop;Ku, Young-In;Yoo, Dong-Young
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 2022
  • Since the recent COVID-19 Pandemic, the ransomware fandom has intensified along with the expansion of remote work. Currently, anti-virus vaccine companies are trying to respond to ransomware, but traditional file signature-based static analysis can be neutralized in the face of diversification, obfuscation, variants, or the emergence of new ransomware. Various studies are being conducted for such ransomware detection, and detection studies using signature-based static analysis and behavior-based dynamic analysis can be seen as the main research type at present. In this paper, the frequency of ".text Section" Opcode and the Native API used in practice was extracted, and the association between feature information selected using K-means Clustering algorithm, Cosine Similarity, and Pearson correlation coefficient was analyzed. In addition, Through experiments to classify and detect worms among other malware types and Cerber-type ransomware, it was verified that the selected feature information was specialized in detecting specific ransomware (Cerber). As a result of combining the finally selected feature information through the above verification and applying it to machine learning and performing hyper parameter optimization, the detection rate was up to 93.3%.

Ukrainian Students' Analysis of Abuse Treatment by Parents: Retrospective and Perspective in Virtual and Real Environments

  • Stoliarchuk, Olesia;Kokhanova, Olena;Prorok, Nataliia;Khrypko, Svitlana;Shevtsova, Olena;Tkachyshyna, Oksana;Lobanchuk, Olena
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.197-207
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    • 2022
  • Given the prevalence of violence in Ukrainian families, measures to prevent parental abusive treatment against children are urgent. It is important to study today's youth awareness about violence within families in order to enhance a culture of engagement with spouses and children in future. The aim of the study is to examine students' reflective experiences and their attitudes towards forms, frequency, causes and effects of parental abusive treatment. During the research the following methods were used step-by-step: theoretical analyses of scientific resources, anonymous questionnaire, quantitative and correlation analyses. According to result of survey 98 students who were interviewed, none of them fell victim of sexual abuse in their families. However, more than a half (51%) of the students surveyed experienced some forms of parental physical punishment. All the interviewed students encountered psychological cases of parental violence. The mostprevalent forms of parental abuse among the interviewees are criticism, negative comparison, emotional detachment, arrogance, intimidation, blackmail and humiliation. The most prevalent consequences of parental abuse among students are anxiety, low self-esteem, insecurity, impatience, suspiciousness, constraint in communication. Students agree that budget limitations, forced labor, criticism, spanking, emotional detachment, ignoring type of communication, reproach, blackmail are acceptable methods of punishment to use when raising their own children. These results clearly demonstrate the problem of the impact of parental abuse on children and its consequences in the future. A virtual dimension of the actualized problem is considered, namely: - virtualization of aggression and cruelty in the postmodern world. - the level of determining the factor of cruelty from the space of virtual culture. - the mirror image of everyday cruelty in the virtual environment; - the phenomenon of video games as a source and context of representation of the factor of cruelty in behavioral realities; - cybercrime as a virtualized result of cruelty in family and everyday realities. - futurological perspectives of virtualization of cruelty in communicative culture in general and in family relations in particular. The postmodern world is fundamentally different from the traditions and culture of the past, primarily due to the development of computer technologies and the virtualization of life in general. So, for example, virtual communities have become, in a certain way, another world, a second reality of life in general. And certain behavioral factors, in particular cruelty in the private environment, became a projection of such a phenomenon as cybercrime. Video games are a unique modern phenomenon, which multipolarly absorb all facets of human potential, communicative tendencies, behavioral and characterological factors, from the warmth of interpersonal relationships to the extreme degree of cruelty.

Pedagogical Conditions for Formation of Design Competence of Qualified Workers with the Use of Information Technologies

