• Title/Summary/Keyword: 추정개체수

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Stage Structure and Population Persistence of Cypripedium japonicum Thunb., a Rare and Endangered Plants (희귀 및 멸종위기식물인 광릉요강꽃의 개체군 구조 및 지속성)

  • Lee, Dong-hyoung;Kim, So-dam;Kim, Hwi-min;Moon, Ae-Ra;Kim, Sang-Yong;Park, Byung-Bae;Son, Sung-won
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.548-557
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    • 2021
  • Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. is an endemic plant in East Asia, distributed only in Korea, China, and Japan. At the global level, the IUCN Red List evaluates it as "Endangered Species (EN)," and at the national level in Korea, it is evaluated as "Critically Endangered Species (CR)." In this study, we investigated the characteristics of the age structure and the sustainability of the population based on the data obtained by demographic monitoring conducted for seven years in the natural habitat. C. japonicum habitats were observed in 7 regions of Korea (Pochoen, Gapyeong, Hwacheon, Chuncheon, Yeongdong, Muju, Gwangyang), and 4,356 individuals in 15 subpopulations were identified. The population size and structure differed from region to region, and artificial management had a very important effect on the size and structural change of the population. Population viability analysis (PVA) based on changes in the number of individuals of C. japonicum showed a very diverse tendency by region. And the probability of population extinction in the next 100 years was 0.00% for Pocheon, 10.90% for Gwangyang, 24.05% for Chuncheon, and 79.50% for Hwacheon. Since the above monitored study sites were located within the conservation shelters, which restricted access by humans, unauthorized collection of C. japonicum, the biggest threat to the species, was not reflected in the individual viability. So, the risk of extinction in Korea is expected to be significantly higher than that estimated in this study. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect population information in several regions that may represent various threats to determine the extinction risk of the C. japonicum population objectively. In the future, we should expand the demographic monitoring of the C. japonicum population known in Korea.

Actual Vegetation Distribution Status and Ecological Succession in the Deogyusan National Park (덕유산국립공원 현존식생 분포현황 및 천이 연구)

  • Kim, Hyoun-Sook;Lee, Sang-Myong;Song, Ho-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2011
  • This study was written about the actual vegetation map by researchig current vegetation and on-site vegetation in the Deogyusan National Park. Current vegetation patterns were classified into 42 types according to correlation. And Quercus mongolica forest was 39.08% out of the total forest vegetation, and was dispersed the most widely. Next were Q. variabilis, Pinus densiflora, and Fraxinus mandshurica forests in order, so that the forests of Deogyusan are different from those of another national parks in that F. mandshurica forest is more widely dispersed. Forest vegetation of Deogyusan national park is broadly classified into three types: deciduous broad-leaved forest (Quercus forest and valley forest), coniferous forest(P. densiflora forest), and sub-alpine forest(Taxus cuspidata forest, Abies koreana, Rhododendron schlippenbachii shrub-forest, and prairie). Distribution of DBH of Q. mongolica and Q. variabillis had a higher frequency of young individuals and middle individuals, Q. serrata and Carpinus laxiflora had a higher frequency of young individuals, suggesting a continuous domination of these species over the other species for the time being. In contrast, F. mandshurica appeared limited to the valley of the sheet and a higher frequency of young individuals, suggesting a continuous domination of these species the development of a climax forest terrain. P. densiflora, Betula davurica, Cornus controversa, B. costata, A. koreana and T. cuspidata had a formality distribution, suggesting a continuous domination of these species over the other species for the time being.

Ontogenetic Color Variation of Abudefduf notatus (Pomacentridae: Perciformes) Revealed by 16S rRNA Sequences Analysis (미토콘드리아 16S rRNA 염기서열 분석에 의해 밝혀진 동갈자돔 치어의 성장에 따른 체색변이)

  • Song, Young Sun;Kim, Jin-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2013
  • Seven individuals (16.1~29.1 mm in length) which were estimated with fishes of genus Abudefduf were collected in Seogwipo, Jeju Island in the summer of 2011 and 2012. Among them, five individuals (20.8~29.1 mm SL) are similar to Abudefduf notatus, based on morphological characters such as yellow transverse band on the body, one small black spot on the base of the pectoral fin, and yellow caudal fin. On the other hand, two individuals (16.1 mm, 17.0 mm SL) differ from them in several light transverse bands and transparent rays of all fins except for pelvic fin, and anterior transparent head with only one (16.1 mm). According to the results of molecular analyses of 578 base pairs of mtDNA 16S rRNA sequences, these individuals correspond to A. notatus adult, with a high bootstrap value of 95% (genetic distance, d=0.002). Therefore, this study shows that the individuals more than 20.8 mm similar to adult body color but the 16.1 mm individual differs to that of adult. We confirm that this species changes to body color during their early life stages. This result regards as a survival strategy to protect themselves against their predator during their early life stages.

