• Title/Summary/Keyword: 질산납

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Recovery of Sn, Cu, Pb and HNO3 from the spent solder stripping solutions (폐솔더 박리액에서 주석, 구리, 납 및 질산의 회수)

  • An, Jae-U;Ryu, Seung-Hyeong;Kim, Tae-Yeong;Gang, Myeong-Sik;An, Nak-Gyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.89-90
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    • 2014
  • 인쇄회로기판 패턴도금 박리공정 중 발생하는 폐솔더 박리액은 주석, 구리, 철, 납 등 유가금속이 함유된 질산계 폐액이다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 폐솔더 박리액에서 질산과 유가금속을 체계적으로 회수하는 기술을 개발하고자 하였다. 먼저 폐액을 $80^{\circ}C$에서 3시간 정도 반응시켜 주석을 $SnO_2$ 상태로 90% 이상 회수가 가능하였다. 주석이 회수되고 구리, 철, 납만이 존재하는 질산계 폐솔더 박리액에서 확산투석을 이용하여 질산을 94% 이상 회수가 가능하였고 회수된 질산의 농도는 5.1 N 이었다. 질산을 추출한 폐액에서 침전제로 옥살산(Oxalic acid)을 사용하여 구리를 구리옥살레이트 상태로 침전시켜 타금속이온과 선택적으로 분리하였다. 마지막으로 폐액 중 용해되어있는 납을 $65^{\circ}C$이상에서 철 스크랩을 이용한 세멘테이션을 통하여 회수하였다.

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Study on therapeutic application of toxicity of Uranylnitrate in rats (천연 우라늄 독성에 관한 치료 연구)

  • Ryu, Yong-Wun;Lee, Jhin-Oh;Yun, Taik-Koo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 1987
  • The present study has determined BUN, createinine, c-AMP and $PGE_2$ activities as a clinical signs of radiation toxicity caused by uranylnitrate in rats. The significant increasing of $PGE_2$ concentration in plasma between the administration of uranylnitrate and lead nitrate were shown radiotoxic in nature on the effect of radiation energy. The reduction of PGE activities in plasma in uranylnitrate treated rats after furosemide, aldosterone and glucagone I.P. administration have observed the stimulating effect of uranium excretion into cells.

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Gold Recovery from Geumsan Concentrate Using Microwave-nitric Acid Leaching and Lead-fire Assay (마이크로웨이브-질산용출과 납-시금법을 이용한 금산정광으로부터 금 회수)

  • Lee, Jong-Ju;On, Hyun-Sung;Park, Cheon-Young
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to effectively dissolve sulfide minerals through microwave-nitric acid leaching of invisible gold concentrate and then recover gold from the solid-residue with fire assay. For the purposes, this study conducted microwave-nitric acid leaching experiments to examine nitric acid concentration, time of microwave leaching, and sample addition effect. As results of the experiments, this study discovered that the weight loss rate of solid-residue increased as nitric acid concentration and microwave leaching time increased while weight loss rate decreased as sample addition increased. In an XRD analysis with solid-residue, it was discovered that pyrite completely disappeared when the nitric acid concentrate was 6 M and the microwave leaching time was 18 minutes. When a fire assay was carried out with solid-residue, gold particles with more content were recovered as nitric acid concentration and microwave leaching time increased whereas gold particles with more gold content were recovered as the sample addition decreased.

PhaseTransformation of PbO-Precursor Prepared from Lead Nitrate (질산납으로부터 제조된 PbO-전구체의 산변태)

  • Choe, Byeong-Cheol;Lee, Mun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.472-476
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    • 1994
  • Phase transformation of PbO-precursor prepared from $Pb(NO_{3})_{2}$ by precipitation technique was observed by TG-DTA, XRD, FT-IR, and Raman spectral analysis. PbO-precursor was derived from an aqueous solution of $Pb(NO_{3})_{2}$ at $45^{\circ}C$ and pH of 9.0. The precipitate showed it to be the mixture of hydrous lead oxynitrate and lead hydroxynitrate. With increasing heat-treatment temperature ranging up to $560^{\circ}C$, the precursor changed to $3Pb(NO_{3})_{2}$ . 7Pb0, $Pb(NO_{3})_{2}$. 5Pb0 and PbO(litharge), in turn. Finally, it transformed to massicot form of PbO above $560^{\circ}C$.

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Preparation of Purified Lead Nitrate from Lead Sulfate Generated from the Lead-acid Battery Smelter as By-products (재생연 제련 부산물인 황산연으로부터 정제 질산연의 제조)

  • Lee, Jin-Young;Han, Choon;Shin, Joong-Kuk;Kim, Saung-Gyu;Lee, Hwa-Young;Oh, Jong-Kee
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 1998
  • Hydrometallugical process was developed to produce the purified lead nitrate from lead dust mainly composed of lead s sulfate generated from lead-acid battery smelter as by-product. This process consisLed of carbonation process with carbonate s salts, leaching and purification processes. FmaJJy crude lead nitrate purified to produce high-purity product with over 99% Pb $(NO_3)_2$.

