• Title/Summary/Keyword: 촉감 평가

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Suitability of Various Domestic Wheats for Korean-Style Steamed Bread (한국형 찐빵 제조시 국내산 밀 품종의 적합성)

  • 김창순;황철명;김혁일;정동진;한재홍
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1129-1136
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    • 2001
  • This study was to investigate the suitability of six domestic wheat cultivars for the Korean-style steamed bread made under optimal conditions. Six wheat flours milled from cultivars of Greu, Kumgang, Eunpa, Taptong Kobun, and Allgreu contained 13.8, 13.7, 13.7, 13.0, 11.7, 11.0% of protein. Control bread was made from blend (protein 10.5%) of 50% high strength and 50% low strength wheat flours milled from imported wheats. The volume of steamed bread made from Kumgang was highest followed by Eunpa, Tapdong, Kobun, Greu, control bread, Allgreu. Especially, the bread qualities of Kumgand and Kobun were superior to the control bread, showing better surface characteristics such as smoothness, glossiness, and whiteness, better shapes and desirable texture. Domestic wheat flours, having medium strength with high protein content above 13.0% were suitable for steamed bread except for Greu. Volumes of steamed bread made from domestic wheat flours were correlated with protein and ash content, flour color (L value), farinograph dough development time and stability, whereas spread ratio, total bread score and overall acceptability were correlated with farinograph dough stability It is concluded that flour quality is more important factor than protein content when domestic wheat flours are chosen for Korean-style steamed bread

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Effect of Pectinase in Grape (Red Glove) Production and Quality of Red Wine (포도(Red Glove)의 Pectinase 처리가 레드와인의 생산과 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jung-Chang;Choi, Yong-Keun;Park, Jung-Soo;Jung, Hee-Hoon;Yi, Dong-Hee;Choe, Tae-Boo;Kang, Sang-Mo;Kim, Hyung-Joo
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.264-270
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    • 2012
  • The effect of pectinase on wine production and quality during wine fermentation was investigated in an experiment a laboratory scale (2 kg grape/5 L tank). Experimental results show that the enzyme-treated sample displayed a 13% higher rate of grape juice production compared to control (enzyme-untreated). In the case of color analysis, the addition of pectinase improved the color quality of wine in terms of both color intensity and hue values. The results show that pectinase enhanced both dark-red color and clarity of wine during the fermentation period. Further, the methanol concentration of the wine sample treated with pectinase reached 225.32 mg/L (control: 100.72 mg/L) due to hydrolysis of pectin. Sensory analysis after fermentation showed that pectinase significantly increased the color, smell, taste, and touch intensity scores of wines compared to control.

Quality Characteristics of Korean Red Ginsneg Powder on Pulverizing Methods (분쇄방법에 따른 고려홍삼분말의 품질특성)

  • Seo, Chang-Hoon;Lee, Jong-Won;Do, Jae-Ho;Chang, Kyu-Seob
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2002
  • In this study, cell cracker method as a non-collision method was evaluated for the possibility in manufacturing red ginseng powder. In color value of red ginseng powder, the L values indicating brightness were 68.18 for hammer mill (group A) and 72.08 for cell cracker (group B). The a values (redness) and b values (yellowness) were 4.21 26.56 for group A and 5.73, 28.36 for group B, respectively. As an extraction time increased, the absorbances at 420 nm of water extract of both groups were increased. In the loose bulk density, tapped bulk density and volume reduction radio indication the of powder in group A were less than those in group B. In both groups, the angles of side of red ginseng powder were shown less value than the angles of side of the powder. These two angles in group A were lets than those in group B. In sensory evaluation, the touchness between both groups was, not observed significant difference. In the contrary, the color and flavor, main factors affecting the overall quality of red ginseng powder product of group B were shown superior to those of group A. The overall preference of group B was shown higher than that of group A.

The Raw silk Size-Deviation Relationship with the Cocoon cultured in Korea (한국산 가잠계 견사섬도가 생사섬도 편차에 미치는 영향)

  • 최병희;김동욱
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.3
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1963
  • This report is prepared to find how the filament of cocoon bave size deviation relates with the raw silk made by them which are intensively cultured in this country. Three recommended hybrid varieties and two varieties under working at Suwon Sericultural Experiment Station were selected as specimens. The cocoons were reeled as an individual filament of every fifty meters long skein with a wrap reel to weigh the denier and to investigate the relationship of the above statement so that it may be used for the quality estimation before processing it into raw silk. The conclusions obtained are as follows. (1) The variation of Pk${\times}$Sn was found as best cocoon for 21 denier raw silk use, but the number of cocoon to make the denier has to be eight which might cause more labor cost. (2) Baektoo-Kumkang and Myohiang-Chongchon were found as economical varieties for 21 denier use. (3) Seulak-Soyang is a proper variety for the use of 14 or 28 denier silk use. (4) Myohiang-Chongchon did not confirm a good property from the aspect of denier deviation. (5) It was found that there was a fairly strong corelationship between the mean cocoon bave size deviation as indicated by Ono's report. (6) Three graphs were prepared to estimate the cocoon quality before processing into various sizes of raw silk using the mean cocoon bave size and the raw silk size to be prepared. (7) Mean time, the graph which is able to estimate the expectable grade of the raw silk size deviation was designed for the practical use. (8) The expectable grade of the varieties used in this report were found as following data. Notice (A......cocoon number to make raw silk (B......total cocoon bave size deviation (C......expectable silk grade (9) The result of the work concerning the expectable denier deviation on 21 denier silk was the same with the statistical actual testing result as 1.25 D while the distribution showed farther necessity of improvement in technically.