Population Size and Home Range Estimates of Domestic Cats (Felis catus) on Mara Islet, Jeju, in the Republic of Korea (제주 마라도에 서식하는 고양이(Felis catus)의 개체군 크기 및 행동권 추정)

  • Kim, Yujin;Lee, Woo-Shin;Choi, Chang-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2020
  • Domestic cats (Felis catus) introduced to insular environments can be invasive predators that often threaten endemic species and cause biodiversity loss or local extinction on the island. This study was conducted from March to July 2018 to understand the population size, home range, and spatial use of cats introduced to Mara Islet (N 33° 07', E 126° 16') in Jeju Special Governing Province, the Republic of Korea. Observation records based on their natural marks revealed that there were 20 adult cats on Mara Islet. A capture-recapture method also estimated 20 adult individuals (95% confidence interval: 20-24 individuals). According to our telemetry study on ten adults deployed with GPS-based telemetry units, the home range size was 12.05±6.99 ha (95% KDE: kernel density estimation), and the core habitat size was 1.60±0.77 ha (50% KDE). There were no significant differences in the home range and core habitat sizes by sex. The home range of domestic cats overlapped with the human residential area, where they might secure easy foods. Five of ten tracked cats were active at potential breeding colonies for the Crested Murrlet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume), and six approached potential breeding areas of the Styan's Grasshopper Warbler (Locustella pleskei), suggesting the predation risk of the two endangered species by cats. This study provides novel information on the population size and home range of introduced cats on Mara Islet which is an important stopover site of migratory birds as well as a breeding habitat of the two endangered avian species. Reducing the potential negative impacts of the introduced cats on migratory birds and the endangered species on Mara Islet requires monitoring of the predation rate of birds by cats, the population trends of cats and endangered breeding birds as well as the effective cat population control and management.

Estimation of the Accuracy of Genomic Breeding Value in Hanwoo (Korean Cattle) (한우의 유전체 육종가의 정확도 추정)

  • Lee, Seung Soo;Lee, Seung Hwan;Choi, Tae Jeong;Choy, Yun Ho;Cho, Kwang Hyun;Choi, You Lim;Cho, Yong Min;Kim, Nae Soo;Lee, Jung Jae
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to estimate the Genomic Estimated Breeding Value (GEBV) using Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (GBLUP) method in Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) population. The result is expected to adapt genomic selection onto the national Hanwoo evaluation system. Carcass weight (CW), eye muscle area (EMA), backfat thickness (BT), and marbling score (MS) were investigated in 552 Hanwoo progeny-tested steers at Livestock Improvement Main Center. Animals were genotyped with Illumina BovineHD BeadChip (777K SNPs). For statistical analysis, Genetic Relationship Matrix (GRM) was formulated on the basis of genotypes and the accuracy of GEBV was estimated with 10-fold Cross-validation method. The accuracies estimated with cross-validation method were between 0.915~0.957. In 534 progeny-tested steers, the maximum difference of GEBV accuracy compared to conventional EBV for CW, EMA, BT, and MS traits were 9.56%, 5.78%, 5.78%, and 4.18% respectively. In 3,674 pedigree traced bulls, maximum increased difference of GEBV for CW, EMA, BT, and MS traits were increased as 13.54%, 6.50%, 6.50%, and 4.31% respectively. This showed that the implementation of genomic pre-selection for candidate calves to test on meat production traits could improve the genetic gain by increasing accuracy and reducing generation interval in Hanwoo genetic evaluation system to select proven bulls.

Comparison of Accuracy between Analysis Tree Detection in UAV Aerial Image Analysis and Quadrat Method for Estimating the Number of Treesto be Removed in the Environmental Impact Assessment (환경영향평가의 훼손수목량 추정을 위한 드론영상 분석법과 방형구법의 정확성 비교)

  • Park, Minkyu
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2021
  • The number of trees to be removed trees (ART) in the environmental impact assessment is an environmental indicator used in various parts such as greenhouse gas emissions and waste of forest trees calculation. Until now, the ART has depended on the forest tree density of the vegetation survey, and the uncertainty of estimating the amount of removed trees has increased due to the sampling bias. A full-scale survey can be offered as an alternative to improve the accuracy of ART, but the reality is that it is impossible. As an alternative, there is an individual tree detection using aerial image (ITD), and in this study, we compared the ARTs estimated by full-scale survey, sample survey, and ITD. According to the research results, compared to the result of full-scale survey, the result of ITD was overestimated by 25. While 58 were overestimated by the sample survey (average). However, as the sample survey is an estimate based on random samples, ART will be overestimated or underestimated depending on the number and size of quadrats.

