• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진폭분포

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The Influence of the Shift of Incident Beam on the MTF (입사광의 편위가 MTF 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Seong-Jong
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we investigate the MTF in image plane using the shifted magnitude, the shifted direction, and the astigmatism as the real amplitude distribution of incident beam in an optical system is shifted. The shifted magnitudes of incident beam are 0.0, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 and the shifted directions of incident beam are 0 and ${\pi}/2$. We also consider the optical system having the astigmatism which are $0.0{\lambda}$, $0.25{\lambda}$, $0.5{\lambda}$, and $0.75{\lambda}$. As the shifted magnitude of the real amplitude distribution of incident beam increases, the MTFs of sagittal and tangential direction in an optical system having an aberration free decrease, but that in an optical system having the astigmatism which is $0.75{\lambda}$ and the shifted direction of incident beam which is ${\pi}/2$ increases. We know from these results that the shift of the real amplitude distribution of the incident beam in an optical system compensates the effect of astigmatism as the shifted direction of that in an optical system is ${\pi}/2$, and Stiles-Crawford effect having the shifted real amplitude distribution of incident beam in pupil area is minimized the effect of astigmatism for eye.

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Velocity Bias of Laser Doppler Velocimeter (레이저 도플러 속도계의 속도편의)

  • 이도환;성형진
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 1994
  • 이글은 LDV의 단일실현형 데이터로부터 얻어지는 여러 통계치의 정확한 추정을 위해 기존에 발표된 논문들을 정리함으로써 난류유동장에 대한 실험에서 정밀한 실험값을 얻고자 하는데 목 적을 두었다. LDV로부터 얻어지는 데이터열로부터 추정되는 통계값은 머리말에서 언급되었듯이 다른 여러 가지 편의들에 의해서도 영향을 받는다. 또한 속도 편의의 존재여부에 대해 실험을 근거로 한 논란은 계속되어 왔는데 이는 가우시안 형태의 레이저 빔이 갖는 강도분포에 의해 나타난다고 알려져 있다. 즉, 측정체적을 지나는 산란입자에 대한 광감지기에서 검출되는 산란 광전자는 속도편의와 상반되는 효과를 나타내며 이를 진폭편의(amplitude biss)라 한다. 이 속 도편의와 진폭편의의 상대적인 양은 실험자가 입자 도착 시간간격에 대한 확률분포함수 등을 사용해서 결정해야 한다. 결론적으로 산란입자에 의한 여러 가지 통계 추정량의 편의오차를 줄 이기 위해서는 제편의문제에 대한 이해와 실험치를 바탕으로 한 실험연구인들의 적절한 판단이 필수적이다.

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AVO analysis using crossplot and amplitude polynomial methods for characterisation of hydrocarbon reservoirs (탄화수소 부존구조 평가를 위한 교차출력과 진폭다항식을 이용한 AVO 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Kim, Won-Ki;Ha, Hee-Sang;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 2011
  • AVO analysis was conducted on hydrocarbon-bearing structures by applying the crossplot and offset-coordinate amplitude polynomial techniques. To evaluate the applicability of the AVO analysis, it was conducted on synthetic data that were generated with an anticline model, and field data from the hydrocarbon-bearing Colony Sand bed in Canada. Analysis of synthetic data from the anticline model demonstrates that the crossplot method yields zero-offset reflection amplitude and amplitude variation with negative values for the upper interface of the hydrocarbon-bearing layer. The crossplot values are clustered in the third quadrant. The results of AVO analysis based on the coefficients of the amplitude polynomial are similar to those from the crossplots. These well correlated results of AVO analysis on field and synthetic data suggest that both methods successfully investigate the characteristics of the reflections from the upper interface of a hydrocarbon-bearing layer. Analysis based on the incident-angle equation facilitates the application of various interpretation methods. However, it requires the conversion of seismic data to an incident angle gather. By contrast, analysis using coefficients of the amplitude polynomial is cost-effective because it allows examining amplitude variation with offset without involving the conversion process. However, it warrants further investigation into versatile application. The two different techniques can be complement each other effectively as AVO-analysis tools for the detection of hydrocarbon reservoirs.

The Identification of Digitally Modulated Signal Formats using a Self-Organized Neural Network (자율조직 신경망을 이용한 디지털 변조형식 식별)

  • 김진구;홍의석
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.1894-1899
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, a new identification method is proposed for unknown digitally modulated input signals. The proposed identification method is implemented using a self-organized neural network which is based on the characteristic features of the symbol magnitude; the number of symbol magnitude levels, amplitude probability density and adjacent symbol magnitude ratio. The proposed method was performed for 5 QAM signals. The simulation results show that the self-organized neural network can accurately recognize all kinds of patterns even at SNR 8dB. The proposed method can be applied to the intelligent communication system on ISDN and multi-point polling networks.

