• Title/Summary/Keyword: 천도론

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정명도의 천도론(天道論)에 대한 연구

  • Jo, Won-Il
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.64
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    • pp.223-239
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    • 2019
  • 程明道以天理言天道, 可細分爲天理之實說與天理之虛說. 天理之實說, 是就天理之超越本體自身言其內蘊, 稱之爲第一義之天理; 天理之虛說, 是就天理之自然之勢言其內蘊, 稱之爲第二義之天理. 一是超越性的萬物存在所以然之理, 一是現實上的萬物存在之然之理. 筆者以爲可以本體層與作用層來加以分疏. 前者是指天理超越之自體, 其至善,完美自足, 永恒而遍在; 後者是指天理作用於現象世界之表現, 天理內賦於萬事萬物, 就其現實存在而言, 一事有一事之理, 一物有一物之理, 但因事物之自然情勢各有不同, 故而在表現之理上亦各有不同, 在表現之理上雖各有不同, 但推其所以然之理, 則萬物皆不同. 因此, 此亦可理一分殊來作說明. 對於這些相關性的討論詮解, 如何予以連結溝通起來, 皆置於本文申論.

장횡거의 천도론(天道論)에 대한 연구

  • Jo, Won-Il
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.63
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    • pp.325-342
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    • 2019
  • 張橫渠的道德思想, 並不禁止小體之欲. 它須透過儒家本體思想的不斷提昇, 才能達到天人合一的目標, 故其所言盡性爲一途, 而因明致誠, 因誠致明則是另一途. 張橫渠曾經說, "至誠, 天性也; 不息, 天命也. 人能至誠則性盡而神可窮矣.", 誠爲實有之至, 因爲人一旦有了形體便具備了誠體. 換言之, 誠爲性體, 而至誠則是重返太和之虛的本體思想. 至於天命, 更是天地間流轉不息的轉化, 若是人可以達到至誠境界, 人之本性自然可以窮極, 而天地運作之誠之信, 自然也可以參透. 張橫渠認爲自誠而明者爲天德良知, 故誠爲本體之性, 並非透過經驗知識的體驗與探索. 他認爲誠須透過天道與性的合一才能朗現, 其歷程猶如義命能體現理, 仁智能體現聖, 動靜能體現神, 陰陽能體現道一樣, 且性與天道爲宇宙形成之道, 它是超然地存於誠之中. 人因生而存於己身之誠, 以能體悟天道運行不已之道, 猶如孝子所以能事天誠身, 因爲仁孝之槪念已超然於人性之上, 儼然成爲爲人之本體通則.

라근계(羅近溪)의 천도론 연구

  • Jo, Won-Il
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.61
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    • pp.365-381
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    • 2019
  • 羅近溪由《易傳》之易道來說明天道, 如同程明道說 "其體則謂之易" 此句是就易之窮神知化以明天道之體. 易本身就代表天道, 卽形上之道體本身, 卽是乾, 卽是太極. 羅近溪熙歡以乾坤來形容天道卽易. 羅近溪所言之天道, 卽爲一團生生之機. 則天卽爲我, 我卽爲天, 人亦同己, 己亦同人, 隨時而變通, 旣廣且遠, 無方無所, 爲道德自我求得一眞實而無礙的本源. 因羅近溪認爲天道觀可由道德修養之路向人心本體深化, 而且《中庸》亦云"道不遠人, 人之爲道而遠人, 不可以爲道". 故羅近溪更重視道在下貫至形下世界萬事萬物, 尤其是人時, 它們是如何會通? 如何來體現天道的道德創生與價値? 卽他竭力把道德上的當然之律落實於實然存在, 使人與天道作一更合理的通貫.