Ultrastructural Study of Germ Cell Development and Reproductive Cycle of the Hen Clam, Mactra chinensis on the West Coast of Korea (한국 서해산 개량조개, Mactra chinensis의 생식세포발달의 미세구조적 연구 및 생식주기)

  • Chung, Ee-Yung
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.141-156
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    • 1997
  • 1992년 1월부터 12월까지 1년간에 걸쳐 전북 군산, 선연리 조하애에서 채집된 개량조개, Mactra chinensis Philippi를 대상으로 생식세포 발달과 생식소 발달양상을 조사하기 위해 토과형 전자현미경으로 미세구조 변활르 관찰하였고, 정확한 산란기를 규명하기 위해 조직학적으로 생식주기를 조사하였다. 개량조개는 장웅이체이다. 난황형성과정은 난모세포의 발달정도에 따라 다르게 나타나고 있다. 전난황형성기 난모세포질 내에서는 핵주변 구여게 골지장치와 수많은 공포들 및 미토콘드리아들이 출현하고 있는데 이들은 차후, 지방적 형성에 관여한다. 난황형성전기 난모세포에서는 지방적 및 지질과립들이 핵막 근처에서 출현하여 피질층쪽으로 분산되는 반면, 같은 발달단계의 난모세포질의 피질구역에서는 피질과립들 (단백질성 난황과립)이 처음으로 생성되어 난황막 근처의 피질층에서 핵주변 구역쪽으로 분산 분포된다. 난황형성후기 난모세포에서는 세포질 내의 골지장치, 공포, 미토콘드리아, 그리고 조면소포체들이 자율합성에 의해 난황과립 형성에 관영하고 있다. 반면, 외인성 물질들인 지질형태의 과립들, 단백질성 물질 및 다량의 글리코겐 입자들이 생식상피 낸에서 출현하고 있는데, 이들 물질이 생식상피에서 난황막 구조물인 미세융모를 통해 난황형성 후기 난모세포의 난질 내로 통과해 들어가는 현상이 관찰되었다. 이와 같은 현상은 난황성성이 일어날 때에 hterosynthesis가 일어나고 있음을 시사한다. 완숙난모세포의 난경은 약 50-60 \mu m이고, 완숙정자 두부의 길이는 대략 3 \mu m이며, 미부의 길이는 약 30 \mu m정도이다. 정자 미부편모의 axoneme은 중앙의 2개의 미세소관(microtubule)과 주변에 위치한 9개의 2중 미세소관 (microtubule)으로 구성되어 있다. 본 종의 산란기는 5월에서 9월 중순에 걸쳐 일어나는데, 주산란시기는 해수수온이 22 \circ C 이상으로 상승하는 6, 7월이다. 따라서 1년에 산란 (번식)시기가 한번 일어나고 있음을 알 수 있다. 생식 주기는 초기활성기 (1-2월), 후기활성기 (2-4월), 완숙기 (4-9월), 산란기 (5-9월) 그리고 퇴화 및 비솰성기 (6-12월)의 연속적인 5단계로 구분할 수 있었다. 재생산에 가담할 수 있는 암, 수개체들의 군성숙도(%)를 조직학적으로 조사한 결과, 각장 3.5-3.9cm 범위의 개체는 55.5%이었고, 5cm 이사인 개체들은 재생산에 100% 참여하였다. 본 종의 암, 수개체들은 만 1년부터 재생산에 가담하는 것으로 추정된다.

