• 제목/요약/키워드: 청대

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New Year Picture, a Visual Educational Medium in the Qing Dynasty (청대 시각적 교육매체로서의 연화)

  • Lee, Eunsang
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.27
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    • pp.147-166
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    • 2009
  • New year pictures prevailed from 1660s to 1860. Especially, the reign period of Emperor Qianlong(r. 1736-1795) was the period of prosperity. The period of 1660s when new year pictures were started to be popular was the reign period of Emperor Kangxi(r. 1662-1722) was just started and corresponded to Emperor Kangxi's promulgation of "Sacred Edict." Chinese operas such as Peking opera were very popular among common people in the period from 1660s to 1860 when new year pictures prevailed. Qing emperors as foreign ruler chose the way of ruling their people by means of cultural influence in stead of military power. However their culture effort was not efficient toward the majority of illiterate people. New year pictures offered every information about the world through visual icons to the illiterate people at that time who perceived the world by means of seeing. They met the world through visual information offered by new year pictures. New year pictures were the stronger visual medium to spread and educate "Sacred Edict" to illiterate subjects than any other guide books published by elite officers.

A Literary Study on the Jinguiyaolue ("금궤요략"의 중요(重要) 주석서(註釋書)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Lyeom, Yong-Ha;Ha, Ki-Tae;Hyun, Dong-Hwan;Yoon, Sang-Ju;Kim, June-Ki;Choi, Dall-Yeong
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.9
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    • pp.165-178
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    • 2000
  • Jinguiyaolue, written by Zhong-Jing Zhang(張仲景) in late Han(漢) Dynasty, is very foundamental Cannon of Oriental Medicine. Many Doctors commented on the book from Yuan(元) Dynasty in Chian and from Edo(江戶) Period in Japan, but there are a few studies in Korea. So we studied on the commentaries of the book, which published in the three countries, for improving research and education of it in our country.

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"명(明).청대(淸代) 부산과(婦産科)의 의사학적(醫史學的) 연구(硏究)"

  • Jo, Myeon-Hwi;Park, Hyeon-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.10
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    • pp.415-447
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    • 1997
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology include gynecology which is concerned with the treatment for the disease based on physiology and pathology of women, and obstetrics which is concerned with pregnancy delivery. These obstetrics and gynecology can be said to da-te from the birth of human beings. This pap-er has carried on the studies about the deve-loping process of obstetrics and gynecology of Ming and Qing age. The results of this study are as follows: In Ming age, Many Obstetrics and Gynecology books including "Nukecuoyao"("女科撮要"), "Xiaozhufurenliangfang"("校注婦人良方"), "Wanshifurenke"("萬氏婦人科") and "Nukezhingzhizhunsheng"("女科證治准繩") were published Distinction in Ming age we-re equal development on theory and clinic t-aking a serious view of the differentiation of symptoms and signs, fashion of medicine th-ought of reactionism under the influence of "lixue"(理學). The refore Obstetrics and Gyn-ecology were influenced by these points. And for this example, as treatment contents on "Xiaozhufurenliangfang"("校注婦人良方") and the theory about "fetuse-energy"(胎氣) in "Furengui"("婦人規"), theoretic system with a view point's change of women's disease were established on Obstetrics and Gynecology. But it was restricted on a field of diagnosis under the influence of feudal "lixue"(理學), so the the number of obstetrics doc-tors who were mostly men at that time had fallen greatly and maternity who were short of expert medical knowledge appeared. In Qing age, an explosive increase in po-pulation called greater demand on medicine book and generation after generation extre-mely much Obstetrics and Gynecology books including "NukeChanhoubian"("女科産後編"), "Yetianshinuke"("葉天士女科"), and "Shenshinukejiyao"("沈氏女科輯要") were p-ublished, and it is studied that application of "eight extra-channel"(奇經八脈) theory and the study of drug attributive on extra-chan-nel were progressed. Besides, it is studied that existing traditional Obstetrics and Gyn-ecology changed newly under the influence of the school of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine which was appeared in the late Qing age.