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The Effective Recovery of Gold from the Invisible Gold Concentrate Using Microwave-nitric Acid Leaching Method (마이크로웨이브-질산침출방법에 의한 비가시성 금의 회수율 향상)

  • Lee, Jong-Ju;Myung, Eun-Ji;Park, Cheon-Young
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.185-200
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to liberate gold from invisible gold concentrate (Au = 1,840.00 g/t) through microwave nitric acid leaching experiments. For the purpose, this study conducted microwave-nitric acid leaching experiments and examined nitric acid concentration effect, microwave leaching time effect and sample addition effect. The results of the experiments were as follows: Au (gold) contents were not detected in all of the microwave leaching conditions. In the insoluble-residue, weight loss rate tended to decrease as the nitric acid concentration, microwave leaching time and sample addition increased. In an XRD analysis with solid-residue, it was suggested that gypsum and anglesite were formed due to dissolution of calcite and galena by nitric acid solution. When a fire assay was carried out with insoluble-residue, it was discovered that gold contents of the solid-residue were 1.3 (Au = 2,464.70 g/t) and 28.8 (52,952.80 g/t) times more than those of concentrate. But in the gold contents recovered, a severe gold nugget effect appeared. It is expected that the gold nugget effect will decrease if a sampling method of concentrate is improved in the microwave-nitric acid leaching experiments and filtering paper with smaller pore size is used for leaching solution and burned filter paper is used for sampling in lead-fire assay.

Crystallization of Coprecipitates Prepared from Lead Nitrate and Titanium Tetrachloride (질산납과 사염화티탄으로부터 제조된 공침물의 결정화)

  • Choe, Byeong-Cheol;Lee, Mun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.541-549
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    • 1994
  • The crystallization behavior and structural change of amorphous $PbTiO_{3}$ precursors prepared by coprecipitation method were investigated by XRD, Raman spectra, TEM, and RDF. The precursors were prepared at $45^{\circ}C$ and pH of 9 from a mixed solution of lead nitrate and titanium tetrachloride derived using $H_2O_2$ or $NH_4NO_3$ as an ion stabilizer. The activation energy and temperature for crystallization of the coprecipitate prepared using $NH_4NO_3$ as an ion stabilizer were lower than that derived from the solution containing $H_2O_2$ stabilizer. The amorphous coprecipitate transformed to transient phase and then to crystalline $PbTiO_{3}$. Average interatomic distances of amorphous states decreased with increasing heat-treatment temperature.

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A Study on the Recovery of Nitric Acid from Spent Nitric Etching Solutions by Solvent Extraction (질산 Etching 폐액으로부터 용매추출법에 의한 질산의 회수에 관한 연구)

  • 안재우
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 1998
  • A study has been on the recovery of nitric acid and valuable metals such as Fe, Cu, Sn, Pb, from spent nitric etching solutions. The effects of extractant of extractant type, concentrations, phase raios and selectivity from Fe, Cu, Sn, Pb on nitric acid extraction were studied. The results showed that TBP as an extractant for recovering of nitric acid was more effective than Alamine336, and the optimal concentration of TBP was found to be 60~70% of organic phase. Also, the nitric acid were only extracted by TBP from the spent etching solutions and the heavy metals such as Fe, Cu, Sn, Pb were not extracted above 0.1N nitric acid in spent etching solutions, From the analysis of McCabe-Thiele diagram, the extraction of 95% nitric acid is attained at a ratio of O/A=3 with five stages by 60% TBP and the stripping of 98% nitric acid from 80 g/l nitric acid in organic phase is attained at a ratio of O/A=1 with four stages by distilled water.

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Nitric acid leaching of electronic scraps and the removal of free nitric acid from the leaching solution for the recovery of copper and tin. (전자(電子)스크랩에서 구리 및 주석의 회수(回收)를 위한 질산(窒酸) 침출(浸出) 및 침출액(浸出液)에서 유리질산(遊離窒酸) 제거(除去) 연구(硏究))

  • Ahn, Jae-Woo;Seo, Jae-Seong
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2009
  • Fundamental study has been made on the recovery of copper from the electronic scrap by hydrometallurgical process. Nitric acid was used as a leaching agent to dissolve the metals such as Cu, Sn, Pb, Fe etc. from the crushed electronic scraps. TBP was employed to extract nitric acid from the strong nitric acid leaching solutions and to reclaim nitric acid. From the experimental results, Cu was effectively leached by 3.0-4.0 M nitric acid. And 95% of nitric acid in the leaching solution was extracted by 60% TBP, and 98% of nitric acid was stripped from the loaded organic phase by distilled water and it was possible to reuse as a leaching agent.

Changes of Lead Content during Warm Storage of Canned Coffee Drinks (캔 커피의 온장 시 납 함량의 변화)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ju;Lee, Mi-Gyung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.228-230
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we investigated the change in lead content of canned coffee drinks while kept for 16 weeks in an incubator adjusted to $65^{\circ}C$. Our research aim was to ensure the safety of canned coffee purchased from vending machine and stores. The lead analysis were conducted by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after wet digestion using concentrated nitric acid. The results showed that the lead contents of all examined samples were very low at a level of not detected to 0.033 mg/L, and below 2 mg/kg, the Korean regulatory limit for the commodity. Also, no increase in lead content was observed over the elapsed time. Therefore, it appears that lead is not a hazard and need not be a concern in drinking canned coffee.