• Title/Summary/Keyword: 차열안료

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Development of IR Reflective Cool Pigment and Paint (차열도료용 Cool Pigment 및 Paint 개발)

  • Kwon, Myon-Joo;Do, Young-Woong;Ha, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.3800-3805
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    • 2012
  • Infrared(IR) reflective black cool pigment and paint which is used for interior/exterior materials(IR reflectance >30%) to prevent heat island effect and to increase energy efficiency were studied. Cool pigment was synthesized using mixture of $Fe_2O_3$ and $Cr_2O_3$ with calcination from 900 to $1,200^{\circ}C$. Cool paint was prepared by formulation of cool pigment, acrylic resins, and other additives. Results showed that optimum color fixation of pigment obtained by mole ratio of Fe to Cr was 0.9 with calcination temperature at $1,000^{\circ}C$. The cool paint formulated by 20% pigment and 1.5% dispersive additive with $125{\mu}m$ thickness of coated layer showed optimum IR reflectance. Temperature difference on surface between cool paint and ordinary paint(STD) was $36.5^{\circ}C$ and IR reflectance(TSR) was 39.3% at wavelength from 700 to 2,500nm. And color change was not detected during 500hrs weathering test.

Laboratory and Field Performance Evaluation of Acryl Resin Based Solar Radiation Reflective Pavement (아크릴 수지를 이용한 차열성 포장의 실내 및 현장 공용성 평가)

  • So, Kyung-Rock;Lee, Hyun-Jong;Baek, Jong-Eun;Lee, Sang-Yum
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2011
  • This study developed a solar radiation reflection pavement, so called a cool pavement, to lessen the urban heat island effect by coating a pavement surface with acrylic resins mixed with light-colored pigments. From a laboratory test, simulating solar heating process in pavements, the cool pavement reduced more than $12^{\circ}C$ of pavement temperature at $60^{\circ}C$ compared to a control porous pavement. With the increase of the mixing ratio of the pigments to acrylic resins, the temperature reduction effect increased, but its workability became worse due to higher viscosity. As a result, an appropriate mixing ratio was determined as 15%. The cool pavement had better durability than the control pavement: One quarter of Catabro loss and twofold dynamic stability. Its adhesion was also higher enough not to be debonded under traffic loading. In-situ noise and friction tests conducted in two field sites showed that the cool pavement reduced its noise level by 3.7dB in average and increased its friction level by 30% compared to the control pavement. The permeability of the cool pavement was little lower than the control pavement, but higher enough to satisfy the minimum requirement for porous pavements.

The Development and Performance on High Functional Cool Paints of Ceramic Crystal Structure (세라믹 결정구조의 고기능성 차열도료 개발 및 성능평가)

  • Do, Young-Woong;Lee, Seung-Won;Lim, Dong-Min;Ha, Jin-Wook
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.344-347
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 적외선 반사기능을 가지는 황색, 흑색안료를 PVDF, 첨가제와 배합하여 링밀에서 3,000rpm으로 10분간 분산한 후 세라믹 결정구조의 차열도료를 제조하였으며, 도막형성 후 $180^{\circ}C$에서 10분간 건조하여 도료에 대한 표면온도, 내후성(Q.U.V), 적외선 반사율(%)을 평가하였다. 연구결과 황색안료 9%를 첨가하여 $150{\mu}m$ 두께의 도막을 형성시켰을 때, 일반도료와의 표면온도 차이는 $10.1^{\circ}C$, 700~2,500nm 파장대의 적외선 반사율은 40% 이었으며, 흑색안료 9%를 첨가하여 $200{\mu}m$ 두께의 도막을 형성시켰을 때, 표면온도차 $18.8^{\circ}C$, 적외선 반사율 66.7%로 측정되었고, 내후성은 모두 우수하게 나타났다.

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Heat Shield Property of Nanostructural-regulated Fe2O3/TiO2 Composites Filled with Polyacrylate Paint (나노구조 변화에 의한 Fe2O3/TiO2 복합재료를 충전한 Poly Acrylate 도료의 열차단 특성)

  • Kim, Dae Won;Ma, Young Kil;Kim, Jong Seok
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2020
  • Fe2O3 nanoparticles with the mixed structure of cubic and nanorod were synthesized by precipitation, hydrothermal, sol-gel method, etching process and heat treatment. Fe2O3/TiO2 core-shell (CS) of type Fe2O3@TiO2 composite was fabricated on a 20 nm nanolayer of TiO2 coated on the surface of Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Fe2O3/TiO2 yolk-shell (YS) composite was prepared by chemical etching and heat treatment of Fe2O3/TiO2 CS nanoparticles. Physical properties of Fe2O3, Fe2O3@TiO2 CS and Fe2O3@TiO2 YS nanoparticles were characterized by FE-SEM, HR-TEM and X-ray diffraction. The solar reflectance, commission internationale de l'Elcairage (CIE) color coordinate and heat shield temperatures of Fe2O3, CS and YS type Fe2O3@TiO2 pigments filled with poly acrylate (PA) paints were investigated by UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer and homemade heat shield temperature measuring device. The Fe2O3@TiO2 YS red pigment filled PA composite exhibited excellent near infrared light reflecting performance and also reduced the heat shield temperature of 13 ℃ than that of Fe2O3 filled counterparts.