장여헌과 이토 진사이의 도·도덕론 비교

  • Eom, Seok-In
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.50
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    • pp.139-178
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문은 조선시대의 장여헌(張旅軒)과 일본 에도(江戶) 시대의 이토 진사이(伊藤仁齋)의 사상, 특히 도(道)에 관한 견해를 중심으로 인간론과 도덕론을 고찰하여 그 둘의 사상적 특징을 밝히고자 하는 시도이다. 논의의 진행은 먼저 도(道)에 관한 여헌과 진사이의 이해를 주자학적 논의와의 원근 거리와 천도(天道) 인도(人道)와의 관계에서 살펴보았고, 다음으로 인간관에 있어서는 자기와 타인과의 관계를 중심으로 인간에 관한 이해를 논하였으며, 다음으로 마음과 경(敬), 서(恕)에 관한 두 사상가의 상반된 이해를 소개하면서 도덕론을 논하였다. 이하 요점을 추려보면 다음과 같다. 진사이는 도를 천지의 도와 단절된 인륜일용의 인간의 도로 한정하였고 인간에 대해서도 개적 존재를 사상시킨 관계적 존재에 초점을 두고 파악하였다. 그런 관점 위에서 개인 수양의 출발점이 되는 마음이나 경에 대해서도 큰 비중을 두지 않았고, 그것은 개인의 자율성보다는 외적인 규범에 보다 많은 신뢰를 두고 그것에 자신을 맞추어 가는 일종의 타율적인 관계(집단) 속의 도덕론의 전개로 나타나고 있음을 논하였다. 여헌은 도(道)를 천지만물과 사람 모두가 의거하는 총체적인 개념으로 파악하였고, 더 나아가 사람의 도가 능동적으로 천도와 지도를 구현하는 중심이라고 하였다. 이런 관점 위에서 여헌은 인간은 몸(형기(形氣))을 가진 개적 존재이지만 동시에 그 몸의 일부인 천지만물과 통하는 마음을 갖고 있다는 점에서 보편적인 존재라고 정의하며, 그 마음을 다스리는 경(敬)공부를 개인 수양의 기본임과 동시에 천지만물의 보편적 이치를 체득하는 근본적인 실천공부로 중시하였다. 이러한 여헌의 도와 인간에 대한 이해는 도덕의 실현에 있어서 자신이 중심이 되어 그것의 확장으로 모두가 하나가 되는 동심원적 파동의 도덕론으로 전개되고 있음을 고찰하였다.

Theory of self-cultivation for the Unity of Heaven and Man, Mind and Nature in the Doctrine of the Mean (『중용(中庸)』의 천인심성합일(天人心性合一) 수양론(修養論))

  • Seo, Eun-Sook
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.35
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    • pp.243-274
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    • 2009
  • This paper attempts to explore the theory of self-cultivation(修養論) for the Unity of Heaven and Man, Mind and Nature(天人心性合一) in the Doctrine of the Mean(中庸). In the unity of heaven and Man, the meaning of the way of Heaven are doctrine of the Mean, sincerity, Nature, Sage, five ways forward, mind of the way, and the meaning of the way of man are thinking to be Cheng(誠之), secularity, the way, education, three methods of excelling, the way of man. The way of Heaven(天道) is the principle of the Universe and give the original Nature to Mankind. The way of Man(人道) is what man should do to accomplish the way of Heaven, and in that process, the unity of Heaven and Man accomplished. The unity of the mand and nature explained by the concept of mind's equilibrium-harmony. When the emotion arise rightly by rectifying mind, the mind unify with the original nature. After the unity of Heaven and Man and the unity of mind and nature, the whole world can governed by nine guidelines(九經) on the base of self-cultivation. There are several methods to get the unity of Heaven and Man and the unity of mind and nature. These are represented by the preserving mind and extending knowledge. In that methods, right timing by watchful when alone, loyalty-sympathetic understanding, selecting Goodness and holding on to it firmly, and fulfilling the mind's equilibrium-harmony

The symbolic signs in Ontology and its philosophical development (주자 천도론의 상징부호와 철학적 전개)

