• Title/Summary/Keyword: 체중 감소

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Effect of Curcuma longa L. on the Obesity and Insulin Resistance in Sprague-Dawley Rats and db/db Mice (SD계 랫트와 db/db 마우스에서 Curcuma longa L.가 비만과 인슐린저항성에 미치는 영향)

  • You, Mi-Kyoung;Kim, Min-Sook;Rhyu, Dong-Young;Kim, Hyeon-A
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the effect of Curcuma longa L. on obesity and insulin resistance was investigated in animals fed a moderate high fat diet. The animals used in this study were normal weight Spargue-Dawley (SD) rats and type 2 diabetic obese db/db mice. Accumulation of abdominal adipose tissue and weight gain were inhibited in the animals fed the C. longa extract. C. longa decreased fasting insulin and HOMA-IR in the SD rats, and effectively decreased blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c in db/db mice. C. longa decreased serum free fatty acid (FFA) level in the SD rats. FFA in db/db mice fed C. longa tended to decrease. C. longa significantly decreased serum triglyceride level. Our results collectively represent that C. longa prevented fat accumulation and insulin resistance in both normal weight SD rats and type 2 diabetic obese db/db mice fed a moderate high fat diet.

Effects of Phytoplant Diets on Body Weight, Feces Production, Body Fat, and Serum Lipid Levels in High-fat Diet-induced Hyperlipidemic Rats (식물성 식이조성물이 고지혈증을 유발시킨 흰쥐의 체중, 배변량, 체지방 및 혈청 지질농도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Seong, Ki-Seung;Lee, Ok-Hwan;Lee, Jong Seok;Lee, Young-Tack;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Han, Chan-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.477-482
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    • 2014
  • This study was performed to evaluate the anti-obesity and lipid-lowering effects of phytoplant diets in rats fed with a high-fat/cholesterol diet (HFCD). Experimental diet formulae contained various phytoplants such as brown rice, barley, soybean, germinated brown rice, malt, black bean, sea tangle, and/or dietary fibers including polydextrose, garcinia combogia, glucomannan, ${\small}L$-carnitine, and chitosan. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with a HFCD for 6 weeks and then fed with a HFCD with/without phytoplants for another 6 weeks. Rats fed with phytoplant diets showed lower body weights, liver weights, visceral fat levels, and blood lipid levels compared to those of rats fed with HFCD alone. In addition, rats administered phytoplant diets showed increased daily feces production during the second experimental phase. These results suggest that phytoplant diets improve body weight, feces production, adipose tissue weight, and lipid metabolism.

Accumulation of Metallothionein in Rat Liver and Kidney by Cadmium Administration (카드뮴으로 중독된 흰쥐의 간장 및 신장에서의 Metallothionein 합성에 관한 연구)

  • 전수영
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 1993
  • This study was carried out to investigate accumulation of metallothionein(MT) in rat liver and kidney by cadmium administration. After male rats of Sprague-Dawley strain weighing 60$\pm$5g were fed basal diet ad libitum for 4 weeks, two types of experiments were performed. In the first set of experiment, rats were divided into five groups. Control groups was fed basal diet without injection of cadmium. Dose groups of A, B, C and D were i.p. injected 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5mg Cd/Kg of body wt, once a day for two days. In the second set of experiment, rats were also divided into five groups. Control group was fed basal diet without injection of cadmium. Number groups of I, II, III and IV were i.p. injected 1, 2, 3, and 4 times every 24hrs, respectively and injection doses were 2.5mg Cd/Kg of body wt. in a day. In the first of experiment, hemoglobin contents in C, D groups were lower than control group. MT concentrations in liver and kidney were increased with increasing Cd injection doses to 2.5mg Cd/Kg of body wt. Liver - SH group values in C, D groups were higher than control group. Hematocrit values did not differ among groups. In the second of experiment, hemoglobin contents and hematocrit values were decreased. MT concentration in liver and kidney were progressively increased with increasing number of Cd injection. In both sets of experiments, liver MT concentrations were higher than kidney.

