• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진단 지연

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The use of surgical guide stent for implant placement (임플란트 식립을 위한 수술 가이드의 사용)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon;Yoon, Ji-Young;Oh, Namsik
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.366-375
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    • 2014
  • Surgical guide not only provide diagnosis and treatment plan, but even location and direction of implantation. Surgical guide could be divided into non-limited design, partially limited design, and completely limited design. Partially limited design is easily manufactured and inexpensive but less accuracy, compared to completely limited design. From this approach, partially limited design may be particularly effective in patients who present with a single missing tooth or partially edentulous teeth. Completely limited design is anatomically accuracy, esthetical and functional, optimized treatment for prosthetic and biomechanical perspective, and also minimizes discomfort for post-treatment. The purpose of this study is to review previous studies of various surgical guides and applying in clinic.

A case of delayed hemorrhage of a subcapsular liver hematoma in a neonate (신생아에서 발생한 대량 피막하 간 혈종의 지연성 파열 1례)

  • Moon, Soo Kyoung;Lee, Tae Suk;Yoon, Hye Sun
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 2008
  • A subcapsular liver hematoma (SLH) is a relatively common lesion in fetuses and neonates. Although an SLH ruptures rarely, it may be life threatening. We report on a term neonate with a delayed rupture of an SLH that occurred on day 7 of life. The infant had been resuscitated with intubation, positive pressure ventilation, and chest compression at birth because of meconium-associated perinatal depression. The SLH was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography and paracentesis, and the ruptured SLH was treated operatively. After intensive medical and surgical management, the infant was discharged healthy on day 27 of life. A newborn infant presenting with the sudden onset of extreme shock and pallor associated with abdominal distension should undergo differential diagnosis for SLH and a clinical evaluation concurrent with fluid resuscitation and timely surgery.

Effects of Intelligence Ability on Continuous Performance Test (지적 능력이 연속수행과제(CPT) 수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Ji-Yeon;Cho A-Ra;Kim Bong-Seog;Kim Joo-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : The study was conducted to investigate the effect of intelligence ability on attention using Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Methods : 56 children with ADHD (52 boys, 4 girls) and 41 children in normal (28 boys, 13 girls) were sampled, their age range was 7 to 15. They performed IQ test and ADHD Diagnostic System (ADS) in order to examine intelligence and attention. Participants were divided into normal group and ADHD group, average IQ level children and superior IQ level children. Then ADS variables (omission error, commission error, reaction time, reaction time deviation, response sensitivity, and response criterion) were analyzed. Results : There was no significant interaction effect between group (normal, ADHD) and intelligence (average, superior). But there was significant difference between normal group and ADHD group in omission error, commission error, reaction time deviation, and response sensitivity. Also average level IQ group had significantly showed more omission, greater reaction time deviation, and lower response sensitivity than superior level IQ group. Conclusion : ADHD group has attention deficit than normal group, and CPT is available tool to detect attention problems. These findings indicate that intelligence can contaminate inattention and cognitive impulsivity thus it compensates for attention deficit. And it suggests that intelligence effect is considered in analyzing CPT in ADHD children.

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  • Park, Min-Kyoung;Jeong, Younwook;Lee, Hyo-Seol;Song, Je-Seon;Choi, Byung-Jai;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.22-25
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    • 2014
  • Fibrous dysplasia(FD) is a benign fibro-ossifying disease in which fibrous tissue replaces normal bone and marrow. Craniofacial bones, including the maxilla and mandible, are commonly involved. A 7 year-old girl visited the clinic with a chief complaint of gingival swelling around the lower left primary molar. Mild bulging of the lower left periodontal tissue was observed. Not only the mandible, but also the maxilla, zygoma, sphenoid, and temporal bones were affected by FD. Permanent tooth germs were involved in the lesions and facial asymmetry was caused by lower left bone expansion. She was scheduled for a follow-up visit at the department of pediatric dentistry and oromaxillofacial surgery.

Eruption failure of teeth (치아의 맹출장애)

  • Lim, Yong-Kyu;Lee, Dong-Yul
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.30 no.1 s.78
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to present the causes and their mechanisms of eruption failure of teeth and to investigate the treatment modalities. There are so many reports about eruption failure, but most of them are dealing with local mechanical interferences. But, we have patients suffered from eruption failure of another causes. Many developmental failures show eruption problems of teeth, although in some cases, the primary failure of eruption (failure of the eruption mechanism itself) can be the primary cause. We have to know about the causes, differences, and the treatment modalities for those abnormalities.

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Preliminary Study to Develop the Instrument of Korean Medical Pattern Identification and Functional Evaluation for Five Organ (한의 오장변증진단평가 도구 개발을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Jang, Eunsu;Yun, Yong Gi;Yoo, Ho Rhyong;Yoo, Jeong Eun;Kim, In Chang;Park, Ji-Yeun;Jung, In-Chul
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.126-137
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    • 2017
  • This study was aimed to develop the instrument of Korean medical pattern Identification and Functional Evaluation for Five Organ. This study followed seven steps, consisted of first composition of research members, second set-up of the aim, third review for advanced research, fourth finding an important index, fifth puting on the weight for index, sixth advice from linguist and last development of draft of questionnaire. Twenty two in and out researchers joined and put the weight on each question. We developed a draft version of questionnaire of Korean medical pattern identification and functional evaluation for five organ. Most questions between pattern identification and functional evaluation of five organ have similar weight, but several ones have difference in order. Generally, specific symptom represented specific location or related with pain have relatively higher weight on pattern identification, and weakness question gained weight on functional evaluation. We develop the questionnaire of Korean medical pattern identification and functional evaluation for five organ. Following study, which will evaluate the reliability and validity, is needed.

