• Title/Summary/Keyword: 청대

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Estimation of Consumers Valuation by Attributes of Green Jujube Chip (청대추칩의 속성별 소비자 가치 추정)

  • Ha, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Sang-Hak;Choi, Se-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.4830-4836
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    • 2013
  • This research was launched as an attempt to help create a new value-added product called "Green Jujube Chip." To accomplish the objectives, consumers value by attributes of Green Jujube Chip should be estimated. We used Choice Experiment for analysis, which we used to arrive at pricing of specialty jujube chips based on the conditional logit model. As a result, MWTP were estimated at 1333 Won/unit for Mid-size Company Product, 1752 Won/unit for Large Company Product, 1703 Won/unit for University Affiliation, 350 Won/unit for packing unit, 548 Won/unit for rating the raw fruit, 1,322 Won/unit for HACCP, and 1,166 Won/unit for ISO22000. The consumer's WTP for Green Juju Chip, associated with the university-brand recognition, was higher than a product produced by a mid-sized company but lower than a product by a large company. Given how the consumers regard the university-brand product as a specialty item, it is necessary to create value-added products that meet such high expectation. Therefore, we recommend the producers to acquire HACCP Food Safety Certification and the value-added product has used the highest quality raw fruit.

A Study on the Components and Color Characteristics of the Streetscape of History·Culture Streets - Focused on the Bookstore Street in Kaifeng, China - (역사·문화 가로경관의 구성요소 및 색채특성 연구 - 중국 카이펑시 (中国 開封市) 서점거리를 중심으로 -)

  • Sun, Lu;Yoon, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the Bookstore Block of Historical and Cultural Street in Kaifeng City is taken as the object, which makes analysis on the landscape color features appearing in the elements of the bookstore block landscape. Through literature, it obtains the contrast list for the landscape composite elements of the historical and cultural street. After mastering the general characteristics of architectural colors and basic analysis methods of landscape colors in the Qing Dynasty, it conducts the site survey on the landscape composition elements and colors of the bookstore block. According to the conclusion, it is found that the landscape color of bookstore block is composed of R series, PB series, Y series and achromatic (N) series, in which the overall color shows relatively high integrity. However, it exists some deficiencies in the use of colors in signs, facilities and modeling objects. Therefore, it is necessity to increase the color plan of landscape elements such as signs, modeling objects and facilities, enhance the recognition possibilities of visual information.

청대 피령의 조형적 특성

  • 박현정
    • Proceedings of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 2004
  • 복식사 연구의 의의 중 하나는 고대 복식 자료를 현대 패션 디자인에 활용하는데 있다. 현대 패션디자이너들은 전통 복식의 스타일, 소재, 색, 문양 등에서 디자인 영감을 얻고 있다. 이러한 측면에서 본 연구에서는 고대 아시아 북방 민족들에게서 시작되어 중국 본토에 보편화되었으며 청조에는 관복의 구성품목으로 제도화된 피령에 대해 살펴보고자 한다.(중략)

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A Study on the Costume of Qing Dynasty in the Court Painting (궁정회화(宮廷繪畵)를 통해 본 청대복식(淸代服飾) 연구(硏究) - 순치(順治) 15년(年)부터 가경(嘉慶) 19년(年)까지를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Mee;Shin, Kyeong-Seob
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to correctly understand the costume of Qing dynasty in the court painting. The starting point of this study was that the painting typically reflects the cultural values, social significations, costume and aesthetic outlook of that period when the paintings were done. Based on this regard, this study analyzed the costume of figure paintings in the court painting of the Qing dynasty that complied and edited by the Palace Museum. The court dress of Qing dynasty represented not only the spiritual world of Manchu tribes but also the influences of Chinese traditional culture. The court dresses of Kangxi and Qianloug showed definitely the luxury of life of Qing court. The everyday dress of Qing dynasty reflected the nomadic environments and it was very simple. The hunting dress of Qing dynasty was very developed and also represented horse riding and hunting activities of their traditional life. The ladies of Qing dynasty enjoyed to dress the costume of old Chinese style. The appearance of noble women was fragile and slim.

조선 간의대 복원을 위한 기초연구

  • Kim, Sang-Hyeok;Lee, Yong-Sam;Yang, Hong-Jin;Min, Byeong-Hui;An, Yeong-Suk
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.24.2-24.2
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    • 2011
  • 13C이후 동아시아에서는 대규모의 천문관측시설들이 건설되었다. 중국 원대(元代) 북경(北京)에는 사천대(司天臺, 1276)라는 천문대가 축조되었다. 이 천문대 위에는 간의, 앙의, 규표를 비롯한 다양한 천문의기가 사용되었다. 명대(明代)에는 사천대의 자리에 관성대(觀星臺, 1442)가 만들어진다. 이후 관성대는 청대(淸代)에 관상대(觀象臺, 현재 古觀象臺로 불림)로 이름이 변화되었다. 관상대 위에는 청대에 제작한 8종의 천문의기가 남아 있다. 원대 등봉(登封)에도 대규모 천문대인 관성대(觀星臺)가 축조되었다. 현재 등봉에는 관성대와 40척 규표(圭表)가 남아있다. 조선에서는 1433년 간의대(簡儀臺)가 건설되었다. 간위대 위에는 간의(簡儀)와 정방안(正方案)을 설치하였다. 간의대 주변에는 보루각(報漏閣, 자격루 운영)과 흠경각(欽敬閣, 옥루 운영)이 위치해 있고, 다양한 천문관측기기가 설치되었다. 임진왜란을 거치면서 간의대 주변의 천문시설들은 대부분 파괴되었다. 이후 일부 관측기기가 새롭게 복원되었지만 조선 초기의 운영 형태는 불가능하게 되었다. 그런데, 간의대는 조선 후기까지 천문관측대로서의 위상을 유지하였다. 간의대 위에 놓여진 관측기기에 대한 뚜렷한 언급은 없었지만 천상의 이치를 논하거나 세종의 공덕을 기리는 공간으로 활용되었다. 우리는 간의대 문헌자료를 분석하고, 중국에 남아있는 천문대 유적을 조사하여 간의대 복원을 위한 기초연구를 수행하였다.