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488 cases analysis of tongue characteristic from case record monographs of Warm disease in Qing Dynasty (488례청대온병의안적설상분석)

  • Li, Ya;Wang, Shenghua;Hou, Yangfang;Guan, Junda;Liang, Rong
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.427-431
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    • 2006
  • From 51 monographs of case record in Qing Dynasty, we chose 29 monographs in which tongue diagnosis applied to Warm disease. Then extracted all the case records and got 488 cases from them. In according to the classification of tongue diagnosis in teaching material of TCM diagnosis of higher TCM schools education, we had a statistic analysis on the 488 cases. Results show that the recording rate of tongue coating was highest, 65.16%. From high to low sequentially, the frequency of different fur was yellow fur, white fur and black fur. During $1850{\sim}1911$ of Qing Dynasty, the description of tongue coating changed that the proportion of white fur, yellow fur and compound fur was increased. On the contrary, the proportion of black fur was decreased. The recording rate of the color of tongue was 23.16%, in which the rate of red tongue and crimson tongue were higher. The recording rate of fur character was 37.7%. During $1850{\sim}1911$ of Qing Dynasty, the recording rate of greasy fur was increased to the first. The application of tongue diagnosis involves the warm-heat species of Warm Disease, damp-heat species of Warm Disease and pestilence.

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"의종금감(醫宗金鑑).정골심법요지(正骨心法要旨)"의 "외치법(外治法)"에 대한 연구

  • Kim, Yeong-Ha;Yuk, Sang-Won
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2006
  • 籬위제고화가심대청대정골추나요법적인식화이해(爲提高和加深對淸代正骨推拿寮法的認識和理解), 특선어차방면의의교심차유의사문환가치적(特選於此方面意義較深且有醫史文歡價値的) ${\ulcorner}$의종금감(醫宗金鑑) 정골심법요지(正骨心法要旨)${\lrcorner}$ 중적(中的) ${\ulcorner}$외치법(外治法)${\lrcorner}$ 진행료연구(進行了硏究), 획득여하연구결과(獲得如下硏究結果). 기수법총론부분(其手法總論部分), 파요지규정료정골수법적정의급기중요성(擺要地規定了正骨手法的定義及其重要性), 후유증적예방(後遺症的預防), 안환자원기강약이수요주의적사항(按患者元氣强弱而需要注意的事項), 정골의생적기본공화심이소질등문제(正骨醫生的基本功和心理素質等問題). 기정골수법부분(其正骨手法部分), 포괄모(包括模) 접(接) 단(端) 제(提) 접(按) 나(摩) 추(推) 나등팔법(拿等八法), 각법지적응증용현대용어해석여하(各法之適應症用現代用語解釋如下): 모법용어촉진(模法用於觸診), 접법용어골절치료(接法用於骨折治療), 단법용어탈위치료(端法用於脫位治療), 제법용어견인법(提法用於牽引法), 안마법용어연조직손상화골착건적치료(按摩法用於軟組織損傷和骨錯鍵的治療), 추나법용어절적운동(推拿法用於節的運動) 부리화관절적부완전결합적치료(不利和關節的不完全結合的治療). 기기구총론부분(其器具總論部分), 개소료십종정골치료용기구(介紹了十種正骨治療用器具), 각종기구적적응증급기효능용현대용어해석여하(各種器具的適應症及其效能用現代用語解釋如下): 이렴구유보호환부적효과(裏簾具有保護患部的效果), 진정용어동통(振挺用於疼痛) 부종(浮鍾) 경결적치료(硬結的治療), 피견용어견관절탈구적고정료법(被肩用於肩關節脫臼的固定療法), 격색속어리용자아체중적견인료법(擊索屬於利用自我體重的牽引療法), 루관속어분부동계단이용자아체중진행견인적료법(壘觀屬於分不同階段利用自我體重進行牽引的療法), 통목속어포추지압축성골절적래목치료용구(通木屬於胞推之壓縮性骨折的來木治療用具), 요주구유대요추골급기근육이상적부가보호대효과(腰柱具有對腰推骨及其筋肉異常的附加保護帶效果), 죽렴용어골절적고정치료(竹簾用於骨折的固定治療), 삼리구유대골절적쌍중고정효과(杉籬具有對骨折的雙重固定效果), 포슬구유대슬관절적고정효과(抱膝具有對膝關節的固定效果).