  • Slipchyshyn, Lidiia;Honcharuk, Oksana;Anikina, Inessa;Yakymenko, Polina;Breslavska, Hanna;Yakymenko, Svitlana;Opria, Ihor
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2022
  • Modern production requires production staff who have design competence, experience and skills to work in various types of work integrated into professional activities. Possession of digital design methods significantly expands the opportunities for professional activities of qualified workers. The purpose of our study was to study the impact of pedagogical conditions on the formation of design competence of future qualified workers in a group work. We have identified a set of pedagogical conditions that promote the development of professionally oriented artistic and technical creativity of workers in the conditions of curricular and extracurricular activities, which include motivational-target, procedural-semantic, organizational-technological, and subject-oriented. It is shown that the formation of design competence is determined by motivational, informational-active and reflection criteria, which are aimed at motivational-value, cognitive, operational-active, creative, social and emotional components of this competence. The methodology of the research is highlighted, which includes the use of the following methods: determination of the personality's motivational sphere in order to identify strong and weak motives of students activity; multiple intelligence to identify students talents in the direction of practical intelligence, which is important for design competence; determining the level of creative activity to identify manifestations of students creative abilities; identifying the type of students innovative thinking in order to develop motivation for success; factor-criterion model, developed on the basis of a qualimetric approach, which is used to identify the level of design competence formation in accordance with its components. The results of the study showed that the creation of separate pedagogical conditions in the institution of vocational education and training (VET) had a positive impact on the development of design competence, which shows the potential of artistic and technical design in the development of professional creativity of future qualified workers taking into account the environmental approach.

European Experience in Implementing Innovative Educational Technologies in the Field of Culture and the Arts: Current Problems and Vectors of Development

  • Kdyrova, I.O.;Grynyshyna, M.O.;Yur, M.V.;Osadcha, O.A.;Varyvonchyk, A.
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2022
  • The main purpose of the work is to analyze modern innovative educational practices in the field of culture and art and their effectiveness in the context of the spread of digitalization trends. The study used general scientific theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparative, induction, deduction, reductionism, and a number of others, allowing you to fully understand the pattern of modern modernization processes in a long historical development and demonstrate how the rejection of the negativity of progress allows talented artists to realize their own potential. The study established the advantages and disadvantages of involving innovative technologies in the educational process on the example of European experience and outlined possible ways of implementing digitalization processes in Ukrainian institutions of higher education, formulated the main difficulties encountered by teachers and students in the use of technological innovation in the pandemic. The rapid development of digital technologies has had a great impact on the sphere of culture and art, both visual, scenic, and musical in all processes: creation, reproduction, perception, learning, etc. In the field of art education, there is a synthesis of creative practices with digital technologies. In terms of music education, these processes at the present stage are provided with digital tools of specially developed software (music programs for composition and typing of musical text, recording, and correction of sound, for quality listening to the whole work or its fragments) for training programs used in institutional education and non-institutional learning as a means of independent mastering of the theory and practice of music-making, as well as other programs and technical tools without which contemporary art cannot be imagined. In modern stage education, the involvement of video technologies, means of remote communication, allowing realtime adjustment of the educational process, is actualized. In the sphere of fine arts, there is a transformation of communicative forms of interaction between the teacher and students, which in the conditions of the pandemic are of two-way communication with the help of information and communication technologies. At this stage, there is an intensification of transformation processes in the educational industry in the areas of culture and art.

Using ICT in the HEIs in the Study of the Philological Sciences

  • Iryna, Kominiarska;Roman, Dubrovskyi;Inna, Volianiuk;Natalya, Yanus;Oleksandr, Hryshchenko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2022
  • The article highlights the educational potential of information and communication technologies in the study of philological disciplines in higher education institutions. The study aims to analyze the didactic potential of ICT in the study of philological disciplines, as well as to check the scientific hypothesis that the use of ICT in HEIs in the study of philological disciplines will intensify and enhance the effectiveness of the learning process. To confirm the validity of the hypothesis, experimental testing was carried out and the results are illustrated in the article. The above-mentioned goal of the study determined the use of theoretical and empirical methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, and systematization of pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature to clarify the state of research problem development and to identify pedagogical foundations on which the process of ICT use is based, comparison and prediction; questioning and testing of educational process participants to understand the effectiveness of ICT use in their training in HEIs. The research results showed positive changes in all analyzed criteria in the experimental group, which is due to the introduction of additional ICT tools into the educational process of the mentioned group. The scientific novelty of the study consists in highlighting the main characteristics and didactic functions of ICT in the learning process of philological students; in covering the classification of ICT, ICT tools, and typology of training sessions using ICT in the study of philological disciplines. In the conclusion it is summarized that the introduction of modern ICT in the educational process allows intensifying the learning process, implementation of a variety of ideas, increases the pace of classes and material assimilation, influencing the motivation for learning, increases the amount of independent work of students.