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A Comparative study of the Calligraphy Theory between Jin Nong and Yibingshou in the Qing Dynasty (청대(淸代)의 김농(金農)과 이병수(伊秉綬)의 예서(隸書) 작품 비교연구)

  • Zhang, Lei
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2022
  • With the rise of epigraphy and textology, and the emerge of many famous outstanding clerical script masters, Qing Dynasty becomes another important innovation period in the development of the clerical script. Jin Nong and Yi Bingshou are two important clerical script masters in the Qing Dynasty. Thus, researches on the courses of their careers as well as a comparative study between these two calligraphers, Jin Nong and Yi Bing, are specially important. The comparative study of Jinnong and Yibingshou's clerical script is a relatively new subject, which is entered from the angel of comparative perspective between their clerical scripts works. Through an in-depth research on different inheritance routes, which are origin from Han Dynasty clerical scripts, of Jin Nong and Yibingshou, it is found that these two calligraphers are different in innovation of clerical script style, theory of calligraphy and of clerical script practice. This paper focuses on a comparative study of the different clerical theories and clerical script works between Han Dynasty, Jinnong and Yi Bingshou. A comparative study of clerical script works of Jin Nong and Yibingshou in Qing Dynasty provides a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding on these two calligraphers; meanwhile, it provides valuable learning paths for later calligrapher in the field of clerical script, and can be regarded as references in the innovation of the official script style.

Study on Tussah Silkworm, Antyerata perni (작잠에 관한 연구)

  • 박병희
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.4
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    • pp.9-25
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    • 1965
  • 작잠의 원산지는 중국이며, 이것을 산업화한 것도 중국이다. 기타 인도 미얀마 일본 등 동남아제국에서도 작잠업에 종사하고 있으며, 기중 인도에서는 상당한 수량이 생산되어 자급외에 수출까지 한다고 한다. 중국에서는 태고시대(주, 한시대)부터 의료로서 이용되어 왔으며, 원, 명시대를 거쳐 청대에 와서는 완전한 산업으로서 발전하여 각지에서 작잠을 원료로 한 견직물이 생산되었으며, 기중에서도 산동지방이 주산지로서 유명하여 다량의 산동주를 생산하였다. 기후 만주지방에 보급되어 현재에는 남만주지방이 세계적 산견지이며 안동현이 작잠사 생산의 중심지로 되어 있다. (중략)

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Tuning effect of L-shape on Pyeon-gyoung (편경의 기역자형 모양에 따른 조율 효과)

  • Yoo Junehee
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • autumn
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    • pp.287-290
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    • 2004
  • 편경의 기역자 모양은 하늘이 굽어 땅을 덮는다는 철학적인 의미를 가지고 있지만, 그보다는 기하학적인 구조를 통한 조율의 한 방편이었음이 가정된다. 고대 중국에서 발견된 편경은 오각형의 모양을 하고 있으나 청대에 발견된 편경은 기역자 모양을 가지고 있는 것이 이러한 가정을 뒤받침한다. 본 연구에서는 FEM 을 통한 편경의 기하학적 구조에 따른 떨기방식의 진동수를 추정하여 편경의 기역자 모양이 조율의 한 방편이었음을 제안한다.

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The Formation of Zhang Shu Yao Bang and Its Characteristic in the Ming.Qing Period (명.청대(明.淸代) 장수약방(樟樹藥帮)의 형성(形成)과 그 특징(特徵))

  • Lee, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2009
  • 本稿考證江西'樟樹藥帮'的起源,形成的歷史及其特點. 樟樹背野面河, 瀕臨贛江, 扼袁贛二水四通之地, 得地勢之便. 樟樹作爲中國南方藥材集散和加工炮制的發祥地, 其藥材炮制及經營獨具特色, 自成體系, 素有'樟樹帮'之稱. 樟樹帮中藥選料上乘, 炮制技術精良, 且品種花色齊全, 享有'藥不過樟樹不靈', '藥不到樟樹不齊'的盛譽. 樟樹帮是一股强大的藥業勢力. 其人數之多, 輻射範圍之廣, 影響之大, 居全國之首. 在長期的實踐中, 樟樹藥人不斷改進經營管理方法, 創造了號 行 店 庄的獨特的經營方式, 體現了樟樹獨特的經營藝術.

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