• Title/Summary/Keyword: 체장조성

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Annual Reproductive Cycle and Embryonic Development within the Maternal Body of the Marbled Rockfish, Sebastiscus marmoratus from the Cheju Island (제주산 씀뱅리 (Sebastiscus marmoratus)의 생식년주기와 체내자어 발달)

  • BAE Hee Chan;CHUNG Sang Chul;LEE Jung Jea;LEE Young Don
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.489-499
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    • 1998
  • Gonadal development, reproductive cycle and embryonic development of the marbled rockfish, Sebastiscus marmoratus were investigated histologically. A total of 1,035 specimens were collected from the Cheju Island from July of 1992 to May of 1996. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) in female reached the maximum during October to March, thereafter, the values decreased from Norvember to April. GSI in male reached the maximum in September (before one to three months of the female's maximum), thereafter, the values rapidly decreased from October to December. The annual reproductive cycle can be divided into five stages in female and four stages in male: females, Growing(June to September), Mature(September to February), Ripe and copulation(October to March), Gestation and parturition(November to April), Degenerative and resting(December to May); in males, Growing(April to July), Mature(August to November), Ripe and copulation(September to December), and Degenerstive and resting(November to March). Size frequency distribution of eggs and larvae showed non-synchrony. Maternal larvae parturition occurred one or two time during November to April. Mean length of the larvae parturition was 3.5 mm. Mean number of eggs and maternal larvae for the 15 cm minimum class of female was 58,377, and fecundity increased with the increase of total length and body weight.

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Reproductive Ecology of the Silver Pomfret Pampus argenteus on the West Coast of Korea (한국 서해산 병어, Pampus argenteus의 번식생태)

  • Chung, Ee-Yung;Bae, Joo-Seung;Kang, Hee-Woong;Lee, Hwang-Bok;Lee, Ki-Young
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2008
  • Reproductive ecology of the silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus were investigated by histological observations and morphometric data. Samples were collected by the stow net at the coastal area of Jaun-Do, Muan-gun, Korea, from January to December, 2006. P. argenteus is dioecious, the ovary is composed of many ovarian lobules, showing a pair of saccular structure, and the testis is composed of many seminiferous lobules, showing a pair of lobular structure. From February (growing stage) to September (after spawning), monthly changes in the gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index, and condition factor in females and males showed similar patterns with the gonad developmental phases. Judging from the results of their indice, it is assumed that spawning in females and males occur from May to July. The reproductive cycle can be classified into five successive stages in females: early growing stage (February to March), late growing stage (March to April), mature stage (March to July), ripe and spent stage (May to July), and recovery and resting stage (July to February); in males, the cycle can be divided into four successive stages: growing stage (February to April), mature stage (March to June), ripe and spent stage (May to July), and recovery and resting stage (July to February). According to the frequency distributions of egg diameters in the breeding season, P. argenteus is presumed to be spring-summer spawning species and polycyclic species to spawn 2 times or more during one spawning season. Number of total eggs in absolute fecundity were proportional to body length and body weight, respectively. Number of total eggs in absolute fecundity per body weight were also proportional to the body length, but if the increase of body weight considerably increased, rather total eggs in relative fecundity decreased with the increase of body weight. Percentage of first sexual maturity of P. argenteus were over 50% in females and males of 12.1 to 15.0 cm in body length, and 100% for fishes over 18.1 cm in length. Therefore, both sexes were regarded to be sexually mature at one year of age.

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Distribution, and length and age composition of Johnius belengeri in the coastal waters of Korea (민태(Johnius belengeri)의 분포, 체장 및 연령조성)

  • Lee, Tae-Won;Song, Hae-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.184-193
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    • 1993
  • The distribution, and length and age compositions of Johnius belengeri were studied using samples collected by an otter trawl from the five different coastal waters of Korea ; Asan Bay, Cheonsu Bay, waters off Yeongkwang and Samchonpo, and Yeongil Bay. This fish showed a high density of 1,147 individuals/$10,000m^2$ and predominated in abundance of the demersal fish in the coastal water off Yeongkwang. The mean density was 94 individuals/$10,000m^2$ in Cheonsu Bay and 8-24 individuals/$10,000m^2$ in Asan Bay and in the water off Samchonpo. Few fish were collected from Yeongil Bay. J. belengeri occurred from spring to autumn in the study area and showed a relatively high density in spring or in summer. The fish collected in spring and in summer composed of adults of age group I, II and III. Some juveniles began to occurred in the waters off Yeongkwang and Samchonpo from summer. The fish collected in autumn consisted mainly of the fish of age group 0. It implies that the adults after spawning moved out from the embayments for feeding. but the young fish stayed and grew in the embayments until late autumn when they migrated to the offshore water for wintering.

