• Title/Summary/Keyword: 집단 선별 검사

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Study on MMPI-2 Profile of Adults with Internet Addiction (성인 인터넷 중독위험군의 MMPI-2 프로파일 연구)

  • Seo, Bo-Kyung;Lee, Seong-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated the clinical characteristics of the Internet addiction risk group using MMPI-2 and discussed whether the MMPI-2 can be used for diagnosis, evaluation and intervention of the Internet addiction risk group. We verified the difference in the MMPI-2 scales between the addiction-risk group and the general user group, and verified whether the substance-related scales MAC-R, AAP, and AAS scales can distinguish between Internet addiction risk group and general users. The results of the analysis of the MMPI-2 characteristics of 39 Internet addiction risk group and 21 general user group who visited internet addiction counseling center showed significant difference in the D, Pa, Pt, Sc, and Si scales on the clinical scale. There was no difference in the MAC-R, AAS, and APS scales between the Internet addiction group and the general user group. This suggests, that it is not possible to screen the Internet addiction risk group with the supplementary measure, and it is necessary to develop a new scale to diagnose internet addiction.

The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Exhaled Carbon Monoxide and Cardiorespiratory Function of Female College Students who Participated in Nonsmoking (유산소운동이 금연에 참여한 여자대학생의 호기 일산화탄소 및 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seung-Suk
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of aerobic exercise through convergence on exhaled carbon monoxide and cardiorespiratory function of female college students who participated in nonsmoking. The subjects were female college students from University D in Metropolitan City D, and those who started smoking 2 years ago and who do not engage in regular physical activities were first selected, and a total of 18 people who indicated their intention to participate in the experiment were selected to receive a pledge of nonsmoking and consent to the experiment. The selected subjects were classified into 9 people in the exercise group and 9 in the control group by wireless assignment, and individual exercise intensity was set through the maximum exercise load test to establish an accurate exercise program. Individual exercise intensity is set to 50%HRmax for 1-3 weeks, 60%HRmax for 4-6 weeks, 70%HRmax for 7-9 weeks. In order to apply the correct exercise intensity during exercise, a Polar heart rate monitor was used for control and the following results were obtained. First, the change in carbon monoxide decreased by three levels from 21.17±3.67ppm (Red 2 16-25ppm, habitual smokers) before participation in the exercise group that participated in aerobic exercise for 9 weeks to 1.36±0.76ppm (Green, 0-6ppm, non-smokers) after participation, and the control group also showed the same effect from 22.35±2.08ppm (Red 2 16-25ppm, habitual smokers) to 2.81±0.51ppm (Green, 0-6ppm, non-smokers). Second, the change in cardiorespiratory function showed a significant increase in all of the maximum oxygen intake, maximum heart rate, and maximum ventilation in the exercise group who participated in aerobic exercise for 9 weeks, but there was no significant change in the control group. Therefore, aerobic exercise showed the effect of improving the cardiorespiratory function by releasing carbon monoxide and supplying sufficient oxygen to various organs.

Development of Art Therapy Programs for Youth at Risk of Suicide (자살 위험군 청소년을 위한 미술치료 프로그램의 개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Ran;Kim, Hee-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.543-552
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of a recently developed and applied art therapy program. The subjects of the study were twenty-two students at two middle schools in Busan, Korea. Before conducting the study, the parents' agreement was sought, after which the study program was explained to the participating students in private interviews. The twenty-two students were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group, with eleven students in each group. Ten sessions of ninety minutes each, twice a week, were conducted for the experimental group. The verification of the effectiveness was done through pre, post, and follow-up examinations. The results of the data analysis are as follows. First, the art therapy program appeared to help reduce suicidal thoughts among those who had them. Second, the art therapy program reduced the depression of adolescents in the study. Third, the art therapy program improved the self-esteem of the study's subjects. In addition, a follow-up examination showed that the effects of the program appear to last. This paper offers proposals for interventions in the suicidal thoughts of adolescents and the practical implication of the interventions and future research paths.

Acoustic screening test for laryngeal cancer (음성을 이용한 후두암의 집단선별검사)

  • 박헌수
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2001
  • Background and Objectives: Total laryngectomy is often required for advanced cases. But this operation induced the many inconvenience of basic daily life. Early diagnosis of laryngeal cancer is very important to prevent from this disastrous condition. In this point of view, mass screening test for early detection of laryngeal cancer is necessary. Screening test using voice has many advantages such as simple, less interventional. Voice collection by Automatic Response System(ARS) is comfortable and easy to got acoustic sample. Thus author tried to got the acoustic parameters which can differentiate normal, benign. and malignant laryngeal diseases and also checked the availability of parameters on neural network system. Materials and Methods: Author has evaluated the voice from 17 laryngeal cancer patients and 45 benign laryngeal disease patients who visited at Department of Otolaryngology, Pusan National University Hospital from May 1998 to April 2001, and 15 normal control. Author chose the sir Parameters (Jitt. vFo, Shim, vAm, NHR, SPI) that was thought to be related with voice collected by ARS among thirty-three parameters analysed by a Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP). Two-step neural network was used for the availability of six parameters. Results: The detection rate of normal voice by ARS voice analysis is 78.5% and detection rate of abnormal voice was 97.1 o/o. Among abnormal voice, the detection rate of benign laryngeal diseases and laryngeal cancers were 82.4 o/o, 70.6% respectively. Conclusion: Author concluded that six parameters and Matlab based neural network software may be effective in development of acoustic screening system for laryngeal cancer and further study should be necessary for development of new acoustic parameters.

