• Title/Summary/Keyword: 최고속도

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Design of IoT-based Service and Access Basket (SAB) monitoring and alarm system (IoT 기반 Service and Access Basket 모니터링 및 경보 시스템 설계)

  • Yoo, Ju-Yeon;Woo, Sang-Min;Hwang, Hun-Gyu;Kim, Bae-Sung;Shin, Il-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.123-124
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    • 2019
  • 우리나라 조선업은 건조분야에서 세계최고의 위상을 자랑하면서 급속도로 발전을 해왔다. 그러나 세계적으로 수주 불황과 조선 산업의 침체로 인해서 조선 산업은 직접적인 타격으로 국내의 중견 조선소 및 기자재 공급업체들이 도산되어0 최근부터 해양플랜트 사업이 우리나라 새로운 산업으로 부상하면서 해양 ICT 융합기술을 활용한 기자재 업체들이 많이 생겨났다. 하지만 실제 해양플랜트 선박 및 기자재의 국산화율은 현저히 낮다. 해양플랜트 외에 다른 용도로 사용이 가능한 Service and Access Basket의 국산화를 위해서 각 모듈별로 임베디드를 연계하여 설계하였다. 기존의 Service and Access Basket의 미비했던 안전 사양(기울기, 하중, 경보 등)을 추가로 설계하고 신뢰성이 높은 센서(자이로, 하중센서, 초음파 거리센서)들을 활용하여 통합 설계하였다. 이러한 통합 시스템이 완성이 되면 고소차, 해양/육상용 고공 작업을 할 수 있는 장비 등에 활용할 수 있을 예정이다.

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Synthesis of Zeolite A from Coal Fly Ash (석탄회로부터 제올라이트 A의 합성)

  • Jee, Jeong-Dae;Choi, Ko-Yeol
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.214-218
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    • 2011
  • Zeolite A was synthesized from coal fly ash by the microwave heating as well as the conventional heating method. The effects of reaction time, the amount of sodium aluminate, and the reaction temperature on the crystallization of zeolite A were investigated. The optimum crystallization time was about 3 to 6 h in the temperature range of $80{\sim}100^{\circ}C$. The amount of sodium aluminate was found to be optimum when the molar ratio $SiO_2/Al_2O_3$ of starting solution was in the range of 0.44 to 1.05 at above $90^{\circ}C$, However, The more amount of sodium aluminate was required to get zeolite A at $80^{\circ}C$. Although the rate of crystallization was slightly faster in the microwave heating than that in the conventional heating, the reaction time need to obtain fully crystallized zeolite A was similar in both methods. Therefore, the influence of the microwave heating was not so large compared with the conventional heating in the synthesis of zeolite A from coal fly ash.

Wind field prediction through generative adversarial network (GAN) under tropical cyclones (생성적 적대 신경망 (GAN)을 통한 태풍 바람장 예측)

  • Na, Byoungjoon;Son, Sangyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.370-370
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    • 2021
  • 태풍으로 인한 피해를 줄이기 위해 경로, 강도 및 폭풍해일의 사전 예측은 매우 중요하다. 이중, 태풍의 경로와는 달리 강도 및 폭풍해일의 예측에 있어서 바람장은 수치 모델의 초기 입력값으로 요구되기 때문에 정확한 바람장 정보는 필수적이다. 대기 바람장 예측 방법은 크게 해석적 모델링, 라디오존데 측정과 위성 사진을 통한 산출로 구분할 수 있다. Holland의 해석적 모델링은 비교적 적은 입력값이 필요하지만 정확도가 낮고, 라디오존데 측정은 정확도가 높지만 점 측정에 가깝기 때문에 이차원 바람장을 산출하기에 한계가 있다. 위성 사진을 통한 바람장 산출은 위성기술의 고도화로 관측 채널 수 및 시공간 해상도가 크게 증가하고 있기 때문에 다양한 기법들이 개발되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 생성적 적대 신경망 (Generative Adversarial Network, GAN)을 통해 일련의 연속된 과거 적외 채널 위성 사진 흐름의 패턴을 학습시켜 미래 위성 사진을 예측하고, 예측된 연속적인 위성 사진들의 교차상관 (cross-correlation)을 통해 바람장을 산출하였다. GAN을 적용함에 있어 2011년부터 2019년까지 한반도 근방에 접근했던 태풍 중에 4등급 이상인 68개의 태풍의 한 시간 간격으로 촬영된 총 15,683개의 위성 사진을 학습시켜 생성된 이미지들은 실측 위성 사진들과 매우 유사한 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 생성된 이미지들의 교차상관으로 얻어진 바람장 벡터들의 풍향, 풍속, 벡터 일관성 및 수치 모델과의 비교를 통해 각각의 벡터들의 품질 계수를 구하고 정확도가 높은 벡터들만 결과에 포함하였다. 마지막으로 국내 6개의 라디오존데 관측점에서의 실측 벡터와의 비교를 통해 본 연구 결과의 실효성을 검증하였다. 본 연구에서 확장하여, 이와 같이 AI 기법과 이미지 교차상관 기법을 사용하여 얻어진 바람장으로부터 태풍 강도예측에 필요한 요소인 태풍의 눈의 위치, 최고 속도와 태풍 반경을 직접적으로 산출할 수 있고. 이러한 위성 사진을 기반으로 한 바람장은 단순화된 해석적 바람장을 대체하여 폭풍 해일 모델링의 예측 성능 개선에 기여할 것으로 보여진다.

