• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진료 형태

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A Development on Android App. for Oriental Medical Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders (근골격계 질환에 대한 한방 관리 안드로이드 앱 개발)

  • Lee, Min-Ho;Lee, Je-Yul;Hyun, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Nam-Kwon;Yang, Dongmin-Min
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.323-326
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    • 2014
  • IT 기술의 발전으로 'U-Health'를 기반으로 하는 건강관리 앱의 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 'U-Health'는 무선 인터넷 기술을 이용하여 질병의 예방과 치료를 위한 원격진료 서비스로서 다양한 형태로 사용자들에게 제공된다. 본 논문에서는 안드로이드 플랫폼을 활용하여 근골격계 환자가 의사의 도움 없이 스마트기기를 이용하여 텍스트 문진과 이미지 문진을 통해 의사의 진단과 동일한 결과를 얻을 수 있는 건강관리 앱을 소개한다. 그리고 예약 및 진료 정보 등 병원에서 제공하는 서비스를 스마트기기 상에서 이용할 수 있도록 병원 시스템과 연동하였다.

The effort and agony of dental laboratory for the balanced proportions of dental prosthesis. (보철물의 균형감을 위한 lab side의 고민과 노력)

  • Lee, Seung Sub;Pea, Young Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2020
  • For the successful prosthetics treatment, the collaboration starting from the initial stage between dental clinic and laboratory is important. However, the collaboration can't persist all the processes, giving the ideal shape to prosthetics is one of the responsible part of dental laboratory. I'm going to explain how to access dental technician to case in restricted circumstance.

Exploring Medical Doctors' Medical Information Seeking Behaviors (의사들의 의료정보추구행태에 관한 탐구)

  • Kim, Na-Won;Park, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.435-449
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    • 2009
  • Rapid change in information use environments that corresponds with the development of new technologies requires a new perspective in examining information source uses and information services. As understanding information seeking behaviors is an essential element for improving information services, the changing information seeking behaviors should be examined in a timely manner. While several prior studies focus on this topic, few studies deal with medical doctors' information seeking behaviors especially focusing on information seeking in both medical practices and research. Thus, this study aims to explore the information seeking behaviors of medical doctors who are both medical practitioners and researchers. Data were obtained by open-ended and semi-structured in-depth interviews during one month from April to May, 2009. The interview-question topics ranged from research contexts, medical-practice-related information seeking behaviors, favorable information sources, and information search process and satisfaction. Findings include that, for research purpose, digital journal articles accessed through the PubMed were more favorable sources while, for practice purpose, printed textbooks were preferred. Overall, the most-frequently-used sources were PubMed and articles because medical doctors regard the reliability and authority very highly.

Analysis on the Multiple Frequency Disease Trend of Yeongbuk in Gangwon-do (강원도 영북권역 다빈도 질환 추세분석)

  • Lee, Si-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the frequency of use of hospitalization/outpatient care of patients with addresses in Yeongbuk-gu, Gangwon-do to identify the medical demand and status of medical use in Yeongbuk-do. The National Health Insurance Corporation (www.data.go.kr) conducted an analysis of health insurance and medical benefits (inpatient/outpatient) claims data from 2003 to 2017. The order of the highest frequency of chronic disease was ranked from 1st to 60th according to 'Healing Case and %'. In addition, the use of patients at Sokcho Medical Center, the only hospital in the Yeongbuk region, was analyzed at the same time. According to the analysis, the use of outpatient treatment and In-patients in the Yeongbuk area of Gangwon-do is increasing due to chronic non-infectious diseases from the past acute diseases. In particular, it is necessary to expand the functions of schizophrenia and obstetrics and gynecology and to carry out specific health projects necessary for the health care of the local community. Through this, we should improve the quality of life in Yeongbuk, Gangwon Province.

Factors Affecting the Catastrophic Health Expenditure of BabyBoomer Generation (베이비부머세대의 과부담 의료비 지출에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yun-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.484-492
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we used the Korea Health Panel Study for 2017 raw data as analytical data to understand the factors that affect the catastrophic health expenditures of the baby boomer generation and the final number of analyzed was 808 people. Analysis methods performed frequency analysis, crosstabulation, and multiple regression analysis, with p = .05 at the significance level for all validations. The statistically significant differences among the baby boomer generation were education level, marriage status, health insurence, household income, drinking, smoking, subjective health, outpatient care, and inpatient care. The average number of illnesses in the baby boomer generation was 8.14, of which 7.97 for male and 7.97 for female. The average number of outpatient visits was 16.81, of which 14.81 recalls for male and 26.89 for female. More than 40% of the ability to pay the catastrophic health expenditures rate was 15.3% for male and 26.3% for female. The factors affecting the catastrophic health expenditure of babyboomer generation are as follows. that influence the widow's fence medical expenses are as follows. Male were private insurance, household income, drinking, and inpatient care, and female were private insurance, household income, and drinking.

