• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형도축척

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A Pilot Project on Producing Topographic Map Using Medium Resolution Satellite Image (중해상도 위성영상을 이용한 지도제작 시험연구)

  • 박희주;한상득;안기원;박병욱
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.373-383
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    • 2001
  • This study conducted pilot mapping project to know the possibility of mapping with medium resolution satellite imageries. For this purpose, mapping experiments were conducted with each stereo model imageries of SPOT, KOMPSAT, and IRS- lC. And positional accuracy, analysis of detectable and describable features, and comparison with existing digital map were checked, possible mapping scale and cost analysis were conducted with these results. Regarding SPOT imagery, digital photogrammetric workstation was used for stereoplotting. Regarding KOMPSAT and IRS-lC imageries, because there were data format support problems. head-up digitizing was performed with ortho imageries rectified with DEMs generated by image matching. The results of experiments show that such features as wide road, river, coast line, etc are possible to detect and depict but many other features are not for SPOT, KOMPSAT, and IRS-lC imageries. On the aspect of mapping, therefore, SPOT is available for 1/50,000 topographic map revision, KOMPSAT and IRS-lC for 1/25.000 topographic map revision.

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A Study on the Production of Orthophoto Map from Digital Imagery Data of SPOT Satellite (SPOT 위성의 수치영상자료를 이용한 정사투영사진지도의 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Sohn, Duk-Jae;Park, Joung-Nam;Jeong, Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 1993
  • The orthophto map is seen as the form of picture with the uniform reduced scale as the current terrain map. Thus it provides a reasonable feeling of scene and is easy to be interpreted. Furthermore, digital orthophoto is currently used as the basic terrain information data of the Geo-Spatial Information System(GSIS). Therefore, the orhtophoto map has high potential use as a future terrain map. This paper studies the method of producing orthophoto map by using the digital satellite imagery data taken from SPOT satellite of France. The production of orthophoto map requires the process of generating orthophoto imagery with digital elevation model, which process is called digital differential rectification. As the final accuracy of orthophoto map depends on that of digital elevation model, the precise and efficient production method of digital elevation model should be preceded. This study investigated the method of producing digital elevation model directly from SPOT satellite imagery and generated ortho-image by resampling the original SPOT imagery through digital differential rectification. Finally, Simple orthophoto map was made by overlaying the ortho-image and the contour map from digital elevation model.

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The Application of SQL in Terrain Information Analysis for Route Design (도로 설계를 위한 지형정보 해석에 있어서 SQL의 응용)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Yoon, Hee-Cheon;Lee, Hyung-Seok;Lee, Sung-Soong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 1995
  • Route design in topographical plane map brings many problems in efficiency and requires much time and labor by hand Recently, the active studies of efficient route design method using 3-D terrain information are being developed according to increasing concentration on GSIS. In order to analyze terrain information for route design efficiently, this study presents objective and overall datum by applying SQL in construction and analysis of database and the possibility of three-dimensional terrain information analysis, This study generates 3-D base map on topographical map of scale 1:5,000 and acquires terrain information that have various thematic map data; contour, land use, roadway, and drange. This is a study on the application of SQL in route design and construction of the terrain information that linked by graphic datum of completed topographical map and attributed datum of database. As the result of this study, we can produce promptly and efficiently design datum of profile annotation, cross section, and volume computations to the preliminary route for route design and apply this efficient method to route design by understanding visual DTM which is composed of the roadway and the natural scene after design.

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A Cartesian Coordinate System to Cover the Korean Peninsula as a Single Coordinate Zone (한반도 전체를 단일 좌표구역으로 하는 통합된 직각좌표체제)

  • 이규성
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 1992
  • Although the Transverse Mercator(TM) coordinate is used on standard topogrphic maps of Korea as a supplement to regular latitude-longitude coordinate, the use of this TM coordinate system is rather limited to a single coordinate zone that spans only two degrees of longitude. With growing applications of a variety of digiral geographic data, such as satellite remote sensor data, a Cartesian or rectangular coordinate system is more effective to deal with such data type than angular coordinate system. An unified rectangular coordinate system based on the Transverse Mercator projection is designed to cover the whole area of the Korea Peninsula as a single coordinate zone. Considering the width of the peninsula and the distribution of scale error, the origin of the coordinate is determined to 127$^{\circ}$30' east and 38$^{\circ}$ north. Coordinate conversion procedure is discussed along with the corresponding scale error term.