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Model Interpretation through LIME and SHAP Model Sharing (LIME과 SHAP 모델 공유에 의한 모델 해석)

  • Yong-Gil Kim
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2024
  • In the situation of increasing data at fast speed, we use all kinds of complex ensemble and deep learning algorithms to get the highest accuracy. It's sometimes questionable how these models predict, classify, recognize, and track unknown data. Accomplishing this technique and more has been and would be the goal of intensive research and development in the data science community. A variety of reasons, such as lack of data, imbalanced data, biased data can impact the decision rendered by the learning models. Many models are gaining traction for such interpretations. Now, LIME and SHAP are commonly used, in which are two state of the art open source explainable techniques. However, their outputs represent some different results. In this context, this study introduces a coupling technique of LIME and Shap, and demonstrates analysis possibilities on the decisions made by LightGBM and Keras models in classifying a transaction for fraudulence on the IEEE CIS dataset.

Study on the Pattern of Starch Assimilation by Sporobolomyces holsaticus (Sporobolomyces holsaticus의 배양중 전분자화 특성조사)

  • Park, Wan-Soo;Koo, Young-Jo;Shin, Dong-Hwa;Min, Byong-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 1983
  • Direct conversion of starchy materials to single cell protein of Sporobolomyces holsaticus FRI Y-5 was investigated. Effect of yeast extract concentration on its cell growth showed that it could utilize more of starch in the medium containing 2.5 g/l of yeast extract. In case of jar fermentor culture, the specific growth rate and cell yield of Sp. holsaticus on soluble starch were calculated to be $0.14\;hr^{-1}$ and 0.425, respectively and its maximum cell concentration was 13.4 g/l. After 80 hr of incubation time, 45.96% of starch was consumed and 45.1% of relative blue value was decreased. Reducing sugars in the starch medium seemed to increase from 4.06 g/l to 6.08 g/l and then to decrease. During fermentor culture, pH of medium was almost not changed in the range of $pH\;7.0{\pm}0.5$. The optimal temperature and pH of Sp. holsaticus amylase activity were $40^{\circ}C$ and pH 7.5, respectively. It was shown from the effect of Tapioca starch concentration on the cell growth that the optimal concentration of Tapioca starch for Sp. holsaticus was lower than that of soluble starch. FRI Y-5 cells settled much slower than Sp. holsaticus IFO 1032 cells and the viscosity vs cell concentration relationship was related to be linear.

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A Study on Tail Vibration Reduction for the Next Generation High Speed EMU (차세대 분산형 고속열차의 후미진동 저감에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Chang-Sung;Kim, Young-Guk;Kim, Seok-Won;Kim, Sang-Soo;Choi, Sung-Hoon;Park, Tae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.543-549
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    • 2012
  • This study describes the tail vibration reduction for the next generation high speed EMU(HEMU-430X). The model of 6 cars was generated and the calculation was performed using VAMPIRE(railway vehicle dynamic software). In view of ride characteristics, HEMU-430X was expected to sway at the tail because of the yaw damper direction. The lateral acceleration of vehicle body exceeded the criteria because of hunting. To reduce this hunting motion, some methods such as wheel profile change, the change of damping coefficient for the 2nd lateral damper, the damping coefficient change of yaw damper were tested, but had little effect. Finally, the yaw damper direction was changed and the tail vibration disappeared. In real running test, the tail vibration appeared at the speed of 150km/h and the yaw damper direction change made the vehicle stable at the speed of 300km/h. The maximum test speed of HEMU-430X is 430km/h. If the tail vibration appears at higher speed, some other methods in this study may be considered to reduce it.

