• Title/Summary/Keyword: 총상형

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Recurred Plexiform Schwannoma of the Foot and Ankle (족부와 족관절의 재발한 총상 신경초종)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwan;Chung, Hyung-Jin;Bae, Su-Young;Kim, Kyungil
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.84-89
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    • 2019
  • Schwannomas are benign neoplasms with a Schwann cell origin. A plexiform schwannoma is a rare variant of a schwannoma with a plexiform or multinodular growth pattern. The condition occurs mostly as a solitary lesion in the skin or subcutaneous tissue, or uncommonly located in the deep soft tissue. We report a rare case of recurred multiple plexiform schwannomas arising from the posterior tibial nerve and its branch, which was located in a deep anatomic location and accompanied by a bony deformity.


  • Choi, Su-Jin;Chee, Young-Deok;Koh, Se-Wook;Kim, Hyong-Woo;Choi, Ji-Yeun;Lee, Jae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.498-502
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    • 2008
  • Ameloblastoma is the most common aggressive benign odontogenic tumor of the jaws. Because of slow growth and tendency to local invasion of bone and soft tissue, high rates of recurrence are common. The treatment for ameloblastoma is still controversial and poses some special problems in children. Because of growth of the jaw and the different incidence, prognosis of the tumor make the surgical consideration different from adults. Radical resection cause facial deformity, jaw abnormal movement and masticatory disturbance especially to child and adolescents. So conservative treatment as enucleation, curettage is acceptable initial treatment of ameloblastoma in children who can be followed up in a precise, detailed manner. This report describes a case of unilocular plexiform ameloblastoma treated by enucleation and curettage followed by marsupialization.

A Study of Ameloblastoma in Children and Adolescents (아동 및 청소년에 발생한 법랑모세포종)

  • Cho Bang-Hae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 1998
  • A retrospective study of 15 cases of ameloblastoma in children and adolescents was performed. During the period of evaluation, 46 patients with ameloblastoma were seen, of which 15(32.6%) cases were in the patients aged 18 years or younger with the mean age of 14.5 years. There was more prevalence in male (1.5: 1). All the cases occured in the mandible, the molar and ramus area was the most frequent location(66.7%), and the most frequent sign was swelling of the face or jaw. Radiographically, 11(73.3%) cases manifested unilocular leion. Cortical expansion and root resorption were presented in 14(93.3%) and 11 (73.3%) cases respectively. Pexiform and plexiform unicystic types were common in the ameloblastoma occured in young patients.

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Monochoria vaginalis var. angustifolia (Pontederiaceae): First report for Korea (가는물달개비(물옥잠과): 한반도 미기록 식물)

  • Oh, Yong Cha;Kim, Sung Min;Lee, Chang Shook
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.47-50
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    • 2011
  • Monochoria vaginalis var. angustifolia (Pontederiaceae) was newly found in a furrow in Imha-ri, Boeun-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do for the first time in Korea. This taxon is distinguished from the other species of the genus Monochoria in Korea by having the smallest plant height, very narrow lanceolate leaves, a cuneate leaf base, and raceme with 1 to 2 flowers. A local name was newly given, 'Ga-neun-moul-dal-ge-bi' for the species. The morphological characteristics and illustrations of the taxon as well as photographs at the habitat are provided with a taxonomic key to the species of Monochoria in Korea.

Growth and morphological characteristics of Polygonatum species indigenous to Korea (한국산 둥굴레속(Polygonatum) 수집종의 생육 및 형태적 특성)

  • Yun, Jong-Sun;Son, Suk-Yeong;Hong, Eui-Yon;Kim, Ik-Hwan;Yun, Tae;Lee, Cheol-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.164-171
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    • 2002
  • Morphological characteristics and growth pattern of 10 Polygonatum collections indigenous to Korea were examined to select the promising medicinal, edible resources and horticultural crops. Plant heights of I0 collections ranged from 15 to 102cm. Stem type was ascending or erect, and node numbers per a stem was 6.2 to 23.2. Phyllotaxis type was alternate or verticillate, and leaf shape was elliptical or linear. Leave numbers per a stem was 5.2 to 63.4, and bract types were classified into bracteate and nonbracteate. Flowers bloomed from May 7 to May 30, and flowering period was 5 to 13 days. Inflorescence types were classified into racemose, corymbose, and umbellate. Flower numbers per a stem was 1.5 to 125.2, and flower length was 13.1 to 30.2㎜. Perianth shapes were classified into tubular, constrict and urceolate. Surface colors of rhizome were pale yellow, pale brown, brown, and dark brown. As a result of this experiment, P. sibiricum, P. odoratum var. pluriflorum and P. odoratum var. thunbergii were thought to be useful as the medicinal and edible resources plants. On the other hand, P. odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegata', and P. odoratum var. maximowiczii, P. lasianthum. P. involucratum, P. desoulavyi, P. humile, and P. inflatum were thought to be useful as horticultural plants.

Three species of the Laboulbeniales (Ascomycotina) collected in Korea (한국에서 채집된 3종의 라블베니아 균들에 관하여)

  • Lee, Young-Bo;Park, Hyun-Shin
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.18-21
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    • 1991
  • Three species of Laboulbeniales were collected from the insects in Kwangju City and Pogil Island, Korea, and described : Corethromyces shazawae Majewski et Sugiyama were observed on Ochthephilum densipenne (Sharp) (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Herpomyces periplanetae Thaxter on Blatta orientalis(L.) (Blattaria, Blattidae), and Rhachomyces philonthinus Thaxter on Philonthus micanticollis Sharp (Coleoptera.Staphylinidae). Also, the morphological features of these three spe­cies were described in the detailed.