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"온병조변"(溫病條辨)의 온병학설(溫病學說)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -關于(관우) "온병조변"(溫病條辨)적온병학설연구(的溫病學說硏究)-

  • Park, Hyeon-Guk;Kim, Gi-Uk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 2005
  • 청대적명의오국통(淸代的名醫吳摘通), 불근시'온병'제가(不僅是'溫病'諸家), 우시관어림상각과논치적명가(又是關於臨床各科論治的名家). 관어(關於)${\ulcorner}$온병조변${\lrcorner}$(溫病條辨)상온병학(上溫病學)술리논적특정(術理論的特征), 정리여하(整理如下). 대온병병인(對溫病病因), 파융합제가문학설(把融合諸家們學說), 규명시종일관(糾明始終一貫), 제시료정상화비정상적'복기'(提示了正常和非正常的'伏氣'), '사천시영현행지기'('司天時令現行之氣'), '려기'인기온병적삼도인치온'지학설('戾氣'引起溫病的三圖因致溫'之學說). 吸收諸家們的長處(흡수제가문적장처), 創案'三焦辨證'濃體系(창안'삼초변증'농체계). 수선(首先), 타이'삼초'위강영구분병위적상하(他以'三焦'爲綱領區分病位的上下), 천채(淺採), 기차이'륙경'위구별설명장역부화경락적불동(其次以'六經'爲區別說明?驛腑和經絡的不同), 재일차이'위기영혈'(在一次以'衛氣營血') 구별료표리적선후(區別了表裏的先後). 우용횡향급종향논술료온사적전변규률(又用橫向及縱向論述了溫邪的傳變規律), 최후제시료'치상초여우(最後提示了'治上焦如羽), 비경불거(非輕不擧). 치중초여형(治中焦如衡), 비평불안(非平不安). 치하초여권(治下焦如權), 비중불침(非重不沈).'적약물치료원칙(的藥物治療原則). 재질병적변별구분'온열'화'습열'(在疾病的辨別區分'溫熱'和'濕熱'), 재약물적사용상구별'강조'화'유윤'(在藥物的使用上區別'剛燥'和'柔潤'), 저우시오씨적온병학술특징지일(這又是吳氏的溫病學術特徵之一). 재치법(在治法), 방제(方劑), 약양(藥量), 전법(煎法), 복법(服法), 음식(飮食), 조양등적온병치료방면(調養等的溫病治療方面), 제시료광범위적'금기'학설(提示了廣範圍的'禁忌'學說). 타심각적감각도료오치온병적결과(他深刻的感覺到了誤治溫病的結果), 위료방지오치(爲了防止誤治), 관전치료'금기'(灌展治療'禁忌'), 현재야필요준수적충분적가치(現在也必要遵守的充分的價値).

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An Analysis on the Foundation Background and Cited References of Miscellaneous Explanations of Seongho (星湖僿說) (『성호사설(星湖僿說)』의 형성 배경과 인용서목 분석)

  • Son, Ke-Young
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.411-441
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    • 2016
  • This research examined the composition background of Miscellaneous Explanations of Seongho(湖僿說), the representative work of Yi Ik(李瀷, pen name is Seongho 星湖, 1681-1763), then selected the 443 cited references in the book, and analyzed the features of them such as the scales and characteristics of reference, the proportion of Chinese books, the ratio of latest editions and the relative importance by subjects. After examining the ratio of Goryeo-Joseon and Chinese books among 443 references in Miscellaneous Explanations of Seongho, it was revealed that there were 23.3% of Goryeo-Joseon books and 76.7% of Chinese books cited. The investigation on the editorial period of the referred Chinese books showed that 70% and more were books of the Song and pre-Song period, whereas 22.7% were books of the Ming-Qing period. The analyzation of the proportions of the reference by subject showed that the subject fields with highest percentage appeared in the order of historical books, poetry and prose collections, Confucian classics, and novels and essays. And besides these subjects, he had been interested in various subjects: Miscellaneous Schools, Confucian School, geography, regulation of systems, painting and music, dictionary, biography, encyclopedia, and so on.