  • Kang, jinseok
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.23
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    • pp.393-421
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    • 2008
  • This thesis has an intention to reorganize the topic of Ontology that has not unnoticed, investigating the symbolic signs of Zhuxi. The symbols in Ontology visualize in an anthropomorphic form or a form of animals that we can usually find in the nature. The visible symbols have characteristics of the dynamic rather than the stillness. The symbols of human and a horse have developed as different interpretations depending on the relative importance. The movement of stream symbolize the Movement of Daoti that manifests thorough all things in the Dao and have a structure of 'Ti-Xiang-Yong'. The Substance of Metaphysics embodies an action thorough 'Metaphysics' or 'with Metaphysics'. Accordingly, 'a stream' symbolizes 'the Movement of Daoti' in that it manifests the form of Daoti makes body. A kite and a fish symbolize the form of a kite flies up into the sky and the shape of a fish plays in the pond. These not only represent an outlook on the world, but also symbolize the stage of the Movement of Daoti. 'Human', 'a stream', 'a kite' and 'a fish' include activeness, domination, dynamics, manifestation, visibility, naturalness.

주자(朱子)의 『중용(中庸)』해석에 관한 고찰

  • Im, Heon-Gyu
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.55
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    • pp.9-33
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    • 2014
  • 이 논문은 중국 남송시대 성리학의 집대성자인 주자(朱子)(1130-1200)가 "중용"을 어떻게 분장절(分章節)하고, 그 구성을 어떻게 이해하였으며, 나아가 "중용"을 어떤 책으로 규정하면서 어떤 입장을 갖고 해석하였는지를 살펴보는 것을 목표로 한다. 주자는 이정(二程)형제가 "중용"을 "공문(孔門)에서 전한 심법(心法)"으로 정의한 입장을 수용하면서, "중용(中庸)"을 표창(表彰)하여 "예기(禮記)"에서 분리 독립시켜 사서(四書)의 하나로 정립하였다. 그는 40세 전후에 "장구" 및 "혹문"의 초고를 완성하고, 20여년 간 수정한 끝에 "중용장구"의 서문을 썼다. 주자는 "중용"이란 글을 최초로 나름의 원칙을 갖고 유기적인 체계속에서 33장으로 분장(分章)하고, 사대절(四大節) 혹은 육대절(六大節)로 그 체계를 나누었다. 그는 이러한 분장절(分章節)을 통해 "중용"이란 책은 중화(中和), 중용(中庸), 군자지도(君子之道)의 비은(費隱), 천도(天道)로서의 성(誠)과 인도(人道)로서의 성지(誠之), 그리고 천인합일의 길을 제시한 책으로 구성되어 있다고 말하였다. 나아가 우리는 주자가 "중용"이란 책을 공자의 손자인 자사(子思)가 도통의 단서를 계승하기 위해서 기술한 책이라고 말하면서, "서경(書經)" "대우모(大禹謨)"의 구절과 "중용"의 내용이 합치된다고 하는 주장을 살폈다. 마지막으로 우리는 주자의 "중용"해석에서 나타난 특징을 살펴보았다. 주자는 나름의 일관된 철학적 형이상학적 입장을 갖고 "중용"을 해석하였는데, 그의 해석에는 이기론(理氣論), 이일분수설(理一分殊說), 성즉리(性卽理), 성발위정론(性發爲情論), 그리고 존양(存養) 성찰(省察)의 수양법 등이 고스란히 반영되어 있다는 것을 살폈다. 그리고 우리는 주자가 이런 "중용" 해석을 통해 유학의 정통성을 정립함과 동시에 도불(道佛)을 위시한 여타 학파를 비판 극복하려고 했다는 점을 살폈다.