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Modified Ultrafiltration in Pediatric Open Heart Surgery (소아개심술에서의 변형초여과법)

  • 이정렬;임홍국;김용진;노준량;서경필
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.518-524
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    • 1999
  • Background: This study has proven the effect of modified ultrafiltration(MUF) performed after the cessation of cardiopulmonary bypass in pediatric patients who underwent open heart surgery. Material and Method: From Jan. to Dec. 1997, modified ultrafiltration was performed after cardiopulmonary bypass in 50 infants with cyanotic heart disease and the results were compared to the control group of 50 patients with cyanotic heart disease in whom modified ultrafiltration was not used. Changes of hematocrit, central venous pressure, systolic and diastolic pressure, heart rate and body weight were compared. Result: Age and body weight were not different(p=0.38, p=0.46). Disease categories were similar. Average filtering volume was 60.0$\pm$29.2cc/kg for 7.0$\pm$2.4minutes of filtration. Mean hematocrit after filtration(MUF=36.1%, control=26.4%, p=0.001) was higher in the MUF group. Systolic (p=0.0001) and diastolic blood pressure(p=0.0001) were observed to increase more and the central venous pressure(p=0.02) and the heart rate(p=0.02) were lower after filtration in the MUF group. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that modified ultrafiltration after cardiopulmonary bypass was a technically feasible option to improve the post-surgical course through the effective hemoconcentration, hemodynamic improvements, and body water control.

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The Effect of Dietary Fiber on The Liver Xanthine Oxidase Activity in Rats (식이섬유 첨가가 흰쥐의 간 Xanthine Oxidase 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • 윤종국;이영순;이혜자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.843-847
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    • 1995
  • To evaluate the effect of dietary fiber on the protein utilization, Sprague-Dawley rats were fed diet containing 15% or 30% of pectin and 15% or 30% ${\alpha}-cellulose$. Control group was fed fiber free diet. The animals were fed and libitum for 5 weeks. Weight gain was less in the rat fed a pectin supplemented diet than those fed ${\alpha}-cellulose$ supplemented or control diet. Furthermore, weight gain decreased more by the addition of 30% pectin than 15% pectin level. The rats fed ${\alpha}-cellulose$ or pectin shwoed a decreasing tendency of food efficiency ratio compared to the control group. The rats fed a diet containing pectin showed an increasing tendency of the liver weight compared to the control group and those fed cellulose. The rats fed a diet containing pectin showed a decreasing tendency of hepatic protein content compared to those fed cellulose or control group fed fiber free diet. The rats fed diet containing pectin(15%, 30%) showed remarkable decreased activity of liver xanthine oxidase compared with those fed ${\alpha}-cellulose$ or the control group. These results suggested that the pectin may be alter the absorption of protein in intestinal lumen.

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The Effects of Mortierella alpina Fungi and Extracted Oil (Arachidonic Acid Rich) on Growth and Learning Ability in Dam and Pups of Rat (흰쥐의 Mortierella alpina 균사체와 추출유의 섭취에 의한 생육 효과와 학습능력 비교)

  • 이승교;강희윤;박영주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.1084-1091
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    • 2002
  • Mortierella alpina, a common soil fungus, is the most efficient organism for production of production acid presently known. Since arachidonic acid are important in human brain and retina development, it was undertaken the growing effect containing diet as a food ingredient. Arachidonic acid rich oil derived from Mortierella alpina, was subjected to a program of studies to establish for use in diet supplement. This study was compared the growth and learning effect of fungal oil rich in arachidonic acid by incorporated into diets ad libitum. Sprague-Dawley rats received experimental diets 5 groups (standard AIN 93 based control with beef tallow, extract oil 8%, and 4%, and Mortierella alpina in diet 10% and 20%) over all experiment duration (pre-mating, mating, gestation, lactation, and after weaning 4 weeks). Pups born during this period consumed same diets after wean for 4 weeks. There was no statistical significance of diet effects in reproductive performance and fertility from birth to weaning. But the groups of Mortierella alpine diet were lower of weight gain and diet intake after weaning. The serum lipids were significantly different with diet groups, higher TG in LO (oil 4%) group of dams, and higher total cholesterol in LF (M. alpina 10%) of pups, although serum albumin content was not significantly different in diet group. The spent-time and memory effect within 4 weeks of T-Morris water maze pass test in dam and 7-week- age pups did not differ in diet groups. On the count of backing error in weaning period of pups was lower in HO(extracted oil 8%) group. In the group of 10% and 20% Mortierella alpina diet, DNA content was lower in brain with lower body weight, but liver DNA relative to body weight was higher than control. Further correlation analyses would be needed DNA and arachidonic acid intakes, with Mortierella alpina diet digestion rate.