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Feeding Relationship between Co-occurring Silver Croaker (Pennahia argentata) and Japanese Sillago (Sillago japonica) in the Nakdong River Estuary, Korea (낙동강 하구역에 출현하는 보구치(Pennahia argentata)와 청보리멸(Sillago japonica)의 섭식관계)

  • Huh, Sung-Hoi;Choi, Hee Chan;Park, Joo Myun
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2018
  • Dietary niches can support the coexistence of sympatric species in marine ecosystems, which can lead to the presence of greater abundances of those species. Stomach contents of silver croaker (Pennahia argentata) and Japanese sillago (Sillago japonica) inhabiting the Nakdong River estuary, Korea were analyzed to determine diet compositions and the presence of any size-related and inter-specific feeding relationships. These species were bottom-feeding predators that consumed mainly benthic crustaceans and mollusks, but polychaetes were also important in the S. japonica diets. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordination and multivariate analyses based on weight contributions of the different prey taxa to stomach contents revealed significant inter-specific dietary differences. Size-related change was also significant for P. argentata diets, but not for S. japonica. Canonical analysis of principal coordinate (CAP) ordination plot further demonstrated that differences in the type and range of prey ingested by the two species contributed such an inter-specific difference in the diet compositions. The results from this study provide clear evidence of niche segregation between co-occurring P. argentata and S. japonica in the Nakdong River estuary, which would reduce the likelihood of inter-specific competition for food resources.

Diet Composition of Bullet Mackerel, Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810) in the Coastal Waters of Iloilo, Philippines (필리핀 일로일로 연안해역에 출현하는 몽치다래(Auxis rochei)의 위내용물 조성)

  • Baeck, Gun Wook;Quinitio, Gerald F.;Vergara, Christopher J.;Kim, Hyeon Ji;Jeong, Jae Mook
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2014
  • The diet composition of bullet mackerel, Auxis rochei was studied using 200 specimens collected from December 2013 to May 2014 in the coastal waters of Iloilo, Philippines. The size of A. rochei ranged from 11.1 to 31.2 cm in fork length (FL). A. rochei was epipelagic feeder that consumed mainly fishes. In addition, A. rochei consumed shrimps, copepods, crab larvae, amphipods and cephalopods. The diet also included small quantities of stomatopods, bivalves, and ostracods. Also, analysis of the prey-specific abundance against the frequency of occurrence shows that A. rochei have a narrow food niche, and are specialized feeder with fish as their dominant prey. Although fishes were the primary in food consumed by all size class. The fishes gradually increased with body size.

Feeding Habit of Gobiobotia brevibarba (Cyprinidae) from the Hongcheon River, Korea (홍천강에 서식하는 돌상어 (Gobiobotia brevibarba)의 식성)

  • Choi, Jae-Suk;Kwon, Oh-Kil;Park, Jung-Ho;Byeon, Hwa-Kun
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.230-236
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    • 2001
  • Feeding habits of Gobiobotia brevibarba were investigated at Hongcheon River of Bangokri, Seomyon, Hongcheongun, Kangwondo from January to December, 2000. G. brevibarba was a carnivore and consumed mainly Ephemeroptera, Tricoptera and Diptera. Small quantities of Plecoptera and Coleoptera were included as a minor food items. The species showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Individuals of small size (21~50 mm SL) fed mainly on small prey organisms such as Diptera and Ephemeroptera. However, larger Tricoptera were heavily selected with increasing fish size. The relative proportion of these food items changed with season. The prey selection indices for Ephemeroptera were positively selected in spring, summer and autumn, and negatively selected in winter, Diptera were positively selected in March, October and November.

