• Title/Summary/Keyword: 커넥팅 로드 베어링

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EHL Analysis of Connecting Rod Bearings Using Mass-Conserving Boundary Condition (유량 보존 경계 조건을 적용한 커넥팅 로드 베어링의 EHL 해석)

  • 김병직;김경웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.04a
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    • pp.212-217
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    • 1998
  • Reynolds equation, which describes behavior of fluid film in journal bearing, basically satisfies mass conservation. But, boundary conditions usually used with this equation, e.g. half Sommerfeld or Reynolds boundary conditions, cannot fulfill this natural law of conservation. In the case of connecting rod bearing, where applied load is dynamic and its magnitude is relatively large, such unrealistic boundary conditions have serious influence on calculation results, especially on lubricant flow rate or power dissipation which are important parameters in thermal analysis. Another important factor in the analysis of connecting rod bearing is elastic deformation of bearing support structure which is relatively flexible. In this paper, EHL analysis of connecting rod beating is performed using mass-conserving boundary condition. Elastic deformation of bearing support structure and application of mass-conserving boundary condition have significant effects on the performances of connecting rod bearing.

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EHL Analysis of Connecting Rod Bearings Considering Effects of Temperature Variation (온도 변화의 영향을 고려한 커넥팅 로드 베어링의 EHL 해석)

  • 김병직;김경웅
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2001
  • EHL analysis of connecting rod bearing is proposed which includes effects of temperature variation in lubrication film. Lubrication film temperature is treated as a time-dependent, two-dimensional variable which is averaged over the film thickness, while connecting rod big end temperature is assumed to be time-independent and three-dimensional. It is assumed that a portion of the heat generated by viscous dissipation in the lubrication film is absorbed by the film itself, and the remainder flows into the bearing surface. Mass-conserving cavitation algorithm is applied and the effect of variable viscosity is included to solve the Reynolds equation. Simulation results of the connecting rod bearing in internal combustion engine are presented. It is shown that the temperature variation has remarkable effects on the bearing performance. It is concluded that the EHL analysis considering effects of the temperature variation is strongly recommended to predict the connecting rod bearing performance in internal combustion engine.

The Influence of Engine Operating Conditions and Lubricants on Oil Film Thickness of Engine Connecting Rod Bearing (커넥팅로드 베어링의 유막두께에 미치는 기관 운전조건 및 윤활유의 영향)

  • Lee, D.H.;Chang, B.J.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.2 no.5
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1994
  • By applying of total electric capacitance method on engine connecting rod bearing during engine operating, the influence of engine operating conditions and lubricants on bearing oil film thickness was investigated. Minimum oil film thickness increases with kinematic viscosity, but as increasing of viscosity, the increasing ratio of film thickness is reduced. Also minimum oil film thickness increases with engine speed but there is a limit. Above this limit, film thickness decreases in opposition because of crankshaft inertia. As increasing of engine torque and oil temperature, munimum oil film thickness decreases linearly. For non-Newtonian oils, the correlation between $100{\circ}C$ kinematic viscosity and munimum oil film thickness is very poor.

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The Effect of Oil Pressure Fluctuation on the Engine Lubrication System (엔진 윤활 시스템에서 오일 압력 변동의 영향)

  • 윤정의;전문수
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2002
  • The connecting rod big-end bearing is one of the most heavily loaded components of the lubrication system of high-speed combustion engines. The supply oil flow has to pass to the main bearing and the rotating crankshaft before entering the connecting rod bearing. It is common knowledge that the centrifugal forces due to the crankshaft rotation influence the oil flow to connecting rod bearing through the oil supply bore, especially, when the oil supply system to the connecting rod bearing has a 180$^{\circ}$circumferential groove via a single drilling in the crankshaft. In this case, it should be confirmed that the groove oil pressure in the main bearing is sufficient to overcome these centrifugal forces. For the purpose, the dynamic oil pressure before entering oil supply bore to the connecting rod bearing was measured instead of averaged oil pressure in main gallery. Experimental test results show that the dynamic oil pressure in the oil groove was more useful than that of main gallery. And it was also found that the oil pressure fluctuation in the groove was sensitively affected by the reduction of the main bearing clearance.