고혈압환자 운동처방

  • Kim, Yong-Gwon
    • 건강소식
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    • v.31 no.11 s.348
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    • pp.24-27
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    • 2007
  • 고혈압은 증상이 없이 나타나며, 심장질환이나 뇌질환과 같이 인체에 치명적인 손상을 입히기 때문에 '조용한 살인자(silent killer)'라고 불린다. 고혈압을 예방하기 위해서는 체중감소, 알코올 섭취의 감소, 규칙적인 운동, 염분 섭취의 감소가 중요하다. 그리고 혈압을 강하시키기 위해서는 약물치료보다는 행동수정요법과 운동요법이 선행되어야 한다고 하였다. 고혈압을 치료하기 위해서 속보나 조깅, 자전거, 수영과 같은 산소운동이 가장 좋다고 보고되고 있다. 그러나 화자들은 저마다의 생리적 특성이 다르다. 관절이 좋지 않은 사람, 허리에 통증이 있는 사람, 운동 중 혈압의 반응이 비정상적인 사람 등 다양하다. 본고에서는 고혈압 환자에게 권장되는 운동종목을 제시하고, 운동종목별 특성과 주의사항을 제시하고자 한다.

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Effect of Catechins on Serum Lipids in Obese Women (카테킨 음용이 비만여성의 혈중 지질농도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Won-Ho;Lee, Jung-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.338-345
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    • 2012
  • This study was developed to test the effectiveness catechin beverage drinking as exercise supplementary food for obese women. The effects of catekin were determined by weight, total cholesterol, triglycerides, High density lipoprotein cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Twenty-seven obese women were participated in this study. Eight women were tea catechin drinking group, Nine women were exercise group, and ten women were tea catekin drinking-combined with exercise group. After catechin drinking or exercise conducted, blood lipid factor were analyzed. body weight and triglycerides low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were significantly decreased in tea catekin drinking combined with exercise group (p<0.001) and exercise group (p<0.001). total cholesterol were significantly decreased in three groups (p<0.05). It is thought that together catechin drinking and exercise can maximize weight loss of obese woman and reducing of blood lipid factor.

Soy protein: a high-quality, plant-based protein (대두단백: 고품질의 식물성 단백질)

  • Kim, Yoon A
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.270-277
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    • 2018
  • The rising global demand for food and beverages with higher protein content provides manufacturers with great opportunities for innovation and premium positioning of their products as healthy choices. However, the market price volatility and supply risks associated with animal-based proteins can quickly erode margins and profitability. A diversified protein strategy that includes plant-based soy protein greatly improves your ability to predict profitability over time, while maintaining or even improving product quality.

Factors associated with the growth of preterm infants (미숙아의 성장과 관련 요인 연구)

  • Jeon, Jisu;Seo, Won Hee;Chung, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.572-586
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study examined the factors that may affect the growth status of preterm infants. Methods: This study included 91 preterm infants born at <37 weeks of gestation (22.9-36.9 weeks of gestation), including 48 (52.7%) males and 43 (47.3%) females. Diet-related data were collected through parental questionnaires, and growth-related data, such as height and weight, were collected through the hospital medical records. Results: No significant difference in weight and growth was observed between early and late preterm infants. On the other hand, smaller averages of all weight z-score (recent weight at 40 weeks of gestation) included lower birth weight, height, and head circumference. On the other hand, infants' birth weight, height, and head circumference in the weight z-score of <0 (<50% in the age-weight growth chart) was smaller than those in the weight z-score of ≥0. Furthermore, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) hospitalization period and NICU discharge were shorter with growth cessation age in weight z-score of <0. The weight growth velocity was associated with gestational age, birth weight, and medical treatment in the NICU. Thus, parents of preterm infants with low growth rates prefer more community care services for their children. Conclusion: Birth weight, age of preterm infants, and medical treatment in the NICU were factors related to early birth weight growth. Following NICU discharge, poor intake and intake issues were associated with poor growth after 40 weeks of gestation. Therefore, monitoring the growth of preterm infants requires continuous active involvement and supports for growth-promoting factors after NICU discharge.