Synthesis and Infrared Light Reflecting Characteristics of TiO2/Mica Hybrid Composites (이산화 티타늄/마이카 복합 재료의 적외선 광반사 특성)

  • Kil, Hyun Suk;Rhee, Seog Woo
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.16-20
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    • 2016
  • In this work, we describe the synthesis and infrared light reflecting characteristics of $TiO_2$/mica hybrid composites. $TiO_2$/mica composite materials were obtained by the hydrolysis and condensation reaction of titanium isopropoxide in an aqueous solution of acetic acid in the presence of mica particles. Amorphous phase of $TiO_2$ on the surface of mica was converted to the crystalline rutile phase via anatase phase by heat treatment ($600-1000^{\circ}C$, 1-3 h) of $TiO_2$/mica composite materials, and the size of crystals was controlled by heat treatment conditions. Physicochemical properties of mica and $TiO_2$/mica composites were investigated using FE-SEM, ED-XRF, and PXRD. The solar reflectance of $TiO_2$/mica composites in the near IR region (780~2,500 nm) measured using a diffuse reflectance NIR spectrophotometer was 88.6%, which is rather higher than that of calcined pure mica (86.6%). Therefore, $TiO_2$/mica composites can be used as NIR light reflective pigments.

Preparation of Fe2O3 Coated on Mica for Infrared Reflectance Red Pigment and Thermal Property of Its Isolation-Heat Paint (Fe2O3가 코팅된 판상 mica의 적외선 반사용 적색안료 제조 및 차열도료의 열특성)

  • Lee, Hyun Jin;Kim, Dae Sung;Lee, Seung-Ho;Lim, Hyung Mi;Choi, Byung-Ki;Kang, Kwang-Jung;Jeong, Jae Il;Cho, Kum-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2015
  • $Fe_2O_3$ coated plate mica($Fe_2O_3$/mica) for infrared reflectance red pigment was prepared under hydrothermal treatment. $Fe_2O_3$ was perfectly coated on mica via the difference of surface charge between $Fe_2O_3$ and mica particles at pH 3. $Fe_2O_3$/mica was then calcined at $800^{\circ}C$ to stabilize the coated layer on mica. The infrared(IR) reflectance pigments were characterized by X-ray diffraction, FE-SEM, zeta potential, and a UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer. In particular, the CIE color coordinate and IR reflectance properties of $Fe_2O_3$/mica pigments were investigated in relation to the thickness variation of the $Fe_2O_3$ layer coated on mica of various lateral sizes. The isolation-heat red paints containing the pigments were prepared and optimized with a thinner, settling agent, and dispersant. Then, the films were made. The thermal property of isolation-heat on these films was observed through the relationship of the IR reflectance value, which was based on the variation of the $Fe_2O_3$ layer's thickness coated on mica and mica's lateral size as IR reflectance pigment. With an increase in IR reflectance on these films, the thermal property of isolation-heat was effectively enhanced.

Preparation of Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 Coated on Mica or TiO2/Mica for Infrared Reflective Blue Pigments and Isolation-heat Properties of These Paints (Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3가 코팅된 Mica 또는 TiO2/Mica 적외선 반사용 청색안료 제조 및 이 도료의 차열 특성 평가)

  • Jung, Ha-Young;Kim, Dae Sung;Lee, Hyun-Jin;Lee, Seung-Ho;Lim, Hyung Mi;Choi, Byung-Ki;Kang, Kwang-Jung;Choi, Jin-Sub
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.672-679
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    • 2013
  • $Fe_4[Fe(CN)_6]_3$ coated on a mica or $TiO_2$/mica surface as infrared reflective blue pigment was prepared by a hydrothermal method. $Fe_4[Fe(CN)_6]_3$, used as coloring agent, was uniformly coated on mica or $TiO_2$/mica under the optimized condition of a 1.2 : 1 weight ratio between iron(III) chloride hexahydrate and potassium ferrocyanidetrihydrate at the initial pH level of 4.5 at $70^{\circ}C$. The infrared (IR)-reflective pigments were characterized by SEM, Zeta-potenial, FT-IR, and UV-VIS NIR spectrophotometry. Especially the CIE color coordinate and total solar reflectance(TSR) properties of the pigments were investigated in relation to variation of the coating and coated substrate thicknesses. Isolation-heat paint was prepared with 20 wt% blue pigments fully dispersed in acryl-urethane resin and several additives to coat the film uniformly. The films were also measured with CIE color coordinate, TSR, and the surface temperature was recorded by an isolation-heat measuring system. The pigments and films of $Fe_4[Fe(CN)_6]_3$ coated on mica and $TiO_2$/mica showed high TSR values compared with the TSR value of $Fe_4[Fe(CN)_6]_3$ itself. According to the increase of TSR value, the property of isolation-heat is effective. To realize the optimal blue color, we applied the the pigment to $TiO_2$ coated mica(TM(b)) which has blueish interference color. The pigment of $Fe_4[Fe(CN)_6]_3$ coated on TM(b) shows a strong blue color compared with that of $Fe_4[Fe(CN)_6]_3$ coated on $TiO_2$/Mmca(TM(w)), which has a whitish interference color.