• Title/Summary/Keyword: 측풍 영향

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Study of Longitudinal Stability and Elevator Control of a Human Powered Aircraft, TORUK MAKTO I (인간동력 항공기 TORUK MAKTO I 세로 안정성 및 승강타 제어연구)

  • Park, Joohee;Kim, Younsoo;Han, Cheolheui
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.12-16
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    • 2015
  • 인간동력 항공기 TORUK MAKTO I에 대하여 양력선이론 및 XFOIL을 사용하여 도출한 공력계수 및 미계수 값과 CATIA를 사용한 관성모멘트 추정 값을 사용하여 지면효과 및 주익과 무게중심 사이의 수직거리 변화가 인간동력 항공기의 세로 정안정성에 미치는 영향과 수평미익(스테빌레이터) 변위각제어에 따른 세로 동안정성 해석 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과 지면효과가 정적여유에 미치는 영향은 미미했다. 공력중심과 무게중심 사이의 수직거리가 세로 정안정성에 미치는 영향은 매우 컸으며, 수직거리 증가는 세로 정안정성을 증가시켰다. 수평미익 변위각 제어에 따른 세로 동안정성 해석 결과 장주기 진동특성과 감쇄특성이 매우 나쁜 것으로 나타났다. 향후 항공기의 동특성을 고려한 세로 동안정성 해석 및 측풍에 의한 가로 및 방향 안정성 해석연구를 수행할 예정이다.

A Method for Reduction in Ground Turbulence by the Constructions in the Vicinity of Runway (활주로 주변 건물로 인하여 발생되는 Ground Turbulence 감소 방안)

  • Hong, Gyo-Young;Sheen, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.820-830
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    • 2009
  • This paper illustrates how simulation modeling can be reduced of ground turbulence by the constructions in the vicinity of airport runway and reports on a cause of ground turbulence using two-dimensional CFD analysis. Interesting result is that the shape in cross-section show the higher ground turbulence than the height of the building. The predicted results confirmed reduction of wind-effect by doing that set up the building with a fence, terraced shape or gap and it can generate turbulence in embryo at this stage. We knows that cross-wind effect in the vicinity of airport runway is highly dependent on the shape of the buildings.

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Incompressible Viscous Flow Analysis around a High-Speed Train Including Cross-Wind Effects (측풍영향을 고려한 고속전철 주위의 비압축성 점성 유동 해석)

  • Jung Y. R.;Park W. G.;Kim H. W.;Ha S. D.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 1995
  • The flow field around a high-speed train including cross-wind effects has been simulated. This study solves 3-D unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the inertial frame using the iterative time marching scheme. The governing equations are differenced with 1st-order accurate backward difference scheme for the time derivatives, 3th-order accurate QUICK scheme for the convective terms and 2nd-order accurate central difference scheme for the viscous terms. The Marker-and-Cell concept was applied to efficiently solve continuity equation, which is differenced with 2nd-order accurate central difference scheme. The 4th-order artificial damping is added to the continuity equation for numerical stability. A C-H type of elliptic grid system is generated around a high-speed train including ground. The Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model was implemented to simulate the turbulent flows. To validate the present procedure, the flow around a high speed train at constant yaw angle of $45^{\circ}\;and\;90^{\circ}$ has been simulated. The simulation shows 3-D vortex generation in the lee corner. The flow separation is also observed around the rear of the train. It has concluded that the results of present study properly agree with physical flow phenomena.

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A study of the dynamic characteristic of airship through the flight test (비행선의 비행 시험을 통한 동특성에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Gui-Aee;Kim, Jong-Kwon;Cho, Kyeum-Rae;Lee, Dae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2004
  • Nowadays, many kinds of research for airship are studying with increasing of interests of airship. But these are far from perfect. The data acquisition from the actual flight test has lots of difficulties because of the characteristics from the slow dynamic response and high sensitivity for external environment. In this paper, through the actual flight test, appropriateness of the mathematical dynamic model applied here was verified by comparing the test data with simulation data in same control conditions.

Nozzle Flow Characteristics and Simulation of Pesticide Spraying Drone (농약 살포 드론의 노즐 유동 특성 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Kang, Ki-Jun;Chang, Se-Myong;Ra, In-Ho;Kim, Sun-Woo;Kim, Heung-Tae
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2019
  • When there is a spray flow such as from a pesticide nozzle, winds affect the droplet flow of a rotary-wing drone accompanied by a strong wake, with a severe oscillation. Especially, during forwarding flights or when winds come from the side, compare to a simple hovering flight as the droplet is in the effect of aerodynamic drag force, the effect of spraying region becomes even larger. For this reason, the spraying of pesticides using drones may cause a greater risk of scattering or a difference in droplet dispersion between locations, resulting in a decrease in efficiency. Therefore, through proper numerical modeling and its applied simulation, an indication tool is required applicable for the various flight and atmospheric conditions. In this research, we completed both experiment and numerical analysis for the strong downwash from the rotor and flight velocity of the drone by comparing the probability density function of droplet distribution to build a spraying system that can improve the efficiency when spraying droplets in the pesticide spray drone.

ALE Finite Element Analysis of the WIG Craft under the Water Impact Loads (ALE 유한 요소법을 적용한 위그선의 착수하중 해석)

  • Lee, Bok-Won;Kim, Chun-Gon;Park, Mi-Young;Jeong, Han-Koo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.1082-1088
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    • 2007
  • Demand for high speed sea transportation modes has been increased dramatically last few decades. The WIG(Wing-in-ground effect) is considered as next generation maritime transportation system. In the structural design of high speed marine vessels, an estimation of water impact loads is essential. The dynamic structural responses of the WIG excited by the water impact loads may bring an important contribution to their damage process. The work presented in this paper is focused on the numerical simulation of the water impact on the WIG craft when it lands. It is aimed to study the structural responses of the WIG craft subjected to the water impact loads. The Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) finite element method is used to simulate the water impact of the WIG craft during a landing phase. A full 3D shell element is used to model the WIG craft in carbon composites, and a developed FE model is used to investigate the effect of the water impact loads on the structural responses of the WIG craft. In the analysis, two different landing scenarios are considered and their effects on the structural responses are investigated.

A Stress Analysis for Pressure Vessel to Prevent Spontaneous Ignition of Coal Stockpile (저탄장 자연발화 방지를 위한 압력용기의 응력 해석)

  • Kim, Young In;Kim, Seung Hun;Jie, Min-Seok;Yeum, Chan Sub;Choi, Won Hyuck
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2018
  • Spontaneous ignition is not only severe economic damage but also a typical plant damage caused by harmful gases generated during the fire. Because coal is porous, it causes oxygen to be absorbed in the amount of oxygen per unit weight of oxygen, resulting in low humidity and low thermal conductivity. The cause and effect of spontaneous ignition are very complex, so it is difficult to prevent it beforehand and once it is difficult to digest it, it is difficult to digest it. This study examines structural safety by conducting a structural analysis of the cooling ball system to prevent spontaneous combustion of coal stockpile plants and external pressures.