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Factors Affecting Growth Curve Parameters of Hanwoo Cows (한우 암소의 성장곡선 모수에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, C.W.;Choi, J.G.;Jeon, K.J.;Na, K.J.;Lee, C.;Hwang, J.M.;Kim, J.B.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.711-724
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    • 2003
  • Some growth curve models were used to fit individual growth of 1,083 Hanwoo cows born from 1970 to 2001 in Daekwanryeong branch, National Livestock Research Institute(NLRI). The effects of year-season of birth and age of dam were analyzed. In analysis of variance for growth curve parameters, the effects of birth year-season were significant for mature weight(A), growth ratio(b) and maturing rate(k)(P〈.01). The effects of age of dam were significant for growth ratio(b) but not significant for mature weight(A) and maturing rate(k). The linear term of the covariate of age at the final weights was significant for the A(P〈.01) and k(P〈.01) of Gompertz model, von Bertalanffy model and Logistic model. For the growth curve parameters fitted on individual data using Gompertz model, von Bertalanffy model and Logistic model, resulting the linear contrasts(fall-spring), Least square means of A in three nonlinear models were higher cows born at fall and A of Logistic model was significant(P〈.05) between the seasons. According to the results of the least square means of growth curve parameters by age of dam, least square means of mature weight(A) in Gompertz model was largest in 6 year and smallest estimating for 3 and 8 years of age of dam. The growth ratio(b) was largest in 2 year of age of dam and smallest estimating in 8 year. The A and k were not different by age of dam(p〉.05), On the other hand, the b was different by age of dam(p〈.01). The estimate of A in von Bertalanffy model was largest in 6 year and smallest in 8 and 9 years of age of dam. The b was largest in 2 year and tend to decline as age of dam increased. The A and k were not different by age of dam(p〉.05), On the other hand, the b was highly significant by age of dam(p〈.01).

Weighted L1-Norm Support Vector Machine for the Classification of Highly Imbalanced Data (불균형 자료의 분류분석을 위한 가중 L1-norm SVM)

  • Kim, Eunkyung;Jhun, Myoungshic;Bang, Sungwan
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2015
  • The support vector machine has been successfully applied to various classification areas due to its flexibility and a high level of classification accuracy. However, when analyzing imbalanced data with uneven class sizes, the classification accuracy of SVM may drop significantly in predicting minority class because the SVM classifiers are undesirably biased toward the majority class. The weighted $L_2$-norm SVM was developed for the analysis of imbalanced data; however, it cannot identify irrelevant input variables due to the characteristics of the ridge penalty. Therefore, we propose the weighted $L_1$-norm SVM, which uses lasso penalty to select important input variables and weights to differentiate the misclassification of data points between classes. We demonstrate the satisfactory performance of the proposed method through simulation studies and a real data analysis.

Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Litter Size and Sex Ratio in Yorkshire and Landrace Pigs (요크셔종과 랜드레이스종의 산자수 및 성비에 대한 유전모수 추정)

  • Lee, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Jong-Bok;Lee, Jeong-Koo
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to estimate heritabilities, repeatabilities and rank correlation coefficients among breeding values for litter size and sex ratio of Yorkshire and Landrace pigs using various single trait animal models. The analyses were carried out the data comprising 26,390 litters of Yorkshire and 26,173 litters of Landrace collected from the year 1998 to 2008 at a private swine breeding farm located in central part of Korea. Five different analytical models were used for genetic parameter estimation. Model 1 was most simple basic model fitted with year-month contemporary group fixed effect, random additive genetic effect and random residual effect. Model 2 was similar to the model 1 but permanent maternal environmental effect added as random effect, and model 3 was similar with the model 2 but linear and quadratic effects of sow age were added as fixed covariate effect. Model 4 was similar as model 2 except that the parity was added as fixed effect and model 5 was similar to model 3 or model 4 but covariate of sow age was nested within parity effect. The results obtained in this study are summarized as follows: The means and standard error of total number of pigs born per litter (TNB) and number of pigs born alive per litter (NBA) were $11.35{\pm}0.02$ and $10.04{\pm}0.02$ for Yorkshire, $10.97{\pm}0.02$ and $9.98{\pm}0.02$ for Landrace, respectively. The sex ratio (percentage of female per litter) was $45.75{\pm}0.11%$ and $45.75{\pm}0.11%$ for Yorkshire and Landrace, respectively. The heritability estimates of TNB (0.243) and NBA (0.192) from model 1 tended to be higher than those from any other models in both breeds. Differences in heritability and repeatability for TNB were not large among models 3, 4 and 5 and same tendency of negligible differences among estimates by models 3, 4 and 5 were observed for NBA, where heritability and repeatability ranged from 0.096 to 0.099 and from 0.188 to 0.193, respectively, in Yorkshire; and ranged from 0.092 to 0.098 and from 0.193 and 0.196, respectively, in Landrace. The heritability estimates for sex ratio were close to zero which was ranged from 0.002 to 0.003 for TNB and from 0.001 to 0.003 for NBA over the models applied. The rank correlation coefficients of breeding values by model 1 with those from other models (model 2, 3, 4 and 5), and breeding values by model 2 with those from other models (model 1, 3, 4 and 5) were highly positive but lower than the coefficients among breeding values by model 3, model 4 and model 5 which were high of 0.99, approximately, for TNB and NBA of both breeds.