A comparative study on the 'Xuan'in the view of Yangxiong & Gehong(2) (양웅(揚雄)과 갈홍(葛洪)의 '현(玄)' 개념 비교 연구(2) - 우주구조론을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin-yong
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.42
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    • pp.165-195
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims to examine the meaning of 'Xuan(玄)' in the cosmology and astronomy, especially in the view of Yang-xiong(揚雄) and Ge-hong(葛洪). The cosmology of the ancient China has opened a discussion about the Tian(天), through the discussion about the celestial structure, the structure and the location relation of the heaven & earth, in the Han-dynasty has been found a systematic theory. But in the ancient Chinese philosophy, the cosmology has been developed in the field of the astronomy & the Oriental calendar. In this context, Yang-xiong(揚雄) and Ge-hong(葛洪) have founded the system of the cosmology, it is as in the following. First, Yang-xiong criticized sharply the theory of Gaitian(蓋天說) and advanced the theory of Huntian(渾天說). And Ge-hong support the theory of Huntian(渾天說) and also accepted the theory of Xuanye(宣夜說). Second, Yang-xiong(揚雄) and Ge-hong(葛洪)'s cosmology is regarded as the theoretical premise of their cosmogony. As the discussion about the celestial structure, the structure and the location relation of the heaven & earth, both scholar discussed about the cause of creation, the differentiation process. And in the this context, they founded the cosmology as the concept 'Xuan'. Third, the concept 'Xuan' in the both scholar forms a philosophical system. Yang-xiong insisted that the concept 'Xuan' is the basis of the universe, the human-being and the society. While through realizing the concept 'Xuan', Ge-hong tried to pursue the human-being's agelessness and the eternal life. In this way, their view point of the cosmology is comprised of cosmogony & astronomy. With this perspective, they are going to found the system of their own philosophy.

he Trends of Heaven-Human Relation of Zhuxi Learning in 18C - Focused on the Discourse of Huang, Yun Seok (18세기 주자학적 천인관계론의 향방 - 이재(?齋) 황윤석(黃胤錫)의 경우를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Moon Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.39
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    • pp.53-83
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to examine how issues related to the heaven-human relation (or nature-culture relation) affected Joseon intellectuals in the eighteenth century by considering Huang Yun Seok as a reference. As a significant indicator, the heaven-human relation issue has traditionally been a critical theme in the history of Confucianism. Since Huang Yun Seok accepted Western Learning based on Zhuxi Learning, he is a good example for examining this issue. Huang's ideas didn't depart too much from Confucianism, but he naturally became interested in Western Learning because of the enthusiastic admiration he had of Ancient Learning since he was a child. Principle-Number was consistent with Ancient Learning and Western Learning, and this was somewhat different from the original notion of numerology. It was used for understanding and explaining astronomical phenomenon. In understanding astronomical phenomenon, Huang used both fact-determined and value-centered approaches. Western astronomy allowed him to make an advance in terms of fact-determined approach while the value-centered approach gave him a portentological perspective on astronomical variation such as solar and lunar eclipses. This indicates one of the ways to keep Zhuxi Learning's identity itself amidst an inflow of new learnings.

Zhangshi(張?)′s theory of moral self-cultivation (장식(張?)의 수양 공부론)

  • Lee, Yun Jeong
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.53
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    • pp.191-214
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    • 2017
  • Zhangshi(張?) is a distinguished Chinese scholar, who is known as the South-east Three sages with Zhuxi(朱熹) Luzujian(呂祖謙). He is well known for his influence through exchanges of ideas with Zhu xi, but the research on his ideas is rather poor. This paper aims to understand the ideology in general by looking deeper into the study of Zhangshi's self-cultivation. Contents of his self-cultivation especially emphasized the subject of the mind in the way establishing the unity of heaven and human within the theory mind based on metaphysical foundation. It would be very meaningful to study his theory of self cultivation in his ideological tendencies. this essay Based on the unity of heaven and human, especially uniting the ways of heaven and morality, this essay is approaches to the way of self-cultivation. This paper first examines the meaning of heaven and human for Zhangsi, and presents a self-cultivation method as a unified method in two categories of relationships This not only emphasizes the subject of the mind in the process of realizing the unity of heaven and human, but also to highlight the possibility of human becoming one with the heaven. This research will be an important research work in understanding Zhangshi's own philosophical system.