A Study on Direct Georeferencing by Combined Multi-sensor (다중센서 결합에 의한 외부표정요소 직접결정기법에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Youn-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2005
  • Direct Georeferencing by combined multi-sensor based on the direct measurement of the projection centers and rotation angle of sensor through loading the GPS and INS in aircraft. The method of combined multi-sensor can offer us to acquire the exterior orientation parameters with only minimum GCPs, even the ground control process could be completely skipped. Consequently, It is possible extreme to reduce the time and expense for the mapping process. In this study, a CCD camera is simultaneously used in combined multi-sensor surveying, and acquired CCD image through Direct Georeferencing produce digital orthoimage. In this process, methods of combining sensor and digital orthoimage are examined and estimated. For the comparison of the positioning accuracy digital orthoimage through Direct Georeferencing, GCPs determined by GPS surveying are used. Two digital orthoimage are produced; one with a few GCP and the other without them. The accuracy of orthoimages produced through combined multi-sensor with GCPs meets that of 1:1,000 maps. Without GCPs, it meets that of 1:5,000 maps.

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Design of The Geographic Information Database Structure for Census Mapping (센서스 지도제작을 위한 지리정보데이타베이스 구조연구)

  • 김설희
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 1993
  • In order to minimize vectorizing tasks, which require huge reso¬urces and time and to support the census mapping effectively, the geographic information databases structure has been studied. The steps of the new approach are as follows. : Step 1, Scanning the maps of the whole country and storing the image data in raster format. Step 2, Vectorizing the data of specific items for Census operation such as Enume¬ration District, and then linking to attribute data in the text format. Step 3, Designing the database with a Tile and Multi-layer structure to make a continuous map logically. Step 4, Implement Censlls Mapping System(CMS) for efficient mapping and retrieving. As a consequence of this study, the cost, manpower and time effectiveness was proved and it was confirmed to produce lIseful and high-qual ified maps for the Census. In the future, this system wi II be able to provide many organizations and individuals with the various data based on geographical statistical information.

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Image Map Generation using the Airship Photogrammetric System (비행선촬영시스템을 이용한 영상지도 제작)

  • 유환희;제정형;김성삼
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2002
  • Recently, much demand of vector data have increased rapidly such as a digital map instead of traditional a paper map and the raster data such as a high-resolution orthoimage have been used for many GIS application with the advent of industrial high-resolution satellites and development of aerial optical sensor technologies. Aerial photogrammetric technologies using an airship can offer cost-effective and high-resolution color images as well as real time images, different from conventional remote sensing measurements. Also, it can acquire images easily and its processing procedure is short and simple relatively. On the other hand, it has often been used for the production of a small-scale land use map not required high accuracy, monitoring of linear infrastructure features through mosaicking strip images and construction of GIS data. Through this study, the developed aerial photogrammetric system using the airship expects to be applied to not only producing of scale 1:5, 000 digital map but also verifying, editing, and updating the digital map which was need to be reproduced. Further more, providing the various type of video-images, it expects to use many other GIS applications such as facilities management, scenery management and construction of GIS data for Urban area.

Analysis on the Current Status of Impervious Ratio in Land-use Zone Using Pervious/Impervious Map based on GIS - Focused on Bupyeong-gu Incheon - (GIS기반의 투수/불투수도를 이용한 용도지역별 불투수율 현황분석 - 인천시 부평구를 대상으로 -)