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The Relationship Between Serum Prostate Specific Antigen and Prostate Volume of Measured by Transrectal Ultrasonography (혈청 전립선특이항원과 경직장초음파로 측정된 전립선 용적과의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Mi-Young
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.239-243
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    • 2010
  • Even though clinical use DRE, PSA and TRUS for screening while diagnosing prostate cancer early, however, we cannot achieve to diagnose it accurately by one method. Thus, mutual supplements are strongly required in diagnosis. It means that we should identify relationship between prostate volume and serum PSA under different ages for better diagnosis. The subjects(405 men) visited the department of diagnostic radiology in a general university hospital from January 2008 to December 2008, who was going to take the prostatic evaluation by TRUS. 13 men, who did definite diagnosis of prostate cancer before through biopsy, were excluded in this study. All data were expressed as mean and standard deviations by using SPSS 14.0 package programs and were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA to evaluate the effect of different ages. And Scheffe Post hoc comparison is accomplished in order to make significant difference in prostate volume, PSA and PSAD according to ages. Pearson correlation was used for ages, prostate volume, PSA and PSAD. According to examination, the subjects' prostate volume and serum PSA level increase as person's age. We can see significant difference between group over 70 years and group from 40 and 50 years. Moreover, age, prostate volume and serum PSA have significant positive correlation. Even though we can get variations in serum PSA level by changing prostate volume according to ages, it is worthwhile to mention that more strong association for prostate volume is observed than ages in elevation of serum PSA. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consider prostate volume weightly when it comes to evaluate for men with elevated PSA level. Finally, TRUS is an excellent extra equipment to diagnose prostate cancer because it can contribute to early diagnose and pertinent treatment of prostate cancer.

Study of Construct Validity and Test-Retest Reliability of the Korean Version Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-Second Edition (PDMS-2) (한글판 Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-second edition (PDMS-2)의 구성타당도와 검사-재검사 신뢰도)

  • Kim, Bo-Ram;Kim, Kyeong-Mi;Chang, Moon-Young;Hong, Eunkyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.32-43
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to verify the construct validity of the Korean version of the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-2 (K-PDMS-2) and its test-retest reliability for children with cerebral palsy (CP) and typical children. Method : To ascertain the construct validity, the K-PDMS-2 evaluation was conducted on 42 children with cerebral palsy and 42 typical children of similar age and gender. Construct validity was proved through comparison with standard scores. Ten of the children with CP were re-evaluated after two weeks to determine test-retest reliability. Results : There was a statistically significant difference in gross motor and fine motor development according to five subtests between the group of children with CP and the typical group (p = .000). For test-retest reliability, the correlation coefficient of the total frequency score was .989, representing very high temporal stability. Conclusion : This study confirmed that K-PDMS-2 is an evaluation tool of high reliability and validity, and a potentially useful future measure for domestic clinical sites and research.

Effects of Using Convergence Horseback Riding Program on the Emotion·Behavior Development, Anxiety, Depression and ADHD in Adolescent (융복합을 활용한 승마운동 프로그램이 청소년의 정서·행동 발달, 불안, 우울 및 ADHD에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Yun-Jae;Jang, Hong-Young;Kim, Jong-Hyuck
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted of students in their youth, who were having behavioral and emotional problems, anxiety, depression, and ADHD in their school. The participants took part in equestrian sports programs(equestrian program and apparatus program) twice a week, for 60 minutes each. To make progress in the study, mainly 4 scales are used as the standards of preliminary and post inspections : emotional and behavioral development scale, anxiety scale, depression scale, and ADHD scale. After conducting two-way ANOVA analysis, the conclusion was made as follows. The equestrian sports and horse riding exercise program which were used in this study did had an positive effect on emotional and behavioral scale, depression scale, anxiety scale, and ADHD scale. Moreover, it is determined that the equestrian sports had more positive effects than the equestrian sports which used apparatus. However, to precisely compare and contrast the effects of equestrian sports programs and apparatus programs, the follow-up studies need to limit the control group.