A literatural study on the symptom and treatment of gastrointestinal cacer (소화기(消化器) 암(癌)의 증후(證候)와 치료(治療)에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Hyun-Ah;Lim, Seong-Woo;Yoon, Sang-Hyub;Lee, Won-Chel
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.109-133
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    • 1998
  • In these days, the outbreak rate of a malignant tumor is gradually increasing, and the frequency digestive organ's cancer is so high that the remedy is being studied in the Oriental Medicine World. I made a consideration the Erlgyuk, the Panwue(反胃), the Juckchui(積聚), the Jangdok(臟毒), on the symptom and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer, with the successsive literatures of the Myung and Chung Dynasty. In consequence, these are similar to the symptom of malignant tumor in abdominal cabity, and the treatment is divided into three stages each period. The Geosa-method(祛邪法) is used in the early stage, and in the middle the Gongbokyumsi-method(攻補兼施), and in the latter stage the Pujung-method(扶正法) is used. The successive literatures shows the prescription of gastrointestinal cancer in variety. Therefore, I think the various prescription will be applied to gastrointestinal cancer on forward.

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A Study of Korean Kim Jeonghui and Qing Dynasty Scholars Academic Exchanges -Focus on Weng Fanggang and Ruan Yuan- (朝鲜秋史与清文人学术交流之小考 -以翁方纲與阮元为中心)

  • Choi, Chang-Won
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2020
  • After the Qing Dynasty overthrow of the Ming dynasty, this is far-reaching influenced on the Ming Dynasty's Sovereign state of the Joseon dynasty. Not only did regulations prohibit the entry into various books published by the Qing Dynasty, In addition, the "Northern Expedition" of Song Siyeo put forward the mainstream political proposal of the Northern Expedition and Qing Dynasty.Even in this context, Representatives of scholars such as Hong Daeyong, Bak Jega, Kim Jeonghui on the Joseon dynasty peninsula at the time, put forward the idea of "Learning from Central Plains" through several visits to Shuntian Prefecture (now Beijing), And gradually formed the well-known Silhak (Practical Learning) ideological of "Bukhak, (Northern Learning)" in the Joseon dynasty history. the Joseon dynasty Silhak ideological scholar of Kim Jeonghui also was under the influence of the Weng Fanggang and Ruan yuan other famous Qing Dynasty Textual scholar, Fruitful achievements in Chinese Classical Studies Epigraphy, Calligraphy.He founded the "Chusa-che" style of calligraphy Chusa, the "Chusa-che" styled is although born out of the clerical script, but more composition and See also asymmetrical in harmony, Strong and vigorous brush strokes, Every word vibrant, Make it a master of gold stone calligraphy in the Joseon Dynasty.This study based on some records of Kim Jeonghui's visited to Shuntian Prefecture(now Beijing), this article examines the academic activities of seeking truth to facts in Korea and the Qing Dynasty at the time, and the impact on these activities on calligraphy and painting in the Joseon Dynasty.

The Types and Characteristics of Golden Decoration Technique used in the Chinese Fabrics - Focused on the Fabrics from Dang to Cheong Dynasty Era - (중국 직물에 사용된 금장식기법의 유형과 특성 - 당대${\sim}$청대직물을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Hyun-Joo;Ko, Soon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.57 no.9
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the types of and to examine the characteristics of the golden decoration technique used for expressing patterns on the costumes from Dang dynasty to Cheong dynasty era. In order to classify the types of the golden decoration technique and to examine its characteristics, literature review, focusing on documents and records of China, and investigation on the relics from Dang to Cheong Dynasty era were conducted. The types of decoration technique using gold include china JigGeum (brocade technique), InGeum (attaching gold powder and flake technique), GeumSaJaSu (embroidery technique), GeumSaTapestry, mixed technique. Interestingly, it was newly found in this study that embroidery with golden thread was used in the GeumSaTapestry technique and that there were some cases of the mixture of 2-3 gold decoration technique. The GeumSajaSu technique was used the most frequently from Dang dynasty to Yo dynasty era. However, its use had decreased enormously while the use of JigGeum had increased a lot since Geum dynasty era. The mixture of 2-5 techniques was used frequently in JigGeum, GeumSaJaSu, and GeumSaTapestry, but not used in InGeum. Particularly, the mixture technique was the most frequently used in the GeumSaTapestry, which expresses by composition of paintings. All four methods were used the mostly frequently in costumes, while GeumSaJaSu and GeumSaTapestry were generally used for home accessories. InGeum and GeumSaJaSu were used a lot for gaze and leno fabrics such as Sa or Ra, while JigGeum was mostly used for satin weaved fabrics like Dan.