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Evaluation of Fracture Behavior of High Tension Steel by AE Amplitude Distribution (AE 진폭분포를 이용한 고장력강의 파괴특성평가)

  • Seo, Jeong-Won;Seok, Chang-Seong;Kim, Yeong-Jin;Park, Ji-U
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5 s.98
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 1999
  • Acoustic emission(AE) measurement was carried out to evaluate the fracture behavior of high tension steel. Fracture toughness $K_{AE}$ could be determined reasonably by using the load value corresponding to an abrupt change of the accumulated AE counts AE emitted from the test specimens. AE characteristics of the base metal, the weld metal and the heat-affected zone could be distinguished using a constant value b which represented the AE amplitude distribution, Consequently the structure integrity can be evaluated by variation of the constant b at the load level. In addition it was found that AE signals due to crack growth have high amplitude but low rise time and duration.

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Variations of the Diurnal Tides around Jeju-Do (제주도(濟州島) 주변 일주호(日週湖)의 변화)

  • Lee, Sang Ho;Kim, Kuh
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 1988
  • Analyzing short-term records of sea level data, we show that the amplitudes of diurnal tides along the southern coast of Jeju-Do are significantly larger than those along its northern coast. The amplitude-phase diagrams of $K_1$ and $O_1$ look very similar to that of $M_2$ shown by Kim and Lee (1986), indicating characteristics of the scattering of long waves by Jeju-Do.

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Design of a New 3-D 16-ary Signal Constellation with Constant Envelope (상진폭 특성을 가지는 새로운 3차원 16진 신호성상도의 설계)

  • Choe, Chae-Cheol;Kang, Seog-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.2149-2156
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, design of a new 3-dimensional (3-D) 16-ary signal constellation with constant envelope is presented and analyzed. Unlike the conventional 16-ary constellations, all signal points of the new constellation are uniformly located on the surface of a sphere so that they have a unique amplitude level and a symmetrical structure. When average power of the constellations is normalized, the presented 16-ary constellation has around 11.4% increased minimum Euclidean distance (MED) as compared to the conventional ones that have non-constant envelope. As a result, a digital communication system which exploits the presented constellation has 1.2dB improved symbol error rate (SER). While signal points of the conventional constant-envelope constellation are not distributed uniformly on the surface of a sphere, those of the proposed constellation has a completely symmetric distribution. In addition, the new signal constellation has much lower computational complexity for practical implementation than the conventional one. Hence, the proposed 3-D 16-ary signal constellation is appropriate for the application to a communication system which strongly requires a constant-envelope characteristic.

The Influence of Cental Obstruction and Gaussian Factor on the Central Spot Distribution and the Encircled Energy (굉학계의 중앙 차폐와 가우시안 인자가 중심 Spot 분포와 Encircled Energy에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Seong-Jong;Sim, Sang-Hyun;Chung, Chang-Sub
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2005
  • We investigate the distribution of central spot and the encircled energy in order to assess the performance of central obstructed optical system having central obstruction, when the central obstruction and the degree of truncated Gaussian amplitude of incident beam change. When the radius of central obstruction increases the radius of central spot on the image plane decreases, and when the degree of truncated Gaussian amplitude of incident beam increases the radius of central spot on the image plane increases. As the central obstruction and the degree of truncated Gaussian amplitude of incident beam increase, the depth of focus increases and the encircled energy of central spot decreases. We know from theses results that the effect of Gaussian factor is small as the central obstruction increases. These results was applied to develope the large optical reflection system.

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A Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth under Constant-Amplitude Loads (일정진폭하중하의 피로균열전파의 통계적 특성)

  • Jeong, Hyeon-Cheol;Lim, Young-Kyu;Kim, Seon-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a statistical analysis of fatigue crack growth behavior under constant amplitude loads has been carried out. Fatigue crack growth tests were conducted on sixteen pre-cracked compact tension (CT) specimens of the pressure vessel (SPV50) steel in controlled identical load and environmental conditions. The assessment of the statistical distribution of fatigue crack growth experimental data obtained from SPV50 steel was studied and also the correlation of the parameter C and m in the Paris-Erdogan law was discussed. The probability distribution function of fatigue crack growth life seems to follow the 3-parameter Weibull. The fatigue crack growth rate seems to follow the 3-parameter Weibull and the log-normal distribution. The coefficient of variation (COV) of fatigue crack growth life was observed to decrease as the crack grows. A strong negative linear correlation exists between the coefficient C and the exponent m in Paris model. Fatigue crack growth rate data shows a normal distribution for both m and logC.

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Probabilistic Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior under Constant Amplitude Loads (일정진폭하중하의 확률론적 피로균열전파거동)

  • Jeong, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Seon-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.923-929
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, an analysis of fatigue crack growth behavior from a statistical point of view has been carried out. Fatigue crack growth tests were conducted on sixteen pre-cracked compact tension (CT) specimens of the pressure vessel (SPV50) steel in controlled identical load and environmental conditions. The assessment of the statistical distribution of fatigue crack growth experimental data obtained from SPV50 steel was studied and also the correlation of the parameter C and m in the Paris-Erdogan law was discussed. The probability distribution function of fatigue crack growth life seems to follow the 3-parameter Weibull. The fatigue crack growth rate seems to follow the 3-parameter Weibull and the log-normal distribution. The coefficient of variation (COV) of fatigue crack growth life was observed to decrease as the crack grows. Fatigue crack growth rate data shows a normal distribution for both m and logC. A strong negative linear correlation exists between the coefficient C and the exponent m.