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A Study for Perception of Hair Damage Using Friction Coefficient of Human Hair (모발의 마찰계수를 통한 모발 손상 인식 연구)

  • Lim, Byung Tack;Seo, Hong An;Song, Sang-Hun;Son, Seong Kil;Kang, Nae-Gyu
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.295-305
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    • 2020
  • Treatment for beauty using oxidizing agents damages hair with inducing structural alteration in cuticle layer, degradation of protein, and loss of lipid. This study connects a frictional coefficient upon the damaged hair by an instrumental test to the texture test by human being, and considered a moisture as a factor of the damage. A friction coefficient has been measured upon the hair with successive treatment of dye, perm, and bleach. The friction coefficient from the hair dye-treated three times was defined with 0.60, where 58% of answerer indicated an initial damage point as the hairs of iteration of dye-treatment increased. Even bleach treated three times results in 0.84 of friction coefficient corresponding to 88% of answerer attributed the hair to an initially damaged hair. In order to figure out a lipid loss in hair for human being to respond damage, a friction coefficient of the hair was controlled by removing 18-methyleicosanoic acid (18-MEA). The initial damage has been recognized by 0.60 of the friction coefficient for the 68% of answerer. Since moisture is the largest portion of the components in hair, moisture analysis has been performed to study a relationship between texture of damage and the friction coefficient from an instrumental evaluation. As an iteration of dye increases, the hair became hydrophilic with smaller contact angle. It is found that a damaged hair by dyeing possessed more than 0.42% of moisture compared to a healthy hair. Finally, it is elucidated that an increase of moisture in hair induced higher adhesive force corresponding to the friction coefficient, and the friction coefficient above 0.6 is attributed to the preception of hair damage.

A Survey of Korean Consumers' Awareness on Animal Welfare of Laying Hens (산란계 동물복지에 대한 국내 소비자의 인지도 조사)

  • Hong, Eui-Chul;Kang, Hwan-Ku;Park, Ki-Tae;Jeon, Jin-Joo;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Chan-Ho;Kim, Sang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted twice to investigate egg purchase behavior and perception on animal welfare of Korean consumers. This study included women, who were the main decision makers and caretakers in the household, and men with one-person household. This survey was conducted with by the Computer Assisted Web Interview and Gang Survey methods. On the key considerations factor, the highest response rate was considered to be 'price', and the response rate of considering 'packing date' increased in the second survey. At a reasonable price based on 10 eggs, the response rate was the highest at 53.8% and 42.9% in both the first and second surveys and the appropriate price averages were 2,482 won and 2,132 won, respectively. The highest rate of purchase of egg consumers from 'Large Mart' followed by 'Medium sized supermarket' and 'Chain supermarket'. As for the awareness about animal welfare, the recognition ratio (73.5%) was higher in the result of the second survey than the first. The cognitive period of animal welfare was 59.0% before the insecticide egg crisis and 41.0% thereafter. Regarding whether or not they have ever seen an animal welfare certification mark and an animal welfare animal farm certification mark, 59.6% of respondents said that they saw it for the first time and 37.6% answered that they knew the animal welfare certification mark. On the animal welfare system, the 'free-range' response rate was the highest at 85.8%. The 'free-range' fit response decreased by 34.2%p, while the 'barn' and 'European type' fit response increased by 13.2%p and 24.1%p, respectively. The number of 'I have never seen' and 'I have ever eaten' responses to the recognition and eating experience of animal welfare certified eggs decreased while the number of those who answered 'Have ever seen' and 'Have eaten' increased. The answer of purchasing animal welfare certified eggs at department stores, organic farming cooperatives, and internet shopping malls was higher than that of buying conventional eggs. Of the total respondents, 92.0% were willing to purchase an animal welfare egg before the price was offered, but after offering the prices of animal welfare eggs, the intention to purchase was 62.7%, which was about 30%p lower than before. The reason for purchasing an animal welfare certified egg was the highest score of 71.0% for 'I think it is likely to be high in food safety', and 38.1% for 'I think the price is high' for lack of intention to purchase. In the sensory evaluation of animal welfare eggs, egg color and skin texture of conventional eggs were significantly higher than those of certified welfare eggs (P<0.05), and boiled eggs showed that egg whites of animal welfare certified eggs were more (P<0.05). As a result, the results of this study will contribute to the activation of the animal welfare certification system for laying hens by providing basic data on consumer awareness to animal welfare certified farmers.