  • Oh, Seong Kwang;Kim, Kye Hyun;Lee, Chol Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.191-191
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    • 2015
  • 무분별한 도시화 및 산업화로 인해 불투수면이 증가하고 있다. 불투수면은 빗물이 투과하지 못하는 지면을 의미한다. 이러한 불투수면은 강우 시 지면에 있는 유해물질이 그대로 인근 수계로 유입되게 함으로써 심각한 수질 오염을 야기한다. 이와 관련하여 환경부에서는 불투수율 관리를 위하여 2013년에 전국토를 대상으로 불투수율을 산정한바 있으나, 소축척 수준의 시 또는 유역 단위 통계만을 산출하였고 대축척 수준의 소규모 개인 필지 내 조경지역 등을 반영한 불투수율 통계는 현재까지 부재하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 인천시 부평구를 대상으로 소규모 필지까지 적용 가능한 고해상도 투수/불투수도를 제작 및 활용하여 용도지역별 불투수율 현황을 분석하였다. 불투수면의 공간적 분포 확인을 위해 토지피복지도, 수치지형도, 항공사진(25cm급) 등을 활용하여 고해상도 투수/불투수도를 제작하였다. 투수/불투수도는 세분류 토지피복지도 제작 지침인 선형 요소의 경우 폭 3m, 면형 요소의 경우 면적 $10m{\times}10m(100m^2)$를 참조하여 제작되어 개별 필지단위의 불투수면까지 확인 가능하다. 이후 용도지역도를 수집하여 GIS 환경에서 투수/불투수도와 중첩하여 용도지역별 불투수율을 산출하였다. 불투수율을 산정한 결과 부평구 전체 불투수율은 64%로 확인되었다. 또한 용도지역도 중분류상 주거지역의 경우 불투수율이 82.1%, 상업지역의 경우 91.7%, 공업지역의 경우 94.1%, 녹지지역의 경우 30%로 확인되었다. 상업지역 및 공업지역의 경우 불투수율이 90%이상으로 불투수면 관리가 시급하다고 판단되었다. 본 연구 결과는 기존 환경부에서 제작한 투수/불투수도 보다 정확한 불투수면의 공간적 분포 확인 및 불투수 면적 산출이 가능하여 불투수면 우선관리지역 선정을 위한 기초자료로 활용 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 향후 연구에서는 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 불투수율이 높은 지역을 우선 선별하여 저영향개발(LID, Low Impact Development) 및 그린빗물인프라(GSI, Green Stormwater Infrastructure)의 활용 방안에 관한 연구가 이루어져야한다. 특히, 불투수율이 높은 상업지역 및 공업지역에 대해서는 연구 결과의 적극적인 활용을 통한 개선이 요구된다.

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Application of Fractal Dimension on Consistent Calculation of Coastline Length - Focused on Jeju Island (일관된 해안선 길이 산출을 위한 프랙탈 차원 적용 방안 연구 - 제주도를 중심으로 -)

  • Woo, Hee Sook;Kwon, Kwang Seok;Kim, Byung Guk;Cho, Seck Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2016
  • The use of consistent coastlines is an important element for the systematic management of maritime boundaries and the interests of local governments. The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency conducted a preliminary survey for consistent coastline production, since 2001. As a result, the length of coastline was different by year. Because of the lack of systematic management, the use of incorrect data, etc. We also changed the coastline on the sea chart to show on a digital map for realization of terrain expression method. However, there was a variation in shoreline length due to various surveying techniques and shoreline extraction methods. In this paper, the characteristics of Jeju-do coastline were analysed by using a modified divider method of fractal dimension. The accuracy of the vectorization was determined by converting the actual distance in the Public Survey Amendment for proper divider use. With 1:5,000 and 1:25,000 digital maps of Jeju-si and Seogwipo-si each fractal dimensions were calculated. Jeju-si=1.14 and Seogwipo-si=1.12 in 1: 5,000. Jeju-si=1.13 and Seogwipo-si=1.10 in 1: 25,000. Calculated fractal dimension were correlated to data from digital maps. It was considered that complexity and scale of coastlines affected. In the future coastline length statistics and minimum ratio of calculated coastline length to original length need to be determined for consistency of coastline length statistics.

A Study on the World Geodetic System Transformation Using Triangle Mesh Warping (삼각형 와핑에 의한 세계측지계 좌표변환 방법 연구)

  • Jee, Gye Hwan;Lee, Hyun Jik;Kwon, Jay Hyoun;Sim, Gyoo Seong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2014
  • The Triangle Mesh Warping method is suggested and applied in coordinate transformation to world geodetic system in this study. The common points of Uiwang city are used to compare the transformation accuracy of the suggested methods with existing national coordinate transformation methods. As a result, the Triangle Mesh Warping method was satisfied with accuracy criteria for positioning on a map larger than scale 1/1,000 with smaller number of common points and without distortion modeling. Additionally, in case of Guri and Pyeongtaek city that established the World Geodetic System, the suggested method generates the result of transformation accuracy better than 5cm. Based on the test, it was found that the suggested method improves the problem of securing many common points and reduces the problem of mis-match between the transformed data of adjacent areas. Accordingly, for transformation of large-scale topographic map, cadastral map, GIS DB and serial cadastral map to the World Geodetic System, it is judged that the Triangle Mesh Warping would be a good method for economical efficiency and accuracy using by minimum common point.