Formation of a Professional Communication Culture Among the Students Using Information Technologies

  • Vakulyk, Iryna;Koval, Valentyna;Lukiianchuk, Inna;Romanenko, Nataliia;Grygorenko, Tetyana;Balalaieva, Olena;Oros, Ildiko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2022
  • Analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature, we found the researchers' interest in the problem posed. The concept of "culture of professional communication» is considered, which is interpreted as the level of realization of creative abilities, exchange of messages, organization of mutual understanding, mutual knowledge in the process of professionally directed interaction between subjects, in which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest and form. The concept of "professional culture of communication of a teacher" is interpreted. The motives that are socially significant in the professional communication of the teacher are highlighted. The necessity of forming a culture of professional communication among students, in particular by means of information technologies in the present, is clarified. The interactive component of professional communication is considered. The types of interactions between people in everyday life (ritual and entertainment interaction, joint purposeful activity, no interaction, game and interpersonal interaction) are identified. Traditional and specific forms and methods of teaching are written out. All interactive technologies carried out by means of information technologies are conventionally divided into four groups, depending on the form of educational activity appropriate for their use (pair (work of the subject with the teacher or peers one on one by means of Information Technologies); frontal (the teacher simultaneously teaches a group of subjects by means of Information Technologies); group or cooperative (all subjects teach each other by means of Information Technologies); individual (independent work of the subject using Information Technologies)). In the higher education institution, future specialists should learn knowledge, acquire skills on the basic rules of the culture of professional communication and methods of interaction and their effective use, which is possible with the use of Information Technologies. Recommendations for optimal professional communication have been developed that help you express your thoughts easily and beautifully, and conduct a dialogue in a relaxed and harmonious way.

The Role of Fundamentalization of Education in Improving the Future Specialists Professional Training with Usage of Multimedia Technologies

  • Palshkov, Kostiantyn;Kochubei, Olena;Tsokur, Olga;Tiahur, Vasyl;Tiahur, Liubomyra;Filimonova, Tetiana;Kuzminskyi, Anatolii
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2022
  • The article considers the fundamentalization of education in improving the future specialists professional training with usage of multimedia technologies by various scientists. Various points of view and approaches to defining the concepts of fundamentalization of education and multimedia technologies are identified. The concept of fundamentalization of professional training of a future specialist is based on the goals and functions of fundamentalization and - on the ways and means of achieving it, etc. Most authors agree only in their views that the fundamentalization of education is aimed at improving the quality of education and the education of the individual. Others involve the formation of a culture and worldview, increasing the creative and intellectual potential, forming the professional competence of a specialist and the potential for further education, and so on. The term multimedia refers to interactive systems that provide processing of moving and still video images, animated graphics, high-quality audio and speech. It is found out that professional training of a specialist by means of multimedia technologies includes not only the activities of the teacher and student, which form the learning process, but also the independent activity of the subject, self-development, assimilation of experience by the subject through analysis, comprehension and transformation of the field of activity in which he is included. It is revealed through the implementation of which approaches to the fundamentalization of higher professional education, it becomes possible to fully present theoretical training courses and effectively pass practical training by students, which contributes to improving the quality of training of future specialists in higher education institutions. Theoretical analysis of scientific views indicates a fairly serious attention of scientists to the problem of professional readiness of specialists and the possibility of higher educational institutions in preparing for it. At the same time, professional readiness is considered from different positions: as an active state of a person, which manifests itself in activity; as a result of activity; as goals of activity; as a quality that characterizes the attitude to solving professional problems and social situations; as a prerequisite for purposeful activity; as a form of activity of the subject; as an integral formation of personality; as a component of socio-professional culture; as a complex professionally significant neoplasm of the individual.

Use of Multimedia Technologies in Extra-Curricular Works in Order to Improve the Quality of Training of Future Specialists

