• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진료 형태

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An Mechanism to Support IP Multicast over ATM Network (ATM망에서의 IP 멀티캐스트 지원 메커니즘)

  • 안광수
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2003
  • The proposed mechanism has an group management server, which manages the information about both the receivers and the senders. Any receiver can dynamically join/leave the multicast VC. The signaling overload due to group membership changes is not concentrated on the sender, but it is distributed to many receivers for the scalability improvement. The associated signaling messages propagates from the receivers to the ATM switch dedicated to the multicast VC, and hence no signaling overload exists in the shared links there is no latency for the receiver to wait. Our proposed scheme is superior in the view of scalability, the efficiency and the latency to other schemes.

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Notomelia with Supernumerary Hindlimb in a Korean Native Calf (한우 송아지에서 등다리증)

  • Yun, Sung-Ho;Kim, Jung-Eun;Kim, Seung-Joon;Kwon, Young-Sam;Jang, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.112-114
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    • 2015
  • A 1-month-old female Korean native calf was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Kyungpook National University. The chief complaint was a supernumerary limb on the dorsal thoracic region. The ectopic limb was smaller than normal limbs and it was partially attached on the ribs. Surgical excision was performed to remove the supernumerary ectopic limb and notomelia was successfully corrected. Supernumerary ectopic limb is defined as the presence of accessory limb or limbs attached to various body regions. This study reports macroscopic and radiographic features of notomelia in a female Korean native calf.

Eosinophilic Polypoid Cystitis in a Cocker Spaniel Dog (코커스파니엘종 개에서 발생한 호산구성 폴립성 방광염)

  • Yoon, Won-Kyoung;Hyun, Chang-Baig
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.247-249
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    • 2012
  • An 8-year-old castrated male Cocker Spaniel (weighing 12.0 kg) was referred to the Kangwon National University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, with primary complaints of persistent hematuria. Diagnostic studies revealed neutrophilia, hematuria, proteinuria, abnormal irregular shaped hyperechoic lesion in urinary bladder. The lesion was demarcated from the intact region of bladder and consisted of eosinophils, macrophages, lymphocyte and fibrocytes. Based on the histopathological exam, the case was diagnosed as eosinophilic polypoid cystitis and treated by surgical removal and short-term medical therapy (meloxicam and amitriptyline). The therapy was successful and recurrence has not been occurred.

Basic Nursing Education, Present and Future (기초간호교육 - 현재와 미래)

  • Hahn Yoon Bok
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.18 no.2 s.100
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 1979
  • 오늘날 건강은 생존하는 인간이 지녀야 할 기본권리로 인정되고 있으며 국민의 복지향상이 없는 경제발전은 국제사회에서도 신망을 얻지 못하는 시대에 이르렀다. 국민의 건강수준은 그 사회전체의 문명척도를 의미하는 것이기 때문에 세계도처에서 인간의 복지향상과 인권보존을 위해 여러가지 형태로 건강사업을 추진하고 있으며 건강관리를 수행하는데 있어서 중추적 역할을 담당하는 간호의 교육은 매우 중요하게 다루어지고 있다. 1903년, 외국 선교사에 의해 간호교육기관이 설립된 이후 사회 정치적 배경에 따라 교육제도상 많은 변화를 가져왔다. 대학과정은 1950년에 개설했으나 6.25동란으로 첫번 학사 간호원은 1959년에 배출되었으며 현재 14개 대학이 있어 대학원과정도 운영하고 있다. 3년제 간호교육은 간호교육이념에 따라 1962년부터 초급대학 수준으로 승격되었고 1970년에는 교육법령이 개정되면서 전문학교로 개칭하게 되었으며 1979년 부터는 전문대학으로 개편하여 입학수준을 대학입학예비고사 합격자로 수준을 높였다. 계속 교육제도에 있어서는 석사 및 박사과정 이외에 여러가지 전문분야의 연구과정 및 실무 수련과정이 마련되어 있다. 간호교육 이념정립과 제도 개선을 위해 학계에서는 꾸준한 연구를 지속하여 정책수립에 반영했다. 지금까지의 진료중심의 간호에서 지역사회 건강중심의 간호역할로의 전환기에 있음을 인식하여 바람직한 변화가 올 수 있도록 교육목표를 설정하는 일은 매우 중요하다고 본다. 전문기관에서는 양적, 질적 간호인력 수급계획을 마련해야 할 것이며 간호원의 사회 경제적 지위향상은 물론 간호원의 역할을 법적으로 규정하여 효율적인 인력활용을 위해 계속 연구하는 일은 매우 중요한 과제라고 생각한다. 앞으로의 간호교육은 첫째, 현직 간호원의 사회 경제적 지위를 향상하고 둘째, 적성에 맞는 학생을 선발하고 셋째, 유능한 교수를 확보하는 일이라고 본다.