The Number and Distribution of Bacteria falling in the Air of Dental Clinics (치과의원 공기중의 공중낙하세균수와 세균분포)

  • Jang, Gye-won;Kang, Yong-ju
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of microorganisms and the degree of contamination in the air of the dental clinics and to offer basic data as to the contamination of medical equipment and the prevention of the clinics. With this in mind, the researcher gathered air samples from the waiting rooms and medical offices of nine dental clinics in the city of J, South Korea with the use of a method of natural inattention and an air sampler and cultivated the samples on the plain table and drew from it bacteria falling and separated and sorted out the colony with the help of ATB and detected the distribution of the germs. The results are following, The number of bacteria falling in the air of the dental clinics was less than 10(CFU/Plate) with the exception of one dental clinic. This implies that they fit in with standards for hygiene. The number of bacteria falling in the air of the medical offices was less than 10(CFU/Plate) with the exception of one dental clinic. This implies that they fit in with standards for hygiene. The survey on the detection of staph. aureus reveals that all the dental clinics with the exception of B dental clinic proving to be positive had non-pathogenic staphylococci detected. The survey on the detection of pathogenic gram negative bacilli indicates that all the dental clinics but one were none detected. The survey on the distribution of germs shows that germs in 7 out of 9 dental clinics were none detected, and that they in four out of 9 waiting rooms were none detected. All the germs detected in the others were mostly non-pathogenic. The study shows that all the subject dental clinics but one were hygienically controlled and that there was a difference in accordance with cleaning and sterilization. This means that dental clinics should be equipped with systematic programs for cleaning and sterilization designed to prevent infection.

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클라이언트/서버 환경의 처방전달 시스템

  • 사재학;남인길
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.637-643
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    • 1998
  • 기존의 처방전달 소프트웨어들은 자료관리 성격의 패키지들로 구성되어있으며 각 소프트웨어 모듈들은 내부 자료처리 위주의 텍스트방식 환경하에서 개발되어 실제 진료현장에서 발생되고 있는 다양한 이상현상이나 동작상황을 제대로 반영하지 못하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 전산체계를 업무 그룹별 공통분야와 특수분야로 통합 또는 분산관리함으로써 오더형태와 처방전달과정의 다양성으로 인한 시스템의 수정과 이식을 쉽게 할 수 있는 시스템을 설계하였다.

The Integrated Interface Implementation of Medical Analyzer for Hospital Order Communication System (병원 처방전달시스템 구축을 위한 의료장비 통합 인터페이스 구현)

  • 양현택;김원중
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.493-495
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문은 의료정보시스템의 가장 핵심적인 부분인 처방전달시스템(OCS: Order Communication System)의 효율적인 구축을 위하여 현행 의료장비 인터페이스 형태 및 운용상 문제점을 파악하고 통합 인터페이스 관리 시스템을 통한 해결 방안을 제시한다. 또한, 각종 임상병리 검사장비와 검사 정보관리시스템 (LIS: Laboratory Information System) 및 진료부분을 연계시키기 위한 실시간 인터페이스를 시스템 개발사례를 중심으로 기본적이 구성요소와 그 기능을 살펴본다.

Application of Bioelectrical Signals (생체전기신호의 응용)

  • 박광석
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2004
  • 생체에서 발생되는 생체신호는 신호의 발생원에 따라서, 신호의 물리적 특성에 따라서, 또는 이를 측정하는 센서의 특성에 따라서 분류할 수 있으며, 그 중에서도 임상적 진료를 위한 의료의 범위를 포함하여 다른 분야에도 광범위하게 활용될 수 있는 생체 신호는 전기적인 형태로 측정되는 생체 전기 신호라고 할 수 있다. 여기에서는 생체에서 측정되는 전기적인 신호가 어떻게 활용되고 또 활용될 수 있는지 그 응용 범위에 대하여 살펴보고자 한다.(중략)

IT융합 헬스케어기술

  • Park, Jeong-Hun;HwangBo, Taek-Geun
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2011
  • 본고에서는 IT 기술의 급속한 발전과 보급에 힘입어 최근 많은 관심을 끌고 있는 미래의 의료형태인 유헬스케어에 필요한 IT융합 헬스케어기술을 소개하였다. IT융합 헬스케어기술이 성공적으로 실시되면 맞춤형 헬스케어 서비스와 웰빙을 필요로 하는 많은 이용자의 요구에 의해서 헬스케어는 환자 중심의 질병 및 증상을 완화하고, 치료하는 개념에서 점차 일반인의 건강을 증진하고 질병을 예방하는 개념으로 변화 되고 있다. 이를 위해서는 IT 기술과 의료서비스를 융합하여 언제 어디서나 예방, 진료, 치료 그리고 사후관리를 받을 수 있는 유헬스케어 서비스가 제공될 수 있을 것이다.