A Study of Korean Kim Jeonghui and Qing Dynasty Scholars Academic Exchanges -Focus on Weng Fanggang and Ruan Yuan-

朝鲜秋史与清文人学术交流之小考 -以翁方纲與阮元为中心

  • Received : 2019.12.17
  • Accepted : 2020.01.10
  • Published : 2020.01.31


After the Qing Dynasty overthrow of the Ming dynasty, this is far-reaching influenced on the Ming Dynasty's Sovereign state of the Joseon dynasty. Not only did regulations prohibit the entry into various books published by the Qing Dynasty, In addition, the "Northern Expedition" of Song Siyeo put forward the mainstream political proposal of the Northern Expedition and Qing Dynasty.Even in this context, Representatives of scholars such as Hong Daeyong, Bak Jega, Kim Jeonghui on the Joseon dynasty peninsula at the time, put forward the idea of "Learning from Central Plains" through several visits to Shuntian Prefecture (now Beijing), And gradually formed the well-known Silhak (Practical Learning) ideological of "Bukhak, (Northern Learning)" in the Joseon dynasty history. the Joseon dynasty Silhak ideological scholar of Kim Jeonghui also was under the influence of the Weng Fanggang and Ruan yuan other famous Qing Dynasty Textual scholar, Fruitful achievements in Chinese Classical Studies Epigraphy, Calligraphy.He founded the "Chusa-che" style of calligraphy Chusa, the "Chusa-che" styled is although born out of the clerical script, but more composition and See also asymmetrical in harmony, Strong and vigorous brush strokes, Every word vibrant, Make it a master of gold stone calligraphy in the Joseon Dynasty.This study based on some records of Kim Jeonghui's visited to Shuntian Prefecture(now Beijing), this article examines the academic activities of seeking truth to facts in Korea and the Qing Dynasty at the time, and the impact on these activities on calligraphy and painting in the Joseon Dynasty.



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