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A Comparison of Patterns of Emergency Care Between Resident and Staff (전공의와 전문의의 응급진료 형태에 대한 비교 연구 - 전공의 파업기간을 전후로 -)

  • Lee, Jeong-Heon;Shin, Im-Hee
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2003
  • Background : The doctors' strike was not only a manmade disaster but also a chance to apply a new pattern of emergency medical service for patients. We hope to propose a new pattern of emergency medical service by comparing the patterns of emergency medical service given by resident and staff during the doctors' strike. Methods : We reviewed the medical records of patients who received emergency medical service in the Emergency Department(ED) of Deagu Catholic University Hospital during 3 days a week prior to the residents' strike (July 21-23, 2000) with those of patients receiving emergency medical service during the first 3 days of the residents' strike (July 28-30, 2000). We evaluated the patient's severity, the cause of the ED visit, the performance on the laboratory study, ECG, and radiological study, the disposition, and the length of ED stay. Also, we compared the collected data by presenting doctor and by patient's severity. Results : The staff performed fewer tests admitted fewer emergent and non-emergent patients than the residents. Also, the length of ED stay was shorter in both the emergent (212.76 vs. 321.40 minutes) and the non-emergent groups (117.68 vs. 171.39 minutes) for patients presenting to staff. Conclusion : It is desirable that emergency medical service is given by staff, not by resident.

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Where and how to go for esthetics _ Analysis and Strategies (심미적 개선을 위한 고민과 접근 방법)

  • Lee, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2022
  • Expectation of the patient for esthetic improvement through the dental treatment is diverse and complicated. Chief complaints of patient should be translated to objective factors reflecting patient's needs and wants. Treatment planning would be based on these demands and verified through the communicating with the patient through the procedure. Esthetic approach in dental treatment include subjective elements as well as objective ones.

Implemental Model of Customer Relationship Management System for Oriental Hospital Using Customer Segmentation (고객세분화를 통한 한방병원 고객관계관리 시스템 구축모형)

  • Ahn, Yo-Chan
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2010
  • This paper is proposed that implemental model of customer relationship management system for oriental hospital is designed by customer segmentation using personal information and medical record of outpatients in existing integrated medical information system database. Proposed model can be practical model at once, because it can construct by partial modification of existing medical information system without additional information technology and infrastructure. And, if we use the proper variable and method of customer segmentation according to marketing strategy, it can be flexible customer relationship management system not only improvement of customer satisfaction but also various marketing supports.

Clinical Analysis of the Pediatric Patients Seen in the Emergency Medical Center (응급의료센터 소아 환자들의 경향 분석)

  • Lee, Hee Jung;Park, So Yoon;Lee, Young Hwan;Do, Byung Soo;Lee, Sam Bum
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.10
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    • pp.1061-1067
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : We studied a clinical analysis of pediatric patients who visited the emergency medical center of Yeungnam University Hospital to compare the characteristics of pediatric emergency patients after year 2000 with the previous studies. Methods : We reviewed 7,034 children under the age of 15 years who visited the emergency medical center of Yeungnam University Hospital during the 2 year period from January 2001 to December 2002, and then we performed a clinical and statistical analysis. We analyzed the pediatric patients according to gender, age, season, day of the week, time of the visit, the disease classification and the final disposition of the patients. Results : Among the patients who visited the emergency room, 15.6% of the total emergency patients were under the age of 15. The male to female ratio was 1.6 : 1. Among the 7,034 pediatric patients, the most common age group was between 1 year and under 3 years of age(26.9%). The peak seasonal incidence was early summer and spring, especially during June(11.2%) and May(10.6 %). The peak incidence day of the week was Sunday(24.8%) and the peak time when the emergency pediatric patients visited the emergency room was between 20 and 24 o'clock(28.8%). The distribution of diseases, according to ICD-10 system, were injury and poisoning(30.4%), diseases of the respiratory system(22.8%), and diseases of the digestive system(14.6%). 30% of total pediatric patients were admitted to the hospital. Conclusion : After year 2000, as compared with the previous studies, the proportions of emergency pediatric patients has decreased. The distribution of diseases was not much different from the previous studies and the proportions of non-urgent diseases, such as acute nasopharyngitis or acute gastroenteritis, were still high. These result have come about due to the declining birth rate and changes of the medical system in Korea.