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Unrecorded iNvasive Alien Plant: Melilotus dentatus (Waldst. & Kit.) Pers. (Fabaceae) (미기록 침입외래식물: 서양전동싸리 (콩과))

  • Se Ryeong Lee;Eun Su Kang;Hyeon Jin Jeong;Dong Chan Son
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.49-49
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    • 2022
  • 경기도 화성시 일대에서 미기록 침입외래식물인 서양전동싸리(Melilotus dentatus)를 발견하여 보고하고자 한다. 본 종은 아시아, 유럽 원산이며, 주로 경작지와 공원, 정원 등의 인공적인 환경에서 발견된다. 국내에서 발견된 서양전동싸리는 경작지 내 작물의 종자와 함께 국내로 유입된 것으로 추정되며, 농수로를 따라 인근 주변에서 약 15개체의 생육이 확인되었다. 국내 전동싸리속은 모두 외래식물로 현재 4종(M. suaveolens, M. albus, M. indicus, M. officianalis)이 보고되었으며 탁엽 기부가 엽병에 합착되고, 3출 우상복엽이며, 긴 총상화서, 난형 또는 난상타원형 열매를 가지는 공통된 형태적 특징으로 서양전동싸리와 혼동되기 쉽다. 그러나 본 종은 탁엽이 피침형이고, 소엽이 장타원형이며, 거치가 뚜렷하고, 배주가 2개이며, 종자의 색이 녹갈색인 특징으로 국내 근연 종들과 구분된다. 본 연구에서는 서양전동싸리의 실체와 생육환경을 확인하고, 그 결과를 바탕으로 형태학적 기재 및 화상자료를 비롯하여 주변식생 목록과종 식별을 위한 검색표를 제시하고자 한다.

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Taxonomy of tribe Neillieae (Rosaceae): Neillia (나도국수나무족(장미과)의 분류: 나도국수나무속)

  • Oh, Sang-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.13-32
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    • 2016
  • Neillieae was traditionally recognized as a small tribe in Rosaceae, which consists of Neillia, Stephanandra, and Physocarpus. Recently, Stephanandra was merged into Neillia based on molecular phylogenetic analyses, meaning that Neillieae now contains Neillia and Physocarpus. The genus Neillia is distinguished from Physocarpus by ovate to lanceolate leaves with acuminate to caudate apices, racemose or paniculate inflorescences, and a unicarpellate (rarely bicarpellate) gynoecium. Plants of Neillia are distributed from the Himalayas across China and Korea to Japan in the east, and south to Indonesia. This study provides a taxonomic treatment of Neillia based on a morphological examination of herbarium specimens, including types, and field observations, as the second part of the taxonomic revision of the tribe Neillieae. A summary of the phylogeny of Neillia, keys to the species, nomenclatural reviews, descriptions, distribution maps, and lists of specimens examined are provided. Twelve species with ten varieties are recognized in Neillia. A lectotype was designated here for the following species: N. sinensis f. glanduligera and N. thyrsiflora.

Comparison of Growth and Yield Characteristics for the Desert Climate Adaptability of European Long- and Medium-sized Cucumber Varieties (유럽계 장과형과 중과형 오이 품종의 사막기후 적응성 검증을 위한 생육 및 수량 특성 비교)

  • Yoon, Seoa;Kim, Jeongman;Choi, Eunyoung;Choi, Kiyoung;Choi, Kyunglee;Nam, Kijeong;Oh, Seokkwi;Bae, Jonghyang;Lee, Yongbeom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to examine cucumber (Cucumis sativus) varieties adaptive to the desert climate by comparing and analyzing the growth, yield, and water consumption. Two long-sized cucumber varieties, 'Gulfstream' and 'Imea' and two medium-sized cucumbers, 'Nagene' and 'Sausan' were cultivated in coir substrate hydroponics under hot and humid greenhouse conditions from March 2 to June 20, 2020. On the 113 DAT, 'Nagene' had the longest plant height and the highest internode number. The marketable fruit number per plant was higher in the medium-sized varieties, which had more internode number. The marketable fruit number was 31.3 for 'Gulfstream', 30.7 for 'Imea', 57.8 for 'Nagene', or 56.0 for 'Sausan' with no significant difference in total fruit weights per plant. The water consumption required to produce 200 g of fruit was lower in the 'Nagene' (2.39 L) with the highest water use efficiency (WUE). Therefore, 'Nagene' variety may have higher adaptability to desert high temperature compared to the long-sized varieties, and it is going to be necessary to verify more medium-sized cucumber varieties.

A Practical Study on the New Revenue Estimate Model Of SSM (국내 대형슈퍼의 개량확률모델에 관한 실증연구)

  • Ahn, Sung-Woo;Lee, Sang-Youn;Kim, Pan-Jin;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2009
  • In the retail management, store location has an important influence like business skills. The reason for failure to selecting location is that the market analysis model is not popular in business field. It gets worse in supermarket industry. Currently, store developers are relying on simple statistics and the sixth sense as market analysis techniques. lt proves that the market analysis model is not distributed well in the field. This market analysis model can apply to medium and small business market using an existing market analysis model, broad market model. And its study outcome can be theorized as a result. Converse's new retail model can be used as to analyze junction market. Pareto_Huff model can also be used to compute shopping probability. To do so, this study can be divided into walking distance market and driving distance market as a model market. Also it examines industry type such as SM and SSM. By taking consumer survey, condition of consumers to select store will be counted in shopping probability so that it improves the objectivity and reliability. Through this process, derived study outcome can be a new estimated revenue model for practical application of selecting store location in large and medium-sized supermarket.

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