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Feeding Habits of Blotched Eelpout, Zoarces gilli Collected in the Coastal Water off Gadeok-do, Korea (한국 남해 가덕도 주변에서 채집된 등가시치 (Zoarces gilli)의 식성)

  • Huh, Sung-Hoi;Baeck, Gun-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2000
  • Feeding habits of Zoarces gilli collected in the coastal water off Gadeok-do, Korea from March 1998 to February 1999 were studied. Z. gilli was a carnivore and consumed mainly shrimps, gammarid amphipods, fishes, bivalves and cumaceans. Its diets also included small quantities of copepods, caprellid amphipods, ostracods, crabs, squids, gastropods, ophiuroids and polychaetes. It showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Individuals of small size (10~15 cmSL) fed mainly on small prey organisms such as gammarid amphipods, bivalves, cumaceans and ostracods. However, larger shrimps and fishes were heavily selected with increasing fish size.

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Feeding Habits of Acentrogobius pflaumii in the Eelgrass(Zostera marina) Bed in Kwangyang Bay (광양만 잘피밭에 서식하는 줄망둑(Acentrogobius pflaumii)의 식성)

  • Huh, Sung-Hoi;Kwak, Seok-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 1998
  • Feeding habits of Acentrogobius pflaumii collected from the eelgrass bed in Kwangyang Bay from January 1994 to December 1994 were studied. Acentrogobius pflaumii was a carnivore which consumed mainly gammarid amphipods, polychaetes and gastropods. Its diets included minor quantities of cope pods, tanaids and crabs. It showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Individuals of 1~2cm SL preyed heavily on gammarid amphipods. However, polychaetes and gastropods were selected with increasing fish size. Although gammarid amphipods, polychaetes, and gastropods were major prey organisms for all seasons, the relative proportion of these food items changed with season. Consumption of gammarid amphipods and polychaetes was relatively high in summer, and consumption of gastropods was relatively high in winter.

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Seasonal Variations in Species Composition of Fishes Collected by an Otter Trawl in the Coastal Water off Namhae Island (저인망에 채집된 남해도 연안해역 어류의 종조성 및 계절 변동)

  • Huh, Sung-Hoi;Kwak, Seok-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 1998
  • A total of 64 fish species was collected by an otter trawl in the coastal water off Namhae Island from May 1989 to April 1990. The dominant species were Acentrogobius pflaumii, Chaeturichthys hexanema, Chaeturichthys sciistius, Thryssa kammalensis, and Repomucenus valenciennei which accounted for approximately 66.5% of the total numbers and 34.5% of biomass of fish collected. Fish collected in the study area were primarily small fish species or early juverniles of large fish species. Only about 15%, exceeded 10cm in standard length. Seasonal variations in both species composition and abundance of fishes were major characteristics in the study area. The peak abundance occurred in April and September, while the number of species was relatively high from October to January. However, both the number of species and abundance of fishes showed the lowest values in winter.

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Reproductive Cycle of the Venus Fish, Aphycypris chinensis (왜몰개, Aphyocypris chinensis의 생식주기)

  • Lee, Sung-Kyu;Choi, Shin-Sok;Yeom, Dong-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.4 s.92
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2000
  • The gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic Index (HSI), egg size distribution, gonad development and reproductive characteristics of venus fish, Aphyocypris chinensis, were examined during March 1997- March 1998 in agricultural waterways of the Sedo-myun, Puyo county, Chungnam Province, Korea. Annual reproductive cycle was classified into the following five successive phases by monthly changes in GSI and the characteristics of ovary: quiescent phase (January- February), secondary growing and mature phase (March-May), ripe and spawning phase (June-July), degenerating and resting phase (August-September) and primary growing phase (October-December). The hepatosomatic index (HSI) showed clear seasonal pattern with two separate peaks. However, it exhibited a negative correlation to changes of GSI values. The regression analysis suggested that fecundity showed a strong positive linear relationship ($r^2\;=\;0.91$, n = 34) with body weight. The sex ratio of female to male was 1.4 : 1 in the natural population during the study. The minimum reproductive size of female and male venus fish was 38 mm and 33 mm in fork length, respectively.

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