Recent Advances in Cancer Diagnosis: On an Overview of Diagnostic Cytopathologic Modalities and Ancillary Techniques (세포병리학적 기초에 의한 암진단의 발전: 진단방법과 보조기법)

  • Kim, Ki-Tai;Ham, Eui-Keun
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1996
  • From the concepts of cellular pathology and of exfoliative cytology, as elucidated by Virchow and Papanicolaou respectively in the late 19th and early 20th century, have evolved the primary methods for the diagnosis of cancer today. From Papanicolaou's concept of exfoliative cytology developed fine needle aspiration biopsy in the early 1960's, this has become a major diagnostic procedure and has contributed to a significant reduction in open biopsies and, therefore, to medical cost-effectiveness immunobiochemical techniques provided us with a supplement to cancer diagnosis in the 1980's. The immunoperoxidase method, using monoclonal antibodies, is applied primarily as an ancillary measure to elucidate the nature of cancers The availability of specific monoclonal antibodies has greatly facilitated the identification of cell products or surface markers. For example, antibodies directed against intermediate filaments have proved to be of value in determining the histogenesis oi poorly differentiated neoplasms. Tumor markers may serve as biochemical indicators of the presence of a neoplasm. They can be detected In plasma and other body fluids. Their concentration can be applied as a diagnostic test, for monitoring the clinical course of known cancer, and as a screening measure to detect certain cancers in a population at risk. Flow cytometry is a useful tool for distinguishing several cell characteristics, such as the immunophenotype of leukemia-lymphoma cells, the DNA content of neoplastic cells, and cell proliferation rate. Molecular biologic techniques provided a giant step for the management of cancer patients encompassing diagnosis, prognostic evaluation, and therapy. Nucleic acid hybridization techniques are utilized as Southern, Northern, and dot blots and in situ hybridization. Molecular biology and its techniques may bring a blight new horizon for understanding cancer biology and in designing therapy on the basis of gene manipulation.

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Relationship Between Vergence Facility and Fusional Vergence (버전스용이와 융합버전스의 관계)

  • Shin, Hoy-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: There is uncertainty if the vergence facility would provide clinically significant supplementary information to the fusional vergence measurements. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between vergence facility and fusional vergence in a group of symptomatic subjects. Methods: A total of 114 symptomatic subjects aged 9 to 13 years, who passed the vision screening test, participated in this study. Vergence facility was measured with 8$\Delta$ BI/8$\Delta$ BO flipper lenses and a suppression control target, the 20/30 letter line on Vectogram 9 (Bernell, USA). Near fusional vergence was measured with a single 20/30 vertical line target by Von Graefe technique. In order to avoid excessive convergence stimulation, negative fusional vergence (NFV) range (blur, break and recovery) was measured followed by positive fusional vergence (PFV) ranges (blur, break and recovery). Results: Pearson correlations were calculated and showed no correlations between vergence facility and any of fusional vergence measurements (p>0.05). Also, there were no significant differences of vergence facility measurements on the compensating vergence that passed or failed Sheard and Morgan's criterion for comfortable vision (p>0.05). Conclusions: There was no correlation between vergence facility and fusional vergence among symptomatic subjects. Hence, both vergence facility and fusional vergence should be assessed for those with binocular dysfunction in order to make an accurate diagnosis and management plan.

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Comparing the Change in SUVmax Over Time by the Type of Ductal Breast Carcinoma (유방암 환자 중 유관에서 발병되는 암의 종류(IDC와 DCIS)별 시간경과에 따른 SUVmax 변화에 대한 비교)

  • Hyoung, Mi-Jin;Kim, Jeong Nip;Moon, Pyeong Soo;Kim, Kil Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.140-144
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The recent surge in breast carcinoma patients is reported in a variety of statistics. Breast cancer occurs mainly from duct and lobulus: 85% is from the breast ducts. The present study is aimed to distinguish the difference in $SUV_{max}$ changing over time by identifying the type of cancers attacking from the duct. Materials and Methods: The subjects of the study are 291 female breast cancer patients who have visited the present PET/CT center from July 1, 2012 to July 23, 2013. Based on the pathological results, 248 IDC (invasive ductal carcinoma) patients and 43 DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) patients were selected. In the same manner as the general PET/CT scan (3.7 MBq/Kg), F-FDG was injected, followed by the primary test (Routine tests) after 1 hr, and the secondary test (Delay test) after another hr. $SUV_{max}$ was measured after setting ROI in the lesion based on the data from the two tests. Results: As the comparative result of the change in the lesion $SUV_{max}$ between the two groups, IDC group's $SUV_{max}$ showed M=7.11 and SD=5.405 in the primary test and increased M=7.11 and SD=5.405 in the secondary test (P<0.05); DCIS group's $SUV_{max}$ showed M=2.739, SD=1.229 in the primary test and increased M=2.614, SD=1.470 in the secondary test (P<0.05). Conclusion: As the comparative result of $SUV_{max}$ over time between the groups, IDC showed increased $SUV_{max}$ in the secondary test (Delay test) compared to the primary test (Routine test) (P=0.000); DCIS showed decreased $SUV_{max}$ in the secondary test (Delay test) compared to the primary test (Routine test) (P=0.039). It was confirmed through this study that the change in $SUV_{max}$ has occurred over time by the type of breast cancer (IDC or DCIS) occurring from the breast ducts. However, the onset of breast cancers (ILC, LCIS) from the lobulus was not discussed due to the lack of samples. Future research on the breast cancers from the lobulus is suggested.

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