유아의 언어치료와 청각의 중요성

  • 김양희
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1996.02a
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    • pp.1-2
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    • 1996
  • 청각의 중요성은 새잠스럽게 말활 필요도 없고 농아가 말못하는 것은 누구나 다 알 수 있는 사실입니다. 그러나 음을 하나하나 습득하고 단어를 하나하나 반복하면서 언어습득을 시작하는 유년기에 있어서 청각은 더욱 독특한 역활을 합니다. 조국에 돌아와서 일하기 시작한지 일년이 조금 넘었으나 최초부터 우리 연구소에 찾아오는 어린이가 구주제국보다 훨씬 연소하고 또 수가 훨씬 많은 데 놀랐습니다. 그 중 대다수가 조음장애라든가 언어지연입니다. 더욱 놀라운 점은 이러한 장애가 정상지능의 어린이에게 많은 것입니다. 일반상식으로 어휘력과 발표력이 부족한 어린이들은 정신지체아와 혼동하게 됩니다. 연구소에 진단받으러 오는 어린이들을 체계적으로 청각 검사를 한 결과를 슬라이드를 통해서 말씀드리겠습나다. 검사받은 어린이 중 50-60%가 청각에 이상이 있는 것이 발견되었습니다. 동반한 어머니들은 너무나 놀라서 "우리 아이는 검사를 받았어요! 모두 정상이라고 그랬어요" 이 엄마 말씀도 정당하고 전검사도 정당활 것입니다. 그러나 이러한 어린이들의 문제는 특수합니다. 즉 경도난청에다 또 일시적 난청이기 때문에 명시에 생활하는 데는 큰 지장이 없고 때에 따라서는 청각이 거의 완전히 회복되고 또 몇 주후에 감기가 들거나 하면 다시 난청이 되는 것입니다. 이러한 난청문제가 일년에 3-4번씩 반복되어 어린이가 만 3-4세가 되면 약 1년간 청확한 음을 청취못한 셈이 됩니다. 조석에 기온차가 대단한 계절, 난방의 발달로 인하여 실내는 영상 24도이고 문 한겹만 열고 나가면 영하 10도 그 차이는 34도, 거리로 나가면 일산화탄소를 뿜고 쾌주 하는 차량, 버스나 트럭에셔 나오는 연기는 키가 작은 어린이 코속으로 직통하고 에어컨 시스댐으로 난방.냉방하는 지하상가, 백화점, 지하철 기타 대건물에는 바이러스 만연의 적절한 곳이 됩니다. 생리적 저항력이 없는 어린이들은 이러한 공해와 생활조건의 제일희생자가 되는 것입니다. 엄마들이 "얘는 감기, 비염, 편도선을 달고 삽니다...." "얘는 코감기, 목감기 번갈아 가면서 하도 앓고 있어서 양약율 중지하고 현재 한약을 먹고 있습니다." 이러한 역경은 극복할 수 있는가\ulcorner 질병의 메카니즘은 어떻게 작용되는가\ulcorner 등등을 육미회 센타에서 체험한 사례를 가지고 말씀드리고자 합니다.

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AMELOBLASTIC FIBRO-ODONTOMA : A CASE REPORT (법랑모세포섬유치아종(Ameloblastic fibre-odontoma)의 치험례)

  • Lee, Dong-Jin;Lee, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Dae-Eop
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.448-452
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    • 2003
  • Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is a rare benign odontogenic tumor that mainly occurs at mandibular molar area. Radiography usually shows a well-defined radiolucent area containing various amounts of radiopaque material of irregular size and form. In histiologic aspect, Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma composed of connective tissue characteristic of an ameloblastic fibroma and calcined tissue identifying the tumor as a complex odontoma. Thirteen years two months aged boy of this case visited with chief complaint of delayed eruption of mandibular left canine. After enucleation of lesion, biopsy was done and diagnosed by ameloblastic fibro-odontoma. In continous follow-up check, canine erupted normally after operation.

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  • Kim, Kyungho;Choy, Kwangchul;Lee, Jiyeon;Park, Soyoun
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.6 s.65
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    • pp.997-1004
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    • 1997
  • The clinical cases presented here involve skeletal Class III malocclusion cases treated with maxillary protraction in a relatively short period of time with good results. When used on young patients, satisfactory results were obtained in a short period of time, but even for those with less growth potential remaining, skeletal enhancement was still evident. However, data on the criteria of diagnosis or relapse following maxillary protraction is limited despite the number of studies on the subject. The present study could not include the observations on retention and relapse, and further studies in the future nay include such observations.

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Primary Sternoclavicular Septic Arthritis in a Healthy Adult - A Case Report - (건강한 성인에서 발생한 일차성 흉쇄 관절 화농성 관절염 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Lee, Woo-Seung;Kim, Yeub;Kim, Taik-Sun;Yoon, Jung-Ro;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.189-192
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    • 2008
  • Sternoclavicular septic arthritis is a rare condition and it is usually related to predisposing conditions like intravenous drug abuse, diabetic mellitus, trauma and so on. A delayed diagnosis of this disease may cause severe complications like mediastinitis and chest wall abscess. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is needed to evaluate the complications. If the above complications are present, then joint resection should be considered. We report here on a case of a 52-year-old man who was diagnosed with primary sternoclavicular septic arthritis and he had no predisposing conditions. The pathogen on the aspiration-culture was S. aureus and it was susceptible to cefminox. The patient was cured with administering only antibiotic therapy for 6 weeks; intravenous cefminox therapy for 4 weeks followed by oral cefminox therapy for 2 weeks.