  • Tverezovska, Nina;Kovbasa, Tetiana;Pryhalinska, Tetiana;Mykhniuk, Serhii;Lopushan, Tetiana;Radionova, Olena;Kuchai, Tetiana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2022
  • The article deals with the role of extra-curricular work by means of multimedia technologies in order to improve the quality of training of future specialists. An important condition for achieving high results in training specialists is the optimal combination of classroom and independent extra-curricular work of students by means of multimedia technologies. Very significant is the development of student independence, the formation of skills of independent search activity, the ability to take responsibility, independently solve a problem, find constructive solutions, a way out of a crisis situation, and so on. Extra-curricular work forms students' ability to master the techniques of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison; develops flexibility of thinking; opens up opportunities for the development and stabilization of positive learning motives to activate the process of mastering knowledge by means of multimedia technologies as a means of forming the personality of a highly qualified specialist. The concept of multimedia as one of the priority areas of Information Technology, which plays a particularly important role in the process of informatization of education, is revealed, and its advantages in education are shown. The advent of multimedia systems optimizes transformations in education, in many areas of professional activity, science, art, etc. The necessity of distance learning to improve the quality of training of future specialists using multimedia technologies in extra-curricular work is justified. The effectiveness of pedagogical support in the process of distance learning is achieved by the following conditions, which is revealed in the article. Various forms and types of extra-curricular work of students that are used in the modern practice of the educational environment of a higher education institution are described. Scientific and informational activity is considered a key area of information activity. The analysis of scientific and information activities in the field of education allows us to identify its main functions, which emphasize the growing role of scientific information in the education system, in particular, extra-curricular work using multimedia technologies. Operational, complete, accurate, targeted information that meets objective and subjective needs becomes an important link between the field of management, science and practice.

Conceptual Approaches to Training Specialists Using Multimedia Technologies

  • Shchyrbul, Oleksandr;Babalich, Viktoriya;Mishyn, Sergii;Novikova, Viktoriia;Zinchenko, Lina;Haidamashko, Iryna;Kuchai, Oleksandr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2022
  • Modernization of the educational sector requires globalization, democratization, and the transition to an information technology society. The main goal of education at the present stage is to solve the problem of ensuring the priority of the development of education and science. In modern conditions, the quality of training of qualified specialists is becoming particularly relevant. The great role of teacher education is emphasized by its main goal, which is to train specialists who can ensure the versatile and innovative development of a person as a person and the highest value of society, its mental, physical and aesthetic abilities, high moral qualities, and, consequently, the enrichment on this basis of the intellectual, creative and cultural potential of the people. Among the strategic tasks of modernizing higher education is to ensure informatization of the educational process and access to International Information Systems. The essence of the concept of multimedia is clarified. In the context of media education, multimedia lists a number of functions: informational, interpretive, cultural, entertainment, and educational. The need to meet the needs outlined in the article in the conditions of informatization of the educational process requires the teacher to have knowledge and skills in the field of multimedia pedagogical technologies, knowledge of advanced methods and means of modern science. It is considered what relevant concepts of media education have been developed and are being developed in Ukraine and form an important basis for the modernization of education, which will contribute to the construction of an information society in the country and the formation of civil society. Distance learning is considered - the most democratic form of education that allows broad segments of society to get an education. Distance learning methods are used in higher education institutions, in school education, in the system of advanced training of teachers, in the system of training managerial personnel.

Application of Art Therapy with Usage of Distance Education in the Process of Specialists Professional Training

  • Klepar, Maria;Khomyak, Hryhoriy;Kurkina, Snizhana;Ishchenko, Liudmyla;Bai, Ihor;Lashkul, Valerii;Bida, Olena
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2022
  • Nowadays, the issues of comprehensive formation of a person capable of self-education, self-development and creative self-realization in the conditions of distance education are relevant. There is a need to solve this problem, which is due to social, cultural, and pedagogical factors. This makes it necessary to find effective means of personality formation. In this matter, great importance is attached to the modern method of forming a creative personality - art therapy. Various approaches to the definition of art therapy have been clarified. They consider various forms of art therapy when working with children, adolescents and adults in the context of distance education. The most relevant are the two main forms of work - individual and group art therapy. Art therapy develops the individual's creativity. Therefore, during art therapy, attention is focused on the inner world, experiences, and feelings. Therefore, we believe that in the context of distance education, art therapy has everything for the powerful potential of personality formation. Scientists consider this therapy as therapy by means of art, which is based on experiences, conflicts that can be expressed in the visual arts and music. Art therapy helps to get rid of conflicts and experiences. This happens in the context of distance education through the development of attention to feelings, strengthening one's own personal value and increasing artistic competence. The article describes the signs that characterize art therapy. Art-therapeutic technologies in the context of distance education, which are now actively used by psychologists, teachers and art therapists themselves, are highlighted. The advantages of distance learning are considered. The characteristic features of distance learning and features of the use of art therapy by means of distance education in the process of professional training of specialists are determined.