Effect of the Seeding Rate and Nursery Period on the Growth and Characteristics of Seeding for Rice Transplanter (수도(水稻)의 파종밀도(播種密度)와 육묘일수(育苗日數)가 기계이앙용(機械移秧用) 상자묘(箱子苗)의 생장(生長)과 소질(素質)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ahn, Su Bong;Kim, Soung Rai;Park, Chang Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 1981
  • Effect of the seeding rate and nursery period on the growth and characteristics of seedling suitable for rice transplanter was analyzed and the following results were obtained. The optimum seeding rate were about 100 to 150g in the 30 day old seedling, and 150g per nursery box in the 25day old seedling, respectively, as having adequate leaf number, plant height, dry weight, hardiness and crop growth rate for transplanting. Excessively low and high seeding rate resulted in excessive aging and weakness of the seedling at the later growth stages.

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Effects of Slow-release Nitrogen Fertilizers on Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of IR667 (IR667의 수량(收量) 및 질소흡수(窒素吸收)에 미치는 완효성 질소비종별(窒素肥種別) 효과)

  • Kwon, Hang Gwang;Park, Hoon;Park, Young Sun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 1973
  • Effects of three slow-release nitrogen fertilizers (Sulfur-coated urea, (SCU) Jin Hae Chemical Co. Korea(JHC); Tennessee Valley Authority. U.S.A(TVA); METAP, Japan) on the yield and nitrogen uptake of IR667 (Suwon 213) were investigated comparing with urea split application under the field condition with early and usual saeson cultivation. 1. SCU(JHC) was not superior than urea split application in yield and nitrogen nutrition due to early release of nitrogen. 2. SCU(TVA) outyielded urea split by 10% showed always highest nitrogen content in straw and most balanced relative cumulative curve of nitrogen uptake or dry matter yield. 3. At ear formation stage SCU(TVA) showed specially high nitrogen content which was highly correlated with number of grain per $m^2$ of field. 4. Only SCU(TVA) showed one peak curve of nitrogen uptake rate at ear formation stage while others showed two peak pattern. 5. nitrogen fertilizer recovery of slow-release fertilizers was higher than urea split in early season cultivation and SCU (TVA) (46.0) was higher but SCU(JHC) (38.9) was similar in compare with urea split(37.1) in usual season cultivation. 6. Most promising slow-release nitrogen to match plant requirement seems to be one mixed of various slow-release fertilizers having different release pattern.

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Effect on Fermentation and Storage of Yogurt Using Control System of Refrigerator (냉장고 제어시스템을 이용한 요구르트의 발효 및 저장효과)

  • Ko, Yong-Duck;Chung, Hee-Yeop;Kim, Kyeong-Sook;Lee, Kwang-Hoon;Kim, Yang-Woo;Chun, Sung-Sik;Sung, Nack-Kie
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.814-818
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    • 1994
  • Control system for both rapid fermentation and storage of yogurt in refrigerator was developed and its performance was investigated. Fermentation temperature for normal and Bifidus containing yogurt was maintained at maximum $40^{\circ}C$ for about 7 and 11 hours, respectively. The pH, acidity, total viable cell number of lactic acid bacteria and viscosity of both yogurts after completing the fermentation were $4.23{\sim}4.29$, $0.93{\sim}0.97%$, $4.8{\times}10^7{\sim}$2.54{\times}10^8\;cfu/ml$ and $1,700{\sim}1,810\;cp$, respectively. The rate of fermentation for normal yogurt was faster than that of Bifidus yogurt. The changes of pH, acidity, viable cell number and viscosity during storage time were $4.09{\sim}4.54$, $0.76{\sim}1.1%$, $9.4{\times}10^6{\sim}5.68{\times}10^8\;cfu/ml$ and $1,450{\sim}2,000\;cp$, respectively. Yeast and fungi were not nearly detected during storage time for both yogurts.

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Fabrication of $MgB_2$ Sheet by Powder Rolling Method (분말압연 공정에 의한 $MgB_2$ 판재 제조)

  • Chung, K.C.;Jeong, T.J.;Kim, T.H.;Ahn, S.T.;Park, Y.S.;Kim, D.H.;Wang, X.L.;Dou, S.X.
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.88-92
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    • 2011
  • [ $MgB_2$ ]superconducting sheets have been fabricated using powder roll compaction method. Sheet-type $MgB_2$ bulk samples were successfully fabricated using the pre-reacted $MgB_2$ powders. In this work, $MgB_2$ powders were compacted by two rotating rolls and squeezed out as a form of $MgB_2$ sheets of ~1 mm thickness. The rolling speed of 0.3-0.7 rpm and the gap distance of 0.3-0.8 mm between the two rollers were carefully controlled to get a full compaction of the powders into bulk $MgB_2$ sheets. The densities of $MgB_2$ sheets were 1.98-2.05 g/$cm^3$, which is 75.44-77.99 % of the theoretical value of 2.63 g/$cm^3$. And the density comparison was made compared to those of typical $MgB_2$ bulks from uni-axial pressing and $MgB_2$ wires from Powder-In-Tube processing.