Health Medical Center Utilization Pattern and Its Related Factors among the Rural Inhabitants (농촌지역(農村地域) 주민(住民)들의 보건의료원(保健醫療院) 이용양상(利用樣相)과 관련요인(關聯要因))

  • Hwang, Byung-Deog;Park, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 1993
  • This study was conducted to assess health medical center utilization pattern and its related factors among the rural inhabitants for the purpose of contribution to establishment of health medical center institutions. A questionnaire survey was carried out for object of 3,754 population of three primary school and three middle school student's parents (total 832 household) in Kyungbook Ulchin Gun rural area from 24 to 28 September, 1990. The summarized result are as follows, Respondents are 60.3% in male, 39.7% in female and 30-40s 81.3% in age, high school graduates 40.3% in education level and a regional medical insurance scheme in 44.1% in forms of health insurance. Recognition for health medical center was showed higher according to high educational, high income level, and short distance for location of health medical center of respondents (p < 0.01). Recognition for health medical center services was showed higher about care of medicaid in medical treatment services and higher preventive vaccination in health prevention services by respondents. Utilization rates of health medical center by out-patient care and preventive care service were 11.1 and 4.5 per 100 persons by year, but admission utilization rate was 34.6 per 10.000 persons by year. Motivations of health medical center utilization were showed a good care(45.7%), a good drugs(45.2%), and nearby health medical center(42.9%). In comparison health service levels of health medical center with general clinic was better (16.3%), similar(38.7%), 7(19.0%), and worse(19.0%) in view of health medical center utilizators. Inconvinience about health medical center utilized was the most higher longtime waiting, the next was limited utilization times. Transportation utilited were on foot(55%), by bus(35.5%), and so on. As mentioned above, there are many inhabitants who less understanding and less acknowledgement about health medical center and even mistake health center for health medical center. Therefore, there must be more information about health medical center. For higher utilization of health medical center, there must be considered expansion of health equipment, facilities, accomplishment with reinforcement of health staffs and efficiency management.

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Oral health status and treatment need of institutionalized elderly patients (노인요양시설에 있는 노인환자의 구강실태 및 치료수요도)

  • Yang, Soon-Bong;Moon, Hong-Suk;Han, Dong-Hoo;Lee, Ho-Yong;Chung, Moon-Kyu
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.455-469
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    • 2008
  • Statement of problems: In the area of dental care, the institutionalized elderly have placed the most vulnerable state, and we cannot find their subjective need of dental treatment because of the physical and mental disabilities, But we have no basic investigation of their oral health conditions. Purpose: The aims of the current study were to investigate the oral health status of institutionalized elderly patients who are in the least benefited side of dental service, and to analyze their dental treatment needs. Material and methods: The survey of the oral status was carried out on 758 institutionalized elderly, and 212 elderly who was more than 65 years old from D dental office, and it was based on the Guidelines of Oral Health Research of year 2000 in Republic of Korea. Results and conclusion: The DMFT index of the institutionalized elderly appeared higher than that of the same ages in control group, and it increased with age. The number of residual teeth of the institutionalized elderly appeared lower than that of the same ages in control group, and it decreased with age (P < .05). The number of fixed partial denture in institutionalized elderly was lower than that of the same ages in control group (P < .05). The percentage wearing removable partial denture was not significant between the elderly in institutions and the control group, and was not different according to age between the two groups. The percentage of institutionalized elderly wearing complete denture appeared lower than that of the same ages in control group, and it increased with age. The percentage of institutionalized elderly needing complete denture was higher than that of control group, and the percentage of elderly needing complete denture on the maxilla was higher than that of the mandible. 16.35% of the institutionalized elderly was living without denture in spite of their fully edentulous state. The need for complete denture increased rapidly with age. The number of valued teeth and dental prostheses in shortened dental arch concept and number of occluding pairs of teeth of institutionalized elderly were lower than that of the control group (P < .05). In institutionalized elderly, the number of residual teeth, the number of fixed partial dentures, and the percentage wearing removable partial dentures were higher in the mandible, and the percentage wearing complete dentures was higher in the maxilla (P < .05). The rate of institutionalized elderly needing prosthodontic treatment appeared to be 67.82%, where the number of occluding pairs of teeth was less than 10. When it is difficult to evaluate the subjective need of dental treatment as with the institutionalized elderly, estimation using the number of occluding pairs of teeth can be a useful indicator that can project treatment needs. For the oral health care of institutionalized elderly, it is essential to increase the awareness of nurses and caregivers who take care of them, about the importance of the oral health. Since the average life span and number of residual teeth are increasing gradually, the welfare policy should be changed to implementing regular dental examinations, preservative treatment forms and oral health control of dentulous patients where the traveling-treatment system and visit system are supplemented. And principles should be set that the present denture project of edentulous patients should be done by specialists who'll also be responsible for postmanagement. Through this research of institutionalized elderly, the oral health status which is worsened by aging could be confirmed. And the interest and positive participation of dental society on the elderly should come first in order to solve